#ifndef _MKSH_DEFS_H
#define _MKSH_DEFS_H
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
* Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
* or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
* file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
* If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
* fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
* information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
* Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use is subject to license terms.
#include <limits.h> /* MB_LEN_MAX */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> /* wchar_t */
#include <string.h> /* strcmp() */
#include <sys/param.h> /* MAXPATHLEN */
#include <sys/types.h> /* time_t, caddr_t */
#include <vroot/vroot.h> /* pathpt */
#include <sys/time.h> /* timestruc_t */
#include <errno.h> /* errno */
#include <wctype.h>
* A type and some utilities for boolean values
#define false BOOLEAN_false
#define true BOOLEAN_true
typedef enum {
false = 0,
true = 1,
failed = 0,
succeeded = 1
} Boolean;
#define BOOLEAN(expr) ((expr) ? true : false)
* Some random constants (in an enum so dbx knows their values)
enum {
update_delay = 30, /* time between rstat checks */
ar_member_name_len = 1024,
hashsize = 2048 /* size of hash table */
* Symbols that defines all the different char constants make uses
enum {
ampersand_char = '&',
asterisk_char = '*',
at_char = '@',
backquote_char = '`',
backslash_char = '\\',
bar_char = '|',
braceleft_char = '{',
braceright_char = '}',
bracketleft_char = '[',
bracketright_char = ']',
colon_char = ':',
comma_char = ',',
dollar_char = '$',
doublequote_char = '"',
equal_char = '=',
exclam_char = '!',
greater_char = '>',
hat_char = '^',
hyphen_char = '-',
less_char = '<',
newline_char = '\n',
nul_char = '\0',
numbersign_char = '#',
parenleft_char = '(',
parenright_char = ')',
percent_char = '%',
period_char = '.',
plus_char = '+',
question_char = '?',
quote_char = '\'',
semicolon_char = ';',
slash_char = '/',
space_char = ' ',
tab_char = '\t',
tilde_char = '~'
* For make i18n. Codeset independent.
* Setup character semantics by identifying all the special characters
* of make, and assigning each an entry in the char_semantics[] vector.
enum {
ampersand_char_entry = 0, /* 0 */
asterisk_char_entry, /* 1 */
at_char_entry, /* 2 */
backquote_char_entry, /* 3 */
backslash_char_entry, /* 4 */
bar_char_entry, /* 5 */
bracketleft_char_entry, /* 6 */
bracketright_char_entry, /* 7 */
colon_char_entry, /* 8 */
dollar_char_entry, /* 9 */
doublequote_char_entry, /* 10 */
equal_char_entry, /* 11 */
exclam_char_entry, /* 12 */
greater_char_entry, /* 13 */
hat_char_entry, /* 14 */
hyphen_char_entry, /* 15 */
less_char_entry, /* 16 */
newline_char_entry, /* 17 */
numbersign_char_entry, /* 18 */
parenleft_char_entry, /* 19 */
parenright_char_entry, /* 20 */
percent_char_entry, /* 21 */
plus_char_entry, /* 22 */
question_char_entry, /* 23 */
quote_char_entry, /* 24 */
semicolon_char_entry, /* 25 */
no_semantics_entry /* 26 */
* CHAR_SEMANTICS_ENTRIES should be the number of entries above.
* The last entry in char_semantics[] should be blank.
