# Copyright (C) 2010 Martin Owens
# Written to test the coding of generating barcodes.
import sys
import random
import unittest
# Allow import of the extension code and modules
from render_barcode import *
"""Render Barcode"""
#def test_run_without_parameters(self):
# args = [ 'minimal-blank.svg', '-t', 'Ean5' ]
# e = InsertBarcode()
# e.affect( args, False )
#self.assertEqual( e.something, 'some value', 'A commentary about that.' )
"""Barcode IAN5"""
"""Barcode IAN5"""
"""Barcode IAN5"""
"""Barcode IAN5"""
"""Barcode UPCE"""
"""Base module for all barcode testing"""
if __name__ == '__main__':