* Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use is subject to license terms.
* Copyright (c) 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 AT&T
* All Rights Reserved
* Vacation
* Copyright (c) 1983 Eric P. Allman
* Berkeley, California
* Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
* specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
#pragma ident "%Z%%M% %I% %E% SMI"
#ifndef lint
static char SccsId[] = "%W% %E% SMI";
#endif /* not lint */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sysexits.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <ndbm.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <errno.h>
* VACATION -- return a message to the sender when on vacation.
* This program could be invoked as a message receiver
* when someone is on vacation. It returns a message
* specified by the user to whoever sent the mail, taking
* care not to return a message too often to prevent
* "I am on vacation" loops.
* For best operation, this program should run setuid to
* root or uucp or someone else that sendmail will believe
* a -f flag from. Otherwise, the user must be careful
* to include a header on his .vacation.msg file.
* Positional Parameters:
* the user to collect the vacation message from.
* Flag Parameters:
* -I initialize the database.
* -d turn on debugging.
* -tT set the timeout to T. messages arriving more
* often than T will be ignored to avoid loops.
* Side Effects:
* A message is sent back to the sender.
* Author:
* Eric Allman
#define MAXLINE 256 /* max size of a line */
#define ONEWEEK (60L*60L*24L*7L)
#define MsgFile "/.vacation.msg"
#define FilterFile "/.vacation.filter"
#define DbFileBase "/.vacation"
#define _PATH_TMP "/tmp/vacation.XXXXXX"
typedef int bool;
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
static time_t Timeout = ONEWEEK; /* timeout between notices per user */
static DBM *db;
static bool Debug = FALSE;
static bool ListMode = FALSE;
static bool AnswerAll = FALSE; /* default: answer if in To:/Cc: only */
static char *Subject = NULL; /* subject in message header */
static char *EncodedSubject = NULL; /* subject in message header */
static char Charset[MAXLINE]; /* for use in reply message */
static char *AliasList[MAXLINE]; /* list of aliases to allow */
static int AliasCount = 0;
static char *myname; /* name of person "on vacation" */
static char *homedir; /* home directory of said person */
extern time_t convtime(char *, char);
extern bool decode_rfc2047(char *, char *, char *);
static bool ask(char *);
static bool junkmail(char *);
static bool filter_ok(char *, char *);
static bool knows(char *);
static bool sameword(char *, char *);
static char *getfrom(char **);
static char *newstr(char *);
static void AutoInstall();
static void initialize(char *);
static void sendmessage(char *, char *, char *);
static void setknows(char *);
static void dumplist();
void usrerr(const char *, ...);
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
char *from;
char *p, *at, *c;
struct passwd *pw;
char *shortfrom;
char buf[MAXLINE];
char *message_file = MsgFile;
char *db_file_base = DbFileBase;
char *filter_file = FilterFile;
char *sender;
bool sender_oob = FALSE;
bool initialize_only = FALSE;
/* process arguments */
while (--argc > 0 && (p = *++argv) != NULL && *p == '-')
switch (*++p)
case 'a': /* add this to list of acceptable aliases */
AliasList[AliasCount++] = argv[1];
if (argc > 0) {
argc--; argv++;
case 'd': /* debug */
Debug = TRUE;
case 'e': /* alternate filter file */
filter_file = argv[1];
if (argc > 0) {
argc--; argv++;
case 'f': /* alternate database file name base */
db_file_base = argv[1];
if (argc > 0) {
argc--; argv++;
case 'I': /* initialize */
initialize_only = TRUE;
case 'j': /* answer all mail, even if not in To/Cc */
AnswerAll = TRUE;
case 'l': /* list all respondees */
ListMode = TRUE;
case 'm': /* alternate message file */
message_file = argv[1];
if (argc > 0) {
argc--; argv++;
case 's': /* sender: use this instead of getfrom() */
