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# filemutexdemo1 - a simple locking demo which supports read/write
# locks and critical sections (like JAVA's "syncronized" keyword)
# Solaris needs /usr/xpg6/bin:/usr/xpg4/bin because the tools in /usr/bin are not POSIX-conformant
export PATH=/usr/xpg6/bin:/usr/xpg4/bin:/bin:/usr/bin
# Make sure all math stuff runs in the "C" locale to avoid problems
# with alternative # radix point representations (e.g. ',' instead of
# '.' in de_DE.*-locales). This needs to be set _before_ any
# floating-point constants are defined in this script).
if [[ "${LC_ALL}" != "" ]] ; then
export \
unset LC_ALL
# Definition for a mutex which uses the filesystem for locking
typeset -T filemutex_t=(
typeset name
typeset lock_dirname
typeset locked_exclusive="false"
typeset locked_shared="false"
# keep track of subshell level. The problem is that we do not know a
# way to figure out whether someone calls "unlock" in a subshell and then
# leaves the subshell and calls "unlock" again
integer subshell=-1
typeset lock_dirname
# create a filemutex instance (including lock directory)
function create
# make sure we return an error if the init didn't work
set -o errexit
[[ "$1" == "" ]] && return 1
mkdir "${_.lock_dirname}"
# last entry, used to mark the mutex as initalised+valid
(( _.subshell=.sh.subshell ))
return 0
# use a filemutex instance (same as "create" but without creating
# the lock directory)
function create_child
# make sure we return an error if the init didn't work
set -o errexit
[[ "$1" == "" ]] && return 1
# last entry, used to mark the mutex as initalised+valid
(( _.subshell=.sh.subshell ))
return 0
function check_subshell
(( _.subshell == .sh.subshell )) && return 0
print -u2 -f "filemutex_t.%s(%s): Wrong subshell level\n" "$1" "${_.name}"
return 1
function try_lock_shared
_.check_subshell "try_lock_shared" || return 1
mkdir "${_.lock_dirname}/shared_${PPID}_$$" 2>/dev/null || return 1
return 0
function lock_shared
float interval=0.2
_.check_subshell "lock_shared" || return 1
while ! _.try_lock_shared ; do sleep ${interval} ; (( interval+=interval/10. )) ; done
return 0
function try_lock_exclusive
_.check_subshell "try_lock_exclusive" || return 1
rmdir "${_.lock_dirname}" 2>/dev/null || return 1
return 0
function lock_exclusive
float interval=0.2
_.check_subshell "lock_exclusive" || return 1
while ! _.try_lock_exclusive ; do sleep ${interval} ; (( interval+=interval/10. )) ; done
return 0
# critical section support (like java's "synchronized" keyword)
function synchronized
integer retcode
_.check_subshell "synchronized" || return 1
(( retcode=$? ))
return ${retcode}
# critical section support with shared lock
function synchronized_shared
integer retcode
_.check_subshell "synchronized_shared" || return 1
(( retcode=$? ))
return ${retcode}
function unlock
# return an error if rmdir/mkdir/check_subshell fail...
set -o errexit
_.check_subshell "unlock"
if ${_.locked_shared} ; then
rmdir "${_.lock_dirname}/shared_${PPID}_$$"
return 0
elif ${_.locked_exclusive} ; then
mkdir "${_.lock_dirname}"
return 0
print -u2 -f "filemutex_t.unlock(%s): mutex '%s' not locked." "$1" "${_.name}"
return 1
# destroy mutex if noone is using it anymore (not the same as "unset" !!))
function destroy
_.check_subshell "destroy" || return 1
(${_.locked_exclusive} || ${_.locked_shared}) && _.unlock
rmdir "${_.lock_dirname}"
return 0
# main
builtin mkdir
builtin rmdir
print "## Start."
typeset -r mymutexname="hello_world"
filemutex_t fs
fs.create "${mymutexname}" || print -u2 "Mutex init failed."
print "# Starting child which keeps an exclusive lock for 10 seconds..."
filemutex_t child_fs
child_fs.create_child "${mymutexname}"
sleep 10
) &
sleep 1
printf "%T: # Waiting to obtain a shared lock...\n"
printf "%T: # Obtained shared lock\n"
printf "fs.locked_exclusive=%s, fs.locked_shared=%s\n" "${fs.locked_exclusive}" "${fs.locked_shared}"
ls -lad /tmp/filemutex*/*
printf "%T: # Executing child which runs printf '|%%s|\\\n' 'hello' 'world' inside a synchronized section\n"
filemutex_t child_fs
child_fs.create_child "${mymutexname}"
child_fs.synchronized printf '|%s|\n' 'hello' 'world'
) &
printf "%T: # Sleeping 5 secs while holding the shared lock...\n"
sleep 5.
printf "%T: # Releasing shared lock...\n"
sleep 5.
print "# Destroying lock..."
print "## Done."
exit 0