\ The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
\ Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
\ You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
\ You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
\ or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
\ See the License for the specific language governing permissions
\ and limitations under the License.
\ When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
\ file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
\ If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
\ fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
\ information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
\ Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
\ Use is subject to license terms.
purpose: UFS file system support package
copyright: Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
" /packages" get-package push-package
fs-pkg$ device-name diag-cr?
\ UFS low-level block routines
h# 2000 constant /max-bsize
d# 512 constant /disk-block
0 instance value dev-ih
0 instance value temp-block
: blk>byte ( block# -- byte# ) /disk-block * ;
: read-disk-blocks ( adr len dev-block# -- )
blk>byte dev-ih read-disk
\ UFS superblock routines
d# 512 constant /super-block
d# 16 constant super-block#
0 instance value super-block
: +sb ( index -- value ) super-block swap la+ l@ ;
: iblkno ( -- n ) d# 04 +sb ;
: cgoffset ( -- n ) d# 06 +sb ;
: cgmask ( -- n ) d# 07 +sb ;
: bsize ( -- n ) d# 12 +sb ;
: fragshift ( -- n ) d# 24 +sb ;
: fsbtodbc ( -- n ) d# 25 +sb ;
: inopb ( -- n ) d# 30 +sb ;
: ipg ( -- n ) d# 46 +sb ;
: fpg ( -- n ) d# 47 +sb ;
: /frag ( -- fragsize ) bsize fragshift rshift ;
: get-super-block ( -- )
super-block /super-block super-block# read-disk-blocks
: cgstart ( cg -- block# )
dup cgmask invert and cgoffset * swap fpg * +
: cgimin ( cg -- block# ) cgstart iblkno + ;
: blkstofrags ( #blocks -- #frags ) fragshift lshift ;
: lblkno ( byte-off -- lblk# ) bsize / ;
: blkoff ( byte-off -- blk-off ) bsize mod ;
: fsbtodb ( fs-blk# -- dev-blk# ) fsbtodbc lshift ;
: read-fs-blocks ( adr len fs-blk# -- ) fsbtodb read-disk-blocks ;
\ UFS inode routines
h# 80 constant /inode
0 instance value inode
0 instance value iptr
: itoo ( i# -- offset ) inopb mod ;
: itog ( i# -- group ) ipg / ;
: itod ( i# -- block# )
dup itog cgimin swap ipg mod inopb / blkstofrags +
: +i ( n -- adr ) iptr + ;
: ftype ( -- n ) 0 +i w@ h# f000 and ;
: dir? ( -- flag ) ftype h# 4000 = ;
: symlink? ( -- flag ) ftype h# a000 = ;
: regular? ( -- flag ) ftype h# 8000 = ;
: file-size ( -- n ) 8 +i x@ ;
: direct0 ( -- adr ) d# 40 +i ;
: indirect0 ( -- adr ) d# 88 +i ;
: indirect1 ( -- adr ) d# 92 +i ;
: indirect2 ( -- adr ) d# 96 +i ;
: comp? ( -- flag ) d# 100 +i l@ 4 and 0<> ;
0 instance value current-file
: iget ( i# -- )
dup temp-block bsize rot itod ( i# adr len blk# )
dup itoo /inode * temp-block + inode /inode move
inode to iptr
to current-file ( )
: l@++ ( ptr -- value ) dup @ l@ /l rot +! ;
d# 12 constant #direct
: #blk-addr/blk bsize /l / ;
: #sgl-addr #blk-addr/blk ;
: #dbl-addr #sgl-addr #blk-addr/blk * ;
\ : #tri-addr #dbl-addr #blk-addr/blk * ;
: >1-idx ( blk# -- idx ) #blk-addr/blk mod ;
: >2-idx ( blk# -- idx ) #sgl-addr / >1-idx ;
\ : >3-idx ( blk# -- idx ) #dbl-addr / >1-idx ;
\ indirect block cache
\ we assume reads will mostly be sequential, and only
\ cache the current indirect block tree
: get-indir ( fs-blk# var adr -- adr )
-rot dup >r @ over = if ( adr fs-blk# r: var )
r> 2drop exit ( adr )
then ( adr fs-blk# r: var )
2dup bsize swap read-fs-blocks ( adr fs-blk# r: var )
r> ! ( adr )
0 instance value indir0-adr
instance variable cur-indir0
: get-indir0 ( fs-blk# -- adr )
cur-indir0 indir0-adr get-indir
0 instance value indir1-adr
instance variable cur-indir1
: get-indir1 ( fs-blk# -- adr )
cur-indir1 indir1-adr get-indir
\ blkptr and blklim point to an array of blk#s,
\ whether in the inode direct block array or in
\ an indirect block
instance variable blkptr
instance variable blklim
: (bmap) ( lblk# -- )
dup #direct < if ( lblk# )
direct0 swap la+ blkptr ! ( )
direct0 #direct la+ blklim !