sender = argv[1];
sender_oob = TRUE;
if (argc > 0) {
argc--; argv++;
case 't': /* set timeout */
Timeout = convtime(++p, 'w');
usrerr("Unknown flag -%s", p);
if (initialize_only)
/* verify recipient argument */
if (argc == 0 && !ListMode)
if (argc != 1 && !ListMode)
usrerr("Usage:\tvacation username\n\tvacation -I\n"
"\tvacation -l");
myname = p;
Charset[0] = '\0';
/* find user's home directory */
if (ListMode)
pw = getpwuid(getuid());
pw = getpwnam(myname);
if (pw == NULL)
usrerr("user %s look up failed, name services outage ?",
homedir = newstr(pw->pw_dir);
(void) snprintf(buf, sizeof (buf), "%s%s%s", homedir,
(db_file_base[0] == '/') ? "" : "/", db_file_base);
if (!(db = dbm_open(buf, O_RDWR, 0))) {
usrerr("%s: %s\n", buf, strerror(errno));
if (ListMode) {
if (sender_oob)
at = strchr(sender, '@');
if (at != NULL)
for (c = at + 1; *c; c++)
*c = (char)tolower((char)*c);
from = sender;
shortfrom = sender;
/* read message from standard input (just from line) */
from = getfrom(&shortfrom);
/* check if junk mail or this person is already informed */
if (!junkmail(shortfrom) && filter_ok(shortfrom, filter_file) &&
/* mark this person as knowing */
/* send the message back */
(void) strlcpy(buf, homedir, sizeof (buf));
if (message_file[0] != '/')
(void) strlcat(buf, "/", sizeof (buf));
(void) strlcat(buf, message_file, sizeof (buf));
if (Debug)
printf("Sending %s to %s\n", buf, from);
sendmessage(buf, from, myname);
while (fgets(buf, MAXLINE, stdin) != NULL)
continue; /* drain input */
return (EX_OK);
struct entry {
time_t when;
long when_size;
char *who;
long who_size;
struct entry *next;
struct entry *prev;
static void
dump_content(key_size, key_ptr, content_size, content_ptr)
long key_size, content_size;
char *key_ptr, *content_ptr;
time_t then;
if (content_size == sizeof (then)) {
bcopy(content_ptr, (char *)&then, sizeof (then));
(void) printf("%-53.40*s: %s", (int)key_size, key_ptr,
} else {
(void) fprintf(stderr, "content size error: %d\n",
static void
struct entry *first;
struct entry *which;
for (which = first; which != NULL; which = which->next) {
dump_content(which->who_size, which->who, which->when_size,
(char *)&(which->when));
static void
datum content, key;
struct entry *first = NULL, *last = NULL, *new_entry, *curr;
for (key = dbm_firstkey(db); key.dptr != NULL; key = dbm_nextkey(db)) {
content = dbm_fetch(db, key);
new_entry = (struct entry *)malloc(sizeof (struct entry));
if (new_entry == NULL)
perror("out of memory");
new_entry->next = NULL;
new_entry->who = (char *)malloc(key.dsize);
if (new_entry->who == NULL)
perror("out of memory");
new_entry->who_size = key.dsize;
(void) strlcpy(new_entry->who, key.dptr, key.dsize);
bcopy(content.dptr, (char *)&(new_entry->when),
sizeof (new_entry->when));
new_entry->when_size = content.dsize;
if (first == NULL) { /* => so is last */
new_entry->prev = NULL;
new_entry->next = NULL;
first = new_entry;
last = new_entry;
} else {
for (curr = first; curr != NULL &&
new_entry->when > curr->when; curr = curr->next)
if (curr == NULL) {
last->next = new_entry;
new_entry->prev = last;
new_entry->next = NULL;
last = new_entry;
} else {
new_entry->next = curr;
new_entry->prev = curr->prev;
if (curr->prev == NULL)
first = new_entry;
curr->prev->next = new_entry;
curr->prev = new_entry;
* GETFROM -- read message from standard input and return sender
* Parameters:
* none.
* Returns:
* pointer to the sender address.
* Side Effects:
* Reads first line from standard input.
static char *
char **shortp;
static char line[MAXLINE];
char *p, *start, *at, *bang, *c;
char saveat;
/* read the from line */
if (fgets(line, sizeof (line), stdin) == NULL ||
strncmp(line, "From ", 5) != NULL)
usrerr("No initial From line");
/* find the end of the sender address and terminate it */
start = &line[5];
p = strchr(start, ' ');
if (p == NULL)
usrerr("Funny From line '%s'", line);
*p = '\0';
* Strip all but the rightmost UUCP host
* to prevent loops due to forwarding.
