## Makefile.am fragment sourced by src/Makefile.am.
helper/unit-menu.$(OBJEXT): helper/sp-marshal.h
ink_common_sources += \
helper/action.cpp \
helper/action.h \
helper/action-context.cpp \
helper/action-context.h \
helper/geom.cpp \
helper/geom.h \
helper/geom-curves.h \
helper/geom-nodetype.cpp \
helper/geom-nodetype.h \
helper/geom-pathstroke.cpp \
helper/geom-pathstroke.h \
helper/gnome-utils.cpp \
helper/gnome-utils.h \
helper/mathfns.h \
helper/png-write.cpp \
helper/png-write.h \
helper/sp-marshal.cpp \
helper/sp-marshal.h \
helper/window.cpp \
helper/window.h \
helper/stock-items.cpp \
# cmp exits with status 0 when there are no differences. "if" executes the commands
# after "then" when the exit status of the if command is 0 (this is crazy).
helper/sp-marshal.h: helper/sp-marshal.list
glib-genmarshal --prefix=sp_marshal --header $(srcdir)/helper/sp-marshal.list > helper/tmp.sp-marshal.h
if cmp -s helper/sp-marshal.h helper/tmp.sp-marshal.h; \
then rm helper/tmp.sp-marshal.h; \
else mv helper/tmp.sp-marshal.h helper/sp-marshal.h; fi
helper/sp-marshal.cpp: helper/sp-marshal.list helper/sp-marshal.h
( echo '#include "helper/sp-marshal.h"' && \
glib-genmarshal --prefix=sp_marshal --body $(srcdir)/helper/sp-marshal.list ) \
> helper/tmp.sp-marshal.cpp; \
if cmp -s helper/sp-marshal.cpp helper/tmp.sp-marshal.cpp; \
then rm helper/tmp.sp-marshal.cpp; \
else mv helper/tmp.sp-marshal.cpp helper/sp-marshal.cpp; fi
helper/sp-marshal.cpp helper/sp-marshal.h: helper/sp-marshal.list