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// SLPHeaderV1.java: SLPv1 Header.
// Author: James Kempf
// Created On: Thu Sep 10 15:12:14 1998
// Last Modified By: James Kempf
// Last Modified On: Wed Jan 20 15:38:07 1999
// Update Count: 59
package com.sun.slp;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
* The SLPHeaderV1 class models the SLPv1 server side header.
* @author James Kempf
class SLPHeaderV1 extends SrvLocHeader implements Cloneable {
// Version number.
static int VERSION = 1;
// Function code for message reply.
int replyFunctionCode = SrvLocHeader.SrvAck;
// Various header flags.
protected static final int NOFLAG = 0x00;
protected static final int OVERFLOW = 0x80;
protected static final int MONOLING = 0x40;
protected static final int URLSIG = 0x20;
protected static final int ATTRSIG = 0x10;
protected static final int FRESH = 0x08;
protected static int LANG_CODE_BYTES = 2;
protected static int HEADER_BYTES =
// Characters to escape.
final private static String UNESCAPABLE_CHARS = ",=!></*()";
final private static String ESCAPABLE_CHARS =
String charCode = IANACharCode.UTF8; // character encoding.
boolean monolingual = false; // monolingual flag.
// Used to construct a header in SrvLocHeader.newInstance().
SLPHeaderV1() {
version = VERSION;
// Assign reply code based on function code type, then use superclass
// method to parse header.
void parseHeader(int functionCode, DataInputStream dis)
throws ServiceLocationException, IOException {
this.functionCode = functionCode;
// We ignore the error case here.
switch (functionCode) {
case SrvLocHeader.SrvReq:
replyFunctionCode = SrvLocHeader.SrvRply;
case SrvLocHeader.AttrRqst:
replyFunctionCode = SrvLocHeader.AttrRply;
case SrvLocHeader.SrvTypeRqst:
replyFunctionCode = SrvLocHeader.SrvTypeRply;
length = getInt(dis);
byte flags = (byte) ((char)dis.read() & 0xFF);
overflow = ((flags & OVERFLOW) != 0x00);
fresh = false; // fresh gets set on output in SLPv1
monolingual = ((flags & MONOLING) != 0x00);
boolean urlAuth = ((flags & URLSIG) != 0x00);
boolean attrAuth = ((flags & ATTRSIG) != 0x00);
// Security not handled for SLPv1.
if (urlAuth || attrAuth) {
new ServiceLocationException(
new Object[0]);
int dialect = (int) ((char)dis.read() & 0xFF);
// Dialect must be zero.
if (dialect != 0) {
new ServiceLocationException(
new Object[0]);
byte a_bTemp[] = new byte[LANG_CODE_BYTES];
a_bTemp[0] = (byte) dis.read();
a_bTemp[1] = (byte) dis.read();
nbytes += 2;
try {
locale = new Locale(new String(a_bTemp, IANACharCode.ASCII), "");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
int intCharCode = getInt(dis);
charCode = IANACharCode.decodeCharacterEncoding(intCharCode);
xid = (short)getInt(dis);
errCode = ServiceLocationException.OK;
// Parse an incoming V1 message and return the SrvLocMsg object.
SrvLocMsg parseMsg(DataInputStream dis)
throws ServiceLocationException,
IllegalArgumentException {
SrvLocMsg msg = null;
// If this is a *multicast* request, we reject it except for DAAdvert.
// Multicast requests are only taken by SA servers.
if (mcast && (functionCode != SrvLocHeader.DAAdvert)) {
return null;
// Switch and convert according to function code.
switch (functionCode) {
case SrvLocHeader.SrvReq:
msg = new SLPV1SSrvMsg(this, dis);
case SrvLocHeader.SrvReg:
msg = new SLPV1SSrvReg(this, dis);
case SrvLocHeader.SrvDereg:
msg = new SLPV1SSrvDereg(this, dis);
case SrvLocHeader.AttrRqst:
msg = new SLPV1SAttrMsg(this, dis);
case SrvLocHeader.SrvTypeRqst:
msg = new SLPV1SSrvTypeMsg(this, dis);
case SrvLocHeader.DAAdvert:
msg = new SLPV1CDAAdvert(this, dis);
new ServiceLocationException(
new Object[] {
new Integer(functionCode)});
// Check for size overflow.
if (nbytes > length) {
new ServiceLocationException(
new Object[] {
new Integer(nbytes), new Integer(length)});
return msg;
// Externalize the message by converting it to bytes and writing
// it to the output stream.
public void
externalize(ByteArrayOutputStream baos, boolean mcast, boolean isTCP)
throws ServiceLocationException {
// Need to put in the error code or previous responders.
