* vim: ts=4 sw=4 et tw=0 wm=0
* libavoid - Fast, Incremental, Object-avoiding Line Router
* Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Monash University
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* See the file LICENSE.LGPL distributed with the library.
* Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in
* accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
* library.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Author(s): Michael Wybrow <mjwybrow@users.sourceforge.net>
#include <cstring>
#include <cfloat>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "libavoid/connector.h"
#include "libavoid/makepath.h"
#include "libavoid/visibility.h"
#include "libavoid/assertions.h"
namespace Avoid {
: _directions(visDirs),
if (_shapeRef)
// We want to place connection points on the edges of shapes,
// or possibly slightly inside them (if _insideOfset is set).
if (_xPosition == ATTACH_POS_LEFT)
else if (_xPosition == ATTACH_POS_RIGHT)
if (_yPosition == ATTACH_POS_TOP)
else if (_yPosition == ATTACH_POS_BOTTOM)
return point;
return _point;
if (_shapeRef)
if (_directions == ConnDirNone)
// None is set, use the defaults:
if (_xPosition == ATTACH_POS_LEFT)
else if (_xPosition == ATTACH_POS_RIGHT)
if (_yPosition == ATTACH_POS_TOP)
else if (_yPosition == ATTACH_POS_BOTTOM)
if (visDir == ConnDirNone)
visDir = ConnDirAll;
return visDir;
return _directions;
// TODO: Store endpoints and details.
const unsigned int id)
bool isShape = false;
_initialised = true;
if (_srcVert)
delete _srcVert;
if (_dstVert)
delete _dstVert;
return _type;
// type,point.id,point.vn,point.x,point.y);
if (!_initialised)
_initialised = true;
// VertInf *partner = NULL;
bool isShape = false;
if (_srcVert)
// partner = _dstVert;
else // if (type == (unsigned int) VertID::tar)
if (_dstVert)
// partner = _srcVert;
// XXX: Seems to be faster to just remove the edges and recreate
bool isConn = true;
if (_router->_polyLineRouting)
bool knownNew = true;
bool genContains = true;
return false;
if (pointSuggestion)
return false;
// Give this visibility just to the point it is over.
// XXX: We should be able to set this to zero, but can't due to
// assumptions elsewhere in the code.
return true;
else // if (type == (unsigned int) VertID::dst)
return _srcId;
return _dstId;
// Add to connRefs list.
_active = true;
if (_active) {
// Remove from connRefs list.
_active = false;
return _route;
return _route;
if (&_display_route == &route)
db_printf("Error:\tTrying to update libavoid route with itself.\n");
if (_display_route.empty())
// No displayRoute is set. Simplify the current route to get it.
return _display_route;
_route_dist = 0;
return _needs_repaint;
return _id;
return _srcVert;
return _dstVert;
return _startVert;
return _initialised;
_initialised = false;
if (_srcVert) {
if (_dstVert) {
_connector = ptr;
if (_callback)
_needs_reroute_flag = true;
return _router;
// XXX Code to determine when connectors really need to be rerouted
// does not yet work for orthogonal connectors.
if (_type != ConnType_Orthogonal)
if (!_false_path && !_needs_reroute_flag)
// This connector is up to date.
return false;
return result;
// Validates a bend point on a path to check it does not form a zigzag corner.
// a, b, c are consecutive points on the path. d and e are b's neighbours,
// forming the shape corner d-b-e.
bool bendOkay = true;
// Not a bendpoint, i.e., the end of the connector, so don't test.
return bendOkay;
if ((a == b) || (b == c))
return bendOkay;
db_printf("a=(%g, %g)\n", a.x, a.y);
db_printf("b=(%g, %g)\n", b.x, b.y);
db_printf("c=(%g, %g)\n", c.x, c.y);
db_printf("d=(%g, %g)\n", d.x, d.y);
db_printf("e=(%g, %g)\n", e.x, e.y);
// Check angle:
if (abc == 0)
// The three consecutive point on the path are in a line.
// Thus, there should always be an equally short path that
// skips this bend point.
bendOkay = false;
else // (abc != 0)
COLA_ASSERT(vecDir(d, b, e) > 0);
db_printf("&& (abe == %d) && (abd == %d) &&\n(bce == %d) && (bcd == %d)",
bendOkay = false;
if (abe > 0)
bendOkay = true;
else if (abd < 0)
bendOkay = true;
return bendOkay;
if (!_false_path && !_needs_reroute_flag)
// This connector is up to date.
return false;
// Connector is not fully initialised..
return false;
//COLA_ASSERT(_srcVert->point != _dstVert->point);
_false_path = false;
_needs_reroute_flag = false;
if (_router->RubberBandRouting)
COLA_ASSERT(existingPathStart != 0);
bool isShape = true;
//db_printf("src: %X strt: %X dst: %x\n", (int) _srcVert, (int) _startVert, (int) _dstVert);
bool found = false;
while (!found)
if (i == _srcVert)
found = true;
if (!found)
if (existingPathStart == 0)
else if (_router->RubberBandRouting)
// found.
bool unwind = false;
unwind = true;
if (unwind)
db_printf("BACK II\n");
if (existingPathStart == 0)
found = false;
bool result = true;
if (i == NULL)
db_printf("Warning: Path not found...\n");
pathlen = 2;
// TODO: Could we know this edge already?
