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// Parser.java: LDAP Parser for those service stores that need it.
// Author: James Kempf
// Created On: Mon Apr 27 08:11:08 1998
// Last Modified By: James Kempf
// Last Modified On: Mon Mar 1 08:29:36 1999
// Update Count: 45
package com.sun.slp;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
* The Parser class implements LDAP query parsing for ServiceStoreInMemory.
* It is an internal class because it must know about the internal
* structure of the hashtables.
* @author James Kempf
abstract class Parser extends Object {
final private static char NONASCII_LOWER = '\u0080';
final private static char NONASCII_UPPER = '\uffff';
final static char EQUAL = '=';
final static char LESS = '<';
final static char GREATER = '>';
private final static char STAR = '*';
final static char PRESENT = STAR;
private final static char OPAREN = '(';
private final static char CPAREN = ')';
private final static char APPROX = '~';
private final static char NOT = '!';
private final static char AND = '&';
private final static char OR = '|';
private final static char SPACE = ' ';
* Record for returning stuff to the service store.
* @author James Kempf
static final class ParserRecord extends Object {
Hashtable services = new Hashtable();
Hashtable signatures = new Hashtable();
* The QueryEvaluator interface evaluates a term in a query, given
* the attribute id, the operator, the object, and whether the
* term is currently under negation from a not operator. Only those
* ServiceStore implemenations that want to use the Parser
* class to perform query parsing must provide this.
* @author James Kempf
interface QueryEvaluator {
* Evaluate the query, storing away the services that match.
* @param tag The attribute tag for the term.
* @param op The term operator.
* @param pattern the operand of the term.
* @param invert True if the results of the comparison should be
* inverted due to a not operator.
* @param returns Hashtable for the returns. The returns are
* structured exactly like the hashtable
* returned from findServices().
* @return True if the term matched, false if not.
boolean evaluate(AttributeString tag,
char op,
Object pattern,
boolean invert,
ParserRecord returns)
throws ServiceLocationException;
* Parse a query and incrementally evaluate.
* @param urlLevel Hashtable of langlevel hashtables containing
* registrations for the service type and scope.
* @param query The query. Escapes have not yet been processed.
* @param ret Vector for returned records.
* @param locale Locale in which to interpret query strings.
* @param ret ParserRecord in which to return the results.
static void
parseAndEvaluateQuery(String query,
Parser.QueryEvaluator ev,
Locale locale,
ParserRecord ret)
throws ServiceLocationException {
// Create and initialize lexical analyzer.
StreamTokenizer tk = new StreamTokenizer(new StringReader(query));
tk.resetSyntax(); // make all chars ordinary...
tk.wordChars('\177','\177'); // treat controls as part of tokens
tk.wordChars('\000', SPACE);
tk.ordinaryChar(NOT); // 'NOT' operator
tk.wordChars('"', '%');
tk.ordinaryChar(AND); // 'AND' operator
tk.wordChars('\'', '\'');
tk.ordinaryChar(OPAREN); // filter grouping
tk.ordinaryChar(STAR); // present operator
tk.wordChars('+', '{');
tk.ordinaryChar(OR); // 'OR' operator
tk.wordChars('}', '~');
tk.ordinaryChar(EQUAL); // comparision operator
tk.ordinaryChar(LESS); // less operator
tk.ordinaryChar(GREATER); // greater operator
tk.ordinaryChar(APPROX); // approx operator
// Begin parsing.
try {
ParserRecord rec = parseFilter(tk, ev, locale, false, true);
// Throw exception if anything occurs after the
// parsed expression.
if (tk.nextToken() != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) {
new ServiceLocationException(
new Object[] {query});
// Merge in returns. Use OR operator so all returned
// values are merged in.
mergeQueryReturns(ret, rec, OR);
} catch (IOException ex) {
new ServiceLocationException(
new Object[] {query});
// Routines for dealing with parse returns record.
// Merge source to target. The target has already
// been precharged with ones that must match
// if the op is AND. If it's OR, then simply
// stuff them in.
private static boolean
mergeQueryReturns(ParserRecord target,
ParserRecord source,
char op) {
Hashtable targetServices = target.services;
Hashtable sourceServices = source.services;
boolean eval;
if (op == AND) {
eval = mergeTablesWithAnd(targetServices, sourceServices);
} else {
eval = mergeTablesWithOr(targetServices, sourceServices);
Hashtable targetSigs = target.signatures;
Hashtable sourceSigs = source.signatures;
if (op == AND) {
mergeTablesWithAnd(targetSigs, sourceSigs);
} else {
mergeTablesWithOr(targetSigs, sourceSigs);
return eval;
// Merge tables by removing anything from target that isn't in source.
private static boolean mergeTablesWithAnd(Hashtable target,
Hashtable source) {
Enumeration en = target.keys();
// Remove any from target that aren't in source.
while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
Object tkey = en.nextElement();
if (source.get(tkey) == null) {
// If there's nothing left, return false to indicate no further
// evaluation needed.
if (target.size() <= 0) {
return false;
return true;
// Merge tables by adding everything from source into target.
private static boolean mergeTablesWithOr(Hashtable target,
Hashtable source) {
Enumeration en = source.keys();
while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
Object skey = en.nextElement();
target.put(skey, source.get(skey));
return true;
// Parsing for various productions.
