#!/usr/bin/env python
This extension module can measure arbitrary path and object length
It adds text to the selected path containing the length in a given unit.
Area and Center of Mass calculated using Green's Theorem:
Copyright (C) 2015 ~suv <suv-sf@users.sf.net>
Copyright (C) 2010 Alvin Penner
Copyright (C) 2006 Georg Wiora
Copyright (C) 2006 Nathan Hurst
Copyright (C) 2005 Aaron Spike, aaron@ekips.org
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* should use the standard attributes for text
* Implement option to keep text orientation upright
1. Find text direction i.e. path tangent,
2. check direction >90 or <-90 Degrees
3. rotate by 180 degrees around text center
# standard library
import locale
# local library
import inkex
import simplestyle
import simpletransform
import cubicsuperpath
import bezmisc
# On darwin, fall back to C in cases of
# - incorrect locale IDs (see comments in bug #406662)
# - https://bugs.python.org/issue18378
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
except locale.Error:
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'C')
# third party
import numpy
inkex.errormsg(_("Failed to import the numpy modules. These modules are required by this extension. Please install them and try again. On a Debian-like system this can be done with the command, sudo apt-get install python-numpy."))
mat_area = numpy.matrix([[ 0, 2, 1, -3],[ -2, 0, 1, 1],[ -1, -1, 0, 2],[ 3, -1, -2, 0]])
mat_cofm_0 = numpy.matrix([[ 0, 35, 10,-45],[-35, 0, 12, 23],[-10,-12, 0, 22],[ 45,-23,-22, 0]])
mat_cofm_1 = numpy.matrix([[ 0, 15, 3,-18],[-15, 0, 9, 6],[ -3, -9, 0, 12],[ 18, -6,-12, 0]])
mat_cofm_2 = numpy.matrix([[ 0, 12, 6,-18],[-12, 0, 9, 3],[ -6, -9, 0, 15],[ 18, -3,-15, 0]])
mat_cofm_3 = numpy.matrix([[ 0, 22, 23,-45],[-22, 0, 12, 10],[-23,-12, 0, 35],[ 45,-10,-35, 0]])
def numsegs(csp):
return sum([len(p)-1 for p in csp])
def interpcoord(v1,v2,p):
return v1+((v2-v1)*p)
def interppoints(p1,p2,p):
return [interpcoord(p1[0],p2[0],p),interpcoord(p1[1],p2[1],p)]
def pointdistance((x1,y1),(x2,y2)):
return math.sqrt(((x2 - x1) ** 2) + ((y2 - y1) ** 2))
def bezlenapprx(sp1, sp2):
return pointdistance(sp1[1], sp1[2]) + pointdistance(sp1[2], sp2[0]) + pointdistance(sp2[0], sp2[1])
def tpoint((x1,y1), (x2,y2), t = 0.5):
return [x1+t*(x2-x1),y1+t*(y2-y1)]
def cspbezsplit(sp1, sp2, t = 0.5):
return [[sp1[0][:],sp1[1][:],m1], [m4,m,m5], [m3,sp2[1][:],sp2[2][:]]]
def cspbezsplitatlength(sp1, sp2, l = 0.5, tolerance = 0.001):
bez = (sp1[1][:],sp1[2][:],sp2[0][:],sp2[1][:])
t = bezmisc.beziertatlength(bez, l, tolerance)
return cspbezsplit(sp1, sp2, t)
def cspseglength(sp1,sp2, tolerance = 0.001):
bez = (sp1[1][:],sp1[2][:],sp2[0][:],sp2[1][:])
return bezmisc.bezierlength(bez, tolerance)
def csplength(csp):
total = 0
lengths = []
for sp in csp:
for i in xrange(1,len(sp)):
l = cspseglength(sp[i-1],sp[i])
total += l
return lengths, total
def csparea(csp):
area = 0.0
for sp in csp:
if len(sp) < 2: continue
for i in range(len(sp)): # calculate polygon area
area += 0.5*sp[i-1][1][0]*(sp[i][1][1] - sp[i-2][1][1])
for i in range(1, len(sp)): # add contribution from cubic Bezier
vec_x = numpy.matrix([sp[i-1][1][0], sp[i-1][2][0], sp[i][0][0], sp[i][1][0]])
vec_y = numpy.matrix([sp[i-1][1][1], sp[i-1][2][1], sp[i][0][1], sp[i][1][1]])
area += 0.15*(vec_x*mat_area*vec_y.T)[0,0]
return -area # require positive area for CCW
def cspcofm(csp):
area = csparea(csp)
xc = 0.0
yc = 0.0
if abs(area) < 1.e-8:
inkex.errormsg(_("Area is zero, cannot calculate Center of Mass"))
return 0, 0
for sp in csp:
for i in range(len(sp)): # calculate polygon moment
xc += sp[i-1][1][1]*(sp[i-2][1][0] - sp[i][1][0])*(sp[i-2][1][0] + sp[i-1][1][0] + sp[i][1][0])/6
yc += sp[i-1][1][0]*(sp[i][1][1] - sp[i-2][1][1])*(sp[i-2][1][1] + sp[i-1][1][1] + sp[i][1][1])/6
for i in range(1, len(sp)): # add contribution from cubic Bezier
vec_x = numpy.matrix([sp[i-1][1][0], sp[i-1][2][0], sp[i][0][0], sp[i][1][0]])
