* Inkscape::GC::Finalized - mixin for GC-managed objects with non-trivial
* destructors
* Copyright 2004 MenTaLguY <mental@rydia.net>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* See the file COPYING for details.
#include <new>
#include <cstddef>
#include "inkgc/gc-core.h"
namespace Inkscape {
namespace GC {
/* @brief A mix-in ensuring that an object's destructor will get called before
* the garbage collector destroys it
* Normally, the garbage collector does not call destructors before destroying
* an object. On construction, this "mix-in" will register a finalizer
* function to call destructors before derived objects are destroyed.
* This works pretty well, with the following caveats:
* 1. The garbage collector uses strictly topologically-ordered
* finalization; if objects with finalizers reference each other
* directly or indirectly, the collector will refuse to finalize (and
* therefor free) them. You'll see a warning on the console if this
* happens.
* The best way to limit this effect is to only make "leaf" objects
* (i.e. those that don't point to other finalizable objects)
* finalizable, and otherwise use GC::soft_ptr<> instead of a regular
* pointer for "backreferences" (e.g. parent pointers in a tree
* structure), so that those references can be cleared to break any
* finalization cycles.
* @see Inkscape::GC::soft_ptr<>
* 2. Because there is no guarantee when the collector will destroy
* objects, it is impossible to tell in advance when the destructor
* will get called. It may not get called until the very end
* of the program, or ever.
* 3. If allocated in arrays, only the first object in the array will
* have its destructor called, unless you make other arrangements by
* registering your own finalizer instead.
* 4. Similarly, putting a finalized object as a member in another
* garbage collected but non-finalized object will cause the member
* object's destructor not to be called when the parent object is
* collected, unless you register the finalizer yourself (by "member"
* we mean an actual by-value member, not a reference or a pointer).
class Finalized {
Finalized() {
void *base=Core::base(this);
if (base) { // only if we are managed by the collector
CleanupFunc old_cleanup;
void *old_data;
// the finalization callback needs to know the value of 'this'
// to call the destructor, but registering a real pointer to
// ourselves would pin us forever and prevent us from being
// finalized; instead we use an offset-from-base-address
Core::register_finalizer_ignore_self(base, _invoke_dtor,
_offset(base, this),
&old_cleanup, &old_data);
if (old_cleanup) {
// If there was already a finalizer registered for our
// base address, there are two main possibilities:
// 1. one of our members is also a GC::Finalized and had
// already registered a finalizer -- keep ours, since
// it will call that member's destructor, too
// 2. someone else registered a finalizer and we will have
// to trust that they will call the destructor -- put
// the existing finalizer back
// It's also possible that a member's constructor was called
// after ours (e.g. via placement new). Don't do that.
if ( old_cleanup != _invoke_dtor ) {
old_cleanup, old_data,
virtual ~Finalized() {
// make sure the destructor won't get invoked twice
/// invoke the destructor for an object given a base and offset pair
static void _invoke_dtor(void *base, void *offset);
/// turn 'this' pointer into an offset-from-base-address (stored as void *)
static void *_offset(void *base, Finalized *self) {
return reinterpret_cast<void *>(
reinterpret_cast<char *>(self) - reinterpret_cast<char *>(base)
/// reconstitute 'this' given an offset-from-base-address in a void *
static Finalized *_unoffset(void *base, void *offset) {
return reinterpret_cast<Finalized *>(
reinterpret_cast<char *>(base) +
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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