* vim: ts=4 sw=4 et tw=0 wm=0
* libavoid - Fast, Incremental, Object-avoiding Line Router
* Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Monash University
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* See the file LICENSE.LGPL distributed with the library.
* Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in
* accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
* library.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Author(s): Michael Wybrow <mjwybrow@users.sourceforge.net>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <climits>
#include <cmath>
#include "libavoid/vertices.h"
#include "libavoid/makepath.h"
#include "libavoid/geometry.h"
#include "libavoid/connector.h"
#include "libavoid/graph.h"
#include "libavoid/router.h"
#include "libavoid/debug.h"
#include "libavoid/assertions.h"
#include <SDL_gfxPrimitives.h>
namespace Avoid {
class ANode
VertInf* inf;
double g; // Gone
double h; // Heuristic
double f; // Formula f = g + h
int prevIndex; // Index into DONE for the previous ANode.
int timeStamp; // Timestamp used to determine explaration order of
// seemingly equal paths during orthogonal routing.
ANode(VertInf *vinf, int time)
: inf(vinf),
: inf(NULL),
// This returns the opposite result (>) so that when used with stl::make_heap,
// the head node of the heap will be the smallest value, rather than the
// largest. This saves us from having to sort the heap (and then reorder
// it back into a heap) when getting the next node to examine. This way we
// get better complexity -- logarithmic pushs and pops to the heap.
static bool operator<(const ANode &a, const ANode &b)
if (a.f != b.f)
return a.f > b.f;
if (a.timeStamp != b.timeStamp)
// Tiebreaker, if two paths have equal cost, then choose the one with
// the highest timeStamp. This corresponds to the furthest point
// explored along the straight-line path. When exploring we give the
// directions the following timeStamps; left:1, right:2 and forward:3,
// then we always try to explore forward first.
return a.timeStamp < b.timeStamp;
COLA_ASSERT(a.prevIndex != b.prevIndex);
return a.prevIndex > b.prevIndex;
static double Dot(const Point& l, const Point& r)
return (l.x * r.x) + (l.y * r.y);
static double CrossLength(const Point& l, const Point& r)
return (l.x * r.y) - (l.y * r.x);
// Return the angle between the two line segments made by the
// points p1--p2 and p2--p3. Return value is in radians.
static double angleBetween(const Point& p1, const Point& p2, const Point& p3)
if ((p1.x == p2.x && p1.y == p2.y) || (p2.x == p3.x && p2.y == p3.y))
// If two of the points are the same, then we can't say anything
// about the angle between. Treat them as being collinear.
return M_PI;
Point v1(p1.x - p2.x, p1.y - p2.y);
Point v2(p3.x - p2.x, p3.y - p2.y);
return fabs(atan2(CrossLength(v1, v2), Dot(v1, v2)));
// Construct a temporary Polygon path given several VertInf's for a connector.
static void constructPolygonPath(Polygon& connRoute, VertInf *inf2,
VertInf *inf3, std::vector<ANode>& done, int inf1Index)
int routeSize = 2;
for (int curr = inf1Index; curr >= 0; curr = done[curr].prevIndex)
routeSize += 1;
connRoute.ps[routeSize - 1] = inf3->point;
connRoute.ps[routeSize - 2] = inf2->point;
routeSize -= 3;
for (int curr = inf1Index; curr >= 0; curr = done[curr].prevIndex)
connRoute.ps[routeSize] = done[curr].inf->point;
routeSize -= 1;
// Given the two points for a new segment of a path (inf2 & inf3)
// as well as the distance between these points (dist), as well as
// possibly the previous point (inf1) [from inf1--inf2], return a
// cost associated with this route.
static double cost(ConnRef *lineRef, const double dist, VertInf *inf2,
VertInf *inf3, std::vector<ANode>& done, int inf1Index)
VertInf *inf1 = (inf1Index >= 0) ? done[inf1Index].inf : NULL;
double result = dist;
Polygon connRoute;
Router *router = inf2->_router;
if (inf1 != NULL)
const double angle_penalty = router->routingPenalty(anglePenalty);
const double segmt_penalty = router->routingPenalty(segmentPenalty);
// This is not the first segment, so there is a bend
// between it and the last one in the existing path.
