* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
* Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
* or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
* file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
* If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
* fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
* information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
* Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use is subject to license terms.
#include <sys/note.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* A device handle describes the characterics of a device
* Node. Each device handle also contains information
* on the serveral different ports it is discovered on.
* Classification of Name Server Objects
* +-----------------------------------+---------------------------+
* | Device (node) Specific | Port Specific |
* +-----------------------------------+---------------------------+
* | Node Name (NN) | Port type (PT) |
* | Symbolic Node Name Length | Port Id (ID) |
* | Symbloic Node Name(SNN) | Symbolic Port Name length |
* | Initial Process associator(IPA) | Symbolic Port Name (SPN) |
* | | Class of Service (CS) |
* | | fc4 types (FT) |
* | | IP Address (IP) |
* +-----------------------------------+---------------------------+
* The above classification causes some inconvenience in not having
* the ability to directly copy all the nameserver objects into a
* contiguous piece of memory. But we'll live with it.
#define CT_REV 0x01 /* Common Transport revision */
/* FCS types */
#define FCSTYPE_ALIAS 0xF8
* FCS subtypes for Directory Service
#define FCSSUB_DS_NAME_SERVER 0x02 /* Zoned Name Server */
#define FCSSUB_DS_IPADDR_SERVER 0x03 /* IP Address Server */
* FCS subtypes for Management Service
#define FCSSUB_MS_CONFIG_SERVER 0x01 /* Fabric Config Server */
#define FCSSUB_MS_UNZONED_NAME_SERVER 0x02 /* Unzoned Name Server */
#define FCSSUB_MS_ZONE_SERVER 0x03 /* Fabric Zone Server */
* FCS subtypes for Time Service
#define FCSSUB_TS_TIME_SERVER 0x01 /* Time Server */
* FCS subtypes for Alias Service
#define FCSSUB_AS_ALIAS_SERVER 0x01 /* Alias Server */
* FCS subtypes for Key Service
#define FCSSUB_KS_KEY_SERVER 0x00 /* Key Distribution Server */
/* FC-CT response codes */
#define FS_RJT_IU 0x8001
#define FS_ACC_IU 0x8002
/* FS_RJT Reason Codes */
#define FSRJT_BADCMD 0x01 /* Invalid command code */
#define FSRJT_BADVER 0x02 /* Invalid version level */
#define FSRJT_LOGICALERR 0x03 /* Logical error */
#define FSRJT_BADSIZE 0x04 /* Invalid IU size */
#define FSRJT_BUSY 0x05 /* Logical busy */
#define FSRJT_PROTOCOLERR 0x07 /* Protocol error */
#define FSRJT_CMDFAILED 0x08 /* Unable to perform command */
#define FSRJT_UNSUPP 0x0b /* Command not supported */
#define FSRJT_VENDOR 0xff /* vendor unique error */
/* Name Service Command Codes */
#define NS_GA_NXT 0x0100 /* Get All next */
#define NS_GPN_ID 0x0112 /* Get Port Name */
#define NS_GNN_ID 0x0113 /* Get Node Name */
#define NS_GCS_ID 0x0114 /* Get Class Of service */
#define NS_GFT_ID 0x0117 /* Get FC-4 Types */
#define NS_GSPN_ID 0x0118 /* Get Sym Port name */
#define NS_GPT_ID 0x011A /* Get Port Type */
