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# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
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# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
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# shircbot - a simple IRC client/bot demo
# Solaris needs /usr/xpg6/bin:/usr/xpg4/bin because the tools in /usr/bin are not POSIX-conformant
export PATH=/usr/xpg6/bin:/usr/xpg4/bin:/bin:/usr/bin
# Make sure all math stuff runs in the "C" locale to avoid problems
# with alternative # radix point representations (e.g. ',' instead of
# '.' in de_DE.*-locales). This needs to be set _before_ any
# floating-point constants are defined in this script).
if [[ "${LC_ALL}" != "" ]] ; then
export \
unset LC_ALL
function fatal_error
print -u2 "${progname}: $*"
exit 1
# Definition for a IRC session class
typeset -T ircsession_t=(
compound server=(
typeset name
integer port
typeset nick="ksh93irc"
typeset running=true
integer fd=-1
function createsession
set -o xtrace
redirect {_.fd}<> "/dev/tcp/${_.server.name}/${_.server.port}"
(( $? == 0 )) || { print -n2 $"Could not open server connection." ; return 1 ; }
printf "fd=%d\n" _.fd
return 0
function login
printf "USER %s %s %s %s\n" "${_.nick}" "${_.nick}" "${_.nick}" "${_.nick}"
printf "NICK %s\n" "${_.nick}"
} >&${_.fd}
return 0
function join_channel
printf "JOIN %s\n" "$1" >&${_.fd}
return 0
function mainloop
typeset line
float -S last_tick=0
# We use the linebuf_t class here since network traffic
# isn't guranteed to fit a single $'\n'-terminated line
# into one TCP package. linebuf_t buffers characters
# until it has one complete line. This avoids the need for
# async I/O normally used by IRC clients
linebuf_t serverbuf
linebuf_t clientbuf
integer fd=${_.fd}
while ${_.running} ; do
while serverbuf.readbuf line <&${fd} ; do
_.dispatch_serverevent "$line"
while clientbuf.readbuf line </dev/stdin ; do
printf "client: %q\n" "${line}"
printf "%s\n" "${line}" >&${fd}
# call mainloop_tick function in intervals to handle
# async events (e.g. automatic /join etc.)
if (( (SECONDS-last_tick) > 5. )) ; then
(( last_tick=SECONDS ))
return 0
function mainloop_tick
return 0
function dispatch_serverevent
typeset line="$1"
case "${line}" in
compound ping_args=(
_.serverevent_ping "ping_args"
~(El):.*\ PRIVMSG)
compound privmsg_args=(
typeset line="$line"
typeset msguser="${line/~(Elr)([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) (.*)/\1}"
typeset msgchannel="${line/~(Elr)([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) (.*)/\3}"
typeset msg="${line/~(Elr)([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) (.*)/\4}"
_.serverevent_privmsg "privmsg_args"
~(El):.*\ INVITE)
compound invite_args=(
typeset line="$line"
typeset inviteuser="${line/~(Elr)([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) (.*)/\1}"
typeset invitenick="${line/~(Elr)([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) (.*)/\3}"
typeset invitechannel="${line/~(Elr)([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) (.*)/\4}"
_.serverevent_invite "invite_args"
printf "server: %q\n" "${line}"
return 0
function serverevent_privmsg
nameref args=$1
typeset msguser="${args.msguser}"
typeset msgchannel="${args.msgchannel}"
typeset msg="${args.msg}"
printf "#privms: user=%q, channel=%q, msg=%q\n" "$msguser" "$msgchannel" "$msg"
return 0
function serverevent_invite
nameref args=$1
printf "JOIN %s\n" "${args.invitechannel/:/}" >&${_.fd}
return 0
function send_privmsg
typeset channel="$1"
typeset msg="$2"
# Do we have to escape any characters in "msg" ?
printf "PRIVMSG %s :%s\n" "${channel}" "${msg}" >&${_.fd}
return 0
function serverevent_ping
nameref args=$1
printf "PONG %s\n" "${args.line/~(Elr)([^ ]+) ([^ ]+).*/\2}" >&${_.fd}
return 0
# line buffer class
# The buffer class tries to read characters from the given <fd> until
# it has read a whole line.
typeset -T linebuf_t=(
typeset buf
function reset
return 0
function readbuf
nameref var=$1
typeset ch
while IFS='' read -t 0.2 -N 1 ch ; do
[[ "$ch" == $'\r' ]] && continue
if [[ "$ch" == $'\n' ]] ; then
return 0
return 1
function usage
getopts -a "${progname}" "${shircbot_usage}" OPT '-?'
exit 2
# program start
# (be carefull with builtins here - they are unconditionally available
# in the shell's "restricted" mode)
builtin basename
builtin sum
typeset progname="${ basename "${0}" ; }"
typeset -r shircbot_usage=$'+
[-?\n@(#)\$Id: shircbot (Roland Mainz) 2009-09-09 \$\n]
[-author?Roland Mainz <roland.mainz@sun.com>]
[-author?Roland Mainz <roland.mainz@nrubsig.org>]
[+NAME?shircbot - simple IRC bot demo]
[+DESCRIPTION?\bshircbot\b is a small demo IRC bot which provides
a simple IRC bot with several subcommands.]
