* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
* Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
* (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
* or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
* file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
* If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
* fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
* information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
* crypto.c
* Copyright (c) 1997, by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
#include <sys/note.h>
#include "dh_gssapi.h"
#include "crypto.h"
/* Release the storage for a signature */
__free_signature(dh_signature_t sig)
sig->dh_signature_val = NULL;
sig->dh_signature_len = 0;
/* Release the storage for a gss_buffer */
__dh_release_buffer(gss_buffer_t b)
b->length = 0;
b->value = NULL;
typedef struct cipher_entry {
cipher_proc cipher; /* Routine to en/decrypt with */
unsigned int pad; /* Padding need for the routine */
} cipher_entry, *cipher_t;
typedef struct verifer_entry {
verifier_proc msg; /* Routine to calculate the check sum */
unsigned int size; /* Size of check sum */
cipher_t signer; /* Cipher entry to sign the check sum */
} verifier_entry, *verifier_t;
typedef struct QOP_entry {
int export_level; /* Not currentlyt used */
verifier_t verifier; /* Verifier entry to use for integrity */
} QOP_entry;
* Return the length produced by using cipher entry c given the supplied len
static unsigned int
cipher_pad(cipher_t c, unsigned int len)
unsigned int pad;
pad = c ? c->pad : 1;
return (((len + pad - 1)/pad)*pad);
* Des [en/de]crypt buffer, buf of length, len for each key provided using
* an CBC initialization vector ivec.
* If the mode is encrypt we will use the following pattern if the number
* of keys is odd
* encrypt(buf, k[0]), decrypt(buf, k[1]), encrypt(buf, k[2])
* decrypt(buf, k[4]) ... encrypt(buf, k[keynum - 1])
* If we have an even number of keys and additional encryption will be
* done with the first key, i.e., ecrypt(buf, k[0]);
* In each [en/de]cription above we will used the passed in CBC initialization
* vector. The new initialization vector will be the vector return from the
* last encryption.
* In the decryption case we reverse the proccess. Note in this case
* the return ivec will be from the first decryption.
static int
__desN_crypt(des_block keys[], int keynum, char *buf, unsigned int len,
unsigned int mode, char *ivec)
/* Get the direction of ciphering */
unsigned int m = mode & (DES_ENCRYPT | DES_DECRYPT);
/* Get the remaining flags from mode */
unsigned int flags = mode & ~(DES_ENCRYPT | DES_DECRYPT);
des_block svec, dvec;
int i, j, stat;
/* Do we have at least one key */
if (keynum < 1)
/* Save the passed in ivec */
memcpy(svec.c, ivec, sizeof (des_block));
/* For each key do the appropriate cipher */
for (i = 0; i < keynum; i++) {
j = (mode & DES_DECRYPT) ? keynum - 1 - i : i;
stat = cbc_crypt(keys[j].c, buf, len, m | flags, ivec);
if (mode & DES_DECRYPT && i == 0)
memcpy(dvec.c, ivec, sizeof (des_block));
if (DES_FAILED(stat))
return (stat);
if ((mode & DES_DECRYPT) || i != keynum - 1 || i%2)
memcpy(ivec, svec.c, sizeof (des_block));
* If we have an even number of keys then do an extra round of
* [en/de]cryption with the first key.
if (keynum % 2 == 0)
stat = cbc_crypt(keys[0].c, buf, len, mode, ivec);
/* If were decrypting ivec is set from first decryption */
if (mode & DES_DECRYPT)
memcpy(ivec, dvec.c, sizeof (des_block));
return (stat);
* DesN crypt packaged for use as a cipher entry
static OM_uint32
__dh_desN_crypt(gss_buffer_t buf, dh_key_set_t keys, cipher_mode_t cipher_mode)
int encrypt_flag = (cipher_mode == ENCIPHER);
unsigned mode = (encrypt_flag ? DES_ENCRYPT : DES_DECRYPT) | DES_HW;
des_block ivec;
if (keys->dh_key_set_len < 1)
* We all ways start of with ivec set to zeros. There is no
* good way to maintain ivecs since packets could be out of sequence
* duplicated or worst of all lost. Under these conditions the
* higher level protocol would have to some how resync the ivecs
* on both sides and start again. Theres no mechanism for this in
* GSS.
memset(&ivec, 0, sizeof (ivec));
/* Do the encryption/decryption */
stat = __desN_crypt(keys->dh_key_set_val, keys->dh_key_set_len,
(char *)buf->value, buf->length, mode, ivec.c);
if (DES_FAILED(stat))
return (DH_SUCCESS);
* Package up plain des cbc crypt for use as a cipher entry.
static OM_uint32
__dh_des_crypt(gss_buffer_t buf, dh_key_set_t keys, cipher_mode_t cipher_mode)
int encrypt_flag = (cipher_mode == ENCIPHER);
unsigned mode = (encrypt_flag ? DES_ENCRYPT : DES_DECRYPT) | DES_HW;
des_block ivec;
if (keys->dh_key_set_len < 1)
/* Set the ivec to zeros and then cbc crypt the result */
memset(&ivec, 0, sizeof (ivec));
stat = cbc_crypt(keys->dh_key_set_val[0].c, (char *)buf->value,
buf->length, mode, ivec.c);
if (DES_FAILED(stat))
return (DH_SUCCESS);
* MD5_verifier: This is a verifier routine suitable for use in a
* verifier entry. It calculates the MD5 check sum over an optional
* msg and a token. It signs it using the supplied cipher_proc and stores
* the result in signature.
