package onbld_elfmod;
# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
# or
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.
# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
# Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use is subject to license terms.
# This perl module contains code shared between the ELF analysis
# tools found in this directory: find_elf, check_rtime, interface_check,
# and interface_cmp.
use strict;
use File::Basename;
## GetLine(FileHandleRef, LineNumRef)
# Read the next non-empty line from the given file handle reference
# and return it.
# entry:
# FileHandleRef - Reference to open file handle to read from
# LineNumRef - Reference to integer to increment as lines are input
sub GetLine {
my ($fh, $LineNum) = @_;
my $ret_line = '';
my $line;
my $cont = 1;
while ($cont && ($line = <$fh>)) {
chomp $line;
# A backslash at the end of the line indicates that the
# following line is a continuation of this line if the
# backslash is the only character on the line, or if it is
# preceded by a space.
next if ($line eq '\\');
$cont = ($line =~ s/\s+\\$//);
# The # character starts a comment if it is the first
# character on the line, or if it is preceeded by a space.
if ($line =~ /^\#/) {
$cont = 1;
$line =~ s/\s+\#.*$//; # Strip Comments
$line =~ s/\s*$//; # Trailing whitespace
if ($line !~ /^\s*$/) { # Non-empty string
$line =~ s/^\s+//; # Leading whitespace
if ($ret_line eq '') {
$ret_line = $line;
} else {
$ret_line = "$ret_line $line";
# If our result string is still null, act as if a
# continuation is present and read another line.
$cont = 1 if ($ret_line eq '');
# The above loop won't exit while $ret_line is a null string
# unless the read failed, so return undef() in that case.
# Otherwise, use the value in $ret_line.
return ($ret_line ne '') ? $ret_line : undef();
## LoadExceptionsToEXRE(name)
# Locate the exceptions file and process its contents. This function can be
# used by any program with exception files that consist of a single
# verb, followed by a single regular expression:
# VERB regex
# For each such verb, the global level of the main:: namespace must
# have a variable named $EXRE_verb. The $EXRE_ prefix must only be used
# for these variables, and not for any other. The caller must define these
# variables, but leave them undefined.
# entry:
# Any variables in the main:: global symbol table starting with
# the prefix 'EXRE_xxx' are taken to represent the regular expression
# for the exception named xxx.
# name - Name of script (i.e. 'check_rtime')
# $main::opt{e} - Calling program must accept a '-e' option
# that allows the user to specify an exception file
# to use, and the value of that option must be found
# in $main::opt{e}.
# exit:
# The $main::EXRE_xxx variables are updated to contain any regular
# expressions specified by the exception file. If a given exception
# is not encountered, its variable is not modified.
# note:
# We expand strings of the form MACH(dir) to match the given
# directory as well as any 64-bit architecture subdirectory that
# might be present (i.e. amd64, sparcv9).
sub LoadExceptionsToEXRE {
my $name = $_[0];
my $file;
my $Line;
my $LineNum = 0;
my $err = 0;
my %except_names = ();
my %except_re = ();
# Examine the main global symbol table and find all variables
# named EXRE_xxx. By convention established for this program,
# all such variables contain the regular expression for the
# exception named xxx.
foreach my $entry (keys %main::) {
$except_names{$entry} = 1 if $entry =~ /^EXRE_/;
# Locate the exception file
# If -e is specified, that file must be used
if ($main::opt{e}) {
$file = $main::opt{e};
last FILE;
# If this is an activated workspace, use the exception
# file found in the exceptions_list directory.
if (defined($ENV{CODEMGR_WS})) {
$file = "$ENV{CODEMGR_WS}/exception_lists/$name";
last FILE if (-f $file);
# As a final backstop, the SUNWonbld package provides a
# copy of the exception file. This can be useful if we
# are being used with an older workspace.
# This script is installed in the SUNWonbld bin directory,
# while the exception file is in etc/exception_lists. Find
# it relative to the script location given by $0.
$file = dirname($0) . "/../etc/exception_lists/$name";
last FILE if (-f $file);
# No exception file was found.
open (EFILE, $file) ||
die "$name: unable to open exceptions file: $file";
while ($Line = onbld_elfmod::GetLine(\*EFILE, \$LineNum)) {
# Expand MACH()
$Line =~ s/MACH\(([^)]+)\)/$1(\/amd64|\/sparcv9)?/;
# %except_re is a hash indexed by regular expression variable
# name, with a value that contains the corresponding regular
# expression string. If we recognize an exception verb, add
# it to %except_re.
if ($Line =~ /^\s*([^\s]+)\s+(.*)$/i) {
my $verb = $1;
my $re = $2;
$verb =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$verb = "EXRE_$verb";
if ($except_names{$verb}) {
if (defined($except_re{$verb})) {
$except_re{$verb} .= '|' . $re;
} else {
$except_re{$verb} = $re;
printf(STDERR "$file: Unrecognized option: ".
