@file text_reassemble.h libTERE headers.
See text_reassemble.c for notes
File: text_reassemble.h
Version: 0.0.13
Date: 06-FEB-2014
Author: David Mathog, Biology Division, Caltech
email: mathog@caltech.edu
Copyright: 2014 David Mathog and California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h>
#include <ft2build.h>
#include <iconv.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#include FT_GLYPH_H
/** \cond */
#define TEREMIN(A,B) (A < B ? A : B)
#define TEREMAX(A,B) (A > B ? A : B)
#ifndef M_PI
# define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 /* pi */
#define ALLOCOUT_CHUNK 8192
#define TRPRINT trinfo_append_out
/** \endcond */
/** \defgroup color background options
Text is underwritten with the background color not at all,
by reassembled line, or by full assembly .
#define BKCLR_NONE 0x00 /**< text is not underwritten with background color (default) */
#define BKCLR_FRAG 0x01 /**< each fragment of text is underwritten with background color */
#define BKCLR_LINE 0x02 /**< each line of text is underwritten with background color */
#define BKCLR_ALL 0x03 /**< entire assembly is underwritten with background color */
/** @} */
/** \defgroup decoration options
One of these values may be present in the decoration field.
Unused bits may be used by end user code.
These values are SVG specific. Other applications could use the text
decoration field for a different set of bits, so long as it provided its own
output function.
#define TXTDECOR_NONE 0x000 /**< text is not decorated (default) */
#define TXTDECOR_UNDER 0x001 /**< underlined */
#define TXTDECOR_OVER 0x002 /**< overlined */
#define TXTDECOR_BLINK 0x004 /**< blinking text */
#define TXTDECOR_STRIKE 0x008 /**< strike through */
#define TXTDECOR_TMASK 0x00F /**< Mask for selecting bits above */
#define TXTDECOR_SOLID 0x000 /**< draw as single solid line */
#define TXTDECOR_DOUBLE 0x010 /**< draw as double solid line */
#define TXTDECOR_DOTTED 0x020 /**< draw as single dotted line */
#define TXTDECOR_DASHED 0x040 /**< draw as single dashed line */
#define TXTDECOR_WAVY 0x080 /**< draw as single wavy line */
#define TXTDECOR_LMASK 0x0F0 /**< Mask for selecting these bits */
#define TXTDECOR_CLRSET 0x100 /**< decoration has its own color */
/** @} */
/** \defgroup text alignment types
Location of text's {X,Y} coordinate on bounding rectangle.
Values are compatible with Fontconfig.
#define ALILEFT 0x01 /**< text object horizontal alignment = left */
#define ALICENTER 0x02 /**< text object horizontal alignment = center */
#define ALIRIGHT 0x04 /**< text object horizontal alignment = right */
#define ALIHORI 0x07 /**< text object horizontal alignment mask */
#define ALITOP 0x08 /**< text object vertical alignment = top */
#define ALIBASE 0x10 /**< text object vertical alignment = baseline */
#define ALIBOT 0x20 /**< text object vertical alignment = bottom */
#define ALIVERT 0x38 /**< text object vertical alignment mask */
/** @} */
/** \defgroup language direction types
#define LDIR_LR 0x00 /**< left to right */
#define LDIR_RL 0x01 /**< right to left */
#define LDIR_TB 0x02 /**< top to bottom */
/** @} */
/** \defgroup special processing flags
#define TR_EMFBOT 0x01 /**< use an approximation compatible with EMF file's "BOTTOM" text orientation, which is not the "bottom" for Freetype fonts */
/** @} */
/** \enum tr_classes
classification of complexes
enum tr_classes {
TR_TEXT, /**< simple text object */
TR_LINE, /**< linear assembly of TR_TEXTs */
TR_PARA_UJ, /**< sequential assembly of TR_LINEs and TR_TEXTs into a paragraph -
unknown justification properties */
TR_PARA_LJ, /**< ditto, left justified */
TR_PARA_CJ, /**< ditto, center justified */
TR_PARA_RJ /**< ditto, right justified */
/** @} */
\brief alt font entries.
typedef struct {
uint32_t fi_idx; /**< index into FT_INFO fonts, for fonts added for missing glyphs */
uint32_t weight; /**< integer weight for alt fonts, kept sorted into descending order */
\brief Information for a font instance.
typedef struct {
FcFontSet *fontset; /**< all matching fonts (for fallback on missing glyphs) */
ALT_SPECS *alts; /**< index into FT_INFO fonts, for fonts added for missing glyphs */
uint32_t space; /**< alts storage slots allocated */
uint32_t used; /**< alts storage slots in use */
FT_Face face; /**< font face structures (FT_FACE is a pointer!) */
uint8_t *file; /**< pointer to font paths to files */
uint8_t *fontspec; /**< pointer to a font specification (name:italics, etc.) */
FcPattern *fpat; /**< current font, must hang onto this or faces operations break */
double spcadv; /**< advance equal to a space, in points at font's face size */
double fsize; /**< font's face size in points */
\brief Information for all font instances.