#define NS_GID_PN 0x0121 /* Get port id for PN */
#define NS_GID_NN 0x0131 /* Get port id for NN */
#define NS_GIP_NN 0x0135 /* Get IP address */
#define NS_GIPA_NN 0x0136 /* Get I.P.A */
#define NS_GSNN_NN 0x0139 /* Get Sym Node name */
#define NS_GNN_IP 0x0153 /* Get Node name for IP */
#define NS_GIPA_IP 0x0156 /* Get I.P.A for IP */
#define NS_GID_FT 0x0171 /* Get port Id for FC-4 type */
#define NS_GID_PT 0x01A1 /* Get port Id for type */
#define NS_RPN_ID 0x0212 /* Reg port name */
#define NS_RNN_ID 0x0213 /* Reg node name */
#define NS_RCS_ID 0x0214 /* Reg C.O.S */
#define NS_RFT_ID 0x0217 /* Reg FC-4 Types */
#define NS_RSPN_ID 0x0218 /* Reg Sym Port name */
#define NS_RPT_ID 0x021A /* Reg Port Type */
#define NS_RIP_NN 0x0235 /* Reg I.P address */
#define NS_RIPA_NN 0x0236 /* Reg I.P.A */
#define NS_RSNN_NN 0x0239 /* Reg Sym Node name */
#define NS_DA_ID 0x0300 /* De-Register all */
/* Name service reject explanation codes */
#define NSRJTX_NONE 0x00 /* No additional explanation */
#define NSRJTX_PORTNOTREG 0x01 /* Port ID not registered */
#define NSRJTX_PWWNNOTREG 0x02 /* Port Name not registered */
#define NSRJTX_NWWNNOTREG 0x03 /* Node Name not registered */
#define NSRJTX_CoSNOTREG 0x04 /* Class of Service no registered */
#define NSRJTX_IPNOTREG 0x05 /* IP Address not registered */
#define NSRJTX_IPANOTREG 0x06 /* Initial Proc. Assoc not reg. */
#define NSRJTX_FC4NOTREG 0x07 /* FC$ types not registered */
#define NSRJTX_SPNNOTREG 0x08 /* Symbolic port name not registered */
#define NSRJTX_SNNNOTREG 0x09 /* Symbolic node name not registered */
#define NSRJTX_TYPENOTREG 0x0a /* Port type not registered */
#define NSRJTX_NOPERM 0x10 /* Access denied */
#define NSRJTX_BADPORTID 0x11 /* Unacceptable port ID */
#define NSRJTX_DBEMPTY 0x12 /* Data base empty */
/* Management Service Command Codes */
#define MS_GIEL 0x0101 /* Get Interconnect Element List */
#define FC_NS_CLASSF 0x01
#define FC_NS_CLASS1 0x02
#define FC_NS_CLASS2 0x04
#define FC_NS_CLASS3 0x08
#define FC_NS_CLASS4 0x10
#define FC_NS_CLASS5 0x20
#define FC_NS_CLASS6 0x40
#define FC_NS_PORT_UNKNOWN 0x00
#define FC_NS_PORT_N 0x01
#define FC_NS_PORT_NL 0x02
#define FC_NS_PORT_F_NL 0x03
#define FC_NS_PORT_NX 0x7F
#define FC_NS_PORT_F 0x81
#define FC_NS_PORT_FL 0x82
#define FC_NS_PORT_E 0x84
#define FC_IS_CMD_A_QUERY(cmd) ((cmd) >= NS_GA_NXT && (cmd) <= NS_GID_PT)
#define FC_IS_CMD_A_REG(cmd) ((cmd) >= NS_RPN_ID && (cmd) <= NS_DA_ID)
#define NS_GAN_RESP_LEN (sizeof (ns_resp_gan_t))
* SCR registration function codes
* Register port/node name request payload
* 'x' means either P (port) or N (node)
typedef struct rxn_id {
fc_portid_t rxn_port_id; /* Port Identfier */
la_wwn_t rxn_xname; /* Port/Node Name */
} ns_rxn_req_t;
* Register Class of service request payload
typedef struct rcos {
fc_portid_t rcos_port_id;
uint32_t rcos_cos;
} ns_rcos_t;
* Register FC-4 TYPEs request payload
typedef struct rfc_type {
fc_portid_t rfc_port_id;
uchar_t rfc_types[32]; /* bit map of ULP types */
} ns_rfc_type_t;
* Register symbolic port name request payload
typedef struct spn {
fc_portid_t spn_port_id;
uchar_t spn_len;
* What follows here is the actual name
* which is allocated on the fly during
* packet allocation.
