\ The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
\ Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
\ You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
\ You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
\ or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
\ See the License for the specific language governing permissions
\ and limitations under the License.
\ When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
\ file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
\ If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
\ fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
\ information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
\ Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
\ Use is subject to license terms.
purpose: HSFS file system support package for NewBoot
copyright: Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
\ High Sierra, Rock Ridge (CD-ROM) file system reader and boot block
" /packages" get-package push-package
fs-pkg$ device-name diag-cr?
\ HSFS variables
0 instance value dev-ih
0 instance value vol-desc
0 instance value dir-buf
0 instance value sua-buf
0 instance value ce-buf
\ HSFS volume descriptor routines
\ unaligned load of 2-byte item
: xw@ ( adr -- n )
dup c@ swap char+ ( c0 adr+1 )
c@ ( c0 c1 )
\ unaligned store of 2-byte item
: xw! ( n adr -- )
swap wbsplit swap 2 pick c! swap char+ c!
\ unaligned load of 4-byte item
: xl@ ( adr -- n )
dup xw@ swap wa1+ ( w0 adr+2 )
xw@ ( w0 w1 )
\ unaligned store of 4-byte item
: xl! ( n adr -- )
swap lwsplit swap 2 pick xw! swap wa1+ xw!
d# 2048 constant /sector
d# 16 constant vol-desc-sector# ( -- n )
: +vd ( index -- adr )
vol-desc 0= if
." invalid access of +vd" cr abort
vol-desc +
: root-dir ( -- n ) d# 156 +vd ;
: /block ( -- n ) d# 128 +vd xw@ ;
: byte>blkoff ( byte-off -- block-off ) /block mod ;
: get-vol-desc ( -- )
vol-desc /sector vol-desc-sector# /sector * dev-ih read-disk
: read-fs-blocks ( adr len fs-blk# -- ) /block * dev-ih read-disk ;
\ HSFS directory routines
\ Current directory variables.
instance variable cdir-blk \ Current directory device block ptr.
instance variable cdir-blk0 \ Current directory block0.
instance variable cdir-offset \ Current directory logical offset.
instance variable cdir-size \ Current directory logical size.
instance variable cdir-ptr \ Current directory entry pointer.
false instance value cdir-rescan \ Rescan current directory for symlink.
\ Access of current directory entry.
: +dr ( n -- adr ) cdir-ptr @ + ;
: dir-entrylen ( -- n ) d# 0 +dr c@ ;
: dir-block0 ( -- n ) d# 2 +dr xl@ ;
: dir-filesize ( -- n ) d# 10 +dr xl@ ;
: dir-flags ( -- n ) d# 25 +dr c@ ;
: dir-filenamelen ( -- n ) d# 32 +dr c@ ;
: dir-filename ( -- adr ) d# 33 +dr ;
: dir-isdir? ( -- flag ) dir-flags h# 02 and 0<> ;
: dir-file$ ( -- adr len ) dir-filename dir-filenamelen ;
: dir-sualen ( -- len ) dir-entrylen d# 33 - dir-filenamelen - ;
\ ISO name, including dot & dot-dot check
: dir-iso$ ( -- adr len )
dir-filenamelen 1 = if
dir-filename c@ ( name[0] )
dup 0= if
drop " ." exit ( dot )
1 = if ( )
" .." exit ( dot-dot )
dir-file$ ( name$ )
false instance value symlink?
: get-dirblk ( -- )
dir-buf /block cdir-blk @ read-fs-blocks
1 cdir-blk +!
: froot ( -- ) root-dir cdir-ptr ! ;
\ SUAs - System Use Area in directory entry (Rock Ridge
\ Extensions to High Sierra/ISO 9660 Format).
\ Immediately follows directory entry name rounded up to
\ a half-word boundary.
0 instance value sua-ptr
0 instance value sua-len
: +suf ( n -- adr ) sua-ptr + ;
: suf-sig ( -- adr len ) sua-ptr 2 ;
: suf-len ( -- len ) 2 +suf c@ ;
: suf-dat ( -- data ) 5 +suf ;
: suf-ce-lbn ( -- lbn ) 4 +suf xl@ ;
: suf-ce-offset ( -- offset ) d# 12 +suf xl@ ;
: suf-ce-len ( -- len ) d# 20 +suf xl@ ;
: init-sua ( -- )
dir-file$ + /w roundup to sua-ptr
dir-sualen to sua-len
: next-suf ( -- )
sua-len suf-len - to sua-len
suf-len +suf to sua-ptr
: end-sua ( -- end? )
sua-len 4 <
: suf-nm$ ( -- adr len ) suf-dat suf-len 5 - ;
\ Continuation suffix handling. When a 'CE' suffix is seen,
\ record the CE parameters (logical block#, offset and length
\ of continuation). We process the CE continuation only after
\ we've finished processing the current SUA area.
instance variable ce-lbn
instance variable ce-offset
instance variable ce-len
: suf-ce-set ( -- )
suf-ce-lbn ce-lbn !
suf-ce-offset ce-offset !
suf-ce-len ce-len !