ByteArrayOutputStream fin = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
if (functionCode == SrvLocHeader.SrvAck ||
functionCode == SrvLocHeader.SrvTypeRply ||
functionCode == SrvLocHeader.SrvRply ||
functionCode == SrvLocHeader.AttrRply ||
functionCode == SrvLocHeader.DAAdvert) {
putInt(errCode, fin);
} else {
// Parse out previous responders. Note there will only be some
// if the error code is not put out.
if (previousResponders != null) {
parseCommaSeparatedListOut(previousResponders, fin);
// Parse payload out if error code is OK and payload is nonnull.
if (payload != null && errCode == ServiceLocationException.OK) {
fin.write(payload, 0, payload.length);
// Don't touch payload here, somebody may put in a previousResponder
// and resend the message.
byte[] npayload = fin.toByteArray();
// Set overflow flag if buffer is too large and this isn't going out
// via TCP.
if (((npayload.length + 12) > SLPConfig.getSLPConfig().getMTU()) &&
!isTCP) {
overflow = true;
baos.write((byte) (0xFF & version));
baos.write((byte) (0xFF & functionCode));
length = npayload.length +12; // the 12 is the length of this header!
putInt(length, baos); // what about overflow???
byte flags = 0X00;
if (overflow) {
flags = (byte)(flags | OVERFLOW);
} else {
flags = (byte)(flags & ~OVERFLOW);
if (monolingual) {
flags = (byte)(flags | MONOLING);
} else {
flags = (byte)(flags & ~MONOLING);
if (fresh) {
flags = (byte)((flags | FRESH) & 0XFF);
} else {
flags = (byte)((flags & ~FRESH) & 0XFF);
baos.write((byte) (0xFF & flags));
baos.write((byte) (0xFF & 0)); // dialect...
String language = locale.getLanguage();
baos.write((byte) (0xFF & language.charAt(0)));
baos.write((byte) (0xFF & language.charAt(1)));
nbytes += 2;
int intCharCode = 0;
try {
intCharCode = IANACharCode.encodeCharacterEncoding(charCode);
} catch (ServiceLocationException ex) {
new Object[] {charCode});
putInt(intCharCode, baos);
putInt(xid, baos);
// Write the body.
baos.write(npayload, 0, npayload.length);
nbytes += npayload.length;
// Create an error reply using the reply code. Calculate the
// error code using the exception.
SrvLocMsg makeErrorReply(Exception ex) {
// If this is a DAAdvert, then no error reply is returned
// because V1 doesn't support unicast SrvRqst for DAAdvert.
if (functionCode == SrvLocHeader.DAAdvert) {
return null;
// Clone the header to make sure that everything else is the same.
// We don't want to use the same header because it may be tested
// elsewhere.
SLPHeaderV1 hdr = null;
try {
hdr = (SLPHeaderV1)this.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException exx) {
// We know we support it.
hdr.fresh = false;
hdr.overflow = false;
hdr.mcast = false;
hdr.functionCode = replyFunctionCode;
// We should *not* be getting a null exception down this path!
Assert.slpassert(ex != null,
new Object[] {ex});
if (ex instanceof ServiceLocationException) {
hdr.errCode = ((ServiceLocationException)ex).getErrorCode();
// Handle monolingual bit here. If the exception is
// LANGUAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED and the message type is
// either SrvRqst or AttrRqst, then we simply return an
// empty message unless the monolingual flag is on.
if (hdr.errCode ==
ServiceLocationException.LANGUAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED) {
try {
if (!hdr.monolingual) {
if (hdr.functionCode == SrvLocHeader.SrvReq) {
return SLPV1SSrvMsg.makeEmptyReply(hdr);
} else if (hdr.functionCode == SrvLocHeader.AttrRqst) {
return SLPV1SAttrMsg.makeEmptyReply(hdr);
} catch (ServiceLocationException exx) {
hdr.monolingual = true;
// Otherwise, we just ignore it.
