# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
# or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.
# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
# Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use is subject to license terms.
# This Makefile is used exclusively by `xref' to generate and maintain
# cross-reference databases (right now: cscope, ctags, and etags).
# By default, the cross-reference is built for all files underneath the
# currrent working directory that match the criteria specified in the
# xref.files rule below, and any files that would also be hauled over as
# part of a `bringover' of the working directory (though this can be
# turned off via the -f flag to `xref').
# However, this behavior can be customized in each directory of the build
# tree through the following Makefile macros, if necessary:
# XRDIRS: The list of directories to include; defaults to `.'.
# The more interesting directories should be listed earlier.
# XRPRUNE: The list of directories to prune out.
# XRADD: The list of additional filename globs to include.
# XRDEL: The list of additional filename globs to exclude.
# XRINCDIRS: The list of additional include paths, in "foo bar" format.
# XRINCS: The list of additional include paths, in "-Ifoo -Ibar" format.
# Note that XRINCDIRS and XRINCS are for specifying header paths that are
# not already included in CPPFLAGS and HDRDIR.
# These macros are assumed to be set in a file named `Makefile', but this
# too can be overridden via the -m option to `xref'.
# This Makefile should *never* be included by other Makefiles.
include $(SRC)/Makefile.master
# Default values for the cross-reference tools; these can be overridden
# either in the environment or in XRMAKEFILE. To use regular cscope, set
# CSCOPE to cscope and CSFLAGS to -b.
CSCOPE = $(BUILD_TOOLS)/onbld/bin/$(MACH)/cscope-fast
CTAGS = /usr/bin/ctags
ETAGS = $(SPRO_VROOT)/bin/etags
FLGFLP = $(BUILD_TOOLS)/onbld/bin/flg.flp
include $(XRMAKEFILE)
XRADDLIST = $(XRADD) *.[Ccdshlxy] Makefile* *.il* *.cc llib-* *.xml \
*.dtd.* *.ndl
XRFINDADD = $(XRADDLIST:%=-o -name '%')
XRFINDDEL = $(XRDELLIST:%=-a ! -name '%')
XRSEDPRUNE = $(XRPRUNELIST:%=/\/%\//d; /^%\//d;)
.PRECIOUS: cscope.out cscope.in.out cscope.po.out tags TAGS
# Build the list of files to be included in the cross-reference database.
# Please note that:
# * Any additional FLG-related source files are in xref.flg.
# * We use relative pathnames for the file list; this makes it easier
# to share the resulting cross-reference across machines. We also
# strip the leading './' off of pathnames (if necessary) so that we
# don't trip up vi (since it thinks foo.c and ./foo.c are different
# files).
# * We strip out any duplicate file names, being careful not to
# disturb the order of the file list.
# * We put all the Makefiles at the end of the file list, since they're
# not really source files and thus can cause problems.
# * We otherwise do not sort the file list, since we assume that if
# the order matters, then XRDIRS would've been set so that the more
# important directories are first.
$(TOUCH) xref.flg
$(FIND) $(XRDIRS) `$(CAT) xref.flg` \
-type d \( -name SCCS $(XRFINDPRUNE) \) -prune -o \
-type f \( \( -name '' $(XRFINDADD) \) $(XRFINDDEL) \) -print |\
$(PERL) -ne 's:^\./::; next if ($$seen{$$_}++); print' > xref.tmp
> xref.files
-$(GREP) -v Makefile xref.tmp >> xref.files
-$(GREP) Makefile xref.tmp >> xref.files
$(RM) xref.tmp
# Use the .flg files to assemble a list of other source files that are
# important for building the sources in XRDIRS. So that the list can be
# fed to the $(FIND) in xref.files, we tell $(FLGFLP) to generate relative
# pathnames. We filter out any files that are along paths that are being
# pruned.
> xref.tmp
for dir in $(XRDIRS); do \
$(FLGFLP) -r $$dir >> xref.tmp; \
$(SED) '$(XRSEDPRUNE)' < xref.tmp | $(SORT) -u > xref.flg
$(RM) xref.tmp
# Note that we don't remove the old cscope.out since cscope is smart enough
# to rebuild only what has changed. It can become confused, however, if files
# are renamed or removed, so it may be necessary to do an `xref -c' if
# a lot of reorganization has occured.
xref.cscope: xref.files
-$(ECHO) $(XRINCS) | $(XARGS) -n1 | $(GREP) '^-I' | \
$(CAT) - xref.files > cscope.files
xref.cscope.clobber: xref.clean
-$(RM) cscope.out cscope.in.out cscope.po.out cscope.files
# Create tags databases, similar to above.
# Since assembler files contain C fragments for lint, the lint fragments will
# allow tags to "work" on assembler. Please note that:
# * We order the tags file such that source files that tags seems to
# get along with best are earlier in the list, and so that structure
# definitions are ordered before their uses.
# * We *don't* sort the file list within a given suffix, since we
# assume that if someone cared about ordering, they would've already
# set XRDIRS so that the more important directories are first.
# * We include "/dev/null" in the xref.ctags rule to prevent ctags
# from barfing if "xref.tfiles" ends up empty (alas, ctags is
# too lame to read its file list from stdin like etags does).
xref.ctags: xref.tfiles
$(CTAGS) $(CTFLAGS) /dev/null `$(CAT) xref.tfiles`
xref.ctags.clobber: xref.clean
-$(RM) tags
xref.etags: xref.tfiles
$(CAT) xref.tfiles | $(ETAGS) $(ETFLAGS) -
@$(CAT) /dev/null | $(ETAGS) -
xref.etags.clobber: xref.clean
xref.tfiles: xref.files
> xref.tfiles
-for suffix in h c C cc l y s; do \
$(GREP) "\.$${suffix}$$" xref.files >> xref.tfiles; \
# Note that we put `cscope.files' in clobber rather than clean because
# cscope will whine if it doesn't exist (unless it's passed -d).
-$(RM) xref.tfiles xref.files xref.tmp xref.flg ncscope.*