<?xml version="1.0"?>
<keys name="ACD Systems Canvas 11">
This file contains ACD Systems Canvas 11 keyboard shortcuts. In each "bind" element:
- The "key" attribute contains the key name. The names are the same as those in the
<gdk/gdkkeysyms.h> header file but without the leading "GDK_". If you don't have GDK
source locally, you can view that file at:
- The "modifiers" attribute contains a comma-separated list of modifiers, which can be
one or more of: "Ctrl", "Shift", "Alt".
- The "action" attribute contains the name of the action. The complete list of actions
(called "verbs") is in the file src/verbs.cpp in Inkscape source; there you can see
brief descriptions of what each action does. The same action may have multiple key
- The "display" attribute controls whether this binding will be displayed in the menu
and tooltips. Only one binding for each action may have this attribute.
In case of conflict, those bindings that come later override those before them. This
file resides in the share/keys directory of your Inkscape installation, but you may also
have a default.xml in your personal Inkscape profile directory (e.g. ~/.inkscape
on Unix). The bindings in that personal file are added to (or, if there's a conflict,
override) the bindings in the main default.xml.
<!-- TOOLS -->
Canvas has somewhat weird system of tools shortcuts. It has 12 groups of tools,
and a tool from one group can have same shortcut another tool from other group
has. E.g. both Airbrush, Speaker Notes and Multigon tools have A as shortcut.
This is so weird for Inkscape that we cannot even emulate that properly :-)
Following tools exist in Canvas and have a shortcut, but are not used in this
scheme due to reasons explained above and absense of such tools in Inkscape:
Linear Dimensioning Tool - somewhat close to Dimensions+Measure Path
Knife tool - K
Hand tool - Spacebar works in Inkscape anyway, so not using it
Wand tool - W
Lasso tool - L
Remote Move tool - V - actually. Ctrl+Selector do this one-direction-shift-only
Eraser tool - E
Marker tool - H
Airbrush tool - A
Neon tool - T
Bucket tool - K
Blur tool - F
Sharpen tool - Q
Rubber Stamp tool - S
Smudge tool - U
Dodge - O
Burn - N
Sponge - D
Red Eye Reduction - R
Polygon tool - P
Reshape - E (you select an object and draw freehand lines to add/subtract from this path)
Speaker Notes - A
Scissor tool - C
<bind key="S" action="ToolSelector" display="true"/>
<bind key="s" action="ToolSelector" />
<bind action="SelectPrefs" />
<bind key="F2" action="ToolNode" display="true"/>
<bind key="n" action="ToolNode" />
<bind key="N" action="ToolNode" />
<bind key="F2" modifiers="Shift" action="ToolTweak" display="true"/>
<bind key="w" action="ToolTweak" />
<bind key="W" action="ToolTweak" />
This is actually a trick since in Canvas 11 Ctrl+Spacebar is for zooming in
and Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar is for zooming out
<bind key="Spacebar" modifiers="Ctrl" action="ToolZoom" display="true"/>
<bind key="Spacebar" modifiers="Ctrl,Shift" action="ToolZoom" />
<bind key="R" action="ToolRect" display="true"/>
<bind key="r" action="ToolRect" />
<!-- 3Dbox tool called Cube tool exists in Canvas, but has no shortcut
<bind key="F4" modifiers="Shift" action="Tool3DBox" display="true"/>
<bind key="x" action="Tool3DBox" />
<bind key="X" action="Tool3DBox" />
<!-- This is called Oval tool -->
<bind key="O" action="ToolArc" display="true"/>
<bind key="o" action="ToolArc" />
<bind key="A" action="ToolStar" display="true"/>
<bind key="a" action="ToolStar" />
<bind action="StarPrefs" />
<!-- Spiral tools exists in Canvas, but has no shortcut
<bind key="F9" action="ToolSpiral" display="true"/>
