#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Purpose: To extract the css_defaults and cssprops data from the
# SVG 1.1 2nd Ed specification file propidx.html. The file can be found at:
# http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/propidx.html
# A number of adjustments must be made after parsing the HTML file.
# Author: Tavmjong Bah
# Rewrite of script by Abhishek
use strict;
use warnings;
use HTML::TokeParser;
# Groups of elements defined in spec.
# Note "use" is not a container element but it acts like one!
# Note "flowRoot, flowPara, flowSpan, flowRegion, and flowRect are Inkscape
# specific (failed SVG1.2 items)
my @container_elements = ("a", "defs", "glyph", "g", "marker", "mask", "missing-glyph", "pattern", "svg", "switch", "symbol", "use");
my @graphics_elements = ("circle", "ellipse", "image", "line", "path", "polygon", "polyline", "rect", "text", "use");
my @filter_primitives = ("feBlend", "feColorMatrix", "feComponentTransfer", "feComposite", "feConvolveMatrix",
"feDiffuseLighting", "feDisplacementMap", "feFlood", "feGaussianBlur", "feImage",
"feMerge", "feMorphology", "feOffset", "feSpecularLighting", "feTile", "feTurbulence" );
my @text_content_elements = ("altGlyph", "textPath", "text", "tref", "tspan", "flowRoot", "flowPara", "flowSpan");
my @shapes = ("path", "rect", "circle", "ellipse", "line", "polyline", "polygon");
my @viewport = ("svg", "symbol", "foreignObject" );
my $p= HTML::TokeParser->new('propidx.html') or die "Can't open file: $!";
my %properties;
my $property;
# Loop over tokens
while( my $t = $p->get_token ) {
# Look for <tr> (start token with value 'tr').
if( $t->[0] eq 'S' and lc $t->[1] eq 'tr') {
print "---------\n";
my $column = 0;
while( $t = $p->get_token ) {
# Keep track of column
if( $t->[0] eq 'S' and lc $t->[1] eq 'td') {
$t = $p->get_token; # Skip to next token
if( $column == 1 and $t->[0] eq 'S' and lc $t->[1] =~ 'span') {
# First column is always property name, defined inside <span>.
# print " span ${$t->[2]}{'class'}\n";
# if( ${$t->[2]}{'class'} =~ 'prop-name' ) {
# print " $t->[4]\n";
# } $property =~ s/\‘//;
$t = $p->get_token;
$property = $t->[1];
$property =~ s/‘//; # Opening single quote
$property =~ s/’//; # Closing single quote
print "Property: $property\n";
if( $column == 3 and $t->[0] eq 'T') {
# Third column is default value (simple text).
my $default = $t->[1];
$properties{ $property }->{default} = $default;
print " Default: $default\n";
if( $column == 4 and $t->[0] eq 'S' ) {
# Fourth column is "Applies to"
if( lc $t->[1] eq 'span' && ${$t->[2]}{'class'} =~ 'element-name' ) {
$t = $p->get_token;
my $element = $t->[1];
$element =~ s/‘//; # Opening single quote
$element =~ s/’//; # Closing single quote
print " Elements: $element\n";
push @{$properties{ $property }->{elements}}, $element;
} elsif ( lc $t->[1] eq 'a' ) {
my $text = $p->get_trimmed_text;
if( $text ne "" ) {
print " Text ->$text<-\n";
if( $text =~ "container" ) {
print " Adding container elements\n";
push @{$properties{ $property }->{elements}}, @container_elements;
$properties{ $property }->{addedContainers} = 1;
if( $text =~ "text" ) {
print " Adding text content elements\n";
push @{$properties{ $property }->{elements}}, @text_content_elements;
if( $text =~ "graphics" ) {
print " Adding graphics elements\n";
push @{$properties{ $property }->{elements}}, @graphics_elements;
if( $text =~ "primitives" ) {
print " Adding filter primitive elements\n";
push @{$properties{ $property }->{elements}}, @filter_primitives;
if( $text =~ "shape" ) {
print " Adding shape elements\n";
push @{$properties{ $property }->{elements}}, @shapes;
if( $text =~ "viewport" ) {
print " Adding viewport elements\n";
push @{$properties{ $property }->{elements}}, @viewport;
} else {
print " Not Elements: $t->[1]\n";
if( $column == 5 and $t->[0] eq 'T') {
# Fifth column is inherit value (simple text).
my $inherit = $t->[1];
$properties{ $property }->{inherit} = $inherit;
print " Inherit: $inherit\n";
if( $t->[0] eq 'E' and lc $t->[1] eq 'tr') {
# Adjustments
$properties{ "alignment-baseline" }->{default} = "auto";
$properties{ "color" }->{default} = "NO_DEFAULT"; # Depends on user agent.
$properties{ "font" }->{default} = "NO_DEFAULT"; # See individual font properties.
$properties{ "font-family" }->{default} = "NO_DEFAULT";
$properties{ "marker" }->{default} = "none"; # Same as marker-start, etc.