then ( lblk# )
#direct - ( lblk#' )
dup #sgl-addr < if
indirect0 l@ get-indir0 ( lblk# adr )
tuck swap >1-idx la+ blkptr ! ( adr )
#blk-addr/blk la+ blklim !
then ( lblk# )
#sgl-addr - ( lblk#' )
dup #dbl-addr < if
indirect1 l@ get-indir0 ( lblk# adr )
over >2-idx la+ l@ get-indir1 ( lblk# adr' )
tuck swap >1-idx la+ blkptr ! ( adr )
#blk-addr/blk la+ blklim ! ( )
then ( lblk# )
\ #dbl-addr - ( lblk#' )
\ dup #tri-addr < if
\ indirect2 l@ get-indir0 ( lblk# adr )
\ over >3-idx la+ l@ get-indir1 ( lblk# adr' )
\ over >2-idx la+ l@ get-indir2 ( lblk# adr' )
\ tuck swap >1-idx la+ blkptr ! ( adr )
\ #blk-addr/blk la+ blklim ! ( )
\ exit
\ then ( lblk# )
." file too large" cr drop true ( failed )
0 instance value cur-blk
: bmap ( lblk# -- fs-blk# )
dup cur-blk <> blkptr @ blklim @ = or if ( lblk# )
dup (bmap) ( lblk# )
then ( lblk# )
1+ to cur-blk ( )
blkptr l@++ ( fs-blk# )
: read-one-block ( adr block# -- )
bmap ?dup if
bsize swap read-fs-blocks
bsize erase
: read-partial-block ( adr len off block# -- )
bmap ?dup if
fsbtodb blk>byte + ( adr len byte# )
dev-ih read-disk
drop erase
\ UFS directory routines
instance variable dir-blk
instance variable totoff
instance variable dirptr
0 instance value dir-buf
: get-dirblk ( -- )
dir-buf bsize dir-blk @ bmap ( adr len fs-blk# )
read-fs-blocks ( )
1 dir-blk +!
2 constant rootino
: +d ( n -- adr ) dirptr @ + ;
: dir-ino ( -- adr ) 0 +d l@ ;
: reclen ( -- adr ) 4 +d w@ ;
: namelen ( -- adr ) 6 +d w@ ;
: dir-name ( -- adr ) 8 +d ;
: dir-name$ ( -- file$ ) dir-name namelen ;
\ UFS high-level routines
\ After this point, the code should be independent of the disk format!
0 instance value search-dir
: init-dent
0 totoff ! 0 dir-blk !
current-file to search-dir
: get-dent ( -- end-of-dir? )
totoff @ file-size >= if
true exit
totoff @ blkoff 0= if
dir-buf dirptr !
reclen dirptr +!
reclen totoff +!
dir-ino 0<>
until false
: dirlook ( file$ -- not-found? )
begin get-dent 0= while ( file$ )
2dup dir-name$ $= if ( file$ )
dir-ino iget ( file$ )
2drop false exit ( found )
then ( file$ )
repeat 2drop true ( not-found )
h# 200 constant /fpath-buf
/fpath-buf instance buffer: fpath-buf
: clr-fpath-buf ( -- ) fpath-buf /fpath-buf erase ;
: fpath-buf$ ( -- path$ ) fpath-buf cscount ;
: follow-symlink ( tail$ -- tail$' )
clr-fpath-buf ( tail$ )
fpath-buf file-size 0 0 read-partial-block ( tail$ )
?dup if ( tail$ )
" /" fpath-buf$ $append ( tail$ )
fpath-buf$ $append ( )
else drop then ( )
fpath-buf$ ( path$ )
over c@ ascii / = if ( path$ )
str++ rootino ( path$' i# )
else ( path$ )
search-dir ( path$ i# )
then ( path$ i# )
iget ( path$ )
: lookup ( path$ -- not-found? )
over c@ ascii / = if
str++ rootino ( path$' i# )
current-file ( path$ i# )
then ( path$ i# )
iget ( path$ )
begin ( path$ )
ascii / left-parse-string ( path$ file$ )
dup while
dir? 0= if 2drop true exit then
dirlook if 2drop true exit then ( path$ )
symlink? if
follow-symlink ( path$' )
then ( path$ )
repeat ( path$ file$ )
2drop 2drop false ( succeeded )
: i#>name ( i# -- name$ )
init-dent ( i# )
begin get-dent 0= while ( i# )
dup dir-ino = if ( i# )
drop dir-name$ exit ( name$ )
then ( i# )
repeat drop " ???" ( name$ )
\ UFS installation routines
/max-bsize 4 *
/super-block +
/inode +
constant alloc-size
\ **** Allocate memory for necessary data structures
: allocate-buffers ( -- )
alloc-size mem-alloc dup 0= if
." no memory" abort
then ( adr )
dup to temp-block /max-bsize + ( adr )
dup to dir-buf /max-bsize + ( adr )
dup to indir0-adr /max-bsize + ( adr )
dup to indir1-adr /max-bsize + ( adr )
dup to super-block /super-block + ( adr )
to inode ( )
: release-buffers ( -- )
temp-block alloc-size mem-free
\ UFS file interface
/x field >busy
/x field >offset
/inode field >inode
constant /file-record
d# 10 constant #opens
#opens /file-record * constant /file-records
/file-records instance buffer: file-records
-1 instance value current-fd
: fd>record ( fd -- record ) /file-record * file-records + ;
: file-offset@ ( -- off )
current-fd fd>record >offset x@
: file-offset! ( off -- )
current-fd fd>record >offset x!