<bind key="i" action="ToolSpiral" />
<bind key="I" action="ToolSpiral" />
<bind key="P" action="ToolPencil" display="true"/>
<bind key="p" action="ToolPencil" />
<bind key="F" action="ToolPencil" display="true"/>
<bind key="f" action="ToolPencil" />
<bind key="B" action="ToolPen" display="true"/>
<bind key="b" action="ToolPen" />
<!-- It's Paintbrush, but... read the explanation above
<bind key="B" modifiers="Ctrl" action="ToolCalligraphic" display="true"/>
<bind key="b" action="ToolCalligraphic" />
<!-- K is also used for Knife tool, but we don't have it, so using K for bucket fill -->
<bind key="K" modifiers="Shift" action="ToolPaintBucket" display="true"/>
<bind key="k" action="ToolPaintBucket" />
<bind key="T" action="ToolText" display="true"/>
<bind key="t" action="ToolText" />
<bind key="G" modifiers="Ctrl" action="ToolGradient" display="true"/>
<bind key="g" action="ToolGradient" />
<!-- Canvas has various smart connection lines. Shortcut seems to be missing
<bind key="F2" modifiers="Ctrl" action="ToolConnector" display="true"/>
<bind key="o" action="ToolConnector" />
<bind key="O" action="ToolConnector" />
<bind key="I" action="ToolDropper" display="true"/>
<bind key="i" action="ToolDropper" />
<!-- FILE MENU -->
<bind key="n" modifiers="Ctrl" action="FileNew" display="true"/>
<bind key="N" modifiers="Ctrl" action="FileNew" />
<bind key="o" modifiers="Ctrl" action="FileOpen" display="true"/>
<bind key="O" modifiers="Ctrl" action="FileOpen" />
<bind key="F4" modifiers="Ctrl" action="FileClose" display="true"/>
<bind key="s" modifiers="Ctrl" action="FileSave" display="true"/>
<bind key="S" modifiers="Ctrl" action="FileSave" />
<bind key="s" modifiers="Ctrl,Shift" action="FileSaveAs" display="true"/>
<bind key="S" modifiers="Ctrl,Shift" action="FileSaveAs" />
<bind key="p" modifiers="Ctrl" action="FilePrint" display="true"/>
<bind key="P" modifiers="Ctrl" action="FilePrint" />
<bind key="x" modifiers="Alt" action="FileQuit" display="true"/>
<bind key="X" modifiers="Alt" action="FileQuit" display="true"/>
<!-- EDIT MENU -->
<bind key="z" modifiers="Ctrl" action="EditUndo" display="true"/>
<bind key="Z" modifiers="Ctrl" action="EditUndo" />
<bind key="z" modifiers="Ctrl,Shift" action="EditRedo" display="true"/>
<bind key="Z" modifiers="Ctrl,Shift" action="EditRedo" />
<!-- Repeat - Alt+Enter - Inkscape doesn't have it yet -->
<bind key="x" modifiers="Ctrl" action="EditCut" display="true"/>
<bind key="X" modifiers="Ctrl" action="EditCut" />
<bind key="c" modifiers="Ctrl" action="EditCopy" display="true"/>
<bind key="C" modifiers="Ctrl" action="EditCopy" />
<bind key="v" modifiers="Ctrl" action="EditPaste" display="true"/>
<bind key="V" modifiers="Ctrl" action="EditPaste" />
<!-- Paste Into - Ctrl+Shift+V - needs clarification -->
<bind key="Delete" action="EditDelete" display="true"/>
<bind key="KP_Delete" action="EditDelete" />
<!-- is finding 100% analog to Inkscape's? -->
<bind key="a" modifiers="Ctrl,Shift" action="DialogFind" display="true"/>
<bind key="A" modifiers="Ctrl,Shift" action="DialogFind" />
<bind key="a" modifiers="Ctrl" action="EditSelectAll" display="true"/>
<bind key="A" modifiers="Ctrl" action="EditSelectAll" />
<bind key="d" modifiers="Ctrl" action="EditDuplicate" display="true"/>
<bind key="D" modifiers="Ctrl" action="EditDuplicate" />
<!-- Duplicate With Transform - Ctrl+Shift+D - Inkscape doesn't seem to have straight analog -->
<!-- Replicate - Ctrl+Alt+D - Inkscape doesn't seem to have straight analog -->
<!-- TEXT MENU -->
<!-- we don't seem to have verbs for them:
Reduce Font Size - Ctrl+Shift+,
Increase Font Size - Ctrl+Shift+.