$properties{ "overflow" }->{default} = "hidden"; # On all but outermost <svg>, user agent style sheet sets this to hidden.
# This is the safest thing to do....
$properties{ "text-decoration" }->{default} = "NO_DEFAULT";
$properties{ "text-decoration" }->{inherit} = "no";
push @{$properties{ "color" }->{elements}}, @text_content_elements;
push @{$properties{ "color" }->{elements}}, @shapes;
push @{$properties{ "color" }->{elements}}, "stop", "feFlood", "feDiffuseLighting", "feSpecularLighting";
push @{$properties{ "color-interpolation-filters" }->{elements}}, "filter";
@{$properties{ "clip-rule" }->{elements}} = @graphics_elements;
push @{$properties{ "clip-rule" }->{elements}}, "clip-path"; # Can inherit
push @{$properties{ "display" }->{elements}}, @graphics_elements;
push @{$properties{ "image-rendering" }->{elements}}, "pattern", "image", "feImage";
# "title" isn't in the SVG spec (except for style sheets) but it is commonly supported by browsers
push @{$properties{ "title" }->{elements}}, @graphics_elements, "g";
$properties{ "title" }->{default} = "NO DEFAULT";
$properties{ "title" }->{inherit} = "no";
push @{$properties{ "visibility" }->{elements}}, @graphics_elements;
$properties{ "marker-end" }->{default} = $properties{ "marker-start" }->{default};
$properties{ "marker-mid" }->{default} = $properties{ "marker-start" }->{default};
$properties{ "marker-end" }->{inherit} = $properties{ "marker-start" }->{inherit};
$properties{ "marker-mid" }->{inherit} = $properties{ "marker-start" }->{inherit};
@{$properties{ "marker-end" }->{elements}} = @{$properties{ "marker-start" }->{elements}};
@{$properties{ "marker-mid" }->{elements}} = @{$properties{ "marker-start" }->{elements}};
# Inkscape uses CSS property 'line-height' even though this is not part of SVG spec.
push @{$properties{ "line-height" }->{elements}}, "text", "flowRoot", "flowPara";
$properties{ "line-height" }->{default} = "NO DEFAULT";
$properties{ "line-height" }->{inherit} = "no";
# Inkscape uses CSS property 'text-align' for flowed text. It is not an SVG 1.1 property
# but is found in SVG 1.2 Tiny.
push @{$properties{ "text-align" }->{elements}}, "flowRoot";
$properties{ "text-align" }->{default} = "start";
$properties{ "text-align" }->{inherit} = "yes";
# Compositing and Blending Level 1
push @{$properties{ "mix-blend-mode" }->{elements}}, @container_elements;
push @{$properties{ "mix-blend-mode" }->{elements}}, @graphics_elements;
$properties{ "mix-blend-mode" }->{default} = "normal";
$properties{ "mix-blend-mode" }->{inherit} = "no";
push @{$properties{ "isolation" }->{elements}}, @container_elements;
push @{$properties{ "isolation" }->{elements}}, @graphics_elements;
$properties{ "isolation" }->{default} = "auto";
$properties{ "isolation" }->{inherit} = "no";
# SVG2
push @{$properties{ "paint-order" }->{elements}}, @container_elements;
push @{$properties{ "paint-order" }->{elements}}, @graphics_elements;
$properties{ "paint-order" }->{default} = "normal";
$properties{ "paint-order" }->{inherit} = "yes";
push @{$properties{ "solid-color" }->{elements}}, @container_elements;
push @{$properties{ "solid-color" }->{elements}}, @graphics_elements;
$properties{ "solid-color" }->{default} = "#000000";
$properties{ "solid-color" }->{inherit} = "no";
push @{$properties{ "solid-opacity" }->{elements}}, @container_elements;
push @{$properties{ "solid-opacity" }->{elements}}, @graphics_elements;
$properties{ "solid-opacity" }->{default} = "1.0";
$properties{ "solid-opacity" }->{inherit} = "no";
push @{$properties{ "white-space" }->{elements}}, @container_elements;
push @{$properties{ "white-space" }->{elements}}, @text_content_elements;
$properties{ "white-space" }->{default} = "normal";
$properties{ "white-space" }->{inherit} = "yes";
push @{$properties{ "shape-inside" }->{elements}}, @text_content_elements;
$properties{ "shape-inside" }->{default} = "auto";
$properties{ "shape-inside" }->{inherit} = "no";
push @{$properties{ "shape-outside" }->{elements}}, @text_content_elements;
$properties{ "shape-outside" }->{default} = "auto";
$properties{ "shape-outside" }->{inherit} = "no";
push @{$properties{ "shape-padding" }->{elements}}, @text_content_elements;
$properties{ "shape-padding" }->{default} = "none";
$properties{ "shape-padding" }->{inherit} = "no";
push @{$properties{ "shape-margin" }->{elements}}, @text_content_elements;
$properties{ "shape-margin" }->{default} = "0";
$properties{ "shape-margin" }->{inherit} = "no";
# CSS Text Decoration
push @{$properties{ "text-decoration-line" }->{elements}}, @container_elements;