typedef struct {
FT_Library library; /**< Fontconfig handle */
FNT_SPECS *fonts; /**< Array of fontinfo structures */
uint32_t space; /**< storage slots allocated */
uint32_t used; /**< storage slots in use */
typedef struct {
uint8_t Red; //!< Red color (0-255)
uint8_t Green; //!< Green color (0-255)
uint8_t Blue; //!< Blue color (0-255)
uint8_t Reserved; //!< Not used
\brief Information for a single text object
typedef struct {
uint8_t *string; /**< UTF-8 text */
double ori; /**< Orientation, angle of characters with respect to baseline in degrees */
double fs; /**< font size of text */
double x; /**< x coordinate, relative to TR_INFO x,y, in points */
double y; /**< y coordinate, relative to TR_INFO x,y, in points */
double xkern; /**< x kern relative to preceding text chunk in complex (if any) */
double ykern; /**< y kern relative to preceding text chunk in complex (if any) */
double boff; /**< Y LL corner - boff finds baseline */
double vadvance; /**< Line spacing typically 1.25 or 1.2, only set on the first text
element in a complex */
TRCOLORREF color; /**< RGB */
int taln; /**< text alignment with respect to x,y */
int ldir; /**< language diretion LDIR_* */
int italics; /**< italics, as in FontConfig */
int weight; /**< weight, as in FontConfig */
int condensed; /**< condensed, as in FontConfig */
int decoration; /**< text decorations, ignored during assembly, used during output */
int spaces; /**< count of spaces converted from wide kerning (1 or 2) */
TRCOLORREF decColor; /**< text decoration color, ignored during assembly, used during output */
int co; /**< condensed override, if set Font name included narrow */
int rt_tidx; /**< index of rectangle that contains it */
int fi_idx; /**< index of the font it uses */
\brief Information for all text objects.
Coordinates here are INTERNAL, after offset/rotate using values in TR_INFO.
typedef struct {
TCHUNK_SPECS *chunks; /**< text chunks */
uint32_t space; /**< storage slots allocated */
uint32_t used; /**< storage slots in use */
\brief Information for a single bounding rectangle.
Coordinates here are INTERNAL, after offset/rotate using values in TR_INFO.
typedef struct {
double xll; /**< x rectangle lower left corner */
double yll; /**< y " */
double xur; /**< x upper right corner */
double yur; /**< y " */
double xbearing; /**< x bearing of the leftmost character */
\brief Information for all bounding rectangles.
typedef struct {
BRECT_SPECS *rects; /**< bounding rectangles */
uint32_t space; /**< storage slots allocated */
uint32_t used; /**< storage slots in use */
\brief List of all members of a single complex.
typedef struct {
int *members; /**< array of immediate children (for TR_PARA_* these are indicies
for TR_TEXT or TR_LINE complexes also in cxi. For TR_TEXT
and TR_LINE these are indices to the actual text in tpi.) */
uint32_t space; /**< storage slots allocated */
uint32_t used; /**< storage slots in use */
\brief Information for a single complex.
typedef struct {
int rt_cidx; /**< index of rectangle that contains all members */
enum tr_classes type; /**< classification of the complex */
CHILD_SPECS kids; /**< immediate child nodes of this complex, for type TR_TEXT the
idx refers to the tpi data. otherwise, cxi data */
\brief Information for all complexes.
typedef struct {
CX_SPECS *cx; /**< complexes */
uint32_t space; /**< storage slots allocated */
uint32_t used; /**< storage slots in use */
uint32_t phase1; /**< Number of complexes (lines + text fragments) entered in phase 1 */
uint32_t lines; /**< Number of lines in phase 1 */
uint32_t paras; /**< Number of complexes (paras) entered in phase 2 */
\brief Information for the entire text reassembly system.
typedef struct {
FT_INFO *fti; /**< Font info storage */
TP_INFO *tpi; /**< Text Info/Position Info storage */
BR_INFO *bri; /**< Bounding Rectangle Info storage */
CX_INFO *cxi; /**< Complex Info storage */
uint8_t *out; /**< buffer to hold formatted output */
double qe; /**< quantization error in points. */
double esc; /**< escapement angle in DEGREES */
double x; /**< x coordinate of first text object, in points */
double y; /**< y coordinate of first text object, in points */
int dirty; /**< 1 if text records are loaded */
int use_kern; /**< 1 if kerning is used, 0 if not */
int load_flags; /**< FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE or FT_LOAD_TARGET_NORMAL */
uint32_t outspace; /**< storage in output buffer allocated */
uint32_t outused; /**< storage in output buffer in use */
int usebk; /**< On output write the background color under the text */
TRCOLORREF bkcolor; /**< RGB background color */
/* padding added to rectangles before overlap test */
\brief Information for one padding record. (Padding is added to bounding rectangles before overlap tests.)
typedef struct {
double up; /**< to top */
double down; /**< to bottom */
double left; /**< to left */
double right; /**< to right */
/** \cond */
iconv() has a funny cast on some older systems, on most recent ones
it is just char **. This tries to work around the issue. If you build this
on another funky system this code may need to be modified, or define ICONV_CAST
on the compile line(but it may be tricky).