#define CHAR_SEMANTICS_STRING "&*@`\\|[]:$=!>-\n#()%+?;^<'\""
* Some utility macros
#define ALLOC(x) ((struct _##x *)getmem(sizeof (struct _##x)))
#define ALLOC_WC(x) ((wchar_t *)getmem((x) * SIZEOFWCHAR_T))
#define FIND_LENGTH -1
#define GETNAME(a,b) getname_fn((a), (b), false)
#define IS_EQUAL(a,b) (!strcmp((a), (b)))
#define IS_EQUALN(a,b,n) (!strncmp((a), (b), (n)))
#define IS_WEQUAL(a,b) (!wcscmp((a), (b)))
#define IS_WEQUALN(a,b,n) (!wcsncmp((a), (b), (n)))
#define MBLEN(a) mblen((a), MB_LEN_MAX)
#define MBSTOWCS(a,b) (void) mbstowcs_with_check((a), (b), MAXPATHLEN)
#define MBTOWC(a,b) mbtowc((a), (b), MB_LEN_MAX)
#define SIZEOFWCHAR_T (sizeof (wchar_t))
#define VSIZEOF(v) (sizeof (v) / sizeof ((v)[0]))
#define WCSTOMBS(a,b) (void) wcstombs((a), (b), (MAXPATHLEN * MB_LEN_MAX))
#define WCTOMB(a,b) (void) wctomb((a), (b))
#define HASH(v, c) (v = (v)*31 + (unsigned int)(c))
extern void mbstowcs_with_check(wchar_t *pwcs, const char *s, size_t n);
* Bits stored in funny vector to classify chars
enum {
dollar_sem = 0001,
meta_sem = 0002,
percent_sem = 0004,
wildcard_sem = 0010,
command_prefix_sem = 0020,
special_macro_sem = 0040,
colon_sem = 0100,
parenleft_sem = 0200
* Type returned from doname class functions
typedef enum {
build_dont_know = 0,
build_running, /* PARALLEL & DISTRIBUTED */
build_pending, /* PARALLEL & DISTRIBUTED */
build_serial, /* PARALLEL & DISTRIBUTED */
build_subtree /* PARALLEL & DISTRIBUTED */
} Doname;
* The String struct defines a string with the following layout
* "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxCxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx________"
* ^ ^ ^ ^
* | | | |
* buffer.start text.p text.end buffer.end
* text.p points to the next char to read/write.
struct _String {
struct Text {
wchar_t *p; /* Read/Write pointer */
wchar_t *end; /* Read limit pointer */
} text;
struct Physical_buffer {
wchar_t *start; /* Points to start of buffer */
wchar_t *end; /* End of physical buffer */
} buffer;
Boolean free_after_use:1;
#define INIT_STRING_FROM_STACK(str, buf) { \
str.buffer.start = (buf); \
str.text.p = (buf); \
str.text.end = NULL; \
str.buffer.end = (buf) \
+ (sizeof (buf)/SIZEOFWCHAR_T); \
str.free_after_use = false; \
#define APPEND_NAME(np, dest, len) append_string((np)->string_mb, (dest), (len));
class Wstring {
struct _String string;
wchar_t string_buf[STRING_BUFFER_LENGTH];
Wstring(struct _Name * name);
void init(struct _Name * name);
void init(wchar_t * name, unsigned length);
unsigned length() {
return wcslen(string.buffer.start);
void append_to_str(struct _String * str, unsigned off, unsigned length);
wchar_t * get_string() {
return string.buffer.start;
wchar_t * get_string(unsigned off) {
return string.buffer.start + off;
Boolean equaln(wchar_t * str, unsigned length);
Boolean equal(wchar_t * str);
Boolean equal(wchar_t * str, unsigned off);
Boolean equal(wchar_t * str, unsigned off, unsigned length);
Boolean equaln(Wstring * str, unsigned length);
Boolean equal(Wstring * str);
Boolean equal(Wstring * str, unsigned off);
Boolean equal(Wstring * str, unsigned off, unsigned length);
* Used for storing the $? list and also for the "target + target:"
* construct.
struct _Chain {
struct _Chain *next;
struct _Name *name;
struct _Percent *percent_member;
* Stores one command line for a rule
struct _Cmd_line {
struct _Cmd_line *next;
struct _Name *command_line;
Boolean make_refd:1; /* $(MAKE) referenced? */
* Remember any command line prefixes given
Boolean ignore_command_dependency:1; /* `?' */
Boolean assign:1; /* `=' */
Boolean ignore_error:1; /* `-' */
Boolean silent:1; /* `@' */
Boolean always_exec:1; /* `+' */
* Linked list of targets/files
struct _Dependency {
struct _Dependency *next;
struct _Name *name;
Boolean automatic:1;
Boolean stale:1;
Boolean built:1;
* The specials are markers for targets that the reader should special case
typedef enum {
} Special;
typedef enum {
} Separator;
* Magic values for the timestamp stored with each name object
extern const timestruc_t file_no_time;
extern const timestruc_t file_doesnt_exist;
extern const timestruc_t file_is_dir;
extern const timestruc_t file_min_time;
extern const timestruc_t file_max_time;
* Each Name has a list of properties
* The properties are used to store information that only
* a subset of the Names need
typedef enum {
} Property_id;
typedef enum {
no_daemon = 0,
} Daemon;
struct _Env_mem {
char *value;
struct _Macro_appendix {
struct _Name *value;
struct _Name *value_to_append;
struct _Macro {
* For "ABC = xyz" constructs
* Name "ABC" get one macro prop
struct _Name *value;
Boolean exported:1;
Boolean read_only:1;
* This macro is defined conditionally
Boolean is_conditional:1;
* The list for $? is stored as a structured list that
* is translated into a string iff it is referenced.