if ((angle_penalty > 0) || (segmt_penalty > 0))
Point p1 = inf1->point;
Point p2 = inf2->point;
Point p3 = inf3->point;
double rad = M_PI - angleBetween(p1, p2, p3);
if (rad > 0)
// Make `xval' between 0--10 then take its log so small
// angles are not penalised as much as large ones.
double xval = rad * 10 / M_PI;
double yval = xval * log10(xval + 1) / 10.5;
result += (angle_penalty * yval);
//db_printf("deg from straight: %g\tpenalty: %g\n",
// rad * 180 / M_PI, (angle_penalty * yval));
if (rad == M_PI)
// Needs to double back
result += (2 * segmt_penalty);
else if (rad > 0)
// Only penalise as an extra segment if the two
// segments are not collinear.
result += segmt_penalty;
if (!router->_inCrossingPenaltyReroutingStage)
// Return here if we ar not in the postprocessing stage
return result;
const double cluster_crossing_penalty =
// XXX: Clustered routing doesn't yet work with orthogonal connectors.
if (router->ClusteredRouting && !router->clusterRefs.empty() &&
(cluster_crossing_penalty > 0) &&
(lineRef->routingType() != ConnType_Orthogonal))
if (connRoute.empty())
constructPolygonPath(connRoute, inf2, inf3, done, inf1Index);
// There are clusters so do cluster routing.
for (ClusterRefList::const_iterator cl = router->clusterRefs.begin();
cl != router->clusterRefs.end(); ++cl)
ReferencingPolygon& cBoundary = (*cl)->polygon();
COLA_ASSERT(cBoundary.ps[0] != cBoundary.ps[cBoundary.size() - 1]);
for (size_t j = 0; j < cBoundary.size(); ++j)
// Cluster boundary points should correspond to shape
// vertices and hence already be in the list of vertices.
bool isConn = false;
Polygon dynamic_c_boundary(cBoundary);
Polygon dynamic_conn_route(connRoute);
const bool finalSegment = (inf3 == lineRef->dst());
CrossingsInfoPair crossings = countRealCrossings(
dynamic_c_boundary, isConn, dynamic_conn_route,
connRoute.size() - 1, true, finalSegment);
result += (crossings.first * cluster_crossing_penalty);
const double shared_path_penalty =
if (shared_path_penalty > 0)
// Penalises shared paths, except if the connectors shared an endpoint.
if (connRoute.empty())
constructPolygonPath(connRoute, inf2, inf3, done, inf1Index);
ConnRefList::const_iterator curr, finish = router->connRefs.end();
for (curr = router->connRefs.begin(); curr != finish; ++curr)
ConnRef *connRef = *curr;
if (connRef->id() == lineRef->id())
const Avoid::PolyLine& route2 = connRef->route();
bool isConn = true;
Polygon dynamic_route2(route2);
Polygon dynamic_conn_route(connRoute);
CrossingsInfoPair crossings = countRealCrossings(
dynamic_route2, isConn, dynamic_conn_route,
connRoute.size() - 1, false, false, NULL, NULL,
connRef, lineRef);
if ((crossings.second & CROSSING_SHARES_PATH) &&
(crossings.second & CROSSING_SHARES_FIXED_SEGMENT) &&
!(crossings.second & CROSSING_SHARES_PATH_AT_END))
// Penalise unecessary shared paths in the middle of
// connectors.
