* ShapeMisc.cpp
* nlivarot
* Created by fred on Sun Jul 20 2003.
#include "livarot/Shape.h"
#include "livarot/Path.h"
#include "livarot/path-description.h"
#include <glib.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <2geom/point.h>
#include <2geom/affine.h>
* polygon offset and polyline to path reassembling (when using back data)
// until i find something better
#define MiscNormalize(v) {\
double _l=sqrt(dot(v,v)); \
if ( _l < 0.0000001 ) { \
v[0]=v[1]=0; \
} else { \
v/=_l; \
// extracting the contour of an uncrossed polygon: a mere depth first search
// more precisely that's extracting an eulerian path from a graph, but here we want to split
// the polygon into contours and avoid holes. so we take a "next counter-clockwise edge first" approach
// (make a checkboard and extract its contours to see the difference)
Shape::ConvertToForme (Path * dest)
if (numberOfPoints() <= 1 || numberOfEdges() <= 1)
// prepare
dest->Reset ();
MakePointData (true);
MakeEdgeData (true);
MakeSweepDestData (true);
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPoints(); i++)
pData[i].rx[0] = Round (getPoint(i).x[0]);
pData[i].rx[1] = Round (getPoint(i).x[1]);
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfEdges(); i++)
eData[i].rdx = pData[getEdge(i).en].rx - pData[getEdge(i).st].rx;
// sort edge clockwise, with the closest after midnight being first in the doubly-linked list
// that's vital to the algorithm...
SortEdges ();
// depth-first search implies: we make a stack of edges traversed.
// precParc: previous in the stack
// suivParc: next in the stack
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfEdges(); i++)
swdData[i].misc = 0;
swdData[i].precParc = swdData[i].suivParc = -1;
int searchInd = 0;
int lastPtUsed = 0;
// first get a starting point, and a starting edge
// -> take the upper left point, and take its first edge
// points traversed have swdData[].misc != 0, so it's easy
int startBord = -1;
int fi = 0;
for (fi = lastPtUsed; fi < numberOfPoints(); fi++)
if (getPoint(fi).incidentEdge[FIRST] >= 0 && swdData[getPoint(fi).incidentEdge[FIRST]].misc == 0)
lastPtUsed = fi + 1;
if (fi < numberOfPoints())
int bestB = getPoint(fi).incidentEdge[FIRST];
while (bestB >= 0 && getEdge(bestB).st != fi)
bestB = NextAt (fi, bestB);
if (bestB >= 0)
startBord = bestB;
dest->MoveTo (getPoint(getEdge(startBord).en).x);
// and walk the graph, doing contours when needed
if (startBord >= 0)
// parcours en profondeur pour mettre les leF et riF a leurs valeurs
swdData[startBord].misc = (void *) 1;
// printf("part de %d\n",startBord);
int curBord = startBord;
bool back = false;
swdData[curBord].precParc = -1;
swdData[curBord].suivParc = -1;
int cPt = getEdge(curBord).en;
int nb = curBord;
// printf("de curBord= %d au point %i -> ",curBord,cPt);
// get next edge
int nnb = CycleNextAt (cPt, nb);
if (nnb == nb)
// cul-de-sac
nb = -1;
nb = nnb;
if (nb < 0 || nb == curBord)
while (swdData[nb].misc != 0 || getEdge(nb).st != cPt);
if (nb < 0 || nb == curBord)
// no next edge: end of this contour, we get back
if (back == false)
dest->Close ();
back = true;
// retour en arriere
curBord = swdData[curBord].precParc;
// printf("retour vers %d\n",curBord);
if (curBord < 0)
// new edge, maybe for a new contour
if (back)
// we were backtracking, so if we have a new edge, that means we're creating a new contour
dest->MoveTo (getPoint(cPt).x);
back = false;
swdData[nb].misc = (void *) 1;
swdData[nb].ind = searchInd++;
swdData[nb].precParc = curBord;
swdData[curBord].suivParc = nb;
curBord = nb;
// printf("suite %d\n",curBord);
// add that edge
dest->LineTo (getPoint(getEdge(nb).en).x);
while (1 /*swdData[curBord].precParc >= 0 */ );
// fin du cas non-oriente
while (lastPtUsed < numberOfPoints());
MakePointData (false);
MakeEdgeData (false);
MakeSweepDestData (false);
// same as before, but each time we have a contour, try to reassemble the segments on it to make chunks of
// the original(s) path(s)
// originals are in the orig array, whose size is nbP
Shape::ConvertToForme (Path * dest, int nbP, Path * *orig, bool splitWhenForced)
