* @file
* @brief Closed interval of generic values
* Copyright 2011 Krzysztof KosiƄski <tweenk.pl@gmail.com>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it either under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation
* (the "LGPL") or, at your option, under the terms of the Mozilla
* Public License Version 1.1 (the "MPL"). If you do not alter this
* notice, a recipient may use your version of this file under either
* the MPL or the LGPL.
* You should have received a copy of the LGPL along with this library
* in the file COPYING-LGPL-2.1; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* You should have received a copy of the MPL along with this library
* in the file COPYING-MPL-1.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY
* OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the LGPL or the MPL for
* the specific language governing rights and limitations.
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/none.hpp>
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <2geom/coord.h>
namespace Geom {
template <typename C>
class GenericOptInterval;
* @brief A range of numbers which is never empty.
* @ingroup Primitives
template <typename C>
class GenericInterval
: CoordTraits<C>::IntervalOps
typedef typename CoordTraits<C>::IntervalType CInterval;
typedef GenericInterval<C> Self;
C _b[2];
/// @name Create intervals.
/// @{
/** @brief Create an interval that contains only zero. */
GenericInterval() { _b[0] = 0; _b[1] = 0; }
/** @brief Create an interval that contains a single point. */
explicit GenericInterval(C u) { _b[0] = _b[1] = u; }
/** @brief Create an interval that contains all points between @c u and @c v. */
GenericInterval(C u, C v) {
if (u <= v) {
_b[0] = u; _b[1] = v;
} else {
_b[0] = v; _b[1] = u;
/** @brief Create an interval containing a range of values.
* The resulting interval will contain all values from the given range.
* The return type of iterators must be convertible to C. The given range
* must not be empty. For potentially empty ranges, see GenericOptInterval.
* @param start Beginning of the range
* @param end End of the range
* @return Interval that contains all values from [start, end). */
template <typename InputIterator>
static CInterval from_range(InputIterator start, InputIterator end) {
assert(start != end);
CInterval result(*start++);
for (; start != end; ++start) result.expandTo(*start);
return result;
/** @brief Create an interval from a C-style array of values it should contain. */
static CInterval from_array(C const *c, unsigned n) {
CInterval result = from_range(c, c+n);
return result;
/// @}
/// @name Inspect contained values.
/// @{
C min() const { return _b[0]; }
C max() const { return _b[1]; }
C extent() const { return max() - min(); }
C middle() const { return (max() + min()) / 2; }
bool isSingular() const { return min() == max(); }
C operator[](unsigned i) const { assert(i < 2); return _b[i]; }
C clamp(C val) const {
if (val < min()) return min();
if (val > max()) return max();
return val;
/// Return the closer end of the interval.
C nearestEnd(C val) const {
C dmin = std::abs(val - min()), dmax = std::abs(val - max());
return dmin <= dmax ? min() : max();
/// @}
/// @name Test coordinates and other intervals for inclusion.
/// @{
/** @brief Check whether the interval includes this number. */
bool contains(C val) const {
return min() <= val && val <= max();
/** @brief Check whether the interval includes the given interval. */
bool contains(CInterval const &val) const {
return min() <= val.min() && val.max() <= max();
/** @brief Check whether the intervals have any common elements. */
bool intersects(CInterval const &val) const {
return contains(val.min()) || contains(val.max()) || val.contains(*this);
/// @}
/// @name Modify the interval.
/// @{
//TODO: NaN handleage for the next two?
/** @brief Set the lower boundary of the interval.
* When the given number is larger than the interval's largest element,
* it will be reduced to the single number @c val. */
void setMin(C val) {
if(val > _b[1]) {
_b[0] = _b[1] = val;
} else {
_b[0] = val;
/** @brief Set the upper boundary of the interval.
* When the given number is smaller than the interval's smallest element,
* it will be reduced to the single number @c val. */
void setMax(C val) {
if(val < _b[0]) {
_b[1] = _b[0] = val;
} else {
_b[1] = val;
/// Set both ends of the interval simultaneously
void setEnds(C a, C b) {
if (a <= b) {
_b[0] = a;
_b[1] = b;
} else {
_b[0] = b;
_b[1] = a;
/** @brief Extend the interval to include the given number. */
void expandTo(C val) {
if(val < _b[0]) _b[0] = val;
if(val > _b[1]) _b[1] = val; //no else, as we want to handle NaN
/** @brief Expand or shrink the interval in both directions by the given amount.
* After this method, the interval's length (extent) will be increased by
* <code>amount * 2</code>. Negative values can be given; they will shrink the interval.
* Shrinking by a value larger than half the interval's length will create a degenerate
* interval containing only the midpoint of the original. */
void expandBy(C amount) {
_b[0] -= amount;
_b[1] += amount;
if (_b[0] > _b[1]) {
C halfway = (_b[0]+_b[1])/2;
_b[0] = _b[1] = halfway;
/** @brief Union the interval with another one.
* The resulting interval will contain all points of both intervals.