* Start searching leftward from the leftmost '@'.
* a!b!c!d yields a short name of c!d
* a!b!c!d@e yields a short name of c!d@e
* e@a!b!c yields the same short name
#ifdef VDEBUG
printf("start='%s'\n", start);
#endif /* VDEBUG */
*shortp = start; /* assume whole addr */
if ((at = strchr(start, '@')) == NULL) /* leftmost '@' */
at = p; /* if none, use end of addr */
saveat = *at;
*at = '\0';
if ((bang = strrchr(start, '!')) != NULL) { /* rightmost '!' */
char *bang2;
*bang = '\0';
/* 2nd rightmost '!' */
if ((bang2 = strrchr(start, '!')) != NULL)
*shortp = bang2 + 1; /* move past ! */
*bang = '!';
*at = saveat;
#ifdef VDEBUG
printf("place='%s'\n", *shortp);
#endif /* VDEBUG */
for (c = at + 1; *c; c++)
*c = (char)tolower((char)*c);
/* return the sender address */
return (start);
* JUNKMAIL -- read the header and tell us if this is junk/bulk mail.
* Parameters:
* from -- the Return-Path of the sender. We assume that
* anything from "*-REQUEST@*" is bulk mail.
* Returns:
* TRUE -- if this is junk or bulk mail (that is, if the
* sender shouldn't receive a response).
* FALSE -- if the sender deserves a response.
* Side Effects:
* May read the header from standard input. When this
* returns the position on stdin is undefined.
static bool
char *from;
register char *p;
char buf[MAXLINE+1];
bool inside, onlist;
/* test for inhuman sender */
p = strrchr(from, '@');
if (p != NULL)
*p = '\0';
if (sameword(&p[-8], "-REQUEST") ||
sameword(&p[-10], "Postmaster") ||
sameword(&p[-13], "MAILER-DAEMON"))
*p = '@';
return (TRUE);
*p = '@';
#define Delims " \n\t:,:;()<>@!"
/* read the header looking for "interesting" lines */
inside = FALSE;
onlist = FALSE;
while (fgets(buf, MAXLINE, stdin) != NULL && buf[0] != '\n')
if (buf[0] != ' ' && buf[0] != '\t' && strchr(buf, ':') == NULL)
return (FALSE); /* no header found */
p = strtok(buf, Delims);
if (p == NULL)
if (sameword(p, "To") || sameword(p, "Cc"))
inside = TRUE;
p = strtok((char *)NULL, Delims);
if (p == NULL)
} else /* continuation line? */
if (inside)
inside = (buf[0] == ' ' || buf[0] == '\t');
if (inside) {
int i;
do {
if (sameword(p, myname))
onlist = TRUE; /* I am on the list */
for (i = 0; i < AliasCount; i++)
if (sameword(p, AliasList[i]))
onlist = TRUE; /* alias on list */
} while (p = strtok((char *)NULL, Delims));
if (sameword(p, "Precedence"))
/* find the value of this field */
p = strtok((char *)NULL, Delims);
if (p == NULL)
/* see if it is "junk" or "bulk" */
p[4] = '\0';
if (sameword(p, "junk") || sameword(p, "bulk"))
return (TRUE);
if (sameword(p, "Subject"))
char *decoded_subject;
Subject = newstr(buf+9);
if (p = strrchr(Subject, '\n'))
*p = '\0';
EncodedSubject = newstr(Subject);
decoded_subject = newstr(Subject);
if (decode_rfc2047(Subject, decoded_subject, Charset))
Subject = decoded_subject;
Charset[0] = '\0';
if (Debug)
printf("Subject=%s\n", Subject);
if (AnswerAll)
return (FALSE);
return (!onlist);
* FILTER_OK -- see if the Return-Path is in the filter file.
* Note that a non-existent filter file means everything
* is OK, but an empty file means nothing is OK.
* Parameters:
* from -- the Return-Path of the sender.
* Returns:
* TRUE -- if this is in the filter file
* (sender should receive a response).