if (numberOfPoints() <= 1 || numberOfEdges() <= 1)
// if (Eulerian (true) == false)
// return;
if (_has_back_data == false)
ConvertToForme (dest);
dest->Reset ();
MakePointData (true);
MakeEdgeData (true);
MakeSweepDestData (true);
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPoints(); i++)
pData[i].rx[0] = Round (getPoint(i).x[0]);
pData[i].rx[1] = Round (getPoint(i).x[1]);
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfEdges(); i++)
eData[i].rdx = pData[getEdge(i).en].rx - pData[getEdge(i).st].rx;
SortEdges ();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfEdges(); i++)
swdData[i].misc = 0;
swdData[i].precParc = swdData[i].suivParc = -1;
int searchInd = 0;
int lastPtUsed = 0;
int startBord = -1;
int fi = 0;
for (fi = lastPtUsed; fi < numberOfPoints(); fi++)
if (getPoint(fi).incidentEdge[FIRST] >= 0 && swdData[getPoint(fi).incidentEdge[FIRST]].misc == 0)
lastPtUsed = fi + 1;
if (fi < numberOfPoints())
int bestB = getPoint(fi).incidentEdge[FIRST];
while (bestB >= 0 && getEdge(bestB).st != fi)
bestB = NextAt (fi, bestB);
if (bestB >= 0)
startBord = bestB;
if (startBord >= 0)
// parcours en profondeur pour mettre les leF et riF a leurs valeurs
swdData[startBord].misc = (void *) 1;
//printf("part de %d\n",startBord);
int curBord = startBord;
bool back = false;
swdData[curBord].precParc = -1;
swdData[curBord].suivParc = -1;
int curStartPt=getEdge(curBord).st;
int cPt = getEdge(curBord).en;
int nb = curBord;
//printf("de curBord= %d au point %i -> ",curBord,cPt);
int nnb = CycleNextAt (cPt, nb);
if (nnb == nb)
// cul-de-sac
nb = -1;
nb = nnb;
if (nb < 0 || nb == curBord)
while (swdData[nb].misc != 0 || getEdge(nb).st != cPt);
if (nb < 0 || nb == curBord)
if (back == false)
if (curBord == startBord || curBord < 0)
// probleme -> on vire le moveto
// dest->descr_nb--;
swdData[curBord].suivParc = -1;
AddContour (dest, nbP, orig, startBord, curBord,splitWhenForced);
// dest->Close();
back = true;
// retour en arriere
curBord = swdData[curBord].precParc;
//printf("retour vers %d\n",curBord);
if (curBord < 0)
if (back)
back = false;
startBord = nb;
} else {
if ( getEdge(curBord).en == curStartPt ) {
//printf("contour %i ",curStartPt);
swdData[curBord].suivParc = -1;
AddContour (dest, nbP, orig, startBord, curBord,splitWhenForced);
swdData[nb].misc = (void *) 1;
swdData[nb].ind = searchInd++;
swdData[nb].precParc = curBord;
swdData[curBord].suivParc = nb;
curBord = nb;
//printf("suite %d\n",curBord);
while (1 /*swdData[curBord].precParc >= 0 */ );
// fin du cas non-oriente
while (lastPtUsed < numberOfPoints());
MakePointData (false);
MakeEdgeData (false);
MakeSweepDestData (false);
Shape::ConvertToFormeNested (Path * dest, int nbP, Path * *orig, int /*wildPath*/,int &nbNest,int *&nesting,int *&contStart,bool splitWhenForced)
if (numberOfPoints() <= 1 || numberOfEdges() <= 1)
// if (Eulerian (true) == false)
// return;
if (_has_back_data == false)
ConvertToForme (dest);
dest->Reset ();
// MakePointData (true);
MakeEdgeData (true);
MakeSweepDestData (true);
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPoints(); i++)
pData[i].rx[0] = Round (getPoint(i).x[0]);
pData[i].rx[1] = Round (getPoint(i).x[1]);
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfEdges(); i++)
eData[i].rdx = pData[getEdge(i).en].rx - pData[getEdge(i).st].rx;
SortEdges ();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfEdges(); i++)
swdData[i].misc = 0;
swdData[i].precParc = swdData[i].suivParc = -1;
int searchInd = 0;
int lastPtUsed = 0;
int parentContour=-1;
int childEdge = -1;
bool foundChild = false;
int startBord = -1;
int fi = 0;
for (fi = lastPtUsed; fi < numberOfPoints(); fi++)
if (getPoint(fi).incidentEdge[FIRST] >= 0 && swdData[getPoint(fi).incidentEdge[FIRST]].misc == 0)
int askTo = pData[fi].askForWindingB;
if (askTo < 0 || askTo >= numberOfEdges() ) {
} else {
if (getEdge(askTo).prevS >= 0) {
parentContour = GPOINTER_TO_INT(swdData[askTo].misc);
parentContour-=1; // pour compenser le decalage
childEdge = getPoint(fi).incidentEdge[FIRST];
