* vim: ts=4 sw=4 et tw=0 wm=0
* libavoid - Fast, Incremental, Object-avoiding Line Router
* Copyright (C) 2009 Monash University
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* See the file LICENSE.LGPL distributed with the library.
* Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in
* accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
* library.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Author(s): Michael Wybrow <mjwybrow@users.sourceforge.net>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cfloat>
#include <cmath>
#include <set>
#include <list>
#include <algorithm>
#include "libavoid/router.h"
#include "libavoid/geomtypes.h"
#include "libavoid/shape.h"
#include "libavoid/orthogonal.h"
#include "libavoid/connector.h"
#include "libavoid/vpsc.h"
#include "libavoid/assertions.h"
#include <SDL_gfxPrimitives.h>
namespace Avoid {
static const double CHANNEL_MAX = 100000000;
static const size_t XDIM = 0;
static const size_t YDIM = 1;
class ShiftSegment
// For shiftable segments.
ShiftSegment(ConnRef *conn, const size_t low, const size_t high,
bool isSBend, const size_t dim, double minLim, double maxLim)
: connRef(conn),
// For fixed segments.
ShiftSegment(ConnRef *conn, const size_t low, const size_t high,
const size_t dim)
: connRef(conn),
// This has no space to shift.
minSpaceLimit = lowPoint()[dim];
maxSpaceLimit = lowPoint()[dim];
Point& lowPoint(void)
return connRef->displayRoute().ps[indexLow];
Point& highPoint(void)
return connRef->displayRoute().ps[indexHigh];
const Point& lowPoint(void) const
return connRef->displayRoute().ps[indexLow];
const Point& highPoint(void) const
return connRef->displayRoute().ps[indexHigh];
int fixedOrder(bool& isFixed) const
if (fixed)
isFixed = true;
return 0;
if (lowC())
return 1;
else if (highC())
return -1;
return 0;
int order(void) const
if (lowC())
return -1;
else if (highC())
return 1;
return 0;
bool operator<(const ShiftSegment& rhs) const
const Point& lowPt = lowPoint();
const Point& rhsLowPt = rhs.lowPoint();
if (lowPt[dimension] != rhsLowPt[dimension])
return lowPt[dimension] < rhsLowPt[dimension];
return this < &rhs;
// This counts segments that are colliear and share an endpoint as
// overlapping. This allows them to be nudged apart where possible.
bool overlapsWith(const ShiftSegment& rhs, const size_t dim) const
size_t altDim = (dim + 1) % 2;
const Point& lowPt = lowPoint();
const Point& highPt = highPoint();
const Point& rhsLowPt = rhs.lowPoint();
const Point& rhsHighPt = rhs.highPoint();
if ( (lowPt[altDim] <= rhsHighPt[altDim]) &&
(rhsLowPt[altDim] <= highPt[altDim]))
if ( (minSpaceLimit <= rhs.maxSpaceLimit) &&
(rhs.minSpaceLimit <= maxSpaceLimit))
return true;
return false;
ConnRef *connRef;
size_t indexLow;
size_t indexHigh;
bool sBend;
bool fixed;
size_t dimension;
Variable *variable;
double minSpaceLimit;
double maxSpaceLimit;
bool lowC(void) const
// This is true if this is a cBend and its adjoining points
// are at lower positions.
if (!sBend && !fixed && (minSpaceLimit == lowPoint()[dimension]))
return true;
return false;
bool highC(void) const
// This is true if this is a cBend and its adjoining points
// are at higher positions.
if (!sBend && !fixed && (maxSpaceLimit == lowPoint()[dimension]))
return true;
return false;
typedef std::list<ShiftSegment> ShiftSegmentList;
struct Node;
struct CmpNodePos { bool operator()(const Node* u, const Node* v) const; };
typedef std::set<Node*,CmpNodePos> NodeSet;
struct Node
ShapeRef *v;
VertInf *c;
ShiftSegment *ss;
double pos;
double min[2], max[2];
Node *firstAbove, *firstBelow;
NodeSet::iterator iter;
Node(ShapeRef *v, const double p)
: v(v),
v->polygon().getBoundingRect(&min[0], &min[1], &max[0], &max[1]);
Node(VertInf *c, const double p)
: v(NULL),
min[0] = max[0] = c->point.x;
min[1] = max[1] = c->point.y;
Node(ShiftSegment *ss, const double p)
: v(NULL),
// These values shouldn't ever be used, so they don't matter.
min[0] = max[0] = min[1] = max[1] = 0;
// Find the first Node above in the scanline that is a shape edge,
// and does not have an open or close event at this position (meaning
// it is just about to be removed).
double firstObstacleAbove(size_t dim)
Node *curr = firstAbove;
while (curr && (curr->ss || (curr->max[dim] > pos)))
curr = curr->firstAbove;
if (curr)
return curr->max[dim];
return -DBL_MAX;
// Find the first Node below in the scanline that is a shape edge,
// and does not have an open or close event at this position (meaning
// it is just about to be removed).
double firstObstacleBelow(size_t dim)
Node *curr = firstBelow;
while (curr && (curr->ss || (curr->min[dim] < pos)))
curr = curr->firstBelow;
if (curr)
return curr->min[dim];
return DBL_MAX;
// Mark all connector segments above in the scanline as being able
// to see to this shape edge.
void markShiftSegmentsAbove(size_t dim)
Node *curr = firstAbove;
while (curr && (curr->ss || (curr->pos > min[dim])))
if (curr->ss && (curr->pos <= min[dim]))
curr->ss->maxSpaceLimit =
std::min(min[dim], curr->ss->maxSpaceLimit);
curr = curr->firstAbove;
// Mark all connector segments below in the scanline as being able
// to see to this shape edge.
void markShiftSegmentsBelow(size_t dim)
Node *curr = firstBelow;
while (curr && (curr->ss || (curr->pos < max[dim])))
if (curr->ss && (curr->pos >= max[dim]))
curr->ss->minSpaceLimit =
std::max(max[dim], curr->ss->minSpaceLimit);
curr = curr->firstBelow;
bool findFirstPointAboveAndBelow(const size_t dim, double& firstAbovePos,
double& firstBelowPos, double& lastAbovePos, double& lastBelowPos)
bool clearVisibility = true;
firstAbovePos = -DBL_MAX;
firstBelowPos = DBL_MAX;
// We start looking left from the right side of the shape,
// and vice versa.
lastAbovePos = max[dim];
lastBelowPos = min[dim];
// Find the first blocking edge above this point. Don't count the
// edges as we are travelling out of shapes we are inside, but then
// mark clearVisibility as false.