Plain Style - Ctrl+Shift+P
Bold Style - Ctrl+Shift+B
Italic Style - Ctrl+Shift+I
Underline Style - Ctrl+Shift+U
Strikethrough - Ctrl+Shift+K
Outline - Ctrl+Shift+O
Shadow - Ctrl+Shift+W
Small Caps - Ctrl+Shift+\
Superscript - Ctrl+Shift+=
Subscript - Ctrl+Shift+- -->
<bind key="]" modifiers="Ctrl,Shift" action="org.inkscape.text.uppercase" display="true"/>
<bind key="[" modifiers="Ctrl,Shift" action="org.inkscape.text.lowercase" display="true"/>
<bind key=";" modifiers="Ctrl,Shift" action="org.inkscape.text.titlecase" display="true"/>
<!-- we don't seem to have verbs for them:
Right Justification - Ctrl+Shift+R
Left - Ctrl+Shift+L
Center - Ctrl+Shift+C
Full - Ctrl+Shift+F
Leading -> Tighten - Alt+Shift+Up arrow
Leading -> Loosen - Alt+Shift+Down arrow
Kerning -> Tighten - Alt+Shift+Left arrow
Kerning -> Loosen - Alt+Shift+Right arrow
Kerning -> Tighten Fine Kerning 0,25 - Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Left arrow
Kerning -> Loosen Fine Kerning 0,25 - Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Right arrow
<bind key="T" modifiers="Ctrl" action="DialogText" display="true"/>
<bind key="t" modifiers="Ctrl" action="DialogText" />
<!-- OBJECT MENU -->
<!-- Edit Object... - Ctrl+E (редактирование объекта по контрольным точкам) -->
<!-- "Object Specs...": -->
<bind key="I" modifiers="Ctrl" action="DialogObjectProperties" display="true"/>
<bind key="i" modifiers="Ctrl" action="DialogObjectProperties" />
<bind key="F" modifiers="Ctrl" action="SelectionToFront" display="true"/>
<bind key="f" modifiers="Ctrl" action="SelectionToFront" />
<bind key="B" modifiers="Ctrl" action="SelectionToBack" display="true"/>
<bind key="b" modifiers="Ctrl" action="SelectionToBack" />
<bind key="[" modifiers="Ctrl" action="SelectionRaise" display="true"/>
<bind key="]" modifiers="Ctrl" action="SelectionLower" display="true"/>
<bind key="F6" action="DialogAlignDistribute" display="true"/>
<!-- Move... -->
<bind key="m" modifiers="Ctrl" action="DialogTransform" display="true"/>
<bind key="M" modifiers="Ctrl" action="DialogTransform" />
<!-- Scale... -->
<bind key="F8" action="DialogTransform" display="true"/>
<bind key="g" modifiers="Ctrl" action="SelectionGroup" display="true"/>
<bind key="G" modifiers="Ctrl" action="SelectionGroup" />
<bind key="u" modifiers="Ctrl" action="SelectionUnGroup" display="true"/>
<bind key="U" modifiers="Ctrl" action="SelectionUnGroup" />
<!-- we don't have individual verbs for locking and unlocking
Lock - Ctrl+L
Unlock - Ctrl+K
<!-- Join? Huh?