vec_y = numpy.matrix([sp[i-1][1][1], sp[i-1][2][1], sp[i][0][1], sp[i][1][1]])
vec_t = numpy.matrix([(vec_x*mat_cofm_0*vec_y.T)[0,0], (vec_x*mat_cofm_1*vec_y.T)[0,0], (vec_x*mat_cofm_2*vec_y.T)[0,0], (vec_x*mat_cofm_3*vec_y.T)[0,0]])
xc += (vec_x*vec_t.T)[0,0]/280
yc += (vec_y*vec_t.T)[0,0]/280
return -xc/area, -yc/area
def appendSuperScript(node, text):
super = inkex.etree.SubElement(node, inkex.addNS('tspan', 'svg'), {'style': 'font-size:65%;baseline-shift:super'})
super.text = text
class Length(inkex.Effect):
def __init__(self):
action="store", type="string",
dest="mtype", default="length",
help="Type of measurement")
action="store", type="string",
dest="mformat", default="textonpath",
help="Text Orientation")
action="store", type="string",
dest="presetFormat", default="TaP_start",
help="Preset text layout")
action="store", type="string",
dest="startOffset", default="custom",
help="Text Offset along Path")
action="store", type="int",
dest="startOffsetCustom", default=50,
help="Text Offset along Path")
action="store", type="string",
dest="anchor", default="start",
help="Text Anchor")
action="store", type="string",
dest="position", default="start",
help="Text Position")
action="store", type="float",
dest="angle", default=0,
self.OptionParser.add_option("-f", "--fontsize",
action="store", type="int",
dest="fontsize", default=20,
help="Size of length lable text in px")
self.OptionParser.add_option("-o", "--offset",
action="store", type="float",
dest="offset", default=-6,
help="The distance above the curve")
self.OptionParser.add_option("-u", "--unit",
action="store", type="string",
dest="unit", default="mm",
help="The unit of the measurement")
self.OptionParser.add_option("-p", "--precision",
action="store", type="int",
dest="precision", default=2,
help="Number of significant digits after decimal point")
self.OptionParser.add_option("-s", "--scale",
action="store", type="float",
dest="scale", default=1,
help="Scale Factor (Drawing:Real Length)")
self.OptionParser.add_option("-r", "--orient",
action="store", type="inkbool",
dest="orient", default=True,
help="Keep orientation of text upright")
action="store", type="string",
dest="tab", default="sampling",
help="The selected UI-tab when OK was pressed")
action="store", type="string",
dest="measurehelp", default="",
def effect(self):
if self.options.mformat == '"presets"':
# get number of digits
prec = int(self.options.precision)
scale = self.unittouu('1px') # convert to document units
self.options.offset *= scale
factor = 1.0
doc = self.document.getroot()
if doc.get('viewBox'):
[viewx, viewy, vieww, viewh] = doc.get('viewBox').split(' ')
factor = self.unittouu(doc.get('width'))/float(vieww)
if self.unittouu(doc.get('height'))/float(viewh) < factor:
factor = self.unittouu(doc.get('height'))/float(viewh)
factor /= self.unittouu('1px')
self.options.fontsize /= factor
factor *= scale/self.unittouu('1'+self.options.unit)
# loop over all selected paths
for id, node in self.selected.iteritems():
if node.tag == inkex.addNS('path','svg'):
mat = simpletransform.composeParents(node, [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])
p = cubicsuperpath.parsePath(node.get('d'))
simpletransform.applyTransformToPath(mat, p)
if self.options.mtype == "length":
slengths, stotal = csplength(p)
self.group = inkex.etree.SubElement(node.getparent(),inkex.addNS('text','svg'))
elif self.options.mtype == "area":
stotal = abs(csparea(p)*factor*self.options.scale)
self.group = inkex.etree.SubElement(node.getparent(),inkex.addNS('text','svg'))
xc, yc = cspcofm(p)
self.group = inkex.etree.SubElement(node.getparent(),inkex.addNS('path','svg'))
self.group.set('id', 'MassCenter_' + node.get('id'))
self.addCross(self.group, xc, yc, scale)
# Format the length as string
lenstr = locale.format("%(len)25."+str(prec)+"f",{'len':round(stotal*factor*self.options.scale,prec)}).strip()
if self.options.mformat == '"textonpath"':