: suf-ce-process ( -- error? )
ce-lbn @ 0= if
sua-buf ce-len @ ce-lbn @ read-fs-blocks
sua-buf to sua-ptr
ce-len @ to sua-len
0 ce-len ! 0 ce-lbn ! 0 ce-offset !
/buf-len instance buffer: suf-sl-buf
false instance value symlink-need-sep
\ Format of Rock Ridge symlinks needs to be munged to unix-style
\ name. Format is: <flag><nbytes>file-name<flag><nbytes>filename...
\ where \ <flag> is flag byte (0=filename, 2=current dir, 4=parent
\ dir, 8=root dir) and <nbytes> is one-byte byte count (zero for
\ !filename).
: suf-copy-to-symlinkbuf ( name$ -- )
false to symlink-need-sep
suf-sl-buf -rot bounds do ( dst )
symlink-need-sep if
ascii / over c! char+
true to symlink-need-sep
i c@ dup 2 = if ( dst 2 )
\ CURRENT (".")
drop ascii . over c! char+ 2 ( dst' inc )
else dup 4 = if ( dst 4 )
\ PARENT ("..")
drop " .." 2 pick swap move ( dst )
wa1+ 2 ( dst' inc )
else dup 8 = if ( dst 8 )
\ ROOT ("/")
drop ascii / over c! char+ 2 ( dst' inc )
false to symlink-need-sep
else dup 0<> if
." unknown SL flag: " .x cr abort
else ( dst c )
drop ( dst )
i char+ dup c@ >r ( dst src+1 R:nbytes )
char+ over r@ move ( dst R:nbytes )
r@ + ( dst' R:nbytes )
r> wa1+ ( dst' inc )
then then then then
+loop ( dst )
0 swap c!
\ Saved 'NM' prefix buffer.
/buf-len instance buffer: suf-nm-buf
0 instance value suf-nm-size
\ Return the Rock Ridge file name associated with the current
\ dirent ('NM' suffix). Otherwise returns standard iso filename.
\ Marks whether returned filename is a symbolic link ('SL' suffix)
\ and also processes continuations ('CE' suffix).
: rr-file$ ( -- adr len )
false to symlink?
0 to suf-nm-size
\ select start of sua, record sua offset
end-sua if
suf-ce-process if
suf-nm-size if
suf-nm-buf suf-nm-size ( NM$ )
dir-iso$ ( iso$ )
then ( file$ )
suf-sig ( sig-adr sig-len )
2dup " NM" $= if
suf-nm$ to suf-nm-size ( sig-adr sig-len suf-nm-adr )
suf-nm-buf suf-nm-size move
then ( sig-adr sig-len )
2dup " SL" $= if
true to symlink?
suf-nm$ suf-copy-to-symlinkbuf
2dup " CE" $= if
then ( sig-adr sig-len )
2drop next-suf ( )
\ HSFS high-level routines
\ Used for rescanning current directory for symbolic links.
\ Initializes current directory settings from current directory
\ entry pointer or for rescan. If it's not a rescan, we have
\ access to the actual directory entry, so we can check whether
\ it's a directory or not here.
: init-dent ( -- error? )
cdir-rescan if
false to cdir-rescan
cdir-blk0 @ cdir-blk !
dir-isdir? 0= if
true exit
dir-block0 dup cdir-blk ! cdir-blk0 !
dir-filesize cdir-size !
then ( blk0 size )
0 cdir-offset !
: get-dent ( -- error? )
\ Check for end of directory, return true if we're past the EOF.
cdir-offset @ cdir-size @ >= if
true exit
\ If we're at a block boundary, get the next block. Otherwise
\ increment the directory pointer.
cdir-offset @ byte>blkoff 0= if
dir-buf cdir-ptr !
dir-entrylen cdir-ptr +!
\ If dir-entrylen is not zero, increment the current directory
\ file offset. Otherwise, a dir-entrylen of zero indicates
\ the end of a dir block, so round up cdir-offset to fetch the
\ next one
dir-entrylen ?dup if
cdir-offset +! true
cdir-offset @ /block roundup cdir-offset !
until false
\ Look through current directory for file name 'file$'.
\ Will leave current directory entry (cdir-ptr) pointing
\ to matched entry on success.
: dirlook ( file$ -- error? )
init-dent if
true exit
begin get-dent 0= while ( file$ )
2dup rr-file$ $= if ( file$ )
2drop false exit ( succeeded )
then ( file$ )
repeat 2drop true ( failed )
/buf-len instance buffer: symlink-buf
: symlink-buf$ ( -- path$ ) symlink-buf cscount ;
: follow-symlink ( tail$ -- tail$' )
\ copy symlink value (plus null) to buf
suf-sl-buf cscount 1+ symlink-buf swap move
false to symlink?