* FALSE -- if the sender does not deserve a response.
static bool
filter_ok(from, filter_file)
char *from;
char *filter_file;
char file[MAXLINE];
char line[MAXLINE];
char *match_start;
size_t line_len, from_len;
bool result = FALSE;
bool negated = FALSE;
FILE *f;
from_len = strlen(from);
(void) strlcpy(file, homedir, sizeof (file));
if (filter_file[0] != '/')
(void) strlcat(file, "/", sizeof (file));
(void) strlcat(file, filter_file, sizeof (file));
f = fopen(file, "r");
if (f == NULL) {
* If the file does not exist, then there is no filter to
* apply, so we simply return TRUE.
if (Debug)
(void) printf("%s does not exist, filter ok.\n",
return (TRUE);
while (fgets(line, MAXLINE, f)) {
line_len = strlen(line);
/* zero out trailing newline */
if (line[line_len - 1] == '\n')
line[--line_len] = '\0';
/* skip blank lines */
if (line_len == 0)
/* skip comment lines */
if (line[0] == '#')
if (line[0] == '!') {
negated = TRUE;
match_start = &line[1];
} else {
negated = FALSE;
match_start = &line[0];
if (strchr(line, '@') != NULL) {
/* @ => full address */
if (strcasecmp(match_start, from) == 0) {
result = TRUE;
if (Debug)
(void) printf("filter match on %s\n",
} else {
/* no @ => domain */
if (from_len <= line_len)
* Make sure the last part of from is the domain line
* and that the character immediately preceding is an
* '@' or a '.', otherwise we could get false positives
* from e.g. twinsun.com for sun.com .
if (strncasecmp(&from[from_len - line_len],
match_start, line_len) == 0 &&
(from[from_len - line_len -1] == '@' ||
from[from_len - line_len -1] == '.')) {
result = TRUE;
if (Debug)
(void) printf("filter match on %s\n",
(void) fclose(f);
if (Debug && !result)
(void) printf("no filter match\n");
return (!negated && result);
* KNOWS -- predicate telling if user has already been informed.
* Parameters:
* user -- the user who sent this message.
* Returns:
* TRUE if 'user' has already been informed that the
* recipient is on vacation.
* FALSE otherwise.
* Side Effects:
* none.
static bool
char *user;
datum key, data;
time_t now, then;
(void) time(&now);
key.dptr = user;
key.dsize = strlen(user) + 1;
data = dbm_fetch(db, key);
if (data.dptr == NULL)
return (FALSE);
bcopy(data.dptr, (char *)&then, sizeof (then));
if (then + Timeout < now)
return (FALSE);
if (Debug)
printf("User %s already knows\n", user);
return (TRUE);
* SETKNOWS -- set that this user knows about the vacation.
* Parameters:
* user -- the user who should be marked.
* Returns:
* none.
* Side Effects:
* The dbm file is updated as appropriate.
static void
char *user;
datum key, data;
time_t now;
key.dptr = user;
key.dsize = strlen(user) + 1;
(void) time(&now);
data.dptr = (char *)&now;
data.dsize = sizeof (now);
dbm_store(db, key, data, DBM_REPLACE);
static bool
char *line;
char *c;
for (c = line; *c; c++)
if (*c & 0x80)
return (TRUE);
return (FALSE);
* SENDMESSAGE -- send a message to a particular user.
* Parameters:
* msgf -- filename containing the message.
* user -- user who should receive it.
* Returns:
* none.
* Side Effects:
* sends mail to 'user' using /usr/lib/sendmail.
static void
sendmessage(msgf, user, myname)
char *msgf;
char *user;
char *myname;
FILE *f, *fpipe, *tmpf;
char line[MAXLINE];
char *p, *tmpf_name;
int i, pipefd[2], tmpfd;
bool seen8bitchars = FALSE;
bool in_header = TRUE;
/* find the message to send */
f = fopen(msgf, "r");
if (f == NULL)
f = fopen("/etc/mail/vacation.def", "r");
if (f == NULL)
usrerr("No message to send");
if (pipe(pipefd) < 0) {
usrerr("pipe() failed");
i = fork();
if (i < 0) {
usrerr("fork() failed");
if (i == 0) {
dup2(pipefd[0], 0);
execl("/usr/lib/sendmail", "sendmail", "-eq", "-f", myname,
"--", user, NULL);
usrerr("can't exec /usr/lib/sendmail");
fpipe = fdopen(pipefd[1], "w");
if (fpipe == NULL) {
usrerr("fdopen() failed");
fprintf(fpipe, "To: %s\n", user);
fputs("Auto-Submitted: auto-replied\n", fpipe);
fputs("X-Mailer: vacation %I%\n", fpipe);
* We used to write directly to the pipe. But now we need to know
* what character set to use, and we need to examine the entire
* message to determine this. So write to a temp file first.