Node *curr = firstAbove;
while (curr && (curr->max[dim] > min[dim]))
lastAbovePos = std::min(curr->min[dim], lastAbovePos);
if ((curr->max[dim] >= min[dim]) && (curr->max[dim] <= max[dim]))
lastAbovePos = std::min(curr->max[dim], lastAbovePos);
lastBelowPos = std::max(curr->max[dim], lastBelowPos);
clearVisibility = false;
curr = curr->firstAbove;
if (curr)
firstAbovePos = curr->max[dim];
while (curr)
// There might be a larger shape after this one in the ordering.
if (curr->max[dim] < min[dim])
firstAbovePos = std::max(curr->max[dim], firstAbovePos);
curr = curr->firstAbove;
// Find the first blocking edge below this point. Don't count the
// edges as we are travelling out of shapes we are inside, but then
// mark clearVisibility as false.
curr = firstBelow;
while (curr && (curr->min[dim] < max[dim]))
lastBelowPos = std::max(curr->max[dim], lastBelowPos);
if ((curr->min[dim] >= min[dim]) && (curr->min[dim] <= max[dim]))
lastBelowPos = std::max(curr->min[dim], lastBelowPos);
lastAbovePos = std::min(curr->min[dim], lastAbovePos);
clearVisibility = false;
curr = curr->firstBelow;
if (curr)
firstBelowPos = curr->min[dim];
while (curr)
// There might be a larger shape after this one in the ordering.
if (curr->min[dim] > max[dim])
firstBelowPos = std::min(curr->min[dim], firstBelowPos);
curr = curr->firstBelow;
return clearVisibility;
double firstPointAbove(size_t dim)
Node *curr = firstAbove;
while (curr && (curr->max[dim] >= pos))
curr = curr->firstAbove;
if (curr)
return curr->max[dim];
return -DBL_MAX;
double firstPointBelow(size_t dim)
Node *curr = firstBelow;
while (curr && (curr->min[dim] <= pos))
curr = curr->firstBelow;
if (curr)
return curr->min[dim];
return DBL_MAX;
// This is a bit inefficient, but we won't need to do it once we have
// connection points.
bool isInsideShape(size_t dimension)
for (Node *curr = firstBelow; curr; curr = curr->firstBelow)
if ((curr->min[dimension] < pos) && (pos < curr->max[dimension]))
return true;
for (Node *curr = firstAbove; curr; curr = curr->firstAbove)
if ((curr->min[dimension] < pos) && (pos < curr->max[dimension]))
return true;
return false;
bool CmpNodePos::operator() (const Node* u, const Node* v) const
if (u->pos != v->pos)
return u->pos < v->pos;
// Use the pointers to the base objects to differentiate them.
void *up = (u->v) ? (void *) u->v :
((u->c) ? (void *) u->c : (void *) u->ss);
void *vp = (v->v) ? (void *) v->v :
((v->c) ? (void *) v->c : (void *) v->ss);
return up < vp;
// Note: Open must come first.
typedef enum {
Open = 1,
SegOpen = 2,
ConnPoint = 3,
SegClose = 4,
Close = 5
} EventType;
struct Event
Event(EventType t, Node *v, double p)
: type(t),
EventType type;
Node *v;
double pos;
Event **events;
// Used for quicksort. Must return <0, 0, or >0.
static int compare_events(const void *a, const void *b)
Event *ea = *(Event**) a;
Event *eb = *(Event**) b;
if (ea->pos != eb->pos)
return (ea->pos < eb->pos) ? -1 : 1;
if (ea->type != eb->type)
return ea->type - eb->type;
COLA_ASSERT(ea->v != eb->v);
return ea->v - eb->v;
// Returns a bitfield of the direction of visibility (in this dimension)
// made up of ConnDirDown (for visibility towards lower position values)
// and ConnDirUp (for visibility towards higher position values).
static ConnDirFlags getPosVertInfDirection(VertInf *v, size_t dim)
if (dim == XDIM) // X-dimension
unsigned int dirs = v->visDirections & (ConnDirLeft | ConnDirRight);
if (dirs == (ConnDirLeft | ConnDirRight))
return (ConnDirDown | ConnDirUp);
else if (dirs == ConnDirLeft)
return ConnDirDown;
else if (dirs == ConnDirRight)
return ConnDirUp;
else if (dim == YDIM) // Y-dimension
unsigned int dirs = v->visDirections & (ConnDirDown | ConnDirUp);
if (dirs == (ConnDirDown | ConnDirUp))
return (ConnDirDown | ConnDirUp);
else if (dirs == ConnDirDown)
// For libavoid the Y-axis points downwards, so in terms of
// smaller or larger position values, Down is Up and vice versa.
return ConnDirUp;
else if (dirs == ConnDirUp)
// For libavoid the Y-axis points downwards, so in terms of
// smaller or larger position values, Down is Up and vice versa.
return ConnDirDown;
// Can occur for ConnDirNone visibility.
return ConnDirNone;
struct PosVertInf
PosVertInf(double p, VertInf *vI, ConnDirFlags d = ConnDirNone)
: pos(p),
bool operator<(const PosVertInf& rhs) const
if (pos != rhs.pos)
return pos < rhs.pos;
return vert < rhs.vert;
double pos;
VertInf *vert;
// A bitfield marking the direction of visibility (in this dimension)
// made up of ConnDirDown (for visibility towards lower position values)
// and ConnDirUp (for visibility towards higher position values).
ConnDirFlags dir;
struct CmpVertInf
bool operator()(const VertInf* u, const VertInf* v) const
// Comparator for VertSet, an ordered set of VertInf pointers.
// It is assumed vertical sets of points will all have the same
// x position and horizontal sets all share a y position, so this
// method can be used to sort both these sets.
COLA_ASSERT((u->point.x == v->point.x) || (u->point.y == v->point.y));
if (u->point.x != v->point.x)
return u->point.x < v->point.x;
else if (u->point.y != v->point.y)
return u->point.y < v->point.y;
return u < v;
typedef std::set<VertInf *, CmpVertInf> VertSet;
// A set of points to break the line segment,
// along with vertices for these points.
typedef std::set<PosVertInf> BreakpointSet;
// Temporary structure used to store the possible horizontal visibility
// lines arising from the vertical sweep.
class LineSegment
LineSegment(const double& b, const double& f, const double& p,
bool /*ss*/ = false, VertInf *bvi = NULL, VertInf *fvi = NULL)
: begin(b),
COLA_ASSERT(begin < finish);
if (bvi)
if (fvi)
LineSegment(const double& bf, const double& p, VertInf *bfvi = NULL)
: begin(bf),
if (bfvi)
// Order by begin, pos, finish.
bool operator<(const LineSegment& rhs) const
if (begin != rhs.begin)
return begin < rhs.begin;
if (pos != rhs.pos)
return pos < rhs.pos;
if (finish != rhs.finish)
return finish < rhs.finish;
COLA_ASSERT(shapeSide == rhs.shapeSide);
return false;
bool overlaps(const LineSegment& rhs) const
if ((begin == rhs.begin) && (pos == rhs.pos) &&
(finish == rhs.finish))
// Lines are exactly equal.