\ append to current path
?dup if ( tail$ )
" /" symlink-buf$ $append ( tail$ )
symlink-buf$ $append ( )
else drop then ( )
symlink-buf$ ( path$ )
over c@ ascii / = if ( path$ )
froot str++ ( path$' )
true to cdir-rescan
then ( path$ )
: lookup ( path$ -- error? )
over c@ ascii / = if
froot str++ ( path$' )
then ( path$ )
begin ( path$ )
ascii / left-parse-string ( path$ file$ )
dup while ( path$ file$ )
dirlook if
2drop true exit ( failed )
then ( path$ )
symlink? if
follow-symlink ( path$' )
then ( path$ )
repeat ( path$ file$ )
2drop 2drop false ( succeeded )
\ HSFS installation routines
\ Allocate memory for necessary data structures. Need to
\ read volume desriptor sector in order to get /block value.
: initialize ( -- error? )
/sector mem-alloc to vol-desc
/block mem-alloc to dir-buf
/block mem-alloc to sua-buf
/block mem-alloc to ce-buf
: release-buffers ( -- )
ce-buf /block mem-free
sua-buf /block mem-free
dir-buf /block mem-free
vol-desc /sector mem-free
0 to vol-desc
\ HSFS file interface
/x field >filesize
/x field >offset
/x field >block0
constant /file-record
d# 10 constant #opens
#opens /file-record * constant /file-records
/file-records instance buffer: file-records
-1 instance value current-fd
: fd>record ( fd -- record ) /file-record * file-records + ;
: set-fd ( fd -- error? )
dup 0 #opens 1 - between 0= if
drop true exit
dup fd>record >block0 x@ 0= if
drop true exit
to current-fd false
: file-offset@ ( -- off )
current-fd fd>record >offset x@
: file-offset! ( off -- )
current-fd fd>record >offset x!
: file-size@ ( -- size )
current-fd fd>record >filesize x@
: file-size! ( size -- )
current-fd fd>record >filesize x!
: file-block0@ ( -- block0 )
current-fd fd>record >block0 x@
: file-block0! ( block0 -- )
current-fd fd>record >block0 x!
: get-slot ( -- fd false | true )
#opens 0 do
i fd>record >block0 x@ 0= if
i false unloop exit
loop true
: free-slot ( fd -- )
set-fd 0= if
0 file-offset!
0 file-size!
0 file-block0!
\ initializes the open structure with information from
\ the inode (on UFS) or directory entry (from HSFS).
: init-fd ( fd -- )
to current-fd
dir-block0 file-block0!
dir-filesize file-size!
0 file-offset!
: open ( -- okay? )
my-args dev-open dup 0= if ( 0 )
exit ( failed )
then to dev-ih
initialize froot
file-records /file-records erase
true ( succeeded )
: close ( -- )
dev-ih dev-close
: open-file ( path$ -- fd true | false )
get-slot if
2drop false exit ( failed )
then -rot ( fd path$ )
lookup if ( fd )
drop false exit ( failed )
dup init-fd true ( fd success )
: close-file ( fd -- )
free-slot ( )
: read-file ( adr len fd -- #read )
\ Check if fd is valid, if it is set current-fd.
set-fd if
2drop 0 exit
then ( adr len )
\ Adjust len if less than len bytes remain.
file-size@ file-offset@ - min ( adr len' )
\ Check for invalid length read.
dup 0<= if 2drop 0 exit then
\ Compute physical device byte offset.
tuck ( len adr len )
file-block0@ /block * file-offset@ + ( len adr len off )
dev-ih read-disk ( #read )
dup file-offset@ + file-offset!
: seek-file ( off fd -- error? )
set-fd if ( off )
drop false exit ( failed )
then ( off )
dup file-size@ > if ( off )
drop false exit ( failed )
then ( off )
dup file-offset! true ( off succeeded )
: size-file ( fd -- size )
set-fd if
\ we don't support compression (yet)
: cinfo-file ( fd -- bsize fsize comp? )
set-fd if 0 0 0 else /block file-size@ 0 then
\ read ramdisk fcode at rd-offset
: get-rd ( adr len -- )
rd-offset dev-ih read-disk
\ no additional props needed for hsfs
: bootprop ( -- ) false ;
\ debug words
: chdir ( path$ -- )
2dup lookup if
type ." Not found" cr
dir-isdir? 0= if
type ." Not a directory" cr
." blk0 "
cdir-blk0 @ .x
." size "
cdir-size @ .x
: dir ( -- )
begin get-dent 0= while
rr-file$ type
." flags " dir-flags .x
." blk0 " dir-block0 .x
." size " dir-filesize .x
true to cdir-rescan