// Check we don't have an apparent infinite connector path.
//#ifdef PATHDEBUG
int j = pathlen - 1;
// TODO: Again, we could know this edge without searching.
_false_path = true;
// Check for consecutive points on opposite
// corners of two touching shapes.
// Use topbit to differentiate between start and end point of connector.
// They need unique IDs for nudging.
// Would clear visibility for endpoints here if required.
db_printf("Output route:\n");
return result;
return _hateCrossings;
// Free the PointRep lists.
delete doomed;
if (this == target)
return true;
return true;
return false;
int position = 0;
return position;
// Not found.
return -1;
//printf("addPoints(%d, [%g, %g]-%X, [%g, %g]-%X)\n", dim,
// inner->x, inner->y, (int) inner, outer->x, outer->y, (int) outer);
// TODO COLA_ASSERT(innerPtr->inner_set.find(outerPtr) == innerPtr->inner_set.end());
if (cycle)
// Must reverse to avoid a cycle.
return cycle;
// Assuming that addPoints has been called for each pair of points in the
// shared path at that corner, then the contents of inner_set can be used
// to determine the correct ordering.
//COLA_ASSERT(r1less != r2less);
// Returns a vertex number representing a point on the line between
// two shape corners, represented by p0 and p1.
if (c.vn != kUnassignedVertexNumber)
// The split point is a shape corner, so doesn't need its
// vertex number adjusting.
return c.vn;
// The point next to this has the correct nudging direction,
// so use that.
// The point next to this has the correct nudging direction,
// so use that.
// Splitting between two ordinary shape corners.
return vn_mid + 4;
return 6;
return 4;
return 7;
return 5;
return 6;
return 4;
return 7;
return 5;
// Shouldn't both be new (kUnassignedVertexNumber) points.
db_printf("midVertexNumber(): p0.vn and p1.vn both = "
return kUnassignedVertexNumber;
// Break up overlapping parallel segments that are not the same edge in
// the visibility graph, i.e., where one segment is a subsegment of another.
// Skip the first point.
// There are points-1 segments in a connector.
// Skip the first point.
// There are points-1 segments in a connector.
// Check the first point of the first segment.
//db_printf("add to poly %g %g\n", c0.x, c0.y);
// And the second point of every segment.
//db_printf("add to poly %g %g\n", c1.x, c1.y);
// Check the first point of the first segment.
//db_printf("add to conn %g %g\n", p0.x, p0.y);
// And the second point of every segment.
//db_printf("add to conn %g %g\n", p1.x, p1.y);
result = -1;
result = -1;
return result;
// Works out if the segment conn[cIndex-1]--conn[cIndex] really crosses poly.
// This does not not count non-crossing shared paths as crossings.
// poly can be either a connector (polyIsConn = true) or a cluster
// boundary (polyIsConn = false).
bool checkForBranchingSegments, const bool finalSegment,
// XXX When doing the pointOnLine test we allow the points to be
// slightly non-collinear. This addresses a problem with clustered
// routing where connectors could otherwise route cheaply through
// shape corners that were not quite on the cluster boundary, but
// reported to be on there by the line segment intersection code,
// which I suspect is not numerically accurate enough. This occured
// for points that only differed by about 10^-12 in the y-dimension.
// cIndex is going to be the last, so take into account added points.
bool polyIsOrthogonal = (polyConnRef &&
int crossingCount = 0;
//db_printf("a1: %g %g\n", a1.x, a1.y);
//db_printf("a2: %g %g\n", a2.x, a2.y);
//db_printf("b1: %g %g\n", b1.x, b1.y);
//db_printf("b2: %g %g\n", b2.x, b2.y);
bool converging = false;
if (finalSegment)
converging = true;
// Route along same segment: no penalty. We detect
// crossovers when we see the segments diverge.
// Each crossing that is at a vertex in the
// visibility graph gets noticed four times.
// We ignore three of these cases.
// This also catches the case of a shared path,
// but this is one that terminates at a common
// endpoint, so we don't care about it.
if (a1_eq_b1 || converging)
if (!converging)
if (polyIsConn && (j == 1))
// Can't be the end of a shared path or crossing path
// since the common point is the first point of the
// connector path. This is not a shared path at all.
// The segments share an endpoint -- a1==b1.
// a2 is not a split, continue.