} ns_spn_t;
* Register port type request payload
typedef struct rpt {
fc_portid_t rpt_port_id;
fc_porttype_t rpt_type;
} ns_rpt_t;
* Register IP address request payload
typedef struct rip {
la_wwn_t rip_node_name;
uchar_t rip_ip_addr[16];
} ns_rip_t;
* Register Initial Process Associator request payload
typedef struct ipa {
la_wwn_t ipa_node_name;
uchar_t ipa_value[8];
} ns_ipa_t;
* Register Symbolic Node Name request payload
typedef struct snn {
la_wwn_t snn_node_name;
uchar_t snn_len;
* What follows here is the actual name
* which is allocated on the fly during
* packet allocation.
} ns_snn_t;
* Remove all request payload
typedef struct remall {
fc_portid_t rem_port_id;
} ns_remall_t;
typedef fc_ct_header_t fc_reg_resp_t;
typedef fc_ct_header_t fc_query_resp_t;
typedef struct ns_req_gid_pt {
fc_porttype_t port_type;
} ns_req_gid_pt_t;
typedef struct ns_resp_gid_pt {
fc_portid_t gid_port_id;
} ns_resp_gid_pt_t;
typedef struct ns_req_gan {
fc_portid_t pid;
} ns_req_gan_t;
typedef struct ns_resp_gan {
fc_porttype_t gan_type_id; /* type and id next */
la_wwn_t gan_pwwn; /* Port Name */
uchar_t gan_spnlen; /* Sym P Name Len */
char gan_spname[255]; /* Sym Port name */
la_wwn_t gan_nwwn; /* Node Name */
uchar_t gan_snnlen; /* Sym N name Len */
char gan_snname[255]; /* Sym Node name */
uchar_t gan_ipa[8]; /* Initial Proc assoc */
uchar_t gan_ip[16]; /* IP Address */
uint32_t gan_cos; /* Class of Service */
uint32_t gan_fc4types[8]; /* FC-4 Types */
} ns_resp_gan_t;
typedef struct ns_req_gid_pn {
la_wwn_t pwwn;
} ns_req_gid_pn_t;
typedef struct ns_resp_gid_pn {
fc_portid_t pid;
} ns_resp_gid_pn_t;
typedef struct ns_req_gpn_id {
fc_portid_t pid;
} ns_req_gpn_id_t;
typedef struct ns_resp_gpn_id {
la_wwn_t pwwn;
} ns_resp_gpn_id_t;
typedef struct ns_req_gpt_id {
fc_portid_t pid;
} ns_req_gpt_id_t;
typedef struct ns_resp_gpt_id {
fc_porttype_t port_type;
} ns_resp_gpt_id_t;
#if !defined(__lint)
_NOTE(SCHEME_PROTECTS_DATA("unique per request", ns_resp_gpn_id))
_NOTE(SCHEME_PROTECTS_DATA("unique per request", rxn_id))
_NOTE(SCHEME_PROTECTS_DATA("unique per request", ns_req_gpn_id))
_NOTE(SCHEME_PROTECTS_DATA("unique per request", ns_resp_gid_pn))
_NOTE(SCHEME_PROTECTS_DATA("unique per request", ns_req_gid_pn))
_NOTE(SCHEME_PROTECTS_DATA("unique per request", ns_resp_gan))
_NOTE(SCHEME_PROTECTS_DATA("unique per request", ns_req_gan))
_NOTE(SCHEME_PROTECTS_DATA("unique per request", ns_req_gid_pt))
_NOTE(SCHEME_PROTECTS_DATA("unique per request", ns_req_gpt_id))
_NOTE(SCHEME_PROTECTS_DATA("unique per request", ns_resp_gpt_id))
_NOTE(SCHEME_PROTECTS_DATA("unique per request", remall))
_NOTE(SCHEME_PROTECTS_DATA("unique per request", snn))
_NOTE(SCHEME_PROTECTS_DATA("unique per request", ipa))
_NOTE(SCHEME_PROTECTS_DATA("unique per request", rip))
_NOTE(SCHEME_PROTECTS_DATA("unique per request", rpt))
_NOTE(SCHEME_PROTECTS_DATA("unique per request", spn))
_NOTE(SCHEME_PROTECTS_DATA("unique per request", rfc_type))
_NOTE(SCHEME_PROTECTS_DATA("unique per request", rcos))
#endif /* __lint */
#ifdef __cplusplus