* Note signature should already be allocated and be large enough to
* hold the signature after its been encrypted. If keys is null, then
* we will just return the unencrypted check sum.
static OM_uint32
MD5_verifier(gss_buffer_t tok, /* The buffer to sign */
gss_buffer_t msg, /* Optional buffer to include */
cipher_proc signer, /* Routine to encrypt the integrity check */
dh_key_set_t keys, /* Optiona keys to be used with the above */
dh_signature_t signature /* The resulting MIC */)
MD5_CTX md5_ctx; /* MD5 context */
gss_buffer_desc buf; /* GSS buffer to hold keys for cipher routine */
/* Initialize the MD5 context */
/* If we have a message to digest, digest it */
if (msg)
MD5Update(&md5_ctx, (unsigned char *)msg->value, msg->length);
/* Digest the supplied token */
MD5Update(&md5_ctx, (unsigned char *)tok->value, tok->length);
/* Finalize the sum. The MD5 context contains the digets */
/* Copy the digest to the signature */
memcpy(signature->dh_signature_val, (void *)md5_ctx.digest, 16);
buf.length = signature->dh_signature_len;
buf.value = signature->dh_signature_val;
/* If we have keys encrypt it */
if (keys != NULL)
return (signer(&buf, keys, ENCIPHER));
return (DH_SUCCESS);
/* Cipher table */
cipher_entry cipher_tab[] = {
{ NULL, 1},
{ __dh_desN_crypt, 8},
{ __dh_des_crypt, 8}
#define __NO_CRYPT &cipher_tab[0]
#define __DES_N_CRYPT &cipher_tab[1]
#define __DES_CRYPT &cipher_tab[2]
/* Verifier table */
verifier_entry verifier_tab[] = {
{ MD5_verifier, 16, __DES_N_CRYPT },
{ MD5_verifier, 16, __DES_CRYPT }
/* QOP table */
QOP_entry QOP_table[] = {
{ 0, &verifier_tab[0] },
{ 0, &verifier_tab[1] }
#define QOP_ENTRIES (sizeof (QOP_table) / sizeof (QOP_entry))
* __dh_is_valid_QOP: Return true if qop is valid entry into the QOP
* table, else return false.
__dh_is_valid_QOP(dh_qop_t qop)
bool_t is_valid = FALSE;
is_valid = qop < QOP_ENTRIES;
return (is_valid);
* __alloc_sig: Allocate a signature for a given QOP. This takes into
* account the size of the signature after padding for the encryption
* routine.
__alloc_sig(dh_qop_t qop, dh_signature_t sig)
verifier_entry *v;
/* Check that the QOP is valid */
if (!__dh_is_valid_QOP(qop))
return (DH_UNKNOWN_QOP);
/* Get the verifier entry from the QOP entry */
v = QOP_table[qop].verifier;
/* Calulate the length needed for the signature */
sig->dh_signature_len = cipher_pad(v->signer, v->size);
/* Allocate the signature */
sig->dh_signature_val = (void*)New(char, sig->dh_signature_len);
if (sig->dh_signature_val == NULL) {
sig->dh_signature_len = 0;
stat = DH_SUCCESS;
return (stat);
* __get_sig_size: Return the total size needed for a signature given a QOP.
__get_sig_size(dh_qop_t qop, unsigned int *size)
/* Check for valid QOP */
if (__dh_is_valid_QOP(qop)) {
/* Get the verifier entry */
verifier_t v = QOP_table[qop].verifier;
/* Return the size include the padding needed for encryption */
*size = v ? cipher_pad(v->signer, v->size) : 0;
return (DH_SUCCESS);
*size = 0;
return (DH_UNKNOWN_QOP);
* __mk_sig: Generate a signature using a given qop over a token of a
* given length and an optional message. We use the supplied keys to
* encrypt the check sum if they are available. The output is place
* in a preallocate signature, that was allocated using __alloc_sig.
__mk_sig(dh_qop_t qop, /* The QOP to use */
char *tok, /* The token to sign */
long len, /* The tokens length */
gss_buffer_t mesg, /* An optional message to be included */
dh_key_set_t keys, /* The optional encryption keys */
dh_signature_t sig /* The resulting MIC */)
verifier_entry *v; /* Verifier entry */
gss_buffer_desc buf; /* Buffer to package tok */
/* Make sure the QOP is valid */
if (!__dh_is_valid_QOP(qop))
return (DH_UNKNOWN_QOP);
/* Grab the verifier entry for the qop */
v = QOP_table[qop].verifier;
/* Package the token for use in a verifier_proc */
buf.length = len;
buf.value = tok;
* Calculate the signature using the supplied keys. If keys
* is null, the the v->signer->cipher routine will not be called
* and sig will not be encrypted.