// Anything over AUTHENTICATION_FAILED is an internal error in V1.
if (hdr.errCode > ServiceLocationException.AUTHENTICATION_FAILED) {
hdr.errCode = ServiceLocationException.PARSE_ERROR;
} else if (ex instanceof IllegalArgumentException ||
ex instanceof IOException) {
hdr.errCode = ServiceLocationException.PARSE_ERROR;
} else {
hdr.errCode = ServiceLocationException.PARSE_ERROR;
// Construct header description.
hdr.constructDescription("SrvLocMsg", "");
return hdr;
// Return a reply header with flags properly set.
SLPHeaderV1 makeReplyHeader() {
SLPHeaderV1 hdr = null;
try {
hdr = (SLPHeaderV1)this.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException ex) {
// We know that we support it.
hdr.functionCode = replyFunctionCode;
hdr.length = 0;
hdr.previousResponders = null;
hdr.scopes = null;
hdr.overflow = false;
hdr.fresh = false;
hdr.mcast = false;
hdr.nbytes = 0;
return hdr;
// Return display string.
public String toString() {
getMsgType() + ":version=``" + version + "''\n" +
" functionCode=``" + functionCode + "''\n" +
" length=``" + length + "''\n" +
" overflow=``" + overflow + "''\n" +
" mcast = ``" + mcast + "''\n" +
" fresh=``" + fresh + "''\n" +
" monolingual=``" + monolingual + "''\n" +
" charCode=``" + charCode + "''\n" +
" locale = ``" + locale + "''\n" +
" xid=``0x" + Integer.toHexString(xid) + "''\n" +
" errCode=``" + errCode + "''\n" +
" previousResponders=``" + previousResponders + "''\n" +
" scopes=``" + scopes + "''\n" +
// Validation Utilities.
* Validate the scope name to be sure it doesn't contain forbidden
* chars and isn't one of the reserved scope names.
static void validateScope(String scope)
throws ServiceLocationException
if (scope.indexOf('/') != -1 || scope.indexOf(',') != -1 ||
scope.indexOf(':') != -1) {
throw new ServiceLocationException(
new Object[] {scope});
// Check against reserved scope names.
if (scope.equalsIgnoreCase("local") ||
scope.equalsIgnoreCase("remote")) {
throw new ServiceLocationException(
new Object[] {scope});
* Remove IANA from the service type name.
* @param serviceType The service type and naming authority.
* @return The service type name with IANA removed.
static String removeIANA(String serviceType) {
// Substitute null string for IANA.
int idx = 0;
serviceType = serviceType.toLowerCase();
if ((idx = serviceType.indexOf("." + ServiceType.IANA)) != -1) {
serviceType = serviceType.substring(0, idx);
return serviceType;
// Check whether this is a vaild SLPv1 service type. Also remove
// IANA.
static String checkServiceType(String stype)
throws ServiceLocationException {
// Check for trailing colon and remove it.
if (!stype.endsWith(":")) {
new ServiceLocationException(
new Object[] {stype});
String type = stype.substring(0, stype.length()-1);
// Remove IANA.
type = removeIANA(type);
// Check syntax.
ServiceType st = new ServiceType(type);
// Reject if abstract type. SLPv1 doesn't handle
// abstract types.
if (st.isAbstractType()) {
new ServiceLocationException(
new Object[0]);
// Reject if not a service: type. SLPv1 doesn't handle
// nonservice: types.
if (!st.isServiceURL()) {
new ServiceLocationException(
new Object[0]);
return type;
// Parsing Utilities.
// Parse string, bump byte count.
byte[] getString(StringBuffer buf, DataInputStream dis)
throws ServiceLocationException, IOException {
int i, n = 0;
// Get length.
n = getInteger(dis);
byte[] bytes = new byte[n];
// Read bytes.
dis.readFully(bytes, 0, n);
// If the encoding type is Unicode, then figure out first
// whether it's big or little endian from byte header. Future
// calls won't have to go through this grief unless the byte header
// is missing.
if (this.charCode == IANACharCode.UNICODE) {
this.charCode = IANACharCode.getUnicodeEndianess(bytes);
String charCode = this.charCode;
// If we are still just Unicode by this point, then we need to
// add the big endian bytes to the beginning of the array.