result += shared_path_penalty;
const double crossing_penalty = router->routingPenalty(crossingPenalty);
if (lineRef->doesHateCrossings() && (crossing_penalty > 0))
if (connRoute.empty())
constructPolygonPath(connRoute, inf2, inf3, done, inf1Index);
ConnRefList::const_iterator curr, finish = router->connRefs.end();
for (curr = router->connRefs.begin(); curr != finish; ++curr)
ConnRef *connRef = *curr;
if (connRef->id() == lineRef->id())
const Avoid::PolyLine& route2 = connRef->route();
bool isConn = true;
Polygon dynamic_route2(route2);
Polygon dynamic_conn_route(connRoute);
CrossingsInfoPair crossings = countRealCrossings(
dynamic_route2, isConn, dynamic_conn_route,
connRoute.size() - 1, true);
result += (crossings.first * crossing_penalty);
return result;
static double estimatedCost(ConnRef *lineRef, const Point *last,
const Point& a, const Point& b)
if (lineRef->routingType() == ConnType_PolyLine)
return euclideanDist(a, b);
else // Orthogonal
// XXX: This currently just takes into account the compulsory
// bend but will have to be updated when port direction
// information is available.
int num_penalties = 0;
double xmove = b.x - a.x;
double ymove = b.y - a.y;
if (!last)
// Just two points.
if ((xmove != 0) && (ymove != 0))
num_penalties += 1;
// We have three points, so we know the direction of the
// previous segment.
double rad = M_PI - angleBetween(*last, a, b);
if (rad > (M_PI / 2))
// Target point is back in the direction of the first point,
// so at least two bends are required.
num_penalties += 2;
else if (rad > 0)
// To the side, so at least one bend.
num_penalties += 1;
double penalty = num_penalties *
return manhattanDist(a, b) + penalty;
class CmpVisEdgeRotation
CmpVisEdgeRotation(const VertInf* lastPt)
: _lastPt(lastPt)
bool operator() (const EdgeInf* u, const EdgeInf* v) const
return u->rotationLessThan(_lastPt, v);
const VertInf *_lastPt;
// Returns the best path from src to tar using the cost function.
// The path is worked out using the aStar algorithm, and is encoded via
// prevIndex values for each ANode which point back to the previous ANode's
// position in the DONE vector. At completion, this order is written into
// the pathNext links in each of the VerInfs along the path.
// The aStar STL code is based on public domain code available on the
// internet.
static void aStarPath(ConnRef *lineRef, VertInf *src, VertInf *tar,
VertInf *start)
bool isOrthogonal = (lineRef->routingType() == ConnType_Orthogonal);
double (*dist)(const Point& a, const Point& b) =
(isOrthogonal) ? manhattanDist : euclideanDist;
std::vector<ANode> PENDING; // STL Vectors chosen because of rapid
std::vector<ANode> DONE; // insertions/deletions at back,
ANode Node, BestNode; // Temporary Node and BestNode
bool bNodeFound = false; // Flag if node is found in container
int timestamp = 1;
if (start == NULL)
start = src;
Router *router = lineRef->router();
if (router->RubberBandRouting && (start != src))
COLA_ASSERT(router->IgnoreRegions == true);
const PolyLine& currRoute = lineRef->route();
VertInf *last = NULL;
int rIndx = 0;
while (last != start)
const Point& pnt = currRoute.at(rIndx);
bool isShape = (rIndx > 0);
VertID vID(pnt.id, isShape, pnt.vn);
db_printf("/// %d %d %d\n", pnt.id, (int) isShape, pnt.vn);
VertInf *curr = router->vertices.getVertexByID(vID);
Node = ANode(curr, timestamp++);
if (!last)
Node.g = 0;
Node.h = estimatedCost(lineRef, NULL, Node.inf->point,
Node.f = Node.g + Node.h;
double edgeDist = dist(BestNode.inf->point, curr->point);
Node.g = BestNode.g + cost(lineRef, edgeDist, BestNode.inf,
Node.inf, DONE, BestNode.prevIndex);
// Calculate the Heuristic.
Node.h = estimatedCost(lineRef, &(BestNode.inf->point),
Node.inf->point, tar->point);
// The A* formula
Node.f = Node.g + Node.h;
// Point parent to last BestNode (pushed onto DONE)
Node.prevIndex = DONE.size() - 1;
if (curr != start)
BestNode = Node;
last = curr;
// Create the start node
Node = ANode(src, timestamp++);
Node.g = 0;
Node.h = estimatedCost(lineRef, NULL, Node.inf->point, tar->point);
Node.f = Node.g + Node.h;
// Set a null parent, so cost function knows this is the first segment.