* This is why some macro values need a daemon.
Daemon daemon:2;
struct _Macro_list {
struct _Macro_list *next;
char *macro_name;
char *value;
enum sccs_stat {
struct _Name {
struct _Property *prop; /* List of properties */
char *string_mb; /* Multi-byte name string */
struct {
unsigned int length;
} hash;
struct {
timestruc_t time; /* Modification */
int stat_errno; /* error from "stat" */
off_t size; /* Of file */
mode_t mode; /* Of file */
Boolean is_file:1;
Boolean is_dir:1;
Boolean is_sym_link:1;
Boolean is_precious:1;
enum sccs_stat has_sccs:2;
} stat;
* Count instances of :: definitions for this target
short colon_splits;
* We only clear the automatic depes once per target per report
short temp_file_number;
* Count how many conditional macros this target has defined
short conditional_cnt;
* A conditional macro was used when building this target
Boolean depends_on_conditional:1;
* Pointer to list of conditional macros which were used to build
* this target
struct _Macro_list *conditional_macro_list;
Boolean has_member_depe:1;
Boolean is_member:1;
* This target is a directory that has been read
Boolean has_read_dir:1;
* This name is a macro that is now being expanded
Boolean being_expanded:1;
* This name is a magic name that the reader must know about
Special special_reader:5;
Doname state:3;
Separator colons:3;
Boolean has_depe_list_expanded:1;
Boolean suffix_scan_done:1;
Boolean has_complained:1; /* For sccs */
* This target has been built during this make run
Boolean ran_command:1;
Boolean with_squiggle:1; /* for .SUFFIXES */
Boolean without_squiggle:1; /* for .SUFFIXES */
Boolean has_read_suffixes:1; /* Suffix list cached*/
Boolean has_suffixes:1;
Boolean has_target_prop:1;
Boolean has_vpath_alias_prop:1;
Boolean dependency_printed:1; /* For dump_make_state() */
Boolean dollar:1; /* In namestring */
Boolean meta:1; /* In namestring */
Boolean percent:1; /* In namestring */
Boolean wildcard:1; /* In namestring */
Boolean has_parent:1;
Boolean is_target:1;
Boolean has_built:1;
Boolean colon:1; /* In namestring */
Boolean parenleft:1; /* In namestring */
Boolean has_recursive_dependency:1;
Boolean has_regular_dependency:1;
Boolean is_double_colon:1;
Boolean is_double_colon_parent:1;
Boolean has_long_member_name:1;
* allowed to run in parallel
Boolean parallel:1;
* not allowed to run in parallel
Boolean no_parallel:1;
* used in dependency_conflict
Boolean checking_subtree:1;
Boolean added_pattern_conditionals:1;
* rechecking target for possible rebuild
Boolean rechecking_target:1;
* build this target in silent mode
Boolean silent_mode:1;
* build this target in ignore error mode
Boolean ignore_error_mode:1;
Boolean dont_activate_cond_values:1;
* allowed to run serially on local host
Boolean localhost:1;
* Stores the % matched default rules
struct _Percent {
struct _Percent *next;
struct _Name **patterns;
struct _Name *name;
struct _Percent *dependencies;
struct _Cmd_line *command_template;
struct _Chain *target_group;
int patterns_total;
Boolean being_expanded;
struct Conditional {
* For "foo := ABC [+]= xyz" constructs
* Name "foo" gets one conditional prop
struct _Name *target;
struct _Name *name;
struct _Name *value;
int sequence;
Boolean append:1;
struct Line {
* For "target : dependencies" constructs
* Name "target" gets one line prop
struct _Cmd_line *command_template;
struct _Cmd_line *command_used;
struct _Dependency *dependencies;
timestruc_t dependency_time;
struct _Chain *target_group;
Boolean is_out_of_date:1;
Boolean sccs_command:1;
Boolean command_template_redefined:1;
Boolean dont_rebuild_command_used:1;
* Values for the dynamic macros
struct _Name *target;
struct _Name *star;
struct _Name *less;
