#!/usr/bin/env python
Unit test file for ../gimp_xcf.py
Revision history:
* 2012-01-26 (jazzynico): checks defaulf parameters and file handling.
If you want to help, read the python unittest documentation:
import os
import sys
import unittest
sys.path.append('..') # this line allows to import the extension code
from gimp_xcf import *
class GimpXCFBasicTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, 'w')
def test_expected_file(self):
# multilayered-test.svg provides 3 layers and a sublayer
# (all non empty).
args = [ 'svg/multilayered-test.svg' ]
e = MyEffect()
e.affect(args, False)
#self.assertRaises(GimpXCFExpectedIOError, e.affect, args, False)
def test_empty_file(self):
# empty-SVG.svg contains an emply svg element (no layer, no object).
# The file must have at least one non empty layer and thus the
# extension rejects it and send an error message.
args = [ 'svg/empty-SVG.svg' ]
e = MyEffect()
e.affect(args, False)
self.assertEqual(e.valid, 0)
def test_empty_layer_file(self):
# default-inkscape-SVG.svg is a copy of the defaut Inkscape
# template, with one empty layer.
# The file must have at least one non empty layer and thus the
# extension rejects it and send an error message.
args = [ 'svg/default-inkscape-SVG.svg' ]
e = MyEffect()
e.affect(args, False)
self.assertEqual(e.valid, 0)
if __name__ == '__main__':
suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(GimpXCFBasicTest)