* It might also contain some points which didn't belong to either - this happens
* when the intervals did not have any common elements. */
void unionWith(CInterval const &a) {
if(a._b[0] < _b[0]) _b[0] = a._b[0];
if(a._b[1] > _b[1]) _b[1] = a._b[1];
/// @}
/// @name Operators
/// @{
//IMPL: OffsetableConcept
//TODO: rename output_type to something else in the concept
typedef C output_type;
/** @brief Offset the interval by a specified amount */
Self &operator+=(C amnt) {
_b[0] += amnt; _b[1] += amnt;
return *this;
/** @brief Offset the interval by the negation of the specified amount */
Self &operator-=(C amnt) {
_b[0] -= amnt; _b[1] -= amnt;
return *this;
/** @brief Return an interval mirrored about 0 */
Self operator-() const { Self r(-_b[1], -_b[0]); return r; }
// IMPL: AddableConcept
/** @brief Add two intervals.
* Sum is defined as the set of points that can be obtained by adding any two values
* from both operands: \f$S = \{x \in A, y \in B: x + y\}\f$ */
Self &operator+=(CInterval const &o) {
_b[0] += o._b[0];
_b[1] += o._b[1];
return *this;
/** @brief Subtract two intervals.
* Difference is defined as the set of points that can be obtained by subtracting
* any value from the second operand from any value from the first operand:
* \f$S = \{x \in A, y \in B: x - y\}\f$ */
Self &operator-=(CInterval const &o) {
// equal to *this += -o
_b[0] -= o._b[1];
_b[1] -= o._b[0];
return *this;
/** @brief Union two intervals.
* Note that the intersection-and-assignment operator is not defined,
* because the result of an intersection can be empty, while Interval cannot. */
Self &operator|=(CInterval const &o) {
return *this;
/** @brief Test for interval equality. */
bool operator==(CInterval const &other) const {
return min() == other.min() && max() == other.max();
/// @}
/** @brief Union two intervals
* @relates GenericInterval */
template <typename C>
inline GenericInterval<C> unify(GenericInterval<C> const &a, GenericInterval<C> const &b) {
return a | b;
* @brief A range of numbers that can be empty.
* @ingroup Primitives
template <typename C>
class GenericOptInterval
: public boost::optional<typename CoordTraits<C>::IntervalType>
, boost::orable< GenericOptInterval<C>
, boost::andable< GenericOptInterval<C>
> >
typedef typename CoordTraits<C>::IntervalType CInterval;
typedef typename CoordTraits<C>::OptIntervalType OptCInterval;
typedef boost::optional<CInterval> Base;
/// @name Create optionally empty intervals.
/// @{
/** @brief Create an empty interval. */
GenericOptInterval() : Base() {}
/** @brief Wrap an existing interval. */
GenericOptInterval(GenericInterval<C> const &a) : Base(CInterval(a)) {}
/** @brief Create an interval containing a single point. */
GenericOptInterval(C u) : Base(CInterval(u)) {}
/** @brief Create an interval containing a range of numbers. */
GenericOptInterval(C u, C v) : Base(CInterval(u,v)) {}
/** @brief Create a possibly empty interval containing a range of values.
* The resulting interval will contain all values from the given range.
* The return type of iterators must be convertible to C. The given range
* may be empty.
* @param start Beginning of the range
* @param end End of the range
* @return Interval that contains all values from [start, end), or nothing if the range
* is empty. */
template <typename InputIterator>
static GenericOptInterval<C> from_range(InputIterator start, InputIterator end) {
if (start == end) {
GenericOptInterval<C> ret;
return ret;
GenericOptInterval<C> ret(CInterval::from_range(start, end));
return ret;
/// @}
/** @brief Check whether this interval is empty. */
bool empty() { return !*this; }
/** @brief Union with another interval, gracefully handling empty ones. */
void unionWith(GenericOptInterval<C> const &a) {
if (a) {
if (*this) { // check that we are not empty
} else {
*this = *a;
void intersectWith(GenericOptInterval<C> const &o) {
if (o && *this) {
if (!*this) return;
C u = std::max((*this)->min(), o->min());
C v = std::min((*this)->max(), o->max());
if (u <= v) {
*this = CInterval(u, v);
(*static_cast<Base*>(this)) = boost::none;
GenericOptInterval<C> &operator|=(OptCInterval const &o) {
return *this;
GenericOptInterval<C> &operator&=(OptCInterval const &o) {
return *this;
/** @brief Intersect two intervals and return a possibly empty range of numbers
* @relates GenericOptInterval */
template <typename C>
inline GenericOptInterval<C> intersect(GenericInterval<C> const &a, GenericInterval<C> const &b) {
return GenericOptInterval<C>(a) & GenericOptInterval<C>(b);
/** @brief Intersect two intervals and return a possibly empty range of numbers
* @relates GenericOptInterval */
template <typename C>
inline GenericOptInterval<C> operator&(GenericInterval<C> const &a, GenericInterval<C> const &b) {
return GenericOptInterval<C>(a) & GenericOptInterval<C>(b);
template <typename C>
inline std::ostream &operator<< (std::ostream &os,
Geom::GenericInterval<C> const &I) {
os << "Interval("<<I.min() << ", "<<I.max() << ")";
return os;
} // namespace Geom
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