// Populate the PENDING container with the first location
tar->pathNext = NULL;
// Create a heap from PENDING for sorting
using std::make_heap; using std::push_heap; using std::pop_heap;
make_heap( PENDING.begin(), PENDING.end() );
while (!PENDING.empty())
// Set the Node with lowest f value to BESTNODE.
// Since the ANode operator< is reversed, the head of the
// heap is the node with the lowest f value.
BestNode = PENDING.front();
// Pop off the heap. Actually this moves the
// far left value to the far right. The node
// is not actually removed since the pop is to
// the heap and not the container.
pop_heap(PENDING.begin(), PENDING.end());
// Remove node from right (the value we pop_heap'd)
// Push the BestNode onto DONE
VertInf *prevInf = (BestNode.prevIndex >= 0) ?
DONE[BestNode.prevIndex].inf : NULL;
#if 0
db_printf("Considering... ");
db_printf(" %g %g ", BestNode.inf->point.x, BestNode.inf->point.y);
db_printf(" - g: %3.1f h: %3.1f back: ", BestNode.g, BestNode.h);
if (prevInf)
db_printf(" %g %g", prevInf->point.x, prevInf->point.y);
#if defined(ASTAR_DEBUG)
if (router->avoid_screen)
int canx = 151;
int cany = 55;
int radius = 5;
ANode curr;
for (curr = BestNode; curr.prevIndex >= 0;
curr = DONE[curr.prevIndex])
(int) curr.inf->point.x + canx,
(int) curr.inf->point.y + cany,
radius, 0, 0, 255, 128);
(int) BestNode.inf->point.x + canx,
(int) BestNode.inf->point.y + cany,
radius, 255, 0, 0, 255);
(int) BestNode.inf->point.x + canx,
(int) BestNode.inf->point.y + cany,
radius, 255, 255, 255, 255);
(int) BestNode.inf->point.x + canx,
(int) BestNode.inf->point.y + cany,
radius, 0, 255, 0, 128);
for (curr = BestNode; curr.prevIndex >= 0;
curr = DONE[curr.prevIndex])
(int) curr.inf->point.x + canx,
(int) curr.inf->point.y + cany,
radius, 255, 255, 255, 255);
(int) curr.inf->point.x + canx,
(int) curr.inf->point.y + cany,
radius, 0, 255, 0, 128);
// If at destination, break and create path below
if (BestNode.inf == tar)
db_printf("Cost: %g\n", BestNode.f);
//bPathFound = true; // arrived at destination...
// Correct all the pathNext pointers.
ANode curr;
int currIndex = DONE.size() - 1;
for (curr = BestNode; curr.prevIndex > 0;
curr = DONE[curr.prevIndex])
COLA_ASSERT(curr.prevIndex < currIndex);
curr.inf->pathNext = DONE[curr.prevIndex].inf;
currIndex = curr.prevIndex;
// Check that we've gone through the complete path.
COLA_ASSERT(curr.prevIndex == 0);
// Fill in the final pathNext pointer.
curr.inf->pathNext = DONE[curr.prevIndex].inf;
// Check adjacent points in graph
EdgeInfList& visList = (!isOrthogonal) ?
BestNode.inf->visList : BestNode.inf->orthogVisList;
if (isOrthogonal)
// We would like to explore in a structured way,
// so sort the points in the visList...
CmpVisEdgeRotation compare(prevInf);
EdgeInfList::const_iterator finish = visList.end();
for (EdgeInfList::const_iterator edge = visList.begin();
edge != finish; ++edge)
Node = ANode((*edge)->otherVert(BestNode.inf), timestamp++);
// Set the index to the previous ANode that we reached
// this ANode through (the last BestNode pushed onto DONE).
