* path-util.h
* here are functions sp_relative_path & cousins
* maybe they are already implemented in standard libs
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
* Returns a form of \a path relative to \a base if that is easy to construct (eg if \a path
* appears to be in the directory specified by \a base), otherwise returns \a path.
* @param path is expected to be an absolute path.
* @param base is expected to be either empty or the absolute path of a directory.
* @return a relative version of the path, if reasonable.
* @see inkscape_abs2rel for a more sophisticated version.
* @see prepend_current_dir_if_relative.
std::string sp_relative_path_from_path(std::string const &path, std::string const &base);
char const *sp_extension_from_path(char const *path);
* Convert a relative path name into absolute. If path is already absolute, does nothing except copying path to result.
* @param path relative path.
* @param base base directory (must be absolute path).
* @param result result buffer.
* @param size size of result buffer.
* @return != NULL: absolute path
* == NULL: error
* based on functions by Shigio Yamaguchi.
* FIXME:TODO: force it to also do path normalization of the entire resulting path,
* i.e. get rid of any .. and . in any place, even if 'path' is already absolute
* (now it returns it unchanged in this case)
char *inkscape_rel2abs(char const *path, char const *base, char *result, size_t const size);
char *inkscape_abs2rel(char const *path, char const *base, char *result, size_t const size);
char *prepend_current_dir_if_relative(char const *filename);
#endif // !SEEN_DIR_UTIL_H
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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