lastPtUsed = fi + 1;
if (fi < numberOfPoints())
int bestB = getPoint(fi).incidentEdge[FIRST];
while (bestB >= 0 && getEdge(bestB).st != fi)
bestB = NextAt (fi, bestB);
if (bestB >= 0)
startBord = bestB;
if (startBord >= 0)
// parcours en profondeur pour mettre les leF et riF a leurs valeurs
swdData[startBord].misc = (void *)(intptr_t)(1 + nbNest);
if (startBord == childEdge) {
foundChild = true;
//printf("part de %d\n",startBord);
int curBord = startBord;
bool back = false;
swdData[curBord].precParc = -1;
swdData[curBord].suivParc = -1;
int curStartPt=getEdge(curBord).st;
int cPt = getEdge(curBord).en;
int nb = curBord;
//printf("de curBord= %d au point %i -> ",curBord,cPt);
int nnb = CycleNextAt (cPt, nb);
if (nnb == nb)
// cul-de-sac
nb = -1;
nb = nnb;
if (nb < 0 || nb == curBord)
while (swdData[nb].misc != 0 || getEdge(nb).st != cPt);
if (nb < 0 || nb == curBord)
if (back == false)
if (curBord == startBord || curBord < 0)
// probleme -> on vire le moveto
// dest->descr_nb--;
// bool escapePath=false;
// int tb=curBord;
// while ( tb >= 0 && tb < numberOfEdges() ) {
// if ( ebData[tb].pathID == wildPath ) {
// escapePath=true;
// break;
// }
// tb=swdData[tb].precParc;
// }
if (foundChild) {
foundChild = false;
} else {
nesting[nbNest++]=-1; // contient des bouts de coupure -> a part
swdData[curBord].suivParc = -1;
AddContour (dest, nbP, orig, startBord, curBord,splitWhenForced);
// dest->Close();
back = true;
// retour en arriere
curBord = swdData[curBord].precParc;
//printf("retour vers %d\n",curBord);
if (curBord < 0)
if (back)
back = false;
startBord = nb;
} else {
if ( getEdge(curBord).en == curStartPt ) {
//printf("contour %i ",curStartPt);
// bool escapePath=false;
// int tb=curBord;
// while ( tb >= 0 && tb < numberOfEdges() ) {
// if ( ebData[tb].pathID == wildPath ) {
// escapePath=true;
// break;
// }
// tb=swdData[tb].precParc;
// }
if (foundChild) {
foundChild = false;
} else {
nesting[nbNest++]=-1; // contient des bouts de coupure -> a part
swdData[curBord].suivParc = -1;
AddContour (dest, nbP, orig, startBord, curBord,splitWhenForced);
swdData[nb].misc = (void *)(intptr_t)(1 + nbNest);
swdData[nb].ind = searchInd++;
swdData[nb].precParc = curBord;
swdData[curBord].suivParc = nb;
curBord = nb;
if (nb == childEdge) {
foundChild = true;
//printf("suite %d\n",curBord);
while (1 /*swdData[curBord].precParc >= 0 */ );
// fin du cas non-oriente
while (lastPtUsed < numberOfPoints());
MakePointData (false);
MakeEdgeData (false);
MakeSweepDestData (false);
Shape::MakeTweak (int mode, Shape *a, double power, JoinType join, double miter, bool do_profile, Geom::Point c, Geom::Point vector, double radius, Geom::Affine *i2doc)
Reset (0, 0);
bool done_something = false;
if (power == 0)
_pts = a->_pts;
if (numberOfPoints() > maxPt)
maxPt = numberOfPoints();
if (_has_points_data) {
_point_data_initialised = false;
_bbox_up_to_date = false;
_aretes = a->_aretes;
if (numberOfEdges() > maxAr)
maxAr = numberOfEdges();
if (_has_edges_data)
if (_has_sweep_src_data)
if (_has_sweep_dest_data)
if (_has_raster_data)
if (_has_back_data)
return 0;
if (a->numberOfPoints() <= 1 || a->numberOfEdges() <= 1 || a->type != shape_polygon)
return shape_input_err;
a->SortEdges ();
a->MakeSweepDestData (true);
a->MakeSweepSrcData (true);
for (int i = 0; i < a->numberOfEdges(); i++)
int stB = -1, enB = -1;
if (power <= 0 || mode == tweak_mode_push || mode == tweak_mode_repel || mode == tweak_mode_roughen) {
stB = a->CyclePrevAt (a->getEdge(i).st, i);
enB = a->CycleNextAt (a->getEdge(i).en, i);
} else {
stB = a->CycleNextAt (a->getEdge(i).st, i);
enB = a->CyclePrevAt (a->getEdge(i).en, i);
Geom::Point stD = a->getEdge(stB).dx;
Geom::Point seD = a->getEdge(i).dx;
Geom::Point enD = a->getEdge(enB).dx;
double stL = sqrt (dot(stD,stD));
double seL = sqrt (dot(seD,seD));
//double enL = sqrt (dot(enD,enD));
MiscNormalize (stD);
MiscNormalize (enD);
MiscNormalize (seD);
Geom::Point ptP;
int stNo, enNo;
ptP = a->getPoint(a->getEdge(i).st).x;
Geom::Point to_center = ptP * (*i2doc) - c;