Node.prevIndex = DONE.size() - 1;
// Only check shape verticies, or the tar endpoint.
if (!(Node.inf->id.isShape) && (Node.inf != tar))
VertInf *prevInf = (BestNode.prevIndex >= 0) ?
DONE[BestNode.prevIndex].inf : NULL;
// Don't bother looking at the segment we just arrived along.
if (prevInf && (prevInf == Node.inf))
double edgeDist = (*edge)->getDist();
if (edgeDist == 0)
if (!router->_orthogonalRouting &&
(!router->RubberBandRouting || (start == src)) &&
(validateBendPoint(prevInf, BestNode.inf, Node.inf) == false))
// The bendpoint is not valid, i.e., is a zigzag corner, so...
// For RubberBand routing we want to allow these routes and
// unwind them later, otherwise instead or unwinding, paths
// can go the *really* long way round.
Node.g = BestNode.g + cost(lineRef, edgeDist, BestNode.inf,
Node.inf, DONE, BestNode.prevIndex);
// Calculate the Heuristic.
Node.h = estimatedCost(lineRef, &(BestNode.inf->point),
Node.inf->point, tar->point);
// The A* formula
Node.f = Node.g + Node.h;
#if 0
db_printf("-- Adding: %g %g ", Node.inf->point.x,
db_printf(" - g: %3.1f h: %3.1f \n", Node.g, Node.h);
bNodeFound = false;
// Check to see if already on PENDING
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PENDING.size(); i++)
ANode& ati = PENDING.at(i);
if ((Node.inf == ati.inf) &&
(DONE[Node.prevIndex].inf == DONE[ati.prevIndex].inf))
// If already on PENDING
if (Node.g < ati.g)
PENDING[i] = Node;
make_heap( PENDING.begin(), PENDING.end() );
bNodeFound = true;
if (!bNodeFound ) // If Node NOT found on PENDING
// Check to see if already on DONE
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < DONE.size(); i++)
ANode& ati = DONE.at(i);
if ((Node.inf == ati.inf) &&
(DONE[Node.prevIndex].inf == DONE[ati.prevIndex].inf))
// If on DONE, Which has lower gone?
if (Node.g < ati.g)
DONE[i] = Node;
bNodeFound = true;
if (!bNodeFound ) // If Node NOT found on PENDING or DONE
// Push NewNode onto PENDING
// Push NewNode onto heap
push_heap( PENDING.begin(), PENDING.end() );
#if 0
using std::cout; using std::endl;
// Display PENDING and DONE containers (For Debugging)
cout << "PENDING: ";
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PENDING.size(); i++)
cout << PENDING.at(i).g << "," << PENDING.at(i).h << ",";
cout << PENDING.at(i).inf << "," << PENDING.at(i).pp << " ";
cout << endl;
cout << "DONE: ";
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < DONE.size(); i++)
cout << DONE.at(i).g << "," << DONE.at(i).h << ",";
cout << DONE.at(i).inf << "," << DONE.at(i).pp << " ";
cout << endl << endl;
// Returns the best path for the connector referred to by lineRef.
// The path encoded in the pathNext links in each of the VertInfs
// backwards along the path, from the tar back to the source.
void makePath(ConnRef *lineRef, bool *flag)
bool isOrthogonal = (lineRef->routingType() == ConnType_Orthogonal);
Router *router = lineRef->router();
VertInf *src = lineRef->src();
VertInf *tar = lineRef->dst();
VertInf *start = lineRef->start();
// TODO: Could be more efficient here.
if (isOrthogonal)
aStarPath(lineRef, src, tar, start);
else // if (!isOrthogonal)
EdgeInf *directEdge = EdgeInf::existingEdge(src, tar);
// If the connector hates crossings or there are clusters present,
// then we want to examine direct paths:
bool examineDirectPath = lineRef->doesHateCrossings() ||
if ((start == src) && directEdge && (directEdge->getDist() > 0) &&
tar->pathNext = src;
aStarPath(lineRef, src, tar, start);
#if 0
for (VertInf *t = vertices.connsBegin(); t != vertices.end();
t = t->lstNext)
db_printf(" -> ");