: get-slot ( -- fd false | true )
#opens 0 do
i fd>record >busy x@ 0= if
i false unloop exit
loop true
: free-slot ( fd -- )
0 swap fd>record >busy x!
: init-fd ( fd -- )
fd>record ( rec )
dup >busy 1 swap x!
dup >inode inode swap /inode move
>offset 0 swap x!
: set-fd ( fd -- error? )
dup fd>record dup >busy x@ 0= if ( fd rec )
2drop true exit ( failed )
>inode to iptr ( fd )
to current-fd false ( succeeded )
\ get current lblk# and offset within it
: file-blk+off ( -- off block# )
file-offset@ dup blkoff swap lblkno
\ advance file io stack by n
: fio+ ( # adr len n -- #+n adr+n len-n )
dup file-offset@ + file-offset!
dup >r - -rot ( len' # adr r: n )
r@ + -rot ( adr' len' # r: n )
r> + -rot ( #' adr' len' )
: (cwd) ( i# -- ) tokenizer[ reveal ]tokenizer
dup rootino <> if
\ open parent, find current name
" .." lookup drop
i#>name ( name$ )
\ recurse to print path components above
current-file (cwd) ( name$ )
\ and print this component
type ( )
else drop then ( )
\ slash is both root name and separator
." /"
: open ( -- okay? )
my-args dev-open dup 0= if ( 0 )
exit ( failed )
then to dev-ih
file-records /file-records erase
true ( succeeded )
: close ( -- )
dev-ih dev-close
0 to dev-ih
: open-file ( path$ -- fd true | false )
get-slot if
2drop false exit ( failed )
then -rot ( fd path$ )
lookup if ( fd )
drop false exit ( failed )
dup init-fd true ( fd succeeded )
: close-file ( fd -- )
free-slot ( )
: size-file ( fd -- size )
set-fd if 0 else file-size then
: seek-file ( off fd -- off true | false )
set-fd if ( off )
drop false exit ( failed )
then ( off )
dup file-size > if ( off )
drop false exit ( failed )
then ( off )
dup file-offset! true ( off succeeded )
: read-file ( adr len fd -- #read )
set-fd if ( adr len )
2drop 0 exit ( 0 )
then ( adr len )
regular? 0= if 2drop 0 exit then
\ adjust len if reading past eof
dup file-offset@ + file-size > if
dup file-offset@ + file-size - -
dup 0= if nip exit then
0 -rot ( #read adr len )
\ initial partial block
file-offset@ blkoff ?dup if ( #read adr len off )
bsize swap - over min ( #read adr len len' )
3dup nip file-blk+off ( #read adr len len' adr len' off lblk# )
read-partial-block ( #read adr len len )
fio+ ( #read' adr' len' )
then ( #read adr len )
dup lblkno 0 ?do ( #read adr len )
over file-blk+off nip ( #read adr len adr lblk# )
read-one-block ( #read adr len )
bsize fio+ ( #read' adr' len' )
loop ( #read adr len )
\ final partial block
dup if ( #read adr len )
2dup file-blk+off ( #read adr len adr len off lblk# )
read-partial-block ( #read adr len )
dup fio+ ( #read' adr' 0 )
then 2drop ( #read )
: cinfo-file ( fd -- bsize fsize comp? )
set-fd if 0 0 0 else bsize file-size comp? then
\ read ramdisk fcode at rd-offset
: get-rd ( adr len -- )
rd-offset dev-ih read-disk
\ no additional props needed for ufs
: bootprop ( -- ) false ;
\ debug words
: chdir ( dir$ -- )
current-file -rot ( i# dir$ )
lookup if ( i# )
to current-file ( )
." no such dir" cr exit
then ( i# )
dir? 0= if ( i# )
to current-file ( )
." not a dir" cr exit
then drop ( )
: dir ( -- )
current-file iget
begin get-dent 0= while
dir-name$ type cr
: cwd ( -- )
current-file ( i# )
dup (cwd) cr ( i# )
iget ( )