// Otherwise, Java won't parse it. Note that we don't change
// the flag in the header, since we will need to convert the
// next time around as well.
if (charCode == IANACharCode.UNICODE) {
charCode = IANACharCode.UNICODE_BIG;
bytes = IANACharCode.addBigEndianFlag(bytes);
// Convert the bytes into a string.
buf.append(getBytesString(bytes, charCode));
return bytes;
// Parse out string, bump byte count. Use header encoding.
byte[] putString(String string, ByteArrayOutputStream baos) {
// If the charCode is UNICODE, arbirtarily change to big or little,
// while Java will parse.
if (charCode == IANACharCode.UNICODE) {
charCode = IANACharCode.UNICODE_BIG;
byte[] bytes = putStringField(string, baos, charCode);
nbytes += bytes.length;
return bytes;
// Parse in a service URL including lifetime if necessary.
protected ServiceURL
parseServiceURLIn(DataInputStream dis,
boolean lifeTimeToo,
short errCode)
throws ServiceLocationException, IOException {
int lifetime = 0;
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
if (lifeTimeToo) {
lifetime = getInt(dis);
getString(buf, dis);
ServiceURL url = null;
try {
url = new ServiceURLV1(buf.toString(), lifetime);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
new ServiceLocationException(errCode,
new Object[] {ex});
return url;
// Parse out a service URL including lifetime if required.
parseServiceURLOut(ServiceURL surl,
boolean lifetimeToo,
ByteArrayOutputStream baos)
throws ServiceLocationException {
String ssurl = surl.toString();
if (lifetimeToo) {
putInt(surl.getLifetime(), baos);
putString(ssurl, baos);
// Parse in a list of attributes, returing a vector of
// ServiceLocationAttribute objects.
protected Vector parseAttributeVectorIn(DataInputStream dis)
throws ServiceLocationException, IOException {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
getString(buf, dis);
SLPConfig config = SLPConfig.getSLPConfig();
// Parse the list into ServiceLocationAttribute objects.
Vector attrForms = parseCommaSeparatedListIn(buf.toString(), false);
int i, n = attrForms.size();
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
String attrForm =
attrForms.setElementAt(new ServiceLocationAttributeV1(attrForm,
return attrForms;
// Parse out a V1 attribute vector.
parseAttributeVectorOut(Vector attrs,
ByteArrayOutputStream baos)
throws ServiceLocationException {
Enumeration en = attrs.elements();
Vector strings = new Vector();
// Convert the attributes to strings, escaping characters to
// escape.
while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
ServiceLocationAttribute attr =
// Make an SLPv1 attribute out of it, so we can
// externalize it with the v1 encoding scheme.
ServiceLocationAttributeV1 attrv1 =
new ServiceLocationAttributeV1(attr);
attrv1.charCode = charCode;
String out = attrv1.externalize();
// Parse it out.
parseCommaSeparatedListOut(strings, baos);
// Parse in previous responders.
void parsePreviousRespondersIn(DataInputStream dis)
throws ServiceLocationException, IOException {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
getString(buf, dis);
previousResponders =
parseCommaSeparatedListIn(buf.toString(), true);
// Put out a vector of strings.
void putStringVector(Vector v, ByteArrayOutputStream baos) {
int i, n = v.size();
// Put out the total number of strings.
putInt(n, baos);
// Put out the strings.
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
putString((String)v.elementAt(i), baos);
// Return an SLPv1 DAAdvert.
getDAAdvert(short xid,
long timestamp,
ServiceURL url,
Vector scopes,
Vector attrs)
throws ServiceLocationException {
// If scopes vector is null, then return all scopes for this
// DA.
if (scopes.size() <= 0) {
scopes = SLPConfig.getSLPConfig().getSAConfiguredScopes();
return new SLPV1SDAAdvert(this, xid, timestamp, url, scopes, attrs);
// Reimplement clone() to get the header size right.
public Object clone()
throws CloneNotSupportedException {
SLPHeaderV1 hdr = (SLPHeaderV1)super.clone();
hdr.nbytes = HEADER_BYTES + 2; // for error code...
return hdr;