/** \file
* LPE knot effect implementation, see lpe-knot.cpp.
/* Authors:
* Jean-Francois Barraud <jf.barraud@gmail.com>
* Johan Engelen <j.b.c.engelen@alumnus.utwente.nl>
* Copyright (C) Authors 2007-2012
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
#include "sp-item-group.h"
#include "live_effects/effect.h"
#include "live_effects/lpegroupbbox.h"
#include "live_effects/parameter/parameter.h"
#include "live_effects/parameter/array.h"
//#include "live_effects/parameter/path.h"
#include "live_effects/parameter/bool.h"
#include "2geom/crossing.h"
namespace Inkscape {
namespace LivePathEffect {
class KnotHolderEntityCrossingSwitcher;
// CrossingPoint, CrossingPoints:
// "point oriented" storage of crossing data (needed to find crossing nearest to a click, etc...)
//TODO: evaluate how lpeknot-specific that is? Should something like this exist in 2geom?
namespace LPEKnotNS {//just in case...
struct CrossingPoint {
Geom::Point pt;
int sign; //+/-1 = positive or neg crossing, 0 = flat.
unsigned i, j; //paths components meeting in this point.
unsigned ni, nj; //this crossing is the ni-th along i, nj-th along j.
double ti, tj; //time along paths.
class CrossingPoints : public std::vector<CrossingPoint>{
CrossingPoints() : std::vector<CrossingPoint>() {}
CrossingPoints(Geom::CrossingSet const &cs, Geom::PathVector const &path);//for self crossings only!
CrossingPoints(Geom::PathVector const &paths);
CrossingPoints(std::vector<double> const &input);
std::vector<double> to_vector();
CrossingPoint get(unsigned const i, unsigned const ni);
void inherit_signs(CrossingPoints const &from_other, int default_value = 1);
class LPEKnot : public Effect, GroupBBoxEffect {
LPEKnot(LivePathEffectObject *lpeobject);
virtual ~LPEKnot();
virtual void doBeforeEffect (SPLPEItem const* lpeitem);
virtual Geom::PathVector doEffect_path (Geom::PathVector const & input_path);
/* the knotholder entity classes must be declared friends */
friend class KnotHolderEntityCrossingSwitcher;
void addKnotHolderEntities(KnotHolder *knotholder, SPDesktop *desktop, SPItem *item);
virtual void addCanvasIndicators(SPLPEItem const *lpeitem, std::vector<Geom::PathVector> &hp_vec);
Geom::PathVector supplied_path; //for knotholder business
void updateSwitcher();
ScalarParam interruption_width;
BoolParam prop_to_stroke_width;
BoolParam add_stroke_width;
BoolParam add_other_stroke_width;
ScalarParam switcher_size;
ArrayParam<double> crossing_points_vector;//svg storage of crossing_points
LPEKnotNS::CrossingPoints crossing_points;//topology representation of the knot.
Geom::PathVector gpaths;//the collection of all the paths in the object or group.
std::vector<double> gstroke_widths;//the collection of all the stroke widths in the object or group.
//UI: please, someone, help me to improve this!!
unsigned selectedCrossing;//the selected crossing
Geom::Point switcher;//where to put the "switcher" helper
LPEKnot(const LPEKnot&);
LPEKnot& operator=(const LPEKnot&);
} //namespace LivePathEffect
} //namespace Inkscape