tmpf_name = strdup(_PATH_TMP);
if (tmpf_name == NULL) {
usrerr("newstr: cannot alloc memory");
tmpfd = -1;
tmpfd = mkstemp(tmpf_name);
if (tmpfd == -1) {
usrerr("can't open temp file %s", tmpf_name);
tmpf = fdopen(tmpfd, "w");
if (tmpf == NULL) {
usrerr("can't open temp file %s", tmpf_name);
while (fgets(line, MAXLINE, f)) {
* Check for a line with no ':' character. If it's just \n,
* we're at the end of the headers and all is fine. Or if
* it starts with white-space, then it's a continuation header.
* Otherwise, it's the start of the body, which means the
* header/body separator was skipped. So output it.
if (in_header && line[0] != '\0' && strchr(line, ':') == NULL) {
if (line[0] == '\n')
in_header = FALSE;
else if (!isspace(line[0])) {
in_header = FALSE;
fputs("\n", tmpf);
p = strchr(line, '$');
if (p && strncmp(p, "$SUBJECT", 8) == 0) {
*p = '\0';
seen8bitchars |= any8bitchars(line);
fputs(line, tmpf);
if (Subject) {
if (in_header)
fputs(EncodedSubject, tmpf);
else {
seen8bitchars |= any8bitchars(Subject);
fputs(Subject, tmpf);
seen8bitchars |= any8bitchars(p+8);
fputs(p+8, tmpf);
seen8bitchars |= any8bitchars(line);
fputs(line, tmpf);
* If we haven't seen a funky Subject with Charset, use the default.
* If we have and it's us-ascii, 8-bit chars in the message file will
* still result in iso-8859-1.
if (Charset[0] == '\0')
(void) strlcpy(Charset, (seen8bitchars) ? "iso-8859-1" :
"us-ascii", sizeof (Charset));
else if ((strcasecmp(Charset, "us-ascii") == 0) && seen8bitchars)
(void) strlcpy(Charset, "iso-8859-1", sizeof (Charset));
if (Debug)
printf("Charset is %s\n", Charset);
fprintf(fpipe, "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=%s\n", Charset);
fputs("Mime-Version: 1.0\n", fpipe);
* Now read back in from the temp file and write to the pipe.
tmpf = fopen(tmpf_name, "r");
if (tmpf == NULL) {
usrerr("can't open temp file %s", tmpf_name);
while (fgets(line, MAXLINE, tmpf))
fputs(line, fpipe);
(void) unlink(tmpf_name);
* INITIALIZE -- initialize the database before leaving for vacation
* Parameters:
* none.
* Returns:
* none.
* Side Effects:
* Initializes the files .vacation.{pag,dir} in the
* caller's home directory.
static void
char *db_file_base;
char *homedir;
char buf[MAXLINE];
DBM *db;
homedir = getenv("HOME");
if (homedir == NULL) {
usrerr("No home!");
(void) snprintf(buf, sizeof (buf), "%s%s%s", homedir,
(db_file_base[0] == '/') ? "" : "/", db_file_base);
if (!(db = dbm_open(buf, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0644))) {
usrerr("%s: %s\n", buf, strerror(errno));
* USRERR -- print user error
* Parameters:
* f -- format.
* Returns:
* none.
* Side Effects:
* none.
usrerr(const char *f, ...)
va_list alist;
va_start(alist, f);
(void) fprintf(stderr, "vacation: ");
(void) vfprintf(stderr, f, alist);
(void) fprintf(stderr, "\n");
* NEWSTR -- copy a string
* Parameters:
* s -- the string to copy.
* Returns:
* A copy of the string.
