* @file
* Cairo surface that remembers its origin.
* Authors:
* Krzysztof KosiĆski <tweenk.pl@gmail.com>
* Copyright (C) 2011 Authors
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
//#include <iostream>
#include "display/drawing-surface.h"
#include "display/drawing-context.h"
#include "display/cairo-utils.h"
namespace Inkscape {
using Geom::X;
using Geom::Y;
* @class DrawingSurface
* Drawing surface that remembers its origin.
* This is a very minimalistic wrapper over cairo_surface_t. The main
* extra functionality provided by this class is that it automates
* the mapping from "logical space" (coordinates in the rendering)
* and the "physical space" (surface pixels). For example, patterns
* have to be rendered on tiles which have possibly non-integer
* widths and heights.
* This class has delayed allocation functionality - it creates
* the Cairo surface it wraps on the first call to createRawContext()
* of when a DrawingContext is constructed.
* Creates a surface with the given physical extents.
* When a drawing context is created for this surface, its pixels
* will cover the area under the given rectangle.
* Creates a surface with the given logical and physical extents.
* When a drawing context is created for this surface, its pixels
* will cover the area under the given rectangle. IT will contain
* the number of pixels specified by the second argument.
* @param logbox Logical extents of the surface
* @param pixdims Pixel dimensions of the surface.
* Wrap a cairo_surface_t.
* This constructor will take an extra reference on @a surface, which will
* be released on destruction.
if (_surface)
/// Get the logical extents of the surface.
return r;
/// Get the pixel dimensions of the surface
return _pixels;
/// Get the logical width and weight of the surface as a point.
return logical_dims;
return _origin;
return _scale;
/// Get the transformation applied to the drawing context on construction.
return ret;
// currently hardcoded
/// Drop contents of the surface and release the underlying Cairo object.
if (_surface) {
* Create a drawing context for this surface.
* It's better to use the surface constructor of DrawingContext.
cairo_t *
// deferred allocation
if (!_surface) {
return ct;
return ret;
if (!r) return;
/// Call this during the update phase to schedule a transformation of the cache.
/// Transforms the cache according to the transform specified during the update phase.
/// Call this during render phase, before painting.
bool is_integer_translation = is_identity;
is_integer_translation = true;
cairo_region_translate(_clean_region, t[X], t[Y]);
if (old_area + t == _pending_area) {
// if the areas match, the only thing to do
// is to ensure that the clean area is not too large
// we can exit early
_origin += t;
// the area has changed, so the cache content needs to be copied
if (is_integer_translation) {
// transform the cache only for integer translations and identities
if (!is_identity) {
} else {
// dirty everything
//std::cout << _pending_transform << old_area << _pending_area << std::endl;
* Paints the clean area from cache and modifies the @a area
* parameter to the bounds of the region that must be repainted.
if (!area) return;
// We subtract the clean region from the area, then get the bounds
// of the resulting region. This is the area that needs to be repainted
// by the item.
// Then we subtract the area that needs to be repainted from the
// original area and paint the resulting region from cache.
if (cairo_region_is_empty(dirty_region)) {
} else {
if (!cairo_region_is_empty(cache_region)) {
for (int i = 0; i < nr; ++i) {
// debugging utility
static int dumpnr = 0;
if (!cairo_region_is_empty(_clean_region)) {
for (int i = 0; i < nr; ++i) {
return ret;
r.x, r.y,
return ret;
} // end namespace Inkscape
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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