return true;
if (pos == rhs.pos)
if (((begin >= rhs.begin) && (begin <= rhs.finish)) ||
((rhs.begin >= begin) && (rhs.begin <= finish)) )
// They are colinear and overlap by some amount.
return true;
return false;
void mergeVertInfs(const LineSegment& segment)
begin = std::min(begin, segment.begin);
finish = std::max(finish, segment.finish);
vertInfs.insert(segment.vertInfs.begin(), segment.vertInfs.end());
VertInf *beginVertInf(void) const
if (vertInfs.empty())
return NULL;
return *vertInfs.begin();
VertInf *finishVertInf(void) const
if (vertInfs.empty())
return NULL;
return *vertInfs.rbegin();
VertInf *commitPositionX(Router *router, double posX)
VertInf *found = NULL;
for (VertSet::iterator v = vertInfs.begin();
v != vertInfs.end(); ++v)
if ((*v)->point.x == posX)
found = *v;
if (!found)
found = new VertInf(router, dummyOrthogID, Point(posX, pos));
return found;
// Set begin endpoint vertex if none has been assigned.
void commitBegin(Router *router, VertInf *vert = NULL)
if (vert)
if (vertInfs.empty() ||
((*vertInfs.begin())->point.x != begin))
VertInf(router, dummyOrthogID, Point(begin, pos)));
// Set begin endpoint vertex if none has been assigned.
void commitFinish(Router *router, VertInf *vert = NULL)
if (vert)
if (vertInfs.empty() ||
((*vertInfs.rbegin())->point.x != finish))
VertInf(router, dummyOrthogID, Point(finish, pos)));
// Converts a section of the points list to a set of breakPoints.
// Returns the first of the intersection points occuring at finishPos.
VertSet::iterator addSegmentsUpTo(Router */*router*/, double finishPos)
VertSet::iterator firstIntersectionPt = vertInfs.end();
for (VertSet::iterator vert = vertInfs.begin();
vert != vertInfs.end(); ++vert)
if ((*vert)->point.x > finishPos)
// We're done.
breakPoints.insert(PosVertInf((*vert)->point.x, (*vert),
getPosVertInfDirection(*vert, XDIM)));
if ((firstIntersectionPt == vertInfs.end()) &&
((*vert)->point.x == finishPos))
firstIntersectionPt = vert;
// Returns the first of the intersection points at finishPos.
return firstIntersectionPt;
// Add visibility edge(s) for this segment. There may be multiple if
// one of the endpoints is shared by multiple connector endpoints.
void addEdgeHorizontal(Router *router)
addSegmentsUpTo(router, finish);
// Add visibility edge(s) for this segment up until an intersection.
// Then, move the segment beginning to the intersection point, so we
// later only consider the remainder of the segment.
// There may be multiple segments added to the graph if the beginning
// endpoint of the segment is shared by multiple connector endpoints.
VertSet addEdgeHorizontalTillIntersection(Router *router,
LineSegment& vertLine)
VertSet intersectionSet;
// Does a vertex already exist for this point.
commitPositionX(router, vertLine.pos);
// Generate segments and set end iterator to the first point
// at the intersection position.
VertSet::iterator restBegin = addSegmentsUpTo(router, vertLine.pos);
// Add the intersections points to intersectionSet.
VertSet::iterator restEnd = restBegin;
while ((restEnd != vertInfs.end()) &&
(*restEnd)->point.x == vertLine.pos)
intersectionSet.insert(restBegin, restEnd);
// Adjust segment to remove processed portion.
begin = vertLine.pos;
vertInfs.erase(vertInfs.begin(), restBegin);
return intersectionSet;
// Insert vertical breakpoints.
void insertBreakpointsBegin(Router *router, LineSegment& vertLine)
VertInf *vert = NULL;
if (pos == vertLine.begin && vertLine.beginVertInf())
vert = vertLine.beginVertInf();
else if (pos == vertLine.finish && vertLine.finishVertInf())
vert = vertLine.finishVertInf();
commitBegin(router, vert);
for (VertSet::iterator v = vertInfs.begin();
v != vertInfs.end(); ++v)
if ((*v)->point.x == begin)
vertLine.breakPoints.insert(PosVertInf(pos, *v,
getPosVertInfDirection(*v, YDIM)));
// Insert vertical breakpoints.
void insertBreakpointsFinish(Router *router, LineSegment& vertLine)
VertInf *vert = NULL;
if (pos == vertLine.begin && vertLine.beginVertInf())
vert = vertLine.beginVertInf();
else if (pos == vertLine.finish && vertLine.finishVertInf())
vert = vertLine.finishVertInf();
commitFinish(router, vert);
for (VertSet::iterator v = vertInfs.begin();
v != vertInfs.end(); ++v)
if ((*v)->point.x == finish)
vertLine.breakPoints.insert(PosVertInf(pos, *v,
getPosVertInfDirection(*v, YDIM)));
void generateVisibilityEdgesFromBreakpointSet(Router *router, size_t dim)
if ((breakPoints.begin())->pos != begin)
if (!beginVertInf())
Point point(pos, pos);
point[dim] = begin;
// Add begin point if it didn't intersect another line.
VertInf *vert = new VertInf(router, dummyOrthogID, point);
breakPoints.insert(PosVertInf(begin, vert));
if ((breakPoints.rbegin())->pos != finish)
if (!finishVertInf())
Point point(pos, pos);
point[dim] = finish;
// Add finish point if it didn't intersect another line.
VertInf *vert = new VertInf(router, dummyOrthogID, point);
breakPoints.insert(PosVertInf(finish, vert));
const bool orthogonal = true;
BreakpointSet::iterator vert, last;
for (vert = last = breakPoints.begin(); vert != breakPoints.end();)
BreakpointSet::iterator firstPrev = last;
while (last->vert->point[dim] != vert->vert->point[dim])
COLA_ASSERT(vert != last);
// Assert points are not at the same position.
COLA_ASSERT(vert->vert->point != last->vert->point);
if ( !(vert->vert->id.isShape || last->vert->id.isShape))
// Here we have a pair of two endpoints that are both
// connector endpoints and both are inside a shape.
// Give vert visibility back to the first non-connector
// endpoint vertex (i.e., the side of the shape).
BreakpointSet::iterator side = last;
while (!side->vert->id.isShape)
if (side == breakPoints.begin())
bool canSeeDown = (vert->dir & ConnDirDown);
if (canSeeDown && side->vert->id.isShape)
EdgeInf *edge = new
EdgeInf(side->vert, vert->vert, orthogonal);
edge->setDist(vert->vert->point[dim] -
// Give last visibility back to the first non-connector
// endpoint vertex (i.e., the side of the shape).
side = vert;
while ((side != breakPoints.end()) &&
bool canSeeUp = (last->dir & ConnDirUp);
if (canSeeUp && (side != breakPoints.end()))
EdgeInf *edge = new
EdgeInf(last->vert, side->vert, orthogonal);
edge->setDist(side->vert->point[dim] -
// The normal case.