"line $LineNum: $Line\n");
close EFILE;
# Every exception that we encountered in the file exists
# in %except_re. Compile them and assign the results into the
# global symbol of the same name.
# Note that this leaves the global symbols for unused exceptions
# untouched, and therefore, undefined. All users of these variables
# are required to test them with defined() before using them.
foreach my $verb (sort keys %except_names) {
next if !defined($except_re{$verb});
# Turn off strict refs so that we can do a symbolic
# indirection to set the global variable of the name given
# by verb in the main namespace. 'strict' is lexically scoped,
# so its influence is limited to this enclosing block.
no strict 'refs';
${"main::$verb"} = qr/$except_re{$verb}/;
exit 1 if ($err != 0);
## OutMsg(FileHandleRef, Ttl, obj, msg)
## OutMsg2(FileHandleRef, Ttl, old_obj, new_obj, msg)
# Create an output message, either a one-liner (under -o) or preceded by the
# files relative pathname as a title.
# OutMsg() is used when issuing a message about a single object.
# OutMsg2() is for when the message involves an old and new instance
# of the same object. If old_obj and new_obj are the same, as is usually
# the case, then the output is the same as generated by OutMsg(). If they
# differ, as can happen when the new object has changed names, and has been
# found via an alias, both the old and new names are shown.
# entry:
# FileHandleRef - File handle to output file
# Ttl - Reference to variable containing the number of times
# this function has been called for the current object.
# obj - For OutMsg, the path for the current object
# old_obj, new_obj - For OutMsg2, the names of the "old" and "new"
# objects.
# msg - Message to output
# $main::opt{o} - Calling program must accept a '-o' option
# that allows the user to specify "one-line-mode',
# and the value of that option must be found
# in $main::opt{o}.
sub OutMsg {
my($fh, $Ttl, $obj, $msg) = @_;
if ($main::opt{o}) {
print $fh "$obj: $msg\n";
} else {
print $fh "==== $obj ====\n" if ($$Ttl++ eq 0);
print $fh "\t$msg\n";
sub OutMsg2 {
my ($fh, $Ttl, $old_obj, $new_obj, $msg) = @_;
# If old and new are the same, give it to OutMsg()
if ($old_obj eq $new_obj) {
OutMsg($fh, $Ttl, $old_obj, $msg);
if ($main::opt{o}) {
print "old $old_obj: new $new_obj: $msg\n";
} else {
print "==== old: $old_obj / new: $new_obj ====\n"
if ($$Ttl++ eq 0);
print "\t$msg\n";
## header(FileHandleRef, ScriptPath, Argv)
# Generate a header for the top of generated output, including a copyright
# and CDDL, such that the file will pass ON copyright/CDDL rules if it is
# checked into the repository.
# entry:
# FileHandleRef - File handle reference to output text to
# ScriptPath - Value of $0 from caller, giving path to running script
# Argv - Reference to array containing @ARGV from caller.
# note:
# We assume that the calling script contains a value CDDL block.
sub Header {
my ($fh, $ScriptPath, $Argv) = @_;
my $year = 1900 + (localtime())[5];
print $fh "#\n";
print $fh "# Copyright $year Sun Microsystems, Inc. ",
"All rights reserved.\n";
print $fh "# Use is subject to license terms.\n#\n";
# The CDDL text is copied from this script, the path to which is
# assigned to $0 by the Perl interpreter.
if (open(CDDL, $ScriptPath)) {
my $out = 0;
my $Line;
while ($Line = <CDDL>) {
$out = 1 if ($Line =~ /^\# CDDL HEADER START/);
print $fh $Line if $out;
last if ($Line =~ /^\# CDDL HEADER END/);
print $fh "#\n\n";
close CDDL;
print $fh '# Date: ', scalar(localtime()), "\n";
$ScriptPath =~ s/^.*\///;
$ScriptPath =~ s/\.pl$//;
print $fh "# Command: $ScriptPath ", join(' ', @$Argv), "\n\n";
# Perl modules pulled in via 'require' must return an exit status.