stat = (*v->msg)(&buf, mesg, v->signer->cipher, keys, sig);
return (stat);
* __verify_sig: Verify that the supplied signature, sig, is the same
* as the token verifier
__verify_sig(dh_token_t token, /* The token to be verified */
dh_qop_t qop, /* The QOP to use */
dh_key_set_t keys, /* The context session keys */
dh_signature_t sig /* The signature from the serialized token */)
cipher_proc cipher; /* cipher routine to use */
gss_buffer_desc buf; /* Packaging for sig */
/* Check the QOP */
if (!__dh_is_valid_QOP(qop))
return (DH_UNKNOWN_QOP);
/* Package up the supplied signature */
buf.length = sig->dh_signature_len;
buf.value = sig->dh_signature_val;
/* Get the cipher proc to use from the verifier entry for qop */
cipher = QOP_table[qop].verifier->signer->cipher;
/* Encrypt the check sum using the supplied set of keys */
if ((stat = (*cipher)(&buf, keys, ENCIPHER)) != DH_SUCCESS)
return (stat);
/* Compare the signatures */
if (__cmpsig(sig, &token->verifier))
return (DH_SUCCESS);
return (stat);
* __cmpsig: Return true if two signatures are the same, else false.
__cmpsig(dh_signature_t s1, dh_signature_t s2)
return (s1->dh_signature_len == s2->dh_signature_len &&
s2->dh_signature_val, s1->dh_signature_len) == 0);
* wrap_msg_body: Wrap the message pointed to be in into a
* message pointed to by out that has ben padded out by pad bytes.
* The output message looks like:
* out->length = total length of out->value including any padding
* out->value points to memory as follows:
* +------------+-------------------------+---------|
* | in->length | in->value | XDR PAD |
* +------------+-------------------------+---------|
* 4 bytes in->length bytes 0 - 3
static OM_uint32
wrap_msg_body(gss_buffer_t in, gss_buffer_t out)
XDR xdrs; /* xdrs to wrap with */
unsigned int len, out_len; /* length */
size_t size;
out->length = 0;
out->value = 0;
/* Make sure the address of len points to a 32 bit word */
len = (unsigned int)in->length;
if (len != in->length)
size = ((in->length + sizeof (OM_uint32) + 3)/4) * 4;
out_len = size;
if (out_len != size)
/* Allocate the output buffer and set the length */
if ((out->value = (void *)New(char, len)) == NULL)
out->length = out_len;
/* Create xdr stream to wrap into */
xdrmem_create(&xdrs, out->value, out->length, XDR_ENCODE);
/* Wrap the bytes in value */
if (!xdr_bytes(&xdrs, (char **)&in->value, &len, len)) {
return (DH_SUCCESS);
* __QOPSeal: Wrap the input message placing the output in output given
* a valid QOP. If confidentialiy is requested it is ignored. We can't
* support privacy. The return flag will always be zero.
__QOPSeal(dh_qop_t qop, /* The QOP to use */
gss_buffer_t input, /* The buffer to wrap */
int conf_req, /* Do we want privacy ? */
dh_key_set_t keys, /* The session keys */
gss_buffer_t output, /* The wraped message */
int *conf_ret /* Did we encrypt it? */)
OM_uint32 stat = DH_CIPHER_FAILURE;
*conf_ret = FALSE; /* No encryption allowed */
/* Check for valid QOP */
if (!__dh_is_valid_QOP(qop))
return (DH_UNKNOWN_QOP);
/* Wrap the message */
if ((stat = wrap_msg_body(input, output))
return (stat);
return (stat);
* unwrap_msg_body: Unwrap the message, that was wrapped from above
static OM_uint32
unwrap_msg_body(gss_buffer_t in, gss_buffer_t out)
XDR xdrs;
unsigned int len; /* sizeof (len) == 32bits */
/* Create an xdr stream to on wrap in */
xdrmem_create(&xdrs, in->value, in->length, XDR_DECODE);
/* Unwrap the input into out->value */
if (!xdr_bytes(&xdrs, (char **)&out->value, &len, in->length))
/* set the length */
out->length = len;
return (DH_SUCCESS);
* __QOPUnSeal: Unwrap the input message into output using the supplied QOP.
* Note it is the callers responsibility to release the allocated output
* buffer. If conf_req is true we return DH_CIPHER_FAILURE since we don't
* support privacy.
__QOPUnSeal(dh_qop_t qop, /* The QOP to use */
gss_buffer_t input, /* The message to unwrap */
int conf_req, /* Is the message encrypted */
dh_key_set_t keys, /* The session keys to decrypt if conf_req */
gss_buffer_t output /* The unwraped message */)
OM_uint32 stat = DH_CIPHER_FAILURE;
/* Check that the qop is valid */
if (!__dh_is_valid_QOP(qop))
return (DH_UNKNOWN_QOP);
/* Set output to sane values */
output->length = 0;
output->value = NULL;
/* Fail if this is privacy */
if (conf_req)
/* Unwrap the input into the output, return the status */
stat = unwrap_msg_body(input, output);
return (stat);