// Note: It's okay to give two connector endpoints visbility
// here since we only consider the partner endpoint as a
// candidate while searching if it is the other endpoint of
// the connector in question.
bool generateEdge = true;
if (!last->vert->id.isShape && !(last->dir & ConnDirUp))
generateEdge = false;
else if (!vert->vert->id.isShape && !(vert->dir & ConnDirDown))
generateEdge = false;
if (generateEdge)
EdgeInf *edge =
new EdgeInf(last->vert, vert->vert, orthogonal);
edge->setDist(vert->vert->point[dim] -
if ((vert != breakPoints.end()) &&
(last->vert->point[dim] == vert->vert->point[dim]))
// Still looking at same pair, just reset prev number pointer.
last = firstPrev;
// vert has moved to the beginning of a number number group.
// Last is now in the right place, so do nothing.
double begin;
double finish;
double pos;
bool shapeSide;
VertSet vertInfs;
BreakpointSet breakPoints;
// MSVC wants to generate the assignment operator and the default
// constructor, but fails. Therefore we declare them private and
// don't implement them.
LineSegment & operator=(LineSegment const &);
typedef std::list<LineSegment> SegmentList;
class SegmentListWrapper
LineSegment *insert(LineSegment segment)
SegmentList::iterator found = _list.end();
for (SegmentList::iterator curr = _list.begin();
curr != _list.end(); ++curr)
if (curr->overlaps(segment))
if (found != _list.end())
// This is not the first segment that overlaps,
// so we need to merge and then delete an existing
// segment.
found = curr;
// This is the first overlapping segment, so just
// merge the new segment with this one.
found = curr;
if (found == _list.end())
// Add this line.
return &(_list.back());
return &(*found);
SegmentList& list(void)
return _list;
SegmentList _list;
// Given a router instance and a set of possible horizontal segments, and a
// possible vertical visibility segment, compute and add edges to the
// orthogonal visibility graph for all the visibility edges.
static void intersectSegments(Router *router, SegmentList& segments,
LineSegment& vertLine)
COLA_ASSERT(vertLine.beginVertInf() == NULL);
COLA_ASSERT(vertLine.finishVertInf() == NULL);
for (SegmentList::iterator it = segments.begin(); it != segments.end(); )
LineSegment& horiLine = *it;
bool inVertSegRegion = ((vertLine.begin <= horiLine.pos) &&
(vertLine.finish >= horiLine.pos));
if (horiLine.finish < vertLine.pos)
// Add horizontal visibility segment.
size_t dim = XDIM; // x-dimension
horiLine.generateVisibilityEdgesFromBreakpointSet(router, dim);
// We've now swept past this horizontal segment, so delete.
it = segments.erase(it);
else if (horiLine.begin > vertLine.pos)
// We've yet to reach this segment in the sweep, so ignore.
else if (horiLine.begin == vertLine.pos)
if (inVertSegRegion)
horiLine.insertBreakpointsBegin(router, vertLine);
else if (horiLine.finish == vertLine.pos)
if (inVertSegRegion)
// Add horizontal visibility segment.
horiLine.insertBreakpointsFinish(router, vertLine);
size_t dim = XDIM; // x-dimension
horiLine.generateVisibilityEdgesFromBreakpointSet(router, dim);
// And we've now finished with the segment, so delete.
it = segments.erase(it);
COLA_ASSERT(horiLine.begin < vertLine.pos);
COLA_ASSERT(horiLine.finish > vertLine.pos);
if (inVertSegRegion)
// Add horizontal visibility segment.
VertSet intersectionVerts =
router, vertLine);
for (VertSet::iterator v = intersectionVerts.begin();
v != intersectionVerts.end(); ++v)
vertLine.breakPoints.insert(PosVertInf(horiLine.pos, *v,
getPosVertInfDirection(*v, YDIM)));
// Split breakPoints set into visibility segments.
size_t dimension = YDIM; // y-dimension
vertLine.generateVisibilityEdgesFromBreakpointSet(router, dimension);
// Processes an event for the vertical sweep used for computing the static
// orthogonal visibility graph. This adds possible visibility sgments to
// the segments list.
// The first pass is adding the event to the scanline, the second is for
// processing the event and the third for removing it from the scanline.
static void processEventVert(Router *router, NodeSet& scanline,
SegmentListWrapper& segments, Event *e, unsigned int pass)
Node *v = e->v;
if ( ((pass == 1) && (e->type == Open)) ||
((pass == 2) && (e->type == ConnPoint)) )
std::pair<NodeSet::iterator, bool> result = scanline.insert(v);
v->iter = result.first;
NodeSet::iterator it = v->iter;
// Work out neighbours
if (it != scanline.begin())
Node *u = *(--it);
v->firstAbove = u;
u->firstBelow = v;
it = v->iter;
if (++it != scanline.end())
Node *u = *it;
v->firstBelow = u;
u->firstAbove = v;
if (pass == 2)
if ((e->type == Open) || (e->type == Close))
// Shape edge positions.
double minShape = v->min[0];
double maxShape = v->max[0];
// As far as we can see.
double minLimit, maxLimit;
double minLimitMax, maxLimitMin;
v->findFirstPointAboveAndBelow(0, minLimit, maxLimit,
minLimitMax, maxLimitMin);
// Only difference between Open and Close is whether the line
// segments are at the top or bottom of the shape. Decide here.
double lineY = (e->type == Open) ? v->min[1] : v->max[1];
if (minLimitMax >= maxLimitMin)
// Insert possible visibility segments.
VertInf *vI1 = new VertInf(router, dummyOrthogID,
Point(minShape, lineY));
VertInf *vI2 = new VertInf(router, dummyOrthogID,
Point(maxShape, lineY));
// There are no overlapping shapes, so give full visibility.
if (minLimit < minShape)
segments.insert(LineSegment(minLimit, minShape, lineY,
true, NULL, vI1));
segments.insert(LineSegment(minShape, maxShape, lineY,
true, vI1, vI2));
if (maxShape < maxLimit)
segments.insert(LineSegment(maxShape, maxLimit, lineY,
true, vI2, NULL));
if ((minLimitMax > minLimit) && (minLimitMax >= minShape))
segments.insert(LineSegment(minLimit, minLimitMax, lineY,
true, NULL, NULL));
if ((maxLimitMin < maxLimit) && (maxLimitMin <= maxShape))
segments.insert(LineSegment(maxLimitMin, maxLimit, lineY,
true, NULL, NULL));
else if (e->type == ConnPoint)
// Connection point.
