import os
import struct
version = ''
versionstr = ''
architecture = ''
def is64bitArchitecture(filename):
''' test if a executable is of x64 format @see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1001404/check-if-unmanaged-dll-is-32-bit-or-64-bit/1002672#1002672
@see http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/system/platform/firmware/PECOFF.mspx
//offset to PE header is always at 0x3C
//PE header starts with "PE\0\0" = 0x50 0x45 0x00 0x00
//followed by 2-byte machine type field (see document above for enum)
with open(filename, 'rb') as cofffile:
peOffset = struct.unpack('H', cofffile.read(2))[0]
peHead = struct.unpack('I', cofffile.read(4))[0]
if peHead != 0x00004550: # "PE\0\0", little-endian
# throw new Exception("Can't find PE header")
machineType = struct.unpack('H', cofffile.read(2))[0]
if machineType in (0x8664, 0x200):
return True
return False
if is64bitArchitecture('..\..\inkscape\inkscape.exe'):
architecture = '-x64'
architecture = ''
# retrieve the version information from the inkscape.rc file
# VALUE "ProductVersion", "0.48+devel"
with open('..\..\src\inkscape.rc', 'r') as rc:
isversioninfo = False
for line in rc.readlines():
if 'productversion' in line.lower() and 'value' in line.lower():
items = line.split()
versionstr = items[2]
versionstr = versionstr.replace('"', '')
versionstr = versionstr.replace("'", "")
# version = version.replace("+", "_")
print versionstr + architecture
if 'versioninfo' in line.lower():
isversioninfo = True
if 'begin' in line.lower():
isversioninfo = False
if isversioninfo and 'productversion' in line.lower():
items = line.split()
''' the second element contains now version info in the form major,minor,fix,build'''
veritems = items[1].split(',')
version = veritems[0] + '.' + veritems[1]
with open('version.wxi', 'w') as wxi:
wxi.write("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>\n")
wxi.write("<!-- do not edit, this file is created by version.py tool any changes will be lost -->\n")
wxi.write("<?define ProductVersion='" + version + "' ?>\n")
wxi.write("<?define FullProductName='Inkscape " + versionstr + "' ?>\n")
if 'x64' in architecture:
wxi.write("<?define ProgramFilesFolder='ProgramFiles64Folder' ?>\n")
wxi.write("<?define Win64='yes' ?>\n")
wxi.write("<?define InstallerVersion='200' ?>\n")
wxi.write("<?define Platform='x64' ?>\n")
wxi.write("<?define ProgramFilesFolder='ProgramFilesFolder' ?>\n")
wxi.write("<?define Win64='no' ?>\n")
wxi.write("<?define InstallerVersion='100' ?>\n")
wxi.write("<?define Platform='x86' ?>\n")