Geom::Point to_center_normalized = (1/Geom::L2(to_center)) * to_center;
double this_power;
if (do_profile && i2doc) {
double alpha = 1;
double x;
if (mode == tweak_mode_repel) {
x = (Geom::L2(to_center)/radius);
} else {
x = (Geom::L2(ptP * (*i2doc) - c)/radius);
if (x > 1) {
this_power = 0;
} else if (x <= 0) {
if (mode == tweak_mode_repel) {
this_power = 0;
} else {
this_power = power;
} else {
this_power = power * (0.5 * cos (M_PI * (pow(x, alpha))) + 0.5);
} else {
if (mode == tweak_mode_repel) {
this_power = 0;
} else {
this_power = power;
if (this_power != 0)
done_something = true;
double scaler = 1 / (*i2doc).descrim();
Geom::Point this_vec(0,0);
if (mode == tweak_mode_push) {
Geom::Affine tovec (*i2doc);
tovec[4] = tovec[5] = 0;
tovec = tovec.inverse();
this_vec = this_power * (vector * tovec) ;
} else if (mode == tweak_mode_repel) {
this_vec = this_power * scaler * to_center_normalized;
} else if (mode == tweak_mode_roughen) {
double angle = g_random_double_range(0, 2*M_PI);
this_vec = g_random_double_range(0, 1) * this_power * scaler * Geom::Point(sin(angle), cos(angle));
int usePathID=-1;
int usePieceID=0;
double useT=0.0;
if ( a->_has_back_data ) {
if ( a->ebData[i].pathID >= 0 && a->ebData[stB].pathID == a->ebData[i].pathID && a->ebData[stB].pieceID == a->ebData[i].pieceID
&& a->ebData[stB].tEn == a->ebData[i].tSt ) {
} else {
if (mode == tweak_mode_push || mode == tweak_mode_repel || mode == tweak_mode_roughen) {
Path::DoLeftJoin (this, 0, join, ptP+this_vec, stD+this_vec, seD+this_vec, miter, stL, seL,
stNo, enNo,usePathID,usePieceID,useT);
a->swsData[i].stPt = enNo;
a->swsData[stB].enPt = stNo;
} else {
if (power > 0) {
Path::DoRightJoin (this, this_power * scaler, join, ptP, stD, seD, miter, stL, seL,
stNo, enNo,usePathID,usePieceID,useT);
a->swsData[i].stPt = enNo;
a->swsData[stB].enPt = stNo;
} else {
Path::DoLeftJoin (this, -this_power * scaler, join, ptP, stD, seD, miter, stL, seL,
stNo, enNo,usePathID,usePieceID,useT);
a->swsData[i].stPt = enNo;
a->swsData[stB].enPt = stNo;
if (power < 0 || mode == tweak_mode_push || mode == tweak_mode_repel || mode == tweak_mode_roughen)
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfEdges(); i++)
Inverse (i);
if ( _has_back_data ) {
for (int i = 0; i < a->numberOfEdges(); i++)
int nEd=AddEdge (a->swsData[i].stPt, a->swsData[i].enPt);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < a->numberOfEdges(); i++)
AddEdge (a->swsData[i].stPt, a->swsData[i].enPt);
a->MakeSweepSrcData (false);
a->MakeSweepDestData (false);
return (done_something? 0 : shape_nothing_to_do);
// offsets
// take each edge, offset it, and make joins with previous at edge start and next at edge end (previous and
// next being with respect to the clockwise order)
// you gotta be very careful with the join, as anything but the right one will fuck everything up
// see PathStroke.cpp for the "right" joins
Shape::MakeOffset (Shape * a, double dec, JoinType join, double miter, bool do_profile, double cx, double cy, double radius, Geom::Affine *i2doc)
Reset (0, 0);
bool done_something = false;
if (dec == 0)
_pts = a->_pts;
if (numberOfPoints() > maxPt)
maxPt = numberOfPoints();
if (_has_points_data) {
_point_data_initialised = false;
_bbox_up_to_date = false;
_aretes = a->_aretes;
if (numberOfEdges() > maxAr)
maxAr = numberOfEdges();
if (_has_edges_data)
if (_has_sweep_src_data)
if (_has_sweep_dest_data)
if (_has_raster_data)
if (_has_back_data)
return 0;
if (a->numberOfPoints() <= 1 || a->numberOfEdges() <= 1 || a->type != shape_polygon)
return shape_input_err;
a->SortEdges ();
a->MakeSweepDestData (true);
a->MakeSweepSrcData (true);
for (int i = 0; i < a->numberOfEdges(); i++)
// int stP=a->swsData[i].stPt/*,enP=a->swsData[i].enPt*/;
int stB = -1, enB = -1;
if (dec > 0)
stB = a->CycleNextAt (a->getEdge(i).st, i);
enB = a->CyclePrevAt (a->getEdge(i).en, i);
stB = a->CyclePrevAt (a->getEdge(i).st, i);
enB = a->CycleNextAt (a->getEdge(i).en, i);
Geom::Point stD = a->getEdge(stB).dx;
Geom::Point seD = a->getEdge(i).dx;
Geom::Point enD = a->getEdge(enB).dx;
double stL = sqrt (dot(stD,stD));