#ifdef SOL8
#define ICONV_CAST (const char **)
#endif //SOL8
#if !defined(ICONV_CAST)
#define ICONV_CAST (char **)
#endif //ICONV_CAST
/** \endcond */
/* Prototypes */
int TR_findcasesub(const char *string, const char *sub);
char *TR_construct_fontspec(const TCHUNK_SPECS *tsp, const char *fontname);
char *TR_reconstruct_fontspec(const char *fontspec, const char *fontname);
int TR_find_alternate_font(FT_INFO *fti, FNT_SPECS **efsp, uint32_t wc);
int TR_getadvance(FT_INFO *fti, FNT_SPECS *fsp, uint32_t wc, uint32_t pc, int load_flags, int kern_mode, int *ymin, int *ymax);
int TR_getkern2(FNT_SPECS *fsp, uint32_t wc, uint32_t pc, int kern_mode);
int TR_kern_gap(FNT_SPECS *fsp, TCHUNK_SPECS *tsp, TCHUNK_SPECS *ptsp, int kern_mode);
void TR_rt_pad_set(RT_PAD *rt_pad, double up, double down, double left, double right);
double TR_baseline(TR_INFO *tri, int src, double *AscMax, double *DscMax);
int TR_check_set_vadvance(TR_INFO *tri, int src, int lines);
int TR_layout_analyze(TR_INFO *tri);
void TR_layout_2_svg(TR_INFO *tri);
int TR_weight_FC_to_SVG(int weight);
FT_INFO *ftinfo_init(void);
int ftinfo_make_insertable(FT_INFO *fti);
int ftinfo_insert(FT_INFO *fti, FNT_SPECS *fsp);
FT_INFO *ftinfo_release(FT_INFO *fti);
FT_INFO *ftinfo_clear(FT_INFO *fti);
int ftinfo_find_loaded_by_spec(const FT_INFO *fti, const uint8_t *fname);
int ftinfo_find_loaded_by_src(const FT_INFO *fti, const uint8_t *filename);
int ftinfo_load_fontname(FT_INFO *fti, const char *fontspec);
void ftinfo_dump(const FT_INFO *fti);
int fsp_alts_make_insertable(FNT_SPECS *fsp);
int fsp_alts_insert(FNT_SPECS *fsp, uint32_t fi_idx);
int fsp_alts_weight(FNT_SPECS *fsp, uint32_t a_idx);
int csp_make_insertable(CHILD_SPECS *csp);
int csp_insert(CHILD_SPECS *csp, int src);
int csp_merge(CHILD_SPECS *dst, CHILD_SPECS *src);
void csp_release(CHILD_SPECS *csp);
void csp_clear(CHILD_SPECS *csp);
CX_INFO *cxinfo_init(void);
int cxinfo_make_insertable(CX_INFO *cxi);
int cxinfo_insert(CX_INFO *cxi, int src, int src_rt_idx, enum tr_classes type);
int cxinfo_append(CX_INFO *cxi, int src, enum tr_classes type);
int cxinfo_merge(CX_INFO *cxi, int dst, int src, enum tr_classes type);
int cxinfo_trim(CX_INFO *cxi);
CX_INFO *cxinfo_release(CX_INFO *cxi);
void cxinfo_dump(const TR_INFO *tri);
TP_INFO *tpinfo_init(void);
int tpinfo_make_insertable(TP_INFO *tpi);
int tpinfo_insert(TP_INFO *tpi, const TCHUNK_SPECS *tsp);
TP_INFO *tpinfo_release(TP_INFO *tpi);
BR_INFO *brinfo_init(void);
int brinfo_make_insertable(BR_INFO *bri);
int brinfo_insert(BR_INFO *bri, const BRECT_SPECS *element);
int brinfo_merge(BR_INFO *bri, int dst, int src);
enum tr_classes
brinfo_pp_alignment(const BR_INFO *bri, int dst, int src, double slop, enum tr_classes type);
int brinfo_overlap(const BR_INFO *bri, int dst, int src, RT_PAD *rp_dst, RT_PAD *rp_src);
BR_INFO *brinfo_release(BR_INFO *bri);
TR_INFO *trinfo_init(TR_INFO *tri);
TR_INFO *trinfo_release(TR_INFO *tri);
TR_INFO *trinfo_release_except_FC(TR_INFO *tri);
TR_INFO *trinfo_clear(TR_INFO *tri);
int trinfo_load_qe(TR_INFO *tri, double qe);
int trinfo_load_bk(TR_INFO *tri, int usebk, TRCOLORREF bkcolor);
int trinfo_load_ft_opts(TR_INFO *tri, int use_kern, int load_flags, int kern_mode);
int trinfo_load_textrec(TR_INFO *tri, const TCHUNK_SPECS *tsp, double escapement, int flags);
int trinfo_check_bk(TR_INFO *tri, int usebk, TRCOLORREF bkcolor);
int trinfo_append_out(TR_INFO *tri, const char *src);
int is_mn_unicode(int test);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _TEXT_REASSEMBLE_ */