#include <glib.h>
#include "livarot/sweep-event-queue.h"
#include "livarot/sweep-tree.h"
#include "livarot/sweep-event.h"
#include "livarot/Shape.h"
SweepEventQueue::SweepEventQueue(int s) : nbEvt(0), maxEvt(s)
/* FIXME: use new[] for this, but this causes problems when delete[]
** calls the SweepEvent destructors.
events = (SweepEvent *) g_malloc(maxEvt * sizeof(SweepEvent));
inds = new int[maxEvt];
delete []inds;
SweepEvent *SweepEventQueue::add(SweepTree *iLeft, SweepTree *iRight, Geom::Point &px, double itl, double itr)
if (nbEvt > maxEvt) {
return NULL;
int const n = nbEvt++;
events[n].MakeNew (iLeft, iRight, px, itl, itr);
SweepTree *t[2] = { iLeft, iRight };
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
Shape *s = t[i]->src;
Shape::dg_arete const &e = s->getEdge(t[i]->bord);
int const n = std::max(e.st, e.en);
events[n].ind = n;
inds[n] = n;
int curInd = n;
while (curInd > 0) {
int const half = (curInd - 1) / 2;
int const no = inds[half];
if (px[1] < events[no].posx[1]
|| (px[1] == events[no].posx[1] && px[0] < events[no].posx[0]))
events[n].ind = half;
events[no].ind = curInd;
inds[half] = n;
inds[curInd] = no;
} else {
curInd = half;
return events + n;
bool SweepEventQueue::peek(SweepTree * &iLeft, SweepTree * &iRight, Geom::Point &px, double &itl, double &itr)
if (nbEvt <= 0) {
return false;
SweepEvent const &e = events[inds[0]];
iLeft = e.sweep[LEFT];
iRight = e.sweep[RIGHT];
px = e.posx;
itl = e.tl;
itr = e.tr;
return true;
bool SweepEventQueue::extract(SweepTree * &iLeft, SweepTree * &iRight, Geom::Point &px, double &itl, double &itr)
if (nbEvt <= 0) {
return false;
SweepEvent &e = events[inds[0]];
iLeft = e.sweep[LEFT];
iRight = e.sweep[RIGHT];
px = e.posx;
itl = e.tl;
itr = e.tr;
return true;
void SweepEventQueue::remove(SweepEvent *e)
if (nbEvt <= 1) {
e->MakeDelete ();
nbEvt = 0;
int const n = e->ind;
int to = inds[n];
relocate(&events[--nbEvt], to);
int const moveInd = nbEvt;
if (moveInd == n) {
to = inds[moveInd];
events[to].ind = n;
inds[n] = to;
int curInd = n;
Geom::Point const px = events[to].posx;
bool didClimb = false;
while (curInd > 0) {
int const half = (curInd - 1) / 2;
int const no = inds[half];
if (px[1] < events[no].posx[1]
|| (px[1] == events[no].posx[1] && px[0] < events[no].posx[0]))
events[to].ind = half;
events[no].ind = curInd;
inds[half] = to;
inds[curInd] = no;
didClimb = true;
} else {
curInd = half;
if (didClimb) {
while (2 * curInd + 1 < nbEvt) {
int const child1 = 2 * curInd + 1;
int const child2 = child1 + 1;
int const no1 = inds[child1];
int const no2 = inds[child2];
if (child2 < nbEvt) {
if (px[1] > events[no1].posx[1]
|| (px[1] == events[no1].posx[1]
&& px[0] > events[no1].posx[0]))
if (events[no2].posx[1] > events[no1].posx[1]
|| (events[no2].posx[1] == events[no1].posx[1]
&& events[no2].posx[0] > events[no1].posx[0]))
events[to].ind = child1;
events[no1].ind = curInd;
inds[child1] = to;
inds[curInd] = no1;
curInd = child1;
} else {
events[to].ind = child2;
events[no2].ind = curInd;
inds[child2] = to;
inds[curInd] = no2;
curInd = child2;
} else {
if (px[1] > events[no2].posx[1]
|| (px[1] == events[no2].posx[1]
&& px[0] > events[no2].posx[0]))
events[to].ind = child2;
events[no2].ind = curInd;
inds[child2] = to;
inds[curInd] = no2;
curInd = child2;
} else {
} else {
if (px[1] > events[no1].posx[1]
|| (px[1] == events[no1].posx[1]
&& px[0] > events[no1].posx[0]))
events[to].ind = child1;
events[no1].ind = curInd;
inds[child1] = to;
inds[curInd] = no1;
void SweepEventQueue::relocate(SweepEvent *e, int to)
if (inds[e->ind] == to) {
return; // j'y suis deja
events[to] = *e;
e->sweep[LEFT]->evt[RIGHT] = events + to;
e->sweep[RIGHT]->evt[LEFT] = events + to;
inds[e->ind] = to;
* a simple binary heap
* it only contains intersection events
* the regular benley-ottman stuffs the segment ends in it too, but that not needed here since theses points
* are already sorted. and the binary heap is much faster with only intersections...
* the code sample on which this code is based comes from purists.org
MakeNew (NULL, NULL, Geom::Point(0, 0), 0, 0);
void SweepEvent::MakeNew(SweepTree *iLeft, SweepTree *iRight, Geom::Point const &px, double itl, double itr)
ind = -1;
posx = px;
tl = itl;
tr = itr;
sweep[LEFT] = iLeft;
sweep[RIGHT] = iRight;
sweep[LEFT]->evt[RIGHT] = this;
sweep[RIGHT]->evt[LEFT] = this;
void SweepEvent::MakeDelete()
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if (sweep[i]) {
Shape *s = sweep[i]->src;
Shape::dg_arete const &e = s->getEdge(sweep[i]->bord);
int const n = std::max(e.st, e.en);
sweep[i]->evt[1 - i] = NULL;
sweep[i] = NULL;
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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