* Routines for dealing with lines (intersections, etc.)
* Authors:
* Maximilian Albert <Anhalter42@gmx.de>
* Copyright (C) 2007 authors
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
#include "line-geometry.h"
#include "inkscape.h"
#include "desktop.h"
#include "desktop-style.h"
#include "display/sp-canvas.h"
#include "display/sp-ctrlline.h"
#include "display/sodipodi-ctrl.h"
#include "ui/control-manager.h"
using Inkscape::ControlManager;
namespace Box3D {
* Draw a line beginning at 'start'. If is_endpoint is true, use 'vec' as the endpoint
* of the segment. Otherwise interpret it as the direction of the line.
* FIXME: Think of a better way to distinguish between the two constructors of lines.
Line::Line(Geom::Point const &start, Geom::Point const &vec, bool is_endpoint):
if (is_endpoint)
v_dir = vec - start;
v_dir = vec;
normal = v_dir.ccw();
d0 = Geom::dot(normal, pt);
Line::Line(Line const &line):
Line &Line::operator=(Line const &line) {
pt = line.pt;
v_dir = line.v_dir;
normal = line.normal;
d0 = line.d0;
return *this;
boost::optional<Geom::Point> Line::intersect(Line const &line) {
Geom::Coord denom = Geom::dot(v_dir, line.normal);
boost::optional<Geom::Point> no_point;
if (fabs(denom) < 1e-6)
return no_point;
Geom::Coord lambda = (line.d0 - Geom::dot(pt, line.normal)) / denom;
return pt + lambda * v_dir;
void Line::set_direction(Geom::Point const &dir)
v_dir = dir;
normal = v_dir.ccw();
d0 = Geom::dot(normal, pt);
Geom::Point Line::closest_to(Geom::Point const &pt)
/* return the intersection of this line with a perpendicular line passing through pt */
boost::optional<Geom::Point> result = this->intersect(Line(pt, (this->v_dir).ccw(), false));
g_return_val_if_fail (result, Geom::Point (0.0, 0.0));
return *result;
double Line::lambda (Geom::Point const pt)
double sign = (Geom::dot (pt - this->pt, this->v_dir) > 0) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
double lambda = sign * Geom::L2 (pt - this->pt);
// FIXME: It may speed things up (but how much?) if we assume that
// pt lies on the line and thus skip the following test
Geom::Point test = point_from_lambda (lambda);
if (!pts_coincide (pt, test)) {
g_warning ("Point does not lie on line.\n");
return 0;
return lambda;
/* The coordinates of w with respect to the basis {v1, v2} */
std::pair<double, double> coordinates (Geom::Point const &v1, Geom::Point const &v2, Geom::Point const &w)
double det = determinant (v1, v2);;
if (fabs (det) < epsilon) {
// vectors are not linearly independent; we indicate this in the return value(s)
return std::make_pair (HUGE_VAL, HUGE_VAL);
double lambda1 = determinant (w, v2) / det;
double lambda2 = determinant (v1, w) / det;
return std::make_pair (lambda1, lambda2);
/* whether w lies inside the sector spanned by v1 and v2 */
bool lies_in_sector (Geom::Point const &v1, Geom::Point const &v2, Geom::Point const &w)
std::pair<double, double> coords = coordinates (v1, v2, w);
if (coords.first == HUGE_VAL) {
// catch the case that the vectors are not linearly independent
// FIXME: Can we assume that it's safe to return true if the vectors point in different directions?
return (Geom::dot (v1, v2) < 0);
return (coords.first >= 0 && coords.second >= 0);
bool lies_in_quadrangle (Geom::Point const &A, Geom::Point const &B, Geom::Point const &C, Geom::Point const &D, Geom::Point const &pt)
return (lies_in_sector (D - A, B - A, pt - A) && lies_in_sector (D - C, B - C, pt - C));
static double pos_angle (Geom::Point v, Geom::Point w)
return fabs (Geom::atan2 (v) - Geom::atan2 (w));
* Returns the two corners of the quadrangle A, B, C, D spanning the edge that is hit by a semiline
* starting at pt and going into direction dir.
* If none of the sides is hit, it returns a pair containing two identical points.
std::pair<Geom::Point, Geom::Point>
side_of_intersection (Geom::Point const &A, Geom::Point const &B, Geom::Point const &C, Geom::Point const &D,
Geom::Point const &pt, Geom::Point const &dir)
Geom::Point dir_A (A - pt);
Geom::Point dir_B (B - pt);
Geom::Point dir_C (C - pt);
Geom::Point dir_D (D - pt);
std::pair<Geom::Point, Geom::Point> result;
double angle = -1;
double tmp_angle;
if (lies_in_sector (dir_A, dir_B, dir)) {
result = std::make_pair (A, B);
angle = pos_angle (dir_A, dir_B);
if (lies_in_sector (dir_B, dir_C, dir)) {
tmp_angle = pos_angle (dir_B, dir_C);
if (tmp_angle > angle) {
angle = tmp_angle;
result = std::make_pair (B, C);
if (lies_in_sector (dir_C, dir_D, dir)) {
tmp_angle = pos_angle (dir_C, dir_D);
if (tmp_angle > angle) {
angle = tmp_angle;
result = std::make_pair (C, D);
if (lies_in_sector (dir_D, dir_A, dir)) {
tmp_angle = pos_angle (dir_D, dir_A);
if (tmp_angle > angle) {
angle = tmp_angle;
result = std::make_pair (D, A);
if (angle == -1) {
// no intersection found; return a pair containing two identical points
return std::make_pair (A, A);
} else {
return result;
boost::optional<Geom::Point> Line::intersection_with_viewbox (SPDesktop *desktop)
Geom::Rect vb = desktop->get_display_area();
/* remaining viewbox corners */
Geom::Point ul (vb.min()[Geom::X], vb.max()[Geom::Y]);
Geom::Point lr (vb.max()[Geom::X], vb.min()[Geom::Y]);
std::pair <Geom::Point, Geom::Point> e = side_of_intersection (vb.min(), lr, vb.max(), ul, this->pt, this->v_dir);
if (e.first == e.second) {
// perspective line lies outside the canvas
return boost::optional<Geom::Point>();
Line line (e.first, e.second);
return this->intersect (line);
void create_canvas_point(Geom::Point const &pos, double size, guint32 rgba)
SPDesktop *desktop = SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP;
SPCanvasItem * canvas_pt = sp_canvas_item_new(desktop->getControls(), SP_TYPE_CTRL,
"size", size,
"filled", 1,
"fill_color", rgba,
"stroked", 1,
"stroke_color", 0x000000ff,
void create_canvas_line(Geom::Point const &p1, Geom::Point const &p2, guint32 rgba)
SPDesktop *desktop = SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP;
SPCtrlLine *line = ControlManager::getManager().createControlLine(desktop->getControls(), p1, p2);
} // namespace Box3D
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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