VertInf *centreVert = e->v->c;
Point& cp = centreVert->point;
// As far as we can see.
double minLimit = v->firstPointAbove(0);
double maxLimit = v->firstPointBelow(0);
bool inShape = v->isInsideShape(0);
LineSegment *line1 = NULL, *line2 = NULL;
if (!inShape || (centreVert->visDirections & ConnDirLeft))
line1 = segments.insert(LineSegment(minLimit, cp.x, e->pos,
true, NULL, centreVert));
if (!inShape || (centreVert->visDirections & ConnDirRight))
line2 = segments.insert(LineSegment(cp.x, maxLimit, e->pos,
true, centreVert, NULL));
if (!line1 && !line2)
// Add a point segment for the centre point.
segments.insert(LineSegment(cp.x, e->pos, centreVert));
if (!inShape)
// This is not contained within a shape so add a normal
// visibility graph point here too (since paths won't route
// *through* connector endpoint vertices).
if (line1 || line2)
VertInf *cent = new VertInf(router, dummyOrthogID, cp);
if (line1)
if (line2)
if ( ((pass == 3) && (e->type == Close)) ||
((pass == 2) && (e->type == ConnPoint)) )
// Clean up neighbour pointers.
Node *l = v->firstAbove, *r = v->firstBelow;
if (l != NULL)
l->firstBelow = v->firstBelow;
if (r != NULL)
r->firstAbove = v->firstAbove;
if (e->type == ConnPoint)
delete v;
else // if (e->type == Close)
size_t result;
result = scanline.erase(v);
COLA_ASSERT(result == 1);
delete v;
// Processes an event for the vertical sweep used for computing the static
// orthogonal visibility graph. This adds possible visibility sgments to
// the segments list.
// The first pass is adding the event to the scanline, the second is for
// processing the event and the third for removing it from the scanline.
static void processEventHori(Router */*router*/, NodeSet& scanline,
SegmentListWrapper& segments, Event *e, unsigned int pass)
Node *v = e->v;
if ( ((pass == 1) && (e->type == Open)) ||
((pass == 2) && (e->type == ConnPoint)) )
std::pair<NodeSet::iterator, bool> result = scanline.insert(v);
v->iter = result.first;
NodeSet::iterator it = v->iter;
// Work out neighbours
if (it != scanline.begin())
Node *u = *(--it);
v->firstAbove = u;
u->firstBelow = v;
it = v->iter;
if (++it != scanline.end())
Node *u = *it;
v->firstBelow = u;
u->firstAbove = v;
if (pass == 2)
if ((e->type == Open) || (e->type == Close))
// Shape edge positions.
double minShape = v->min[1];
double maxShape = v->max[1];
// As far as we can see.
double minLimit, maxLimit;
double minLimitMax, maxLimitMin;
v->findFirstPointAboveAndBelow(1, minLimit, maxLimit,
minLimitMax, maxLimitMin);
// Only difference between Open and Close is whether the line
// segments are at the left or right of the shape. Decide here.
double lineX = (e->type == Open) ? v->min[0] : v->max[0];
if (minLimitMax >= maxLimitMin)
LineSegment vertSeg = LineSegment(minLimit, maxLimit, lineX);
if ((minLimitMax > minLimit) && (minLimitMax >= minShape))
LineSegment vertSeg =
LineSegment(minLimit, minLimitMax, lineX);
if ((maxLimitMin < maxLimit) && (maxLimitMin <= maxShape))
LineSegment vertSeg =
LineSegment(maxLimitMin, maxLimit, lineX);
else if (e->type == ConnPoint)
// Connection point.
VertInf *centreVert = e->v->c;
Point& cp = centreVert->point;
// As far as we can see.
double minLimit = v->firstPointAbove(1);
double maxLimit = v->firstPointBelow(1);
bool inShape = v->isInsideShape(1);
if (!inShape || (centreVert->visDirections & ConnDirUp))
segments.insert(LineSegment(minLimit, cp.y, e->pos));
if (!inShape || (centreVert->visDirections & ConnDirDown))
segments.insert(LineSegment(cp.y, maxLimit, e->pos));
if ( ((pass == 3) && (e->type == Close)) ||
((pass == 2) && (e->type == ConnPoint)) )
// Clean up neighbour pointers.
Node *l = v->firstAbove, *r = v->firstBelow;
if (l != NULL)
l->firstBelow = v->firstBelow;
if (r != NULL)
r->firstAbove = v->firstAbove;
if (e->type == ConnPoint)
delete v;
else // if (e->type == Close)
size_t result;
result = scanline.erase(v);
COLA_ASSERT(result == 1);
delete v;
extern void generateStaticOrthogonalVisGraph(Router *router)
const size_t n = router->shapeRefs.size();
const unsigned cpn = router->vertices.connsSize();
// Set up the events for the vertical sweep.
size_t totalEvents = (2 * n) + cpn;
events = new Event*[totalEvents];
unsigned ctr = 0;
ShapeRefList::iterator shRefIt = router->shapeRefs.begin();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++)
ShapeRef *shRef = *shRefIt;
double minX, minY, maxX, maxY;
shRef->polygon().getBoundingRect(&minX, &minY, &maxX, &maxY);
double midX = minX + ((maxX - minX) / 2);
Node *v = new Node(shRef, midX);
events[ctr++] = new Event(Open, v, minY);
events[ctr++] = new Event(Close, v, maxY);
for (VertInf *curr = router->vertices.connsBegin();
curr && (curr != router->vertices.shapesBegin());
curr = curr->lstNext)
Point& point = curr->point;
Node *v = new Node(curr, point.x);
events[ctr++] = new Event(ConnPoint, v, point.y);
qsort((Event*)events, (size_t) totalEvents, sizeof(Event*), compare_events);
// Process the vertical sweep.
// We do multiple passes over sections of the list so we can add relevant
// entries to the scanline that might follow, before process them.
SegmentListWrapper segments;
NodeSet scanline;
double thisPos = (totalEvents > 0) ? events[0]->pos : 0;
unsigned int posStartIndex = 0;
unsigned int posFinishIndex = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i <= totalEvents; ++i)
// If we have finished the current scanline or all events, then we
// process the events on the current scanline in a couple of passes.
if ((i == totalEvents) || (events[i]->pos != thisPos))
posFinishIndex = i;
for (int pass = 2; pass <= 3; ++pass)
for (unsigned j = posStartIndex; j < posFinishIndex; ++j)
processEventVert(router, scanline, segments,
events[j], pass);
if (i == totalEvents)
// We have cleaned up, so we can now break out of loop.
thisPos = events[i]->pos;
posStartIndex = i;
// Do the first sweep event handling -- building the correct
// structure of the scanline.
const int pass = 1;
processEventVert(router, scanline, segments, events[i], pass);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < totalEvents; ++i)
delete events[i];
// Set up the events for the horizontal sweep.