double seL = sqrt (dot(seD,seD));
//double enL = sqrt (dot(enD,enD));
MiscNormalize (stD);
MiscNormalize (enD);
MiscNormalize (seD);
Geom::Point ptP;
int stNo, enNo;
ptP = a->getPoint(a->getEdge(i).st).x;
double this_dec;
if (do_profile && i2doc) {
double alpha = 1;
double x = (Geom::L2(ptP * (*i2doc) - Geom::Point(cx,cy))/radius);
if (x > 1) {
this_dec = 0;
} else if (x <= 0) {
this_dec = dec;
} else {
this_dec = dec * (0.5 * cos (M_PI * (pow(x, alpha))) + 0.5);
} else {
this_dec = dec;
if (this_dec != 0)
done_something = true;
int usePathID=-1;
int usePieceID=0;
double useT=0.0;
if ( a->_has_back_data ) {
if ( a->ebData[i].pathID >= 0 && a->ebData[stB].pathID == a->ebData[i].pathID && a->ebData[stB].pieceID == a->ebData[i].pieceID
&& a->ebData[stB].tEn == a->ebData[i].tSt ) {
} else {
if (dec > 0)
Path::DoRightJoin (this, this_dec, join, ptP, stD, seD, miter, stL, seL,
stNo, enNo,usePathID,usePieceID,useT);
a->swsData[i].stPt = enNo;
a->swsData[stB].enPt = stNo;
Path::DoLeftJoin (this, -this_dec, join, ptP, stD, seD, miter, stL, seL,
stNo, enNo,usePathID,usePieceID,useT);
a->swsData[i].stPt = enNo;
a->swsData[stB].enPt = stNo;
if (dec < 0)
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfEdges(); i++)
Inverse (i);
if ( _has_back_data ) {
for (int i = 0; i < a->numberOfEdges(); i++)
int nEd=AddEdge (a->swsData[i].stPt, a->swsData[i].enPt);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < a->numberOfEdges(); i++)
AddEdge (a->swsData[i].stPt, a->swsData[i].enPt);
a->MakeSweepSrcData (false);
a->MakeSweepDestData (false);
return (done_something? 0 : shape_nothing_to_do);
// we found a contour, now reassemble the edges on it, instead of dumping them in the Path "dest" as a
// polyline. since it was a DFS, the precParc and suivParc make a nice doubly-linked list of the edges in
// the contour. the first and last edges of the contour are startBord and curBord
Shape::AddContour (Path * dest, int nbP, Path * *orig, int startBord, int curBord, bool splitWhenForced)
int bord = startBord;
dest->MoveTo (getPoint(getEdge(bord).st).x);
while (bord >= 0)
int nPiece = ebData[bord].pieceID;
int nPath = ebData[bord].pathID;
if (nPath < 0 || nPath >= nbP || orig[nPath] == NULL)
// segment batard
dest->LineTo (getPoint(getEdge(bord).en).x);
bord = swdData[bord].suivParc;
Path *from = orig[nPath];
if (nPiece < 0 || nPiece >= int(from->descr_cmd.size()))
// segment batard
dest->LineTo (getPoint(getEdge(bord).en).x);
bord = swdData[bord].suivParc;
int nType = from->descr_cmd[nPiece]->getType();
if (nType == descr_close || nType == descr_moveto
|| nType == descr_forced)
// devrait pas arriver
dest->LineTo (getPoint(getEdge(bord).en).x);
bord = swdData[bord].suivParc;
else if (nType == descr_lineto)
bord = ReFormeLineTo (bord, curBord, dest, from);
else if (nType == descr_arcto)
bord = ReFormeArcTo (bord, curBord, dest, from);
else if (nType == descr_cubicto)
bord = ReFormeCubicTo (bord, curBord, dest, from);
else if (nType == descr_bezierto)
PathDescrBezierTo* nBData =
dynamic_cast<PathDescrBezierTo *>(from->descr_cmd[nPiece]);
if (nBData->nb == 0)
bord = ReFormeLineTo (bord, curBord, dest, from);
bord = ReFormeBezierTo (bord, curBord, dest, from);
else if (nType == descr_interm_bezier)
bord = ReFormeBezierTo (bord, curBord, dest, from);
// devrait pas arriver non plus
dest->LineTo (getPoint(getEdge(bord).en).x);
bord = swdData[bord].suivParc;
if (bord >= 0 && getPoint(getEdge(bord).st).totalDegree() > 2 ) {
dest->ForcePoint ();
} else if ( bord >= 0 && getPoint(getEdge(bord).st).oldDegree > 2 && getPoint(getEdge(bord).st).totalDegree() == 2) {
if ( splitWhenForced ) {
// pour les coupures
dest->ForcePoint ();
} else {
if ( _has_back_data ) {
int prevEdge=getPoint(getEdge(bord).st).incidentEdge[FIRST];
int nextEdge=getPoint(getEdge(bord).st).incidentEdge[LAST];
if ( getEdge(prevEdge).en != getEdge(bord).st ) {
int swai=prevEdge;prevEdge=nextEdge;nextEdge=swai;
if ( ebData[prevEdge].pieceID == ebData[nextEdge].pieceID && ebData[prevEdge].pathID == ebData[nextEdge].pathID ) {
