# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
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# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
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# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
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# Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use is subject to license terms.
# This Makefile defines all file modules and build rules for the
# directory uts/sparc and it's children. These are the source files which
# are specific to the sparc processor.
# object lists
CORE_OBJS += ddi_arch.o \
polled_io.o \
# generic-unix module
GENUNIX_OBJS += addsub.o \
archdep.o \
bitmap_arch.o \
compare.o \
div.o \
fpu_simulator.o \
getcontext.o \
iu_simulator.o \
mul.o \
pack.o \
sundep.o \
syscall.o \
unpack.o \
# Driver (pseudo-driver) Modules
# Driver modules
FD_OBJS += fd_asm.o
CPR_SPARC_OBJS += cpr_sparc.o
PCI_PCI_OBJS += pci_pci.o pci_debug.o pci_pwr.o pcix.o
PCIE_MISC_OBJS += pcie_sparc.o
PCIEB_OBJS += pcieb_sparc.o
FCODE_OBJS += fcode.o
NSKERN_OBJS += nsc_asm.o
# file system modules
# XXX - currently a bug?...
CORE_OBJS += prmachdep.o
# ZFS file system module
# misc modules
doreloc.o \
kobj_convrelstr.o \
kobj_isa.o \
SWAPGENERIC_OBJS += swapgeneric.o
PCICFG_OBJS += pcicfg.o
FCPCI_OBJS += fcpci.o
FCODEM_OBJS += fc_ddi.o fc_physio.o fc_ops.o fc_subr.o
# special files
MODSTUB_OBJ = modstubs.o
# SPARC DTrace Providers
FBT_OBJS += fbt.o
SDT_OBJS += sdt.o
# Build up paths and defines.
LINT_DEFS += -Dsparc
INC_PATH += -I$(UTSBASE)/sparc
INC_PATH += -I$(UTSBASE)/sparc/krtld
# Since assym.h is a derived file, the dependency must be explicit for
# all files including this file. (This is only actually required in the
# instance when the .nse_depinfo file does not exist.) It may seem that
# the lint targets should also have a similar dependency, but they don't
# since only C headers are included when #defined(lint) is true.
ASSYM_DEPS += sparc_ddi.o
# Inlined assembler routines.
INLINES += $(UTSBASE)/sparc/ml/sparc.il