SegmentListWrapper vertSegments;
ctr = 0;
shRefIt = router->shapeRefs.begin();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++)
ShapeRef *shRef = *shRefIt;
double minX, minY, maxX, maxY;
shRef->polygon().getBoundingRect(&minX, &minY, &maxX, &maxY);
double midY = minY + ((maxY - minY) / 2);
Node *v = new Node(shRef, midY);
events[ctr++] = new Event(Open, v, minX);
events[ctr++] = new Event(Close, v, maxX);
for (VertInf *curr = router->vertices.connsBegin();
curr && (curr != router->vertices.shapesBegin());
curr = curr->lstNext)
Point& point = curr->point;
Node *v = new Node(curr, point.y);
events[ctr++] = new Event(ConnPoint, v, point.x);
qsort((Event*)events, (size_t) totalEvents, sizeof(Event*), compare_events);
// Process the horizontal sweep
thisPos = (totalEvents > 0) ? events[0]->pos : 0;
posStartIndex = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i <= totalEvents; ++i)
// If we have finished the current scanline or all events, then we
// process the events on the current scanline in a couple of passes.
if ((i == totalEvents) || (events[i]->pos != thisPos))
posFinishIndex = i;
for (int pass = 2; pass <= 3; ++pass)
for (unsigned j = posStartIndex; j < posFinishIndex; ++j)
processEventHori(router, scanline, vertSegments,
events[j], pass);
// Process the merged line segments.
for (SegmentList::iterator curr = vertSegments.list().begin();
curr != vertSegments.list().end(); ++curr)
intersectSegments(router, segments.list(), *curr);
if (i == totalEvents)
// We have cleaned up, so we can now break out of loop.
thisPos = events[i]->pos;
posStartIndex = i;
// Do the first sweep event handling -- building the correct
// structure of the scanline.
const int pass = 1;
processEventHori(router, scanline, vertSegments, events[i], pass);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < totalEvents; ++i)
delete events[i];
delete [] events;
// Add portions of the horizontal line that are after the final vertical
// position we considered.
for (SegmentList::iterator it = segments.list().begin();
it != segments.list().end(); )
LineSegment& horiLine = *it;
size_t dim = XDIM; // x-dimension
horiLine.generateVisibilityEdgesFromBreakpointSet(router, dim);
it = segments.list().erase(it);
// Path Adjustment code
// Processes sweep events used to determine each horizontal and vertical
// line segment in a connector's channel of visibility.
// Four calls to this function are made at each position by the scanline:
// 1) Handle all Close event processing.
// 2) Remove Close event objects from the scanline.
// 3) Add Open event objects to the scanline.
// 4) Handle all Open event processing.
static void processShiftEvent(Router */*router*/, NodeSet& scanline,
ShiftSegmentList& /*segments*/, Event *e, size_t dim,
unsigned int pass)
Node *v = e->v;
if ( ((pass == 3) && (e->type == Open)) ||
((pass == 3) && (e->type == SegOpen)) )
std::pair<NodeSet::iterator, bool> result = scanline.insert(v);
v->iter = result.first;
NodeSet::iterator it = v->iter;
// Work out neighbours
if (it != scanline.begin())
Node *u = *(--it);
v->firstAbove = u;
u->firstBelow = v;
it = v->iter;
if (++it != scanline.end())
Node *u = *it;
v->firstBelow = u;
u->firstAbove = v;
if ( ((pass == 4) && (e->type == Open)) ||
((pass == 4) && (e->type == SegOpen)) ||
((pass == 1) && (e->type == SegClose)) ||
((pass == 1) && (e->type == Close)) )
if (v->ss)
// As far as we can see.
double minLimit = v->firstObstacleAbove(dim);
double maxLimit = v->firstObstacleBelow(dim);
v->ss->minSpaceLimit =
std::max(minLimit, v->ss->minSpaceLimit);
v->ss->maxSpaceLimit =
std::min(maxLimit, v->ss->maxSpaceLimit);
if ( ((pass == 2) && (e->type == SegClose)) ||
((pass == 2) && (e->type == Close)) )
// Clean up neighbour pointers.
Node *l = v->firstAbove, *r = v->firstBelow;
if (l != NULL)
l->firstBelow = v->firstBelow;
if (r != NULL)
r->firstAbove = v->firstAbove;
size_t result;
result = scanline.erase(v);
COLA_ASSERT(result == 1);
delete v;
static void buildOrthogonalChannelInfo(Router *router,
const size_t dim, ShiftSegmentList& segmentList)
if (router->routingPenalty(segmentPenalty) == 0)
// This code assumes the routes are pretty optimal, so we don't
// do this adjustment if the routes have no segment penalty.
size_t altDim = (dim + 1) % 2;
// For each connector.
for (ConnRefList::const_iterator curr = router->connRefs.begin();
curr != router->connRefs.end(); ++curr)
if ((*curr)->routingType() != ConnType_Orthogonal)
Polygon& displayRoute = (*curr)->displayRoute();
// Determine all line segments that we are interested in shifting.
// We don't consider the first or last segment of a path.
for (size_t i = 1; i < displayRoute.size()-1; ++i)
if (displayRoute.ps[i - 1][dim] == displayRoute.ps[i][dim])
// It's a segment in the dimension we are processing,
size_t indexLow = i - 1;
size_t indexHigh = i;
if (displayRoute.ps[i - 1][altDim] > displayRoute.ps[i][altDim])
indexLow = i;
indexHigh = i - 1;
COLA_ASSERT(displayRoute.at(indexLow)[altDim] <
if ((i == 1) || ((i + 1) == displayRoute.size()))
// The first and last segment of a connector can't be
// shifted. We call them fixed segments. Note: this
// will change if we later allow connection channels.
ShiftSegment(*curr, indexLow, indexHigh, dim));
// The segment probably has space to be shifted.
double minLim = -CHANNEL_MAX;
double maxLim = CHANNEL_MAX;
bool isSBend = false;
double prevPos = displayRoute.ps[i - 2][dim];
double nextPos = displayRoute.ps[i + 1][dim];
if (((prevPos < displayRoute.ps[i][dim]) &&
(nextPos > displayRoute.ps[i][dim]))
((prevPos > displayRoute.ps[i][dim]) &&
(nextPos < displayRoute.ps[i][dim])) )
isSBend = true;
// Determine limits if the s-bend is not due to an
// obstacle. In this case we need to limit the channel
// to the span of the adjoining segments to this one.
if ((prevPos < displayRoute.ps[i][dim]) &&
(nextPos > displayRoute.ps[i][dim]))
minLim = std::max(minLim, prevPos);
maxLim = std::min(maxLim, nextPos);
minLim = std::max(minLim, nextPos);
maxLim = std::min(maxLim, prevPos);
// isCBend: Both adjoining segments are in the same
// direction. We indicate this for later by setting
// the maxLim or minLim to the segment position.
if (prevPos < displayRoute.ps[i][dim])
minLim = displayRoute.ps[i][dim];
maxLim = displayRoute.ps[i][dim];
segmentList.push_back(ShiftSegment(*curr, indexLow,
indexHigh, isSBend, dim, minLim, maxLim));
if (segmentList.empty())
// There are no segments, so we can just return now.