if ( fabs(ebData[prevEdge].tEn-ebData[nextEdge].tSt) < 0.05 ) {
} else {
dest->ForcePoint ();
} else {
dest->ForcePoint ();
} else {
dest->ForcePoint ();
dest->Close ();
Shape::ReFormeLineTo (int bord, int /*curBord*/, Path * dest, Path * /*orig*/)
int nPiece = ebData[bord].pieceID;
int nPath = ebData[bord].pathID;
double /*ts=ebData[bord].tSt, */ te = ebData[bord].tEn;
Geom::Point nx = getPoint(getEdge(bord).en).x;
bord = swdData[bord].suivParc;
while (bord >= 0)
if (getPoint(getEdge(bord).st).totalDegree() > 2
|| getPoint(getEdge(bord).st).oldDegree > 2)
if (ebData[bord].pieceID == nPiece && ebData[bord].pathID == nPath)
if (fabs (te - ebData[bord].tSt) > 0.0001)
nx = getPoint(getEdge(bord).en).x;
te = ebData[bord].tEn;
bord = swdData[bord].suivParc;
dest->LineTo (nx);
return bord;
Shape::ReFormeArcTo (int bord, int /*curBord*/, Path * dest, Path * from)
int nPiece = ebData[bord].pieceID;
int nPath = ebData[bord].pathID;
double ts = ebData[bord].tSt, te = ebData[bord].tEn;
// double px=pts[getEdge(bord).st].x,py=pts[getEdge(bord).st].y;
Geom::Point nx = getPoint(getEdge(bord).en).x;
bord = swdData[bord].suivParc;
while (bord >= 0)
if (getPoint(getEdge(bord).st).totalDegree() > 2
|| getPoint(getEdge(bord).st).oldDegree > 2)
if (ebData[bord].pieceID == nPiece && ebData[bord].pathID == nPath)
if (fabs (te - ebData[bord].tSt) > 0.0001)
nx = getPoint(getEdge(bord).en).x;
te = ebData[bord].tEn;
bord = swdData[bord].suivParc;
double sang, eang;
PathDescrArcTo* nData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrArcTo *>(from->descr_cmd[nPiece]);
bool nLarge = nData->large;
bool nClockwise = nData->clockwise;
Path::ArcAngles (from->PrevPoint (nPiece - 1), nData->p,nData->rx,nData->ry,nData->angle*M_PI/180.0, nLarge, nClockwise, sang, eang);
if (nClockwise)
if (sang < eang)
sang += 2 * M_PI;
if (sang > eang)
sang -= 2 * M_PI;
double delta = eang - sang;
double ndelta = delta * (te - ts);
if (ts > te)
nClockwise = !nClockwise;
if (ndelta < 0)
ndelta = -ndelta;
if (ndelta > M_PI)
nLarge = true;
nLarge = false;
/* if ( delta < 0 ) delta=-delta;
if ( ndelta < 0 ) ndelta=-ndelta;
if ( ( delta < M_PI && ndelta < M_PI ) || ( delta >= M_PI && ndelta >= M_PI ) ) {
if ( ts < te ) {
} else {
} else {
// nLarge=!(nLarge);
nLarge=false; // c'est un sous-segment -> l'arc ne peut que etre plus petit
if ( ts < te ) {
} else {
PathDescrArcTo *nData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrArcTo *>(from->descr_cmd[nPiece]);
dest->ArcTo (nx, nData->rx,nData->ry,nData->angle, nLarge, nClockwise);
return bord;
Shape::ReFormeCubicTo (int bord, int /*curBord*/, Path * dest, Path * from)
int nPiece = ebData[bord].pieceID;
int nPath = ebData[bord].pathID;
double ts = ebData[bord].tSt, te = ebData[bord].tEn;
Geom::Point nx = getPoint(getEdge(bord).en).x;
bord = swdData[bord].suivParc;
while (bord >= 0)
if (getPoint(getEdge(bord).st).totalDegree() > 2
|| getPoint(getEdge(bord).st).oldDegree > 2)
if (ebData[bord].pieceID == nPiece && ebData[bord].pathID == nPath)
if (fabs (te - ebData[bord].tSt) > 0.0001)
nx = getPoint(getEdge(bord).en).x;
te = ebData[bord].tEn;
bord = swdData[bord].suivParc;
Geom::Point prevx = from->PrevPoint (nPiece - 1);
Geom::Point sDx, eDx;
PathDescrCubicTo *nData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrCubicTo *>(from->descr_cmd[nPiece]);
Path::CubicTangent (ts, sDx, prevx,nData->start,nData->p,nData->end);
Path::CubicTangent (te, eDx, prevx,nData->start,nData->p,nData->end);
sDx *= (te - ts);
eDx *= (te - ts);
dest->CubicTo (nx,sDx,eDx);
return bord;
Shape::ReFormeBezierTo (int bord, int /*curBord*/, Path * dest, Path * from)
int nPiece = ebData[bord].pieceID;
int nPath = ebData[bord].pathID;
double ts = ebData[bord].tSt, te = ebData[bord].tEn;
int ps = nPiece, pe = nPiece;
Geom::Point px = getPoint(getEdge(bord).st).x;
Geom::Point nx = getPoint(getEdge(bord).en).x;
int inBezier = -1, nbInterm = -1;
int typ;
typ = from->descr_cmd[nPiece]->getType();
PathDescrBezierTo *nBData = NULL;
if (typ == descr_bezierto)
nBData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrBezierTo *>(from->descr_cmd[nPiece]);