struct _Name *percent;
struct _Chain *query;
struct Makefile {
* Names that reference makefiles gets one prop
wchar_t *contents;
off_t size;
struct Member {
* For "lib(member)" and "lib((entry))" constructs
* Name "lib(member)" gets one member prop
* Name "lib((entry))" gets one member prop
* The member field is filled in when the prop is refd
struct _Name *library;
struct _Name *entry;
struct _Name *member;
struct Recursive {
* For "target: .RECURSIVE dir makefiles" constructs
* Used to keep track of recursive calls to make
* Name "target" gets one recursive prop
struct _Name *directory;
struct _Name *target;
struct _Dependency *makefiles;
Boolean has_built;
Boolean in_depinfo;
struct Sccs {
* Each file that has a SCCS s. file gets one prop
struct _Name *file;
struct Suffix {
* Cached list of suffixes that can build this target
* suffix is built from .SUFFIXES
struct _Name *suffix;
struct _Cmd_line *command_template;
struct Target {
* For "target:: dependencies" constructs
* The "::" construct is handled by converting it to
* "foo: 1@foo" + "1@foo: dependecies"
* "1@foo" gets one target prop
* This target prop cause $@ to be bound to "foo"
* not "1@foo" when the rule is evaluated
struct _Name *target;
struct STime {
* Save the original time for :: targets
timestruc_t time;
struct Vpath_alias {
* If a file was found using the VPATH it gets
* a vpath_alias prop
struct _Name *alias;
struct Long_member_name {
* Targets with a truncated member name carries
* the full lib(member) name for the state file
struct _Name *member_name;
union Body {
struct _Macro macro;
struct Conditional conditional;
struct Line line;
struct Makefile makefile;
struct Member member;
struct Recursive recursive;
struct Sccs sccs;
struct Suffix suffix;
struct Target target;
struct STime time;
struct Vpath_alias vpath_alias;
struct Long_member_name long_member_name;
struct _Macro_appendix macro_appendix;
struct _Env_mem env_mem;
#define PROPERTY_HEAD_SIZE (sizeof (struct _Property)-sizeof (union Body))
struct _Property {
struct _Property *next;
Property_id type:4;
union Body body;
/* Structure for dynamic "ascii" arrays */
struct ASCII_Dyn_Array {
char *start;
size_t size;
struct _Envvar {
struct _Name *name;
struct _Name *value;
struct _Envvar *next;
char *env_string;
Boolean already_put:1;
* Macros for the reader
#define GOTO_STATE(new_state) { \
SET_STATE(new_state); \
goto enter_state; \
#define SET_STATE(new_state) state = (new_state)
#define UNCACHE_SOURCE() if (source != NULL) { \
source->string.text.p = source_p; \
#define CACHE_SOURCE(comp) if (source != NULL) { \
source_p = source->string.text.p - \
(comp); \
source_end = source->string.text.end; \
source = get_next_block_fn(source); \
#define GET_NEXT_BLOCK(source) { GET_NEXT_BLOCK_NOCHK(source); \
if (source != NULL && source->error_converting) { \
GOTO_STATE(illegal_bytes_state); \
} \
#define GET_CHAR() ((source == NULL) || \
(source_p >= source_end) ? 0 : *source_p)
struct _Source {
struct _String string;
struct _Source *previous;
off_t bytes_left_in_file;
short fd;
Boolean already_expanded:1;
Boolean error_converting:1;
char *inp_buf;
char *inp_buf_end;
char *inp_buf_ptr;
typedef enum {
} Makefile_type;
* Typedefs for all structs
typedef struct _Chain *Chain, Chain_rec;
typedef struct _Envvar *Envvar, Envvar_rec;
typedef struct _Macro_list *Macro_list, Macro_list_rec;
typedef struct _Name *Name, Name_rec;
typedef struct _Property *Property, Property_rec;
typedef struct _Source *Source, Source_rec;
typedef struct _String *String, String_rec;
* name records hash table.
struct Name_set {
// single node in a tree
struct entry {
entry(Name name_, entry *parent_) :
Name name;
entry *parent