startOffset = self.options.startOffset
if startOffset == "custom":
startOffset = str(self.options.startOffsetCustom) + '%'
if self.options.mtype == "length":
self.addTextOnPath(self.group, 0, 0, lenstr+' '+self.options.unit, id, self.options.anchor, startOffset, self.options.offset)
self.addTextOnPath(self.group, 0, 0, lenstr+' '+self.options.unit+'^2', id, self.options.anchor, startOffset, self.options.offset)
elif self.options.mformat == '"fixedtext"':
if self.options.position == "mass":
tx, ty = cspcofm(p)
anchor = 'middle'
elif self.options.position == "center":
bbox = simpletransform.computeBBox([node])
tx = bbox[0] + (bbox[1] - bbox[0])/2.0
ty = bbox[2] + (bbox[3] - bbox[2])/2.0
anchor = 'middle'
else: # default
tx = p[0][0][1][0]
ty = p[0][0][1][1]
anchor = 'start'
if self.options.mtype == "length":
self.addTextWithTspan(self.group, tx, ty, lenstr+' '+self.options.unit, id, anchor, -int(self.options.angle), self.options.offset + self.options.fontsize/2)
self.addTextWithTspan(self.group, tx, ty, lenstr+' '+self.options.unit+'^2', id, anchor, -int(self.options.angle), -self.options.offset + self.options.fontsize/2)
# center of mass, no text
def setPreset(self):
# keep dict in sync with enum in INX file:
preset_dict = {
'default_length': ['"textonpath"', "50%", "start", None, None],
'default_area': ['"fixedtext"', None, None, "start", 0.0],
'default_cofm': [None, None, None, None, None],
'TaP_start': ['"textonpath"', "0%", "start", None, None],
'TaP_middle': ['"textonpath"', "50%", "middle", None, None],
'TaP_end': ['"textonpath"', "100%", "end", None, None],
'FT_start': ['"fixedtext"', None, None, "start", 0.0],
'FT_bbox': ['"fixedtext"', None, None, "center", 0.0],
'FT_mass': ['"fixedtext"', None, None, "mass", 0.0],
if self.options.presetFormat == "default":
current_preset = 'default_' + self.options.mtype
current_preset = self.options.presetFormat
self.options.mformat = preset_dict[current_preset][0]
self.options.startOffset = preset_dict[current_preset][1]
self.options.anchor = preset_dict[current_preset][2]
self.options.position = preset_dict[current_preset][3]
self.options.angle = preset_dict[current_preset][4]
def addCross(self, node, x, y, scale):
l = 3*scale # 3 pixels in document units
node.set('d', 'm %s,%s %s,0 %s,0 m %s,%s 0,%s 0,%s' % (str(x-l), str(y), str(l), str(l), str(-l), str(-l), str(l), str(l)))
node.set('style', 'stroke:#000000;fill:none;stroke-width:%s' % str(0.5*scale))
def addTextOnPath(self, node, x, y, text, id, anchor, startOffset, dy = 0):
new = inkex.etree.SubElement(node,inkex.addNS('textPath','svg'))
s = {'text-align': 'center', 'vertical-align': 'bottom',
'text-anchor': anchor, 'font-size': str(self.options.fontsize),
'fill-opacity': '1.0', 'stroke': 'none',
'font-weight': 'normal', 'font-style': 'normal', 'fill': '#000000'}
new.set('style', simplestyle.formatStyle(s))
new.set(inkex.addNS('href','xlink'), '#'+id)
new.set('startOffset', startOffset)
new.set('dy', str(dy)) # dubious merit
if text[-2:] == "^2":
appendSuperScript(new, "2")
new.text = str(text)[:-2]
new.text = str(text)
node.set('x', str(x))
node.set('y', str(y))
def addTextWithTspan(self, node, x, y, text, id, anchor, angle, dy = 0):
new = inkex.etree.SubElement(node,inkex.addNS('tspan','svg'), {inkex.addNS('role','sodipodi'): 'line'})
s = {'text-align': 'center', 'vertical-align': 'bottom',
'text-anchor': anchor, 'font-size': str(self.options.fontsize),
'fill-opacity': '1.0', 'stroke': 'none',
'font-weight': 'normal', 'font-style': 'normal', 'fill': '#000000'}
new.set('style', simplestyle.formatStyle(s))
new.set('dy', str(dy))
if text[-2:] == "^2":
appendSuperScript(new, "2")
new.text = str(text)[:-2]
new.text = str(text)
node.set('x', str(x))
node.set('y', str(y))
node.set('transform', 'rotate(%s, %s, %s)' % (angle, x, y))
if __name__ == '__main__':
e = Length()
# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 softtabstop=4 fileencoding=utf-8 textwidth=99