snap.cpp revision 59a0ba05e8bea8ef8d8c905eb0232c5980ac9afa
#define __SP_DESKTOP_SNAP_C__
* \file snap.cpp
* \brief SnapManager class.
* Authors:
* Lauris Kaplinski <>
* Frank Felfe <>
* Carl Hetherington <>
* Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Johan Engelen <>
* Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Authors
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
#include "sp-namedview.h"
#include "snap.h"
#include <libnr/nr-point-fns.h>
#include <libnr/nr-scale-ops.h>
#include <libnr/nr-values.h>
#include "display/canvas-grid.h"
#include "inkscape.h"
#include "desktop.h"
* Construct a SnapManager for a SPNamedView.
* \param v `Owning' SPNamedView.
guide(v, 0),
object(v, 0),
* \return List of snappers that we use.
SnapManager::getSnappers() const
return s;
* \return List of gridsnappers that we use.
SnapManager::getGridSnappers() const
SnapperList s;
//FIXME: this code should actually do this: add new grid snappers that are active for this desktop. now it just adds all gridsnappers
return s;
* \return true if one of the snappers will try to snap something.
bool SnapManager::willSnapSomething() const
SnapperList const s = getSnappers();
while (i != s.end() && (*i)->willSnapSomething() == false) {
return (i != s.end());
* Try to snap a point to any interested snappers.
* \param t Type of point.
* \param p Point.
* \param it Item to ignore when snapping.
* \return Snapped point.
* Try to snap a point to any interested snappers.
* \param t Type of point.
* \param p Point.
* \param it List of items to ignore when snapping.
* \return Snapped point.
* Try to snap a point to any of the specified snappers.
* \param t Type of point.
* \param p Point.
* \param it List of items to ignore when snapping.
* \param snappers List of snappers to try to snap to
* \return Snapped point.
SnapperList const &snappers) const
if (s.getDistance() < r.getDistance()) {
r = s;
return r;
* Try to snap a point to any of the specified snappers. Snap always, ignoring the snap-distance
* \param t Type of point.
* \param p Point.
* \param it Item to ignore when snapping.
* \param snappers List of snappers to try to snap to
* \return Snapped point.
* Try to snap a point to any of the specified snappers. Snap always, ignoring the snap-distance
* \param t Type of point.
* \param p Point.
* \param it List of items to ignore when snapping.
* \param snappers List of snappers to try to snap to
* \return Snapped point.
if (s.getDistance() < r.getDistance()) {
r = s;
return r;
* Try to snap a point to any interested snappers. A snap will only occur along
* a line described by a Inkscape::Snapper::ConstraintLine.
* \param t Type of point.
* \param p Point.
* \param c Constraint line.
* \param it Item to ignore when snapping.
* \return Snapped point.
return constrainedSnap(t, p, c, lit);
* Try to snap a point to any interested snappers. A snap will only occur along
* a line described by a Inkscape::Snapper::ConstraintLine.
* \param t Type of point.
* \param p Point.
* \param c Constraint line.
* \param it List of items to ignore when snapping.
* \return Snapped point.
if (s.getDistance() < r.getDistance()) {
r = s;
return r;
* Main internal snapping method, which is called by the other, friendlier, public
* methods. It's a bit hairy as it has lots of parameters, but it saves on a lot
* of duplicated code.
* \param type Type of points being snapped.
* \param points List of points to snap.
* \param ignore List of items to ignore while snapping.
* \param constrained true if the snap is constrained.
* \param constraint Constraint line to use, if `constrained' is true, otherwise undefined.
* \param transformation_type Type of transformation to apply to points before trying to snap them.
* \param transformation Description of the transformation; details depend on the type.
* \param origin Origin of the transformation, if applicable.
* \param dim Dimension of the transformation, if applicable.
* \param uniform true if the transformation should be uniform, if applicable.
bool constrained,
bool uniform) const
/* We have a list of points, which we are proposing to transform in some way. We need to see
** if any of these points, when transformed, snap to anything. If they do, we return the
** appropriate transformation with `true'; otherwise we return the original scale with `false'.
/* Quick check to see if we have any snappers that are enabled */
if (willSnapSomething() == false) {
/* The current best transformation */
/* The current best metric for the best transformation; lower is better, NR_HUGE
** means that we haven't snapped anything.
double best_metric = NR_HUGE;
/* Work out the transformed version of this point */
switch (transformation_type) {
transformed = *i + transformation;
case SCALE:
if (uniform)
else {
case SKEW:
transformed = *i;
/* Snap it */
/* We snapped. Find the transformation that describes where the snapped point has
** ended up, and also the metric for this transformation.
switch (transformation_type) {
case SCALE:
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
} else {
result[j] = 1;
case SKEW:
/* Note it if it's the best so far */
// Using " < 1e6" instead of " < NR::HUGE" for catching some rounding errors
// These rounding errors might be caused by NRRects, see bug #1584301
* Try to snap a list of points to any interested snappers after they have undergone
* a translation.
* \param t Type of points.
* \param p Points.
* \param it List of items to ignore when snapping.
* \param tr Proposed translation.
* \return Snapped translation, if a snap occurred, and a flag indicating whether a snap occurred.
return _snapTransformed(
* Try to snap a list of points to any interested snappers after they have undergone a
* translation. A snap will only occur along a line described by a
* Inkscape::Snapper::ConstraintLine.
* \param t Type of points.
* \param p Points.
* \param it List of items to ignore when snapping.
* \param c Constraint line.
* \param tr Proposed translation.
* \return Snapped translation, if a snap occurred, and a flag indicating whether a snap occurred.
return _snapTransformed(
* Try to snap a list of points to any interested snappers after they have undergone
* a scale.
* \param t Type of points.
* \param p Points.
* \param it List of items to ignore when snapping.
* \param s Proposed scale.
* \param o Origin of proposed scale.
* \return Snapped scale, if a snap occurred, and a flag indicating whether a snap occurred.
return _snapTransformed(
* Try to snap a list of points to any interested snappers after they have undergone
* a scale. A snap will only occur along a line described by a
* Inkscape::Snapper::ConstraintLine.
* \param t Type of points.
* \param p Points.
* \param it List of items to ignore when snapping.
* \param s Proposed scale.
* \param o Origin of proposed scale.
* \return Snapped scale, if a snap occurred, and a flag indicating whether a snap occurred.
return _snapTransformed(
* Try to snap a list of points to any interested snappers after they have undergone
* a stretch.
* \param t Type of points.
* \param p Points.
* \param it List of items to ignore when snapping.
* \param s Proposed stretch.
* \param o Origin of proposed stretch.
* \param d Dimension in which to apply proposed stretch.
* \param u true if the stretch should be uniform (ie to be applied equally in both dimensions)
* \return Snapped stretch, if a snap occurred, and a flag indicating whether a snap occurred.
bool u) const
* Try to snap a list of points to any interested snappers after they have undergone
* a skew.
* \param t Type of points.
* \param p Points.
* \param it List of items to ignore when snapping.
* \param s Proposed skew.
* \param o Origin of proposed skew.
* \param d Dimension in which to apply proposed skew.
* \return Snapped skew, if a snap occurred, and a flag indicating whether a snap occurred.
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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