// Parse the filter production.
private static ParserRecord
parseFilter(StreamTokenizer tk,
Parser.QueryEvaluator ev,
Locale locale,
boolean invert,
boolean eval)
throws ServiceLocationException, IOException {
ParserRecord ret = null;
int tok = tk.nextToken();
// Check for opening paren.
if (tok != OPAREN) {
new ServiceLocationException(
new Object[0]);
// Parse inside.
tok = tk.nextToken();
// Check for a logical operator.
if (tok == AND || tok == OR) {
ret = parseFilterlist(tk, ev, locale, (char)tok, invert, eval);
} else if (tok == NOT) {
ret = parseFilter(tk, ev, locale, !invert, eval);
} else if (tok == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) {
ret = parseItem(tk, ev, locale, invert, eval);
} else {
// Since we've covered the ASCII character set, the only other
// thing that could be here is a nonASCII character. We push it
// back and deal with it in parseItem().
ret = parseItem(tk, ev, locale, invert, eval);
tok = tk.nextToken();
// Check for closing paren.
if (tok != CPAREN) {
new ServiceLocationException(
new Object[0]);
return ret;
// Parse a filterlist production.
private static ParserRecord
parseFilterlist(StreamTokenizer tk,
Parser.QueryEvaluator ev,
Locale locale,
char op,
boolean invert,
boolean eval)
throws ServiceLocationException, IOException {
boolean match;
ParserRecord mrex = null;
// Parse through the list of filters.
do {
ParserRecord prex = null;
if (op == AND) {
prex = parseFilter(tk, ev, locale, invert, eval);
} else {
prex = parseFilter(tk, ev, locale, invert, eval);
// We need to start off with something.
if (mrex == null) {
mrex = prex;
} else {
// Merge in returns.
eval = mergeQueryReturns(mrex, prex, op);
// Look for ending paren.
int tok = tk.nextToken();
if (tok == CPAREN) {
return mrex;
} while (true);
// Parse item.
private static ParserRecord
parseItem(StreamTokenizer tk,
Parser.QueryEvaluator ev,
Locale locale,
boolean invert,
boolean eval)
throws ServiceLocationException, IOException {
ParserRecord prex = new ParserRecord();
AttributeString attr = parseAttr(tk, locale);
char op = parseOp(tk);
Object value = null;
// If operator is PRESENT, then check whether
// it's not really a wildcarded value. If the next
// token isn't a closing paren, then it's
// a wildcarded value.
if (op == PRESENT) {
int tok = tk.nextToken();
tk.pushBack(); // ...in any event...
if ((char)tok != CPAREN) { // It's a wildcarded pattern...
op = EQUAL;
value = parseValue(tk, locale);
// Need to convert to a wildcarded pattern. Regardless
// of type, since wildcard makes the type be a
// string.
value =
new AttributePattern(PRESENT + value.toString(), locale);
} else {
value = parseValue(tk, locale);
// Check for inappropriate pattern.
if (value instanceof AttributePattern &&
((AttributePattern)value).isWildcarded() &&
op != EQUAL) {
new ServiceLocationException(
new Object[] {new Character(op)});
// Check for inappropriate boolean.
if ((value instanceof Boolean ||
value instanceof Opaque) &&
(op == GREATER || op == LESS)) {
new ServiceLocationException(
new Object[] {new Character(op)});
// Check for wrong operator with keyword.
if ((value == null || value.toString().length() <= 0) &&
op != PRESENT) {
new ServiceLocationException(
new Object[] {new Character(op)});
if (eval) {
* Try and evaluate the query. If the evaluation failed and the
* value was an Integer or Boolean try again after converting the
* value to a String. This is because the value in the query will
* be converted to an Integer or Boolean in preference to a String
* even though the query starts out as a String. Hence when an
* attribute is registered with a String value that can equally be
* parsed as a valid Integer or Boolean value the String will
* almost always be parsed as an Integer or Boolean. This results
* in the failing of the initial type check when performing the
* query. By converting the value to a String there is another shot
* at fulfulling the query.
if (!ev.evaluate(attr, op, value, invert, prex) &&
!(value instanceof AttributeString)) {
new AttributeString(
return prex;
// Parse attribute tag.
private static AttributeString parseAttr(StreamTokenizer tk, Locale locale)
throws ServiceLocationException, IOException {
String str = parsePotentialNonASCII(tk);
str =
ServiceLocationAttribute.unescapeAttributeString(str, true);
return new AttributeString(str, locale);
// Parse attribute operator.
private static char parseOp(StreamTokenizer tk)
throws ServiceLocationException, IOException {
int tok = tk.nextToken();
// Identify operator
switch (tok) {
case EQUAL:
// Is it present?
tok = tk.nextToken();
if (tok == STAR) {
return PRESENT;
} else {
return EQUAL;
case APPROX: case GREATER: case LESS:
// Need equals.
if (tk.nextToken() != EQUAL) {
if (tok == APPROX) {
tok = EQUAL;
return (char)tok;
new ServiceLocationException(
new Object[0]);
// Parse expression value.
private static Object parseValue(StreamTokenizer tk, Locale locale)
throws ServiceLocationException, IOException {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
// Parse until the next closing paren.
do {
int tok = tk.nextToken();
if (tok == CPAREN) {
Object o =
if (o instanceof String) {
o = new AttributePattern((String)o, locale);
} else if (o instanceof byte[]) {
o = new Opaque((byte[])o);
return o;
} else if (tok != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) {
if (tok == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) {
} else if (tok == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) {
new Object[0]);
} else {
} else {
new ServiceLocationException(
new Object[0]);
} while (true);
// NonASCII characters may be in the string. StreamTokenizer
// can't handle them as part of words, so we need to resort to
// this loop to handle it.
private static String parsePotentialNonASCII(StreamTokenizer tk)
throws IOException {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
do {
int tok = tk.nextToken();
if (tok == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) {
} else if (((char)tok >= NONASCII_LOWER) &&
((char)tok <= NONASCII_UPPER)) {
} else {
} while (true);
return buf.toString();