// Do a sweep and shift these segments.
const size_t n = router->shapeRefs.size();
const size_t cpn = segmentList.size();
// Set up the events for the sweep.
size_t totalEvents = 2 * (n + cpn);
events = new Event*[totalEvents];
unsigned ctr = 0;
ShapeRefList::iterator shRefIt = router->shapeRefs.begin();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++)
ShapeRef *shRef = *shRefIt;
Point min, max;
shRef->polygon().getBoundingRect(&min.x, &min.y, &max.x, &max.y);
double mid = min[dim] + ((max[dim] - min[dim]) / 2);
Node *v = new Node(shRef, mid);
events[ctr++] = new Event(Open, v, min[altDim]);
events[ctr++] = new Event(Close, v, max[altDim]);
for (ShiftSegmentList::iterator curr = segmentList.begin();
curr != segmentList.end(); ++curr)
const Point& lowPt = curr->lowPoint();
const Point& highPt = curr->highPoint();
COLA_ASSERT(lowPt[dim] == highPt[dim]);
COLA_ASSERT(lowPt[altDim] < highPt[altDim]);
Node *v = new Node(&(*curr), lowPt[dim]);
events[ctr++] = new Event(SegOpen, v, lowPt[altDim]);
events[ctr++] = new Event(SegClose, v, highPt[altDim]);
qsort((Event*)events, (size_t) totalEvents, sizeof(Event*), compare_events);
// Process the sweep.
// We do multiple passes over sections of the list so we can add relevant
// entries to the scanline that might follow, before process them.
NodeSet scanline;
double thisPos = (totalEvents > 0) ? events[0]->pos : 0;
unsigned int posStartIndex = 0;
unsigned int posFinishIndex = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i <= totalEvents; ++i)
// If we have finished the current scanline or all events, then we
// process the events on the current scanline in a couple of passes.
if ((i == totalEvents) || (events[i]->pos != thisPos))
posFinishIndex = i;
for (int pass = 2; pass <= 4; ++pass)
for (unsigned j = posStartIndex; j < posFinishIndex; ++j)
processShiftEvent(router, scanline, segmentList, events[j],
dim, pass);
if (i == totalEvents)
// We have cleaned up, so we can now break out of loop.
thisPos = events[i]->pos;
posStartIndex = i;
// Do the first sweep event handling -- building the correct
// structure of the scanline.
const int pass = 1;
processShiftEvent(router, scanline, segmentList, events[i],
dim, pass);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < totalEvents; ++i)
delete events[i];
delete [] events;
static void simplifyOrthogonalRoutes(Router *router)
// Simplify routes.
for (ConnRefList::const_iterator curr = router->connRefs.begin();
curr != router->connRefs.end(); ++curr)
if ((*curr)->routingType() != ConnType_Orthogonal)
static void buildOrthogonalNudgingOrderInfo(Router *router,
PtOrderMap& pointOrders)
// Simplify routes.
int crossingsN = 0;
// Do segment splitting.
for (ConnRefList::const_iterator curr = router->connRefs.begin();
curr != router->connRefs.end(); ++curr)
if ((*curr)->routingType() != ConnType_Orthogonal)
ConnRef *conn = *curr;
for (ConnRefList::const_iterator curr2 = router->connRefs.begin();
curr2 != router->connRefs.end(); ++curr2)
if ((*curr2)->routingType() != ConnType_Orthogonal)
ConnRef *conn2 = *curr2;
if (conn == conn2)
Avoid::Polygon& route = conn->displayRoute();
Avoid::Polygon& route2 = conn2->displayRoute();
splitBranchingSegments(route2, true, route);
for (ConnRefList::const_iterator curr = router->connRefs.begin();
curr != router->connRefs.end(); ++curr)
if ((*curr)->routingType() != ConnType_Orthogonal)
ConnRef *conn = *curr;
for (ConnRefList::const_iterator curr2 = curr;
curr2 != router->connRefs.end(); ++curr2)
if ((*curr2)->routingType() != ConnType_Orthogonal)
ConnRef *conn2 = *curr2;
if (conn == conn2)
Avoid::Polygon& route = conn->displayRoute();
Avoid::Polygon& route2 = conn2->displayRoute();
bool checkForBranchingSegments = false;
int crossings = 0;
for (size_t i = 1; i < route.size(); ++i)
const bool finalSegment = ((i + 1) == route.size());
crossings += countRealCrossings(route2, true, route, i,
checkForBranchingSegments, finalSegment, NULL,
&pointOrders, conn2, conn).first;
if (crossings > 0)
crossingsN += crossings;
// Sort the point orders.
PtOrderMap::iterator finish = pointOrders.end();
for (PtOrderMap::iterator it = pointOrders.begin(); it != finish; ++it)
//const VertID& ptID = it->first;
PtOrder& order = it->second;
for (size_t dim = XDIM; dim <= YDIM; ++dim)
class CmpLineOrder
CmpLineOrder(PtOrderMap& ord, const size_t dim)
: orders(ord),
bool operator()(const ShiftSegment& lhs, const ShiftSegment& rhs,
bool *comparable = NULL) const
if (comparable)
*comparable = true;
Point lhsLow = lhs.lowPoint();
Point rhsLow = rhs.lowPoint();
#ifndef NDEBUG
const Point& lhsHigh = lhs.highPoint();
const Point& rhsHigh = rhs.highPoint();
size_t altDim = (dimension + 1) % 2;
COLA_ASSERT(lhsLow[dimension] == lhsHigh[dimension]);
COLA_ASSERT(rhsLow[dimension] == rhsHigh[dimension]);
if (lhsLow[dimension] != rhsLow[dimension])
return lhsLow[dimension] < rhsLow[dimension];
// If one of these is fixed, then determine order based on
// fixed segment, that is, order so the fixed segment doesn't
// block movement.
bool oneIsFixed = false;
const int lhsFixedOrder = lhs.fixedOrder(oneIsFixed);
const int rhsFixedOrder = rhs.fixedOrder(oneIsFixed);
if (oneIsFixed && (lhsFixedOrder != rhsFixedOrder))
return lhsFixedOrder < rhsFixedOrder;
// C-bends that did not have a clear order with s-bends might
// not have a good ordering here, so compare their order in
// terms of C-bend direction and S-bends and use that if it
// differs for the two segments.
const int lhsOrder = lhs.order();
const int rhsOrder = rhs.order();
if (lhsOrder != rhsOrder)
return lhsOrder < rhsOrder;
// Need to index using the original point into the map, so find it.
Point& unchanged = (lhsLow[altDim] > rhsLow[altDim]) ?
lhsLow : rhsLow;
PtOrder& lowOrder = orders[unchanged];
int lhsPos = lowOrder.positionFor(lhs.connRef, dimension);
int rhsPos = lowOrder.positionFor(rhs.connRef, dimension);
if ((lhsPos == -1) || (rhsPos == -1))
// A value for rhsPos or lhsPos mean the points are not directly
// comparable, meaning they are at the same position but cannot
// overlap (they are just collinear. The relative order for
// these segments is not important since we do not constrain
// them against each other.