inBezier = nPiece;
nbInterm = nBData->nb;
int n = nPiece - 1;
while (n > 0)
typ = from->descr_cmd[n]->getType();
if (typ == descr_bezierto)
inBezier = n;
nBData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrBezierTo *>(from->descr_cmd[n]);
nbInterm = nBData->nb;
if (inBezier < 0)
bord = swdData[bord].suivParc;
dest->LineTo (nx);
return bord;
bord = swdData[bord].suivParc;
while (bord >= 0)
if (getPoint(getEdge(bord).st).totalDegree() > 2
|| getPoint(getEdge(bord).st).oldDegree > 2)
if (ebData[bord].pathID == nPath)
if (ebData[bord].pieceID < inBezier
|| ebData[bord].pieceID >= inBezier + nbInterm)
if (ebData[bord].pieceID == pe
&& fabs (te - ebData[bord].tSt) > 0.0001)
if (ebData[bord].pieceID != pe
&& (ebData[bord].tSt > 0.0001 && ebData[bord].tSt < 0.9999))
if (ebData[bord].pieceID != pe && (te > 0.0001 && te < 0.9999))
nx = getPoint(getEdge(bord).en).x;
te = ebData[bord].tEn;
pe = ebData[bord].pieceID;
bord = swdData[bord].suivParc;
g_return_val_if_fail(nBData != NULL, 0);
if (pe == ps)
ReFormeBezierChunk (px, nx, dest, inBezier, nbInterm, from, ps,
ts, te);
else if (ps < pe)
if (ts < 0.0001)
if (te > 0.9999)
dest->BezierTo (nx);
for (int i = ps; i <= pe; i++)
PathDescrIntermBezierTo *nData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrIntermBezierTo*>(from->descr_cmd[i+1]);
dest->IntermBezierTo (nData->p);
dest->EndBezierTo ();
Geom::Point tx;
PathDescrIntermBezierTo* psData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrIntermBezierTo*>(from->descr_cmd[pe]);
PathDescrIntermBezierTo* pnData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrIntermBezierTo*>(from->descr_cmd[pe+1]);
tx = (pnData->p + psData->p) / 2;
dest->BezierTo (tx);
for (int i = ps; i < pe; i++)
PathDescrIntermBezierTo* nData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrIntermBezierTo*>(from->descr_cmd[i+1]);
dest->IntermBezierTo (nData->p);
dest->EndBezierTo ();
ReFormeBezierChunk (tx, nx, dest, inBezier, nbInterm,
from, pe, 0.0, te);
if (te > 0.9999)
Geom::Point tx;
PathDescrIntermBezierTo* psData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrIntermBezierTo*>(from->descr_cmd[ps+1]);
PathDescrIntermBezierTo* pnData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrIntermBezierTo*>(from->descr_cmd[ps+2]);
tx = (psData->p + pnData->p) / 2;
ReFormeBezierChunk (px, tx, dest, inBezier, nbInterm,
from, ps, ts, 1.0);
dest->BezierTo (nx);
for (int i = ps + 1; i <= pe; i++)
PathDescrIntermBezierTo *nData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrIntermBezierTo*>(from->descr_cmd[i+1]);
dest->IntermBezierTo (nData->p);
dest->EndBezierTo ();
Geom::Point tx;
PathDescrIntermBezierTo* psData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrIntermBezierTo*>(from->descr_cmd[ps+1]);
PathDescrIntermBezierTo* pnData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrIntermBezierTo*>(from->descr_cmd[ps+2]);
tx = (pnData->p + psData->p) / 2;
ReFormeBezierChunk (px, tx, dest, inBezier, nbInterm,
from, ps, ts, 1.0);
PathDescrIntermBezierTo* psData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrIntermBezierTo*>(from->descr_cmd[pe]);
PathDescrIntermBezierTo* pnData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrIntermBezierTo*>(from->descr_cmd[pe+1]);
tx = (pnData->p + psData->p) / 2;
dest->BezierTo (tx);
for (int i = ps + 1; i <= pe; i++)
PathDescrIntermBezierTo* nData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrIntermBezierTo*>(from->descr_cmd[i+1]);
dest->IntermBezierTo (nData->p);
dest->EndBezierTo ();
ReFormeBezierChunk (tx, nx, dest, inBezier, nbInterm,
from, pe, 0.0, te);
if (ts > 0.9999)
if (te < 0.0001)
dest->BezierTo (nx);
for (int i = ps; i >= pe; i--)
PathDescrIntermBezierTo* nData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrIntermBezierTo*>(from->descr_cmd[i+1]);
dest->IntermBezierTo (nData->p);
dest->EndBezierTo ();
Geom::Point tx;
PathDescrIntermBezierTo* psData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrIntermBezierTo*>(from->descr_cmd[pe+1]);