push @{$properties{ "text-decoration-line" }->{elements}}, @text_content_elements;
$properties{ "text-decoration-line" }->{default} = "none";
$properties{ "text-decoration-line" }->{inherit} = "no";
push @{$properties{ "text-decoration-color" }->{elements}}, @container_elements;
push @{$properties{ "text-decoration-color" }->{elements}}, @text_content_elements;
$properties{ "text-decoration-color" }->{default} = "NO_DEFAULT";
$properties{ "text-decoration-color" }->{inherit} = "no";
push @{$properties{ "text-decoration-style" }->{elements}}, @container_elements;
push @{$properties{ "text-decoration-style" }->{elements}}, @text_content_elements;
$properties{ "text-decoration-style" }->{default} = "solid";
$properties{ "text-decoration-style" }->{inherit} = "no";
push @{$properties{ "text-decoration-fill" }->{elements}}, @container_elements;
push @{$properties{ "text-decoration-fill" }->{elements}}, @text_content_elements;
$properties{ "text-decoration-fill" }->{default} = "NO_DEFAULT";
$properties{ "text-decoration-fill" }->{inherit} = "no";
push @{$properties{ "text-decoration-stroke" }->{elements}}, @container_elements;
push @{$properties{ "text-decoration-stroke" }->{elements}}, @text_content_elements;
$properties{ "text-decoration-stroke" }->{default} = "NO_DEFAULT";
$properties{ "text-decoration-stroke" }->{inherit} = "no";
# CSS Writing Modes
push @{$properties{ "text-orientation" }->{elements}}, @container_elements;
push @{$properties{ "text-orientation" }->{elements}}, @text_content_elements;
$properties{ "text-orientation" }->{default} = "mixed";
$properties{ "text-orientation" }->{inherit} = "yes";
# CSS Transformations
push @{$properties{ "transform" }->{elements}}, @container_elements;
push @{$properties{ "transform" }->{elements}}, @graphics_elements;
$properties{ "transform" }->{default} = "none";
$properties{ "transform" }->{inherit} = "no";
push @{$properties{ "transform-box" }->{elements}}, @container_elements;
push @{$properties{ "transform-box" }->{elements}}, @graphics_elements;
$properties{ "transform-box" }->{default} = "NO_DEFAULT"; # Default no 100% fixed.
$properties{ "transform-box" }->{inherit} = "no";
push @{$properties{ "transform-origin" }->{elements}}, @container_elements;
push @{$properties{ "transform-origin" }->{elements}}, @graphics_elements;
$properties{ "transform-origin" }->{default} = "NO_DEFAULT"; # Default is complicated
$properties{ "transform-origin" }->{inherit} = "no";
push @{$properties{ "transform-style" }->{elements}}, @container_elements;
push @{$properties{ "transform-style" }->{elements}}, @graphics_elements;
$properties{ "transform-style" }->{default} = "flat";
$properties{ "transform-style" }->{inherit} = "no";
push @{$properties{ "perspective" }->{elements}}, @container_elements;
push @{$properties{ "perspective" }->{elements}}, @graphics_elements;
$properties{ "perspective" }->{default} = "none";
$properties{ "perspective" }->{inherit} = "no";
push @{$properties{ "perspective-origin" }->{elements}}, @container_elements;
push @{$properties{ "perspective-origin" }->{elements}}, @graphics_elements;
$properties{ "perspective-origin" }->{default} = "NO_DEFAULT"; # Default is complicated
$properties{ "perspective-origin" }->{inherit} = "no";
push @{$properties{ "backface-visibility" }->{elements}}, @container_elements;
push @{$properties{ "backface-visibility" }->{elements}}, @graphics_elements;
$properties{ "backface-visibility" }->{default} = "visible";
$properties{ "backface-visibility" }->{inherit} = "no";
# Output
open( DEFAULTS, ">css_defaults_new" ) or die "Couldn't open output";
open( ELEMENTS, ">cssprops_new" ) or die "Couldn't open output";
for $property ( sort keys %properties ) {
print "$property:\t$properties{ $property }->{default}\t$properties{ $property }->{inherit}\n";
# Must add container elements to all properties that are inherited.
if( $properties{ $property }->{inherit} =~ "yes" ) {
# But not if they have already been added
if( !defined $properties{ $property }->{addedContainers} ) {
push @{$properties{ $property }->{elements}}, @container_elements;
print " @{ $properties{ $property }->{elements}}\n";
print DEFAULTS "\"$property\" - \"$properties{ $property }->{default}\" - \"$properties{ $property }->{inherit}\"\n\n";
print ELEMENTS "\"$property\" - ";
my $first = 0;
foreach (@{$properties{ $property }->{elements}}) {
if( $first != 0 ) {
print ELEMENTS ",";
$first = 1;
print ELEMENTS "\"$_\"";
print ELEMENTS "\n\n";