Path -> Join - Ctrl+Alt+J
<bind key="s" modifiers="Ctrl,Alt" action="SelectionSimplify" display="true"/>
<bind key="S" modifiers="Ctrl,Alt" action="SelectionSimplify" />
<!-- Right now simplification of Bezier curves in Inkscape is destructive:
Path -> Unsmooth - Ctrl+Alt+U
<!-- Live Curve Editing is conceptually close to wireframe mode, thus using the verb -->
<bind key="l" modifiers="Ctrl,Alt" action="ViewModeToggle" display="true" />
<bind key="L" modifiers="Ctrl,Alt" action="ViewModeToggle" />
<!-- LAYOUT MENU -->
<!-- Needs checking
Display -> Size - Shift+F8
<bind key="F9" modifiers="Shift" action="ToggleGrid" />
<bind key="F11" modifiers="Shift" action="ToggleRulers" />
<bind key="F6" modifiers="Shift" action="ToggleGuides" />
<!-- EEK! Inkscape has no pages!
Display -> Page Breaks - F10
But then we don;t need this too :)
Display -> Refresh - F5
<!-- No named views at this time
Views -> New... - Ctrl+Alt+N
<bind key="KP_Add" modifiers="Shift,Alt" action="ZoomIn" display="true"/>
<bind key="KP_Subtract" modifiers="Shift,Alt" action="ZoomOut" display="true"/>
<!-- This is "Home View" in Canvas's terminology -->
<bind key="F3" action="Zoom1:0" display="true"/>
<!-- Views -> Fit to Window - Shift+F3
<bind key="4" action="ZoomDrawing" display="true"/>
<bind key="5" action="ZoomPage" display="true"/>
<bind key="KP_5" action="ZoomPage" />
<!-- Not implemented
Views -> Zoom... - Ctrl+/ (переход в статусную строку с клавиатуры для ввода зума ручками)
<!-- Sending users to Document Properties for defining measure unit used in rulers -->
<bind key="F11" action="DialogDocumentProperties" />
<!-- Not available in Inkscape at all
Slide Show - F12 -->
This is a trick again, since Smart Mouse analog (snapping to objects/nodes/etc.)
and snapping to grids/guides are setup in Document Properties in Inkscape
<bind key="[" modifiers="Ctrl,Alt" action="DialogDocumentProperties" />
<bind key="F9" modifiers="Ctrl,Shift" action="DialogDocumentProperties" />
<bind key="F7" modifiers="Ctrl,Shift" action="DialogDocumentProperties" />
<!--Rotate tab in Transformation dialog is the answer -->
<bind key="r" modifiers="Ctrl" action="DialogTransform" display="true"/>
<bind key="R" modifiers="Ctrl" action="DialogTransform" />
Not sure what to do with this one.
Basically it's skew mode of our Selector tool
Freeform - Ctrl+Alt+F (skew)
<!-- This is not interactive Blend tool, but something close. Yay for LPE :) -->
<bind key="b" modifiers="Ctrl,Alt" action="org.ekips.filter.interp" display="true"/>
<bind key="B" modifiers="Ctrl,Alt" action="org.ekips.filter.interp" />
"Combine..." dialog (Ctrl+Alt+C) provides boolean ops.
There are no shortcuts for them in Canvas
<!-- This is not interactive Envelope tool, but something close. Yay for LPE :) -->
<bind key="v" modifiers="Ctrl,Alt" action="org.ekips.filter.perspective" display="true"/>
<bind key="V" modifiers="Ctrl,Alt" action="org.ekips.filter.perspective" />
<!-- This is not interactive Extrusion tool, but something close. Yay for LPE :) -->
<bind key="e" modifiers="Ctrl,Alt" action="org.ekips.filter.motion" display="true"/>
<bind key="E" modifiers="Ctrl,Alt" action="org.ekips.filter.motion" />
<!-- IMAGE MENU -->
<!-- Not implemented in Inkscape:
Select -> Hide Edges - Ctrl+Shift+E -->
<bind key="i" modifiers="Ctrl,Alt" action="FileImport" display="true"/>
<bind key="I" modifiers="Ctrl,Alt" action="FileImport" />