//COLA_ASSERT(lhs.overlapsWith(rhs, dimension) == false);
// We do need to be consistent though.
if (comparable)
*comparable = false;
return lhsLow[altDim] < rhsLow[altDim];
return lhsPos < rhsPos;
PtOrderMap& orders;
const size_t dimension;
// We can use the normaal sort algorithm for lists since it is not possible
// to comapre all elements, but there will be an ordering defined between
// most of the elements. Hence we order these, using insertion sort, and
// the case of them not being able to be compared is handled by not setting
// up any constraints between such segments when doing the nudging.
static ShiftSegmentList linesort(ShiftSegmentList origList,
CmpLineOrder& comparison)
ShiftSegmentList resultList;
while (!origList.empty())
// Get and remove the first element from the origList.
ShiftSegment segment = origList.front();
// Find the insertion point in the resultList.
ShiftSegmentList::iterator curr;
for (curr = resultList.begin(); curr != resultList.end(); ++curr)
bool comparable = false;
bool lessThan = comparison(segment, *curr, &comparable);
if (comparable && lessThan)
// If it is comparable and lessThan, then we have found the
// insertion point.
// Insert the element into the reultList at the required point.
resultList.insert(curr, segment);
return resultList;
typedef std::list<ShiftSegment *> ShiftSegmentPtrList;
static void nudgeOrthogonalRoutes(Router *router, size_t dimension,
PtOrderMap& pointOrders, ShiftSegmentList& segmentList)
// Do the actual nudging.
ShiftSegmentList currentRegion;
while (!segmentList.empty())
// Take a reference segment
ShiftSegment& currentSegment = segmentList.front();
// Then, find the segments that overlap this one.
for (ShiftSegmentList::iterator curr = segmentList.begin();
curr != segmentList.end(); )
bool overlaps = false;
for (ShiftSegmentList::iterator curr2 = currentRegion.begin();
curr2 != currentRegion.end(); ++curr2)
if (curr->overlapsWith(*curr2, dimension))
overlaps = true;
if (overlaps)
// Consider segments from the beginning, since we mave have
// since passed segments that overlap with the new set.
curr = segmentList.begin();
CmpLineOrder lineSortComp(pointOrders, dimension);
currentRegion = linesort(currentRegion, lineSortComp);
if (currentRegion.size() == 1)
// Save creating the solver instance if there is just one
// immovable segment.
if (!currentRegion.front().sBend)
// Process these segments.
Variables vs;
Constraints cs;
ShiftSegmentPtrList prevVars;
// IDs:
const int freeID = 0;
const int fixedID = 1;
// Weights:
double freeWeight = 0.00001;
double strongWeight = 0.001;
double fixedWeight = 100000;
//printf("Nudge -- size: %d\n", (int) currentRegion.size());
for (ShiftSegmentList::iterator currSegment = currentRegion.begin();
currSegment != currentRegion.end(); ++currSegment)
Point& lowPt = currSegment->lowPoint();
// Create a solver variable for the position of this segment.
int varID = freeID;
double idealPos = lowPt[dimension];
double weight = freeWeight;
if (currSegment->sBend)
COLA_ASSERT(currSegment->minSpaceLimit > -CHANNEL_MAX);
COLA_ASSERT(currSegment->maxSpaceLimit < CHANNEL_MAX);
// For s-bends, take the middle as ideal.
idealPos = currSegment->minSpaceLimit +
((currSegment->maxSpaceLimit -
currSegment->minSpaceLimit) / 2);
else if (currSegment->fixed)
// Fixed segments shouldn't get moved.
weight = fixedWeight;
varID = fixedID;
// Set a higher weight for c-bends to stop them sometimes
// getting pushed out into channels by more-free connectors
// to the "inner" side of them.
weight = strongWeight;
currSegment->variable = new Variable(varID, idealPos, weight);
size_t index = vs.size() - 1;
//printf("line %.15f pos: %g min: %g max: %g\n",
// lowPt[dimension], idealPos, currSegment->minSpaceLimit,
// currSegment->maxSpaceLimit);
// Constrain position in relation to previously seen segments,
// if necessary (i.e. when they could overlap).
for (ShiftSegmentPtrList::iterator prevVarIt = prevVars.begin();
prevVarIt != prevVars.end(); )
ShiftSegment *prevSeg = *prevVarIt;
Variable *prevVar = prevSeg->variable;
if (currSegment->overlapsWith(*prevSeg, dimension) &&
(!(currSegment->fixed) || !(prevSeg->fixed)))
// If there is a previous segment to the left that
// could overlap this in the shift direction, then
// constrain the two segments to be separated.
// Though don't add the constraint if both the
// segments are fixed in place.
cs.push_back(new Constraint(prevVar, vs[index],
prevVarIt = prevVars.erase(prevVarIt);
if (!currSegment->fixed)
// If this segment sees a channel boundary to its left,
// then constrain its placement as such.
if (currSegment->minSpaceLimit > -CHANNEL_MAX)
vs.push_back(new Variable(fixedID,
currSegment->minSpaceLimit, fixedWeight));
cs.push_back(new Constraint(vs[vs.size() - 1], vs[index],
// If this segment sees a channel boundary to its right,
// then constrain its placement as such.
if (currSegment->maxSpaceLimit < CHANNEL_MAX)
vs.push_back(new Variable(fixedID,
currSegment->maxSpaceLimit, fixedWeight));
cs.push_back(new Constraint(vs[index], vs[vs.size() - 1],
#if 0
for(unsigned i=0;i<vs.size();i++) {
IncSolver f(vs,cs);
bool satisfied = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < vs.size(); ++i)
if (vs[i]->id == fixedID)
if (fabs(vs[i]->finalPosition - vs[i]->desiredPosition) > 0.01)
satisfied = false;
if (satisfied)
for (ShiftSegmentList::iterator currSegment = currentRegion.begin();
currSegment != currentRegion.end(); ++currSegment)
Point& lowPt = currSegment->lowPoint();
Point& highPt = currSegment->highPoint();
double newPos = currSegment->variable->finalPosition;
//printf("Pos: %X, %g\n", (int) currSegment->connRef, newPos);
lowPt[dimension] = newPos;
highPt[dimension] = newPos;
#if 0
for(unsigned i=0;i<vs.size();i++) {
extern void improveOrthogonalRoutes(Router *router)
router->timers.Register(tmOrthogNudge, timerStart);
for (size_t dimension = 0; dimension < 2; ++dimension)
// Build nudging info.
// XXX: We need to build the point orders separately in each
// dimension since things move. There is probably a more
// efficient way to do this.
PtOrderMap pointOrders;
buildOrthogonalNudgingOrderInfo(router, pointOrders);
// Simplify routes.
// Do the centring and nudging.
ShiftSegmentList segLists;
buildOrthogonalChannelInfo(router, dimension, segLists);
nudgeOrthogonalRoutes(router, dimension, pointOrders, segLists);