PathDescrIntermBezierTo* pnData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrIntermBezierTo*>(from->descr_cmd[pe+2]);
tx = (pnData->p + psData->p) / 2;
dest->BezierTo (tx);
for (int i = ps; i > pe; i--)
PathDescrIntermBezierTo* nData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrIntermBezierTo*>(from->descr_cmd[i+1]);
dest->IntermBezierTo (nData->p);
dest->EndBezierTo ();
ReFormeBezierChunk (tx, nx, dest, inBezier, nbInterm,
from, pe, 1.0, te);
if (te < 0.0001)
Geom::Point tx;
PathDescrIntermBezierTo* psData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrIntermBezierTo*>(from->descr_cmd[ps]);
PathDescrIntermBezierTo* pnData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrIntermBezierTo*>(from->descr_cmd[ps+1]);
tx = (pnData->p + psData->p) / 2;
ReFormeBezierChunk (px, tx, dest, inBezier, nbInterm,
from, ps, ts, 0.0);
dest->BezierTo (nx);
for (int i = ps + 1; i >= pe; i--)
PathDescrIntermBezierTo* nData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrIntermBezierTo*>(from->descr_cmd[i]);
dest->IntermBezierTo (nData->p);
dest->EndBezierTo ();
Geom::Point tx;
PathDescrIntermBezierTo* psData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrIntermBezierTo*>(from->descr_cmd[ps]);
PathDescrIntermBezierTo* pnData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrIntermBezierTo*>(from->descr_cmd[ps+1]);
tx = (pnData->p + psData->p) / 2;
ReFormeBezierChunk (px, tx, dest, inBezier, nbInterm,
from, ps, ts, 0.0);
PathDescrIntermBezierTo* psData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrIntermBezierTo*>(from->descr_cmd[pe+1]);
PathDescrIntermBezierTo* pnData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrIntermBezierTo*>(from->descr_cmd[pe+2]);
tx = (pnData->p + psData->p) / 2;
dest->BezierTo (tx);
for (int i = ps + 1; i > pe; i--)
PathDescrIntermBezierTo* nData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrIntermBezierTo*>(from->descr_cmd[i]);
dest->IntermBezierTo (nData->p);
dest->EndBezierTo ();
ReFormeBezierChunk (tx, nx, dest, inBezier, nbInterm,
from, pe, 1.0, te);
return bord;
Shape::ReFormeBezierChunk (Geom::Point px, Geom::Point nx,
Path * dest, int inBezier, int nbInterm,
Path * from, int p, double ts, double te)
PathDescrBezierTo* nBData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrBezierTo*>(from->descr_cmd[inBezier]);
Geom::Point bstx = from->PrevPoint (inBezier - 1);
Geom::Point benx = nBData->p;
Geom::Point mx;
if (p == inBezier)
// premier bout
if (nbInterm <= 1)
// seul bout de la spline
PathDescrIntermBezierTo *nData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrIntermBezierTo*>(from->descr_cmd[inBezier+1]);
mx = nData->p;
// premier bout d'une spline qui en contient plusieurs
PathDescrIntermBezierTo *nData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrIntermBezierTo*>(from->descr_cmd[inBezier+1]);
mx = nData->p;
nData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrIntermBezierTo*>(from->descr_cmd[inBezier+2]);
benx = (nData->p + mx) / 2;
else if (p == inBezier + nbInterm - 1)
// dernier bout
// si nbInterm == 1, le cas a deja ete traite
// donc dernier bout d'une spline qui en contient plusieurs
PathDescrIntermBezierTo* nData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrIntermBezierTo*>(from->descr_cmd[inBezier+nbInterm]);
mx = nData->p;
nData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrIntermBezierTo*>(from->descr_cmd[inBezier+nbInterm-1]);
bstx = (nData->p + mx) / 2;
// la spline contient forcément plusieurs bouts, et ce n'est ni le premier ni le dernier
PathDescrIntermBezierTo *nData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrIntermBezierTo*>(from->descr_cmd[p+1]);
mx = nData->p;
nData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrIntermBezierTo*>(from->descr_cmd[p]);
bstx = (nData->p + mx) / 2;
nData = dynamic_cast<PathDescrIntermBezierTo*>(from->descr_cmd[p+2]);
benx = (nData->p + mx) / 2;
Geom::Point cx;
Path::QuadraticPoint ((ts + te) / 2, cx, bstx, mx, benx);
cx = 2 * cx - (px + nx) / 2;
dest->BezierTo (nx);
dest->IntermBezierTo (cx);
dest->EndBezierTo ();
#undef MiscNormalize