* vim: ts=4 sw=4 et tw=0 wm=0
* libavoid - Fast, Incremental, Object-avoiding Line Router
* Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Monash University
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* See the file LICENSE.LGPL distributed with the library.
* Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in
* accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
* library.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Author(s): Tim Dwyer <Tim.Dwyer@csse.monash.edu.au>
* --------------
* This file contains a slightly modified version of Solver() from libvpsc:
* A solver for the problem of Variable Placement with Separation Constraints.
* It has the following changes from the Adaptagrams VPSC version:
* - The required VPSC code has been consolidated into a single file.
* - Unnecessary code (like Solver) has been removed.
* - The PairingHeap code has been replaced by a STL priority_queue.
* Modifications: Michael Wybrow <mjwybrow@users.sourceforge.net>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <queue>
namespace Avoid {
class Variable;
class Constraint;
typedef std::vector<Variable*> Variables;
typedef std::vector<Constraint*> Constraints;
class CompareConstraints {
bool operator() (Constraint *const &l, Constraint *const &r) const;
struct PositionStats {
PositionStats() : scale(0), AB(0), AD(0), A2(0) {}
void addVariable(Variable* const v);
double scale;
double AB;
double AD;
double A2;
typedef std::priority_queue<Constraint*,std::vector<Constraint*>,
CompareConstraints> Heap;
class Block
typedef Variables::iterator Vit;
typedef Constraints::iterator Cit;
typedef Constraints::const_iterator Cit_const;
friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream &os,const Block &b);
Variables *vars;
double posn;
//double weight;
//double wposn;
PositionStats ps;
Block(Variable* const v=NULL);
Constraint* findMinLM();
Constraint* findMinLMBetween(Variable* const lv, Variable* const rv);
Constraint* findMinInConstraint();
Constraint* findMinOutConstraint();
void deleteMinInConstraint();
void deleteMinOutConstraint();
void updateWeightedPosition();
void merge(Block *b, Constraint *c, double dist);
Block* merge(Block *b, Constraint *c);
void mergeIn(Block *b);
void mergeOut(Block *b);
void split(Block *&l, Block *&r, Constraint *c);
Constraint* splitBetween(Variable* vl, Variable* vr, Block* &lb, Block* &rb);
void setUpInConstraints();
void setUpOutConstraints();
double cost();
bool deleted;
long timeStamp;
Heap *in;
Heap *out;
bool getActivePathBetween(Constraints& path, Variable const* u,
Variable const* v, Variable const *w) const;
bool isActiveDirectedPathBetween(
Variable const* u, Variable const* v) const;
bool getActiveDirectedPathBetween(Constraints& path, Variable const * u, Variable const * v) const;
typedef enum {NONE, LEFT, RIGHT} Direction;
typedef std::pair<double, Constraint*> Pair;
void reset_active_lm(Variable* const v, Variable* const u);
void list_active(Variable* const v, Variable* const u);
double compute_dfdv(Variable* const v, Variable* const u);
double compute_dfdv(Variable* const v, Variable* const u, Constraint *&min_lm);
bool split_path(Variable*, Variable* const, Variable* const,
Constraint* &min_lm, bool desperation);
bool canFollowLeft(Constraint const* c, Variable const* last) const;
bool canFollowRight(Constraint const* c, Variable const* last) const;
void populateSplitBlock(Block *b, Variable* v, Variable const* u);
void addVariable(Variable* v);
void setUpConstraintHeap(Heap* &h,bool in);
class Constraint;
typedef std::vector<Constraint*> Constraints;
class Variable
friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream &os, const Variable &v);
friend class Block;
friend class Constraint;
friend class IncSolver;
int id; // useful in log files
double desiredPosition;
double finalPosition;
double weight; // how much the variable wants to
// be at it's desired position
double scale; // translates variable to another space
double offset;
Block *block;
bool visited;
bool fixedDesiredPosition;
Constraints in;
Constraints out;
char *toString();
inline Variable(const int id, const double desiredPos=-1.0,
const double weight=1.0, const double scale=1.0)
: id(id)
, desiredPosition(desiredPos)
, weight(weight)
, scale(scale)
, offset(0)
, block(NULL)
, visited(false)
, fixedDesiredPosition(false)
double dfdv() const {
return 2. * weight * ( position() - desiredPosition );
double position() const {
return (block->ps.scale*block->posn+offset)/scale;
class Constraint
friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream &os,const Constraint &c);
Variable *left;
Variable *right;
double gap;
double lm;
Constraint(Variable *left, Variable *right, double gap, bool equality=false);
double slack() const;
long timeStamp;
bool active;
const bool equality;
bool unsatisfiable;
* A block structure defined over the variables such that each block contains
* 1 or more variables, with the invariant that all constraints inside a block
* are satisfied by keeping the variables fixed relative to one another.
* @todo check on this class being copy-n-paste duplicated.
class Blocks : public std::set<Block*>
Blocks(Variables const &vs);
void mergeLeft(Block *r);
void mergeRight(Block *l);
void split(Block *b, Block *&l, Block *&r, Constraint *c);
std::list<Variable*> *totalOrder();
void cleanup();
double cost();
void dfsVisit(Variable *v, std::list<Variable*> *order);
void removeBlock(Block *doomed);
Variables const &vs;
int nvs;
extern long blockTimeCtr;
struct UnsatisfiableException {
Constraints path;
struct UnsatisfiedConstraint {
UnsatisfiedConstraint(Constraint& c):c(c) {}
Constraint& c;
* Variable Placement with Separation Constraints problem instance
class IncSolver {
unsigned splitCnt;
bool satisfy();
bool solve();
void moveBlocks();
void splitBlocks();
IncSolver(Variables const &vs, Constraints const &cs);
Variables const & getVariables() { return vs; }
Blocks *bs;
unsigned m;
Constraints const &cs;
unsigned n;
Variables const &vs;
void printBlocks();
void copyResult();
bool constraintGraphIsCyclic(const unsigned n, Variable* const vs[]);
bool blockGraphIsCyclic();
Constraints inactive;
Constraints violated;
Constraint* mostViolated(Constraints &l);
struct delete_object
template <typename T>
void operator()(T *ptr){ delete ptr;}
#endif // AVOID_VPSC_H