[n:nickname?IRC nickname for this bot.]:[nick]
[s:ircserver?IRC servername.]:[servername]
[j:joinchannel?IRC servername.]:[channelname]
[+SEE ALSO?\bksh93\b(1)]
compound config=(
typeset nickname="${LOGNAME}bot"
typeset servername="irc.freenode.net"
integer port=6667
typeset -a join_channels
while getopts -a "${progname}" "${shircbot_usage}" OPT ; do
# printmsg "## OPT=|${OPT}|, OPTARG=|${OPTARG}|"
case ${OPT} in
n) config.nickname="${OPTARG}" ;;
s) config.servername="${OPTARG}" ;;
j) config.join_channels+=( "${OPTARG}" ) ;;
*) usage ;;
shift $((OPTIND-1))
# if no channel was provided we join a predefined set of channels
if (( ${#config.join_channels[@]} == 0 )) ; then
if [[ "${config.servername}" == "irc.freenode.net" ]] ; then
config.join_channels+=( "#opensolaris" )
config.join_channels+=( "#opensolaris-dev" )
config.join_channels+=( "#opensolaris-arc" )
config.join_channels+=( "#opensolaris-meeting" )
config.join_channels+=( "#ospkg" )
config.join_channels+=( "#ksh" )
elif [[ "${config.servername}" == ~(E)irc.(sfbay|sweden) ]] ; then
config.join_channels+=( "#onnv" )
print "## Start."
ircsession_t mybot
# override ircsession_t::serverevent_privmsg with a new method for our bot
function mybot.serverevent_privmsg
nameref args=$1
typeset msguser="${args.msguser}"
typeset msgchannel="${args.msgchannel}"
typeset msg="${args.msg}"
printf "#message: user=%q, channel=%q, msg=%q\n" "$msguser" "$msgchannel" "$msg"
# Check if we get a private message
if [[ "${msgchannel}" == "${_.nick}" ]] ; then
# ${msgchannel} point to our own nick if we got a private message,
# we need to extract the sender's nickname from ${msguser} and put
# it into msgchannel
# check if this is a command for this bot
[[ "$msg" != ~(Eli):${_.nick}:[[:space:]] ]] && return 0
# strip beginning (e.g. ":<nick>:" or ":") plus extra spaces
printf "botmsg=%q\n" "$msg"
case "$msg" in
_.send_privmsg "$msgchannel" "${
printf "%(%Y-%m-%d, %Th/%Z)T\n"
_.send_privmsg "$msgchannel" "${msg#*echo}"
typeset exitkey="$(print "$msguser" | sum -x sha1)" # this is unwise&&insecure
if [[ "$msg" == *${exitkey}* ]] ; then
_.send_privmsg "$msgchannel" "${
printf "Hello, this is shircbot, written in ksh93 (%s). " "${.sh.version}"
printf "Subcommands are 'say hello', 'math <math-expr>', 'stocks', 'uuid', 'date' and 'echo'."
if [[ "${msg}" == ~(E)[\`\$] ]] ; then
# "restricted" shell mode would prevent any damage but we try to be carefull...
_.send_privmsg "$msgchannel" "Syntax error."
typeset mathexpr="${msg#*math}"
printf "Calculating '%s'\n" "${mathexpr}"
_.send_privmsg "$msgchannel" "${
( printf 'export PATH=/usr/${RANDOM}/$$/${RANDOM}/foo ; set -o restricted ; printf "%%s = %%.40g\n" "%s" $(( %s ))\n' "${mathexpr}" "${mathexpr}" | source /dev/stdin 2>&1 )
~(Eli)say\ hello)
_.send_privmsg "$msgchannel" "Hello, this is a bot."
typeset stockmsg tickersymbol
for tickersymbol in "JAVA" "ORCL" "IBM" "AAPL" "HPQ" ; do
stockmsg="$( /usr/sfw/bin/wget -q -O /dev/stdout "http://quote.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?f=sl1d1t1c1ohgv&e=.csv&s=${tickersymbol}" 2>&1 )"
_.send_privmsg "$msgchannel" "${tickersymbol}: ${stockmsg//,/ }"
_.send_privmsg "$msgchannel" "${
print "%(%Y%M%D%S%N)T$((RANDOM))%s\n" "${msguser}" | sum -x sha256
return 0
# Automatically join the list of channels listed in |config.join_channels|
# after the client is connected to the server for some time
function mybot.mainloop_tick
integer -S autojoin_done=2
integer i
if (( autojoin_done-- == 0 && ${#config.join_channels[@]} > 0 )) ; then
print "# Autojoin channels..."
for ((i=0 ; i < ${#config.join_channels[@]} ; i++ )) ; do
mybot.join_channel "${config.join_channels[i]}"
return 0
mybot.createsession "${config.servername}" ${config.port} "${config.nickname}"
# This is a network-facing application - once we've set eveything up
# we set PATH to a random value and switch to the shell's restricted
# mode to make sure noone can escape the jail.
#export PATH=/usr/$RANDOM/foo
#set -o restricted
print "## End."
exit 0