// If here and not converging, then we know that a2 != b2
// And a2 and its pair in b are a split.
bool shared_path = false;
// Initial values here don't matter. They are only used after
// being set to sensible values, but we set them to stop a MSVC
// warning.
bool p_dir_back;
int p_dir = 0;
int trace_c = 0;
int trace_p = 0;
if (converging)
// Determine direction we have to look through
// the points of connector b.
p_dir_back = a2_eq_b2 ? true : false;
trace_p = (int) j;
if (!p_dir_back)
if (finalSegment)
shared_path = true;
else if (cIndex >= 2)
//db_printf("a0: %g %g\n", a0.x, a0.y);
//db_printf("b0: %g %g\n", b0.x, b0.y);
// Determine direction we have to look through
// the points of connector b.
shared_path = true;
if (shared_path)
// Shouldn't be here if p_dir is still equal to zero.
COLA_ASSERT(p_dir != 0);
// Build the shared path, including the diverging points at
// each end if the connector does not end at a common point.
while ( (trace_c >= 0) && (!polyIsConn ||
// If poly is a cluster boundary, then it is a closed
// poly-line and so it wraps arounds.
// Points don't match, so break out of loop.
// Are there diverging points at the ends of the shared path.
// Check to see if these share a fixed segment.
if (polyIsOrthogonal && connIsOrthogonal)
// Vertical
// See if this is inline with either the start
// or end point of both connectors.
// Horizontal
// See if this is inline with either the start
// or end point of both connectors.
if (!front_same)
// If there is a divergence at the beginning,
// then order the shared path based on this.
if (!back_same)
// If there is a divergence at the end of the path,
// then order the shared path based on this.
if (front_same)
if (front_same || back_same)
else if (polyIsOrthogonal && connIsOrthogonal)
// The start segments diverge at 180 degrees to each
// other. So order based on not introducing overlap
// of the diverging segments when these are nudged
// apart.
startCornerSide = -cStartDir *
// The end segments diverge at 180 degrees to
// each other. So order based on not introducing
// overlap of the diverging segments when these
// are nudged apart.
#if 0
prevTurnDir = 0;
if (pointOrders)
// Return the ordering for the shared path.
*c_path[i + 1]) : 0;
(currTurnDir != 0) && (prevTurnDir != 0) )
// The connector turns the opposite way around
// this shape as the previous bend on the path,
// so reverse the order so that the inner path
// become the outer path and vice versa.
if (orderSwapped)
// Reverse the order for later points.
if (pointOrders)
bool reversed = false;
// Orthogonal should always have at least one segment.
if (startCornerSide > 0)
int prevDir = 0;
// Return the ordering for the shared path.
if (i > startPt)
//printf("prevOri %d\n", prevOrientation);
//printf("1: %X, %X\n", (int) &(bn), (int) &(an));
if (orderSwapped)
// Reverse the order for later points.
//printf("2: %X, %X\n", (int) &bp, (int) &ap);
#if 0
int ymod = -1;
// bottom.
ymod = +1;
int xmod = -1;
// right.
xmod = +1;
// right.
xmod = +1;
// bottom.
ymod = +1;
// left.
xmod = -1;
// top.
ymod = -1;
if (endCornerSide != startCornerSide)
// Mark that the shared path crosses.
//db_printf("shared path crosses.\n");
crossingCount += 1;
if (crossingPoints)
else if (cIndex >= 2)
// The connectors cross or touch at this point.
//db_printf("Cross or touch at point... \n");
// Crossing shouldn't be at an endpoint.
// The connectors cross at this point.
crossingCount += 1;
if (crossingPoints)
if (pointOrders)
if (polyIsOrthogonal && connIsOrthogonal)
// Orthogonal case:
// Just order based on which comes from the left and
// top in each dimension because this can only be two
// L-shaped segments touching at the bend.
// XXX: Why do we need to invert the reversed values
// here? Are they wrong for orthogonal points
// in the other places?
{ /// \todo FIXME: this whole branch was not doing anything
int turnDirA = vecDir(a0, a1, a2);
int turnDirB = vecDir(b0, b1, b2);
bool reversed = (side1 != -turnDirA);
if (side1 != side2)
// Interesting case where a connector routes round
// the edge of a shape and intersects a connector
// which is connected to a port on the edge of the
// shape.
if (turnDirA == 0)
// We'll make B the outer by preference,
// because the points of A are collinear.
reversed = false;
else if (turnDirB == 0)
reversed = true;
// TODO COLA_ASSERT((turnDirB != 0) ||
// (turnDirA != 0));
VertID vID(b1.id, true, b1.vn);
//(*pointOrders)[b1].addPoints(&b1, &a1, reversed);
if ( polyIsOrthogonal && connIsOrthogonal)
// All crossings in orthogonal connectors will be at a
// vertex in the visibility graph, so we need not bother
// doing normal line intersection.
// No endpoint is shared between these two line segments,
// so just calculate normal segment intersection.
if (!polyIsConn &&
// XXX: This shouldn't actually happen, because these
// points should be added as bends to each line by
// splitBranchingSegments(). Thus, lets ignore them.
//db_printf("crossing lines:\n");
//db_printf("cPt: %g %g\n", cPt.x, cPt.y);
crossingCount += 1;
if (crossingPoints)
//db_printf("crossingcount %d\n", crossingCount);