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# This test checks whether the AST "cut" utility's "-d" option
# works with multibyte characters
# This was reported as CR #6904575 ("cut -d with multibyte character no longer works"):
# ------------ snip ------------
# cut -d with multibyte char no longer work correctly.
# $ echo $LANG
# ja
# $ od -tx1 mb.eucjp
# 0000000 a4 a2 a4 a4 a4 a4 a4 a6 a4 a8 0a
# 0000013
# $ od -tx1 delim
# 0000000 a4 a4 0a
# 0000003
# $ wc -m mb.eucjp
# 6 mb.eucjp
# It has 5 characters (2byte each).
# $ /usr/bin/cut -d `cat delim` -f1 mb.eucjp | od -tx1
# 0000000 0a
# 0000001
# correct output is
# 0000000 a4 a2 0a
# 0000003
# files are attached.
# ------------ snip ------------
# test setup
function err_exit
print -u2 -n "\t"
print -u2 -r ${Command}[$1]: "${@:2}"
(( Errors < 127 && Errors++ ))
alias err_exit='err_exit $LINENO'
set -o nounset
integer Errors=0
typeset ocwd
typeset tmpdir
typeset out
# create temporary test directory
tmpdir="$(mktemp -t -d "test_sun_solaris_cr_6904575_cut_-d_with_multibyte_character_no_longer_works.XXXXXXXX")" || err_exit "Cannot create temporary directory"
cd "${tmpdir}" || { err_exit "cd ${tmpdir} failed." ; exit $((Errors)) ; }
# run tests
function test1
typeset cut_cmd="$1"
typeset testid
typeset out
typeset testname
compound saved_locale
# save locale information
[[ -v LC_ALL ]] && saved_locale.LC_ALL="${LC_ALL}"
[[ -v LC_CTYPE ]] && saved_locale.LC_CTYPE="${LC_CTYPE}"
[[ -v LANG ]] && saved_locale.LANG="${LANG}"
compound -r -a testcases=(
typeset name="ascii_plain"
typeset locale="C"
typeset input_format='abcdefg'
typeset -a cut_args_format=( "-f1" "-d" "e" )
typeset output_format='abcd'
typeset name="unicode_plain"
typeset locale="<unicode>"
typeset input_format='abcd\u[20ac]fg'
typeset -a cut_args_format=( '-f1' '-d' '\u[20ac]' )
typeset output_format='abcd'
typeset name="unicode_plain2"
typeset locale="<unicode>"
typeset input_format='abcd\u[20ac]fg'
typeset -a cut_args_format=( '-f1' '-d' 'f' )
typeset output_format='abcd\u[20ac]'
for testid in "${!testcases[@]}" ; do
nameref tc=testcases[${testid}]
if [[ "${tc.locale}" == "<unicode>" ]] ; then
if [[ "$LC_ALL" != *.UTF-8 ]] ; then
export LC_ALL='en_US.UTF-8'
export LC_ALL="${tc.locale}"
# build "cut_args" array with multibyte characters in the current locale
typeset -a cut_args
integer arg_index
for arg_index in "${!tc.cut_args_format[@]}" ; do
cut_args+=( "$( printf -- "${tc.cut_args_format[arg_index]}" )" )
typeset output_format="$( printf -- "${tc.output_format}" )"
#printf "args=|%q|\n" "${cut_args[@]}"
out="$(printf "${tc.input_format}" | ${SHELL} -c "${cut_cmd} \"\$@\"" dummy "${cut_args[@]}" 2>&1)" || err_exit "${testname}: Command returned exit code $?"
[[ "${out}" == ${output_format} ]] || err_exit "${testname}: Expected match for $(printf "%q\n" "${output_format}"), got $(printf "%q\n" "${out}")"
# cleanup and restore locale settings
unset cut_args arg_index
[[ -v saved_locale.LC_ALL ]] && LC_ALL="${saved_locale.LC_ALL}" || unset LC_ALL
[[ -v saved_locale.LC_CTYPE ]] && LC_CTYPE="${saved_locale.LC_CTYPE}" || unset LC_CTYPE
[[ -v saved_locale.LANG ]] && LANG="${saved_locale.LANG}" || unset LANG
return 0
function test2
typeset cutcmd=$1
typeset testname="${cutcmd}"
typeset out
# create files
printf "\xa4\xa2\xa4\xa4\xa4\xa4\xa4\xa6\xa4\xa8\x0a" >"mb.eucjp"
printf "\xa4\xa4\x0a" >"delim"
# run test
out=$( LC_ALL=ja_JP.eucJP ${SHELL} -o pipefail -o errexit -c '$1 -d $(cat delim) -f1 "mb.eucjp" | od -tx1' dummy "${cutcmd}" 2>&1 ) || err_exit "${testname}: Test failed with exit code $?"
[[ "${out}" == $'0000000 a4 a2 0a\n0000003' ]] || err_exit "${testname}: Expected \$'0000000 a4 a2 0a\n0000003', got $(printf "%q\n" "${out}")"
# cleanup
rm "mb.eucjp" "delim"
return 0
#for cmd in "/usr/bin/cut" "cut" ; do
for cmd in "cut" ; do
test1 "${cmd}"
test2 "${cmd}"
cd "${ocwd}"
rmdir "${tmpdir}" || err_exit "Cannot remove temporary directory ${tmpdir}".
# tests done
exit $((Errors))