* Side Effects:
* none.
static char *
char *s;
char *p;
size_t s_sz = strlen(s);
p = malloc(s_sz + 1);
if (p == NULL)
usrerr("newstr: cannot alloc memory");
(void) strlcpy(p, s, s_sz + 1);
return (p);
* SAMEWORD -- return TRUE if the words are the same
* Ignores case.
* Parameters:
* a, b -- the words to compare.
* Returns:
* TRUE if a & b match exactly (modulo case)
* FALSE otherwise.
* Side Effects:
* none.
static bool
sameword(a, b)
register char *a, *b;
char ca, cb;
ca = *a++;
cb = *b++;
if (isascii(ca) && isupper(ca))
ca = ca - 'A' + 'a';
if (isascii(cb) && isupper(cb))
cb = cb - 'A' + 'a';
} while (ca != '\0' && ca == cb);
return (ca == cb);
* When invoked with no arguments, we fall into an automatic installation
* mode, stepping the user through a default installation.
static void
char file[MAXLINE];
char forward[MAXLINE];
char cmd[MAXLINE];
char line[MAXLINE];
char *editor;
FILE *f;
struct passwd *pw;
extern mode_t umask(mode_t cmask);
pw = getpwuid(getuid());
if (pw == NULL) {
usrerr("User ID unknown");
myname = strdup(pw->pw_name);
if (myname == NULL) {
usrerr("Out of memory");
homedir = getenv("HOME");
if (homedir == NULL) {
usrerr("Home directory unknown");
printf("This program can be used to answer your mail automatically\n");
printf("when you go away on vacation.\n");
(void) strlcpy(file, homedir, sizeof (file));
(void) strlcat(file, MsgFile, sizeof (file));
do {
f = fopen(file, "r");
if (f) {
printf("You have a message file in %s.\n", file);
if (ask("Would you like to see it")) {
(void) snprintf(cmd, sizeof (cmd),
"/usr/bin/more %s", file);
if (ask("Would you like to edit it"))
f = NULL;
} else {
printf("You need to create a message file"
" in %s first.\n", file);
f = fopen(file, "w");
if (f == NULL) {
usrerr("Cannot open %s", file);
fprintf(f, "Subject: away from my mail\n");
fprintf(f, "\nI will not be reading my mail"
" for a while.\n");
fprintf(f, "Your mail regarding \"$SUBJECT\" will"
" be read when I return.\n");
f = NULL;
if (f == NULL) {
editor = getenv("VISUAL");
if (editor == NULL)
editor = getenv("EDITOR");
if (editor == NULL)
editor = "/usr/bin/vi";
(void) snprintf(cmd, sizeof (cmd), "%s %s", editor,
printf("Please use your editor (%s)"
" to edit this file.\n", editor);
} while (f == NULL);
(void) strlcpy(forward, homedir, sizeof (forward));
(void) strlcat(forward, "/.forward", sizeof (forward));
f = fopen(forward, "r");
if (f) {
printf("You have a .forward file"
" in your home directory containing:\n");
while (fgets(line, MAXLINE, f))
printf(" %s", line);
if (!ask("Would you like to remove it and"
" disable the vacation feature"))
if (unlink(forward))
perror("Error removing .forward file:");
printf("Back to normal reception of mail.\n");
printf("To enable the vacation feature"
" a \".forward\" file is created.\n");
if (!ask("Would you like to enable the vacation feature")) {
printf("OK, vacation feature NOT enabled.\n");
f = fopen(forward, "w");
if (f == NULL) {
perror("Error opening .forward file");
fprintf(f, "\\%s, \"|/usr/bin/vacation %s\"\n", myname, myname);
printf("Vacation feature ENABLED."
" Please remember to turn it off when\n");
printf("you get back from vacation. Bon voyage.\n");
* Ask the user a question until we get a reasonable answer
static bool
char *prompt;
char line[MAXLINE];
char *res;
for (;;) {
printf("%s? ", prompt);
res = fgets(line, sizeof (line), stdin);
if (res == NULL)
return (FALSE);
if (res[0] == 'y' || res[0] == 'Y')
return (TRUE);
if (res[0] == 'n' || res[0] == 'N')
return (FALSE);
printf("Please reply \"yes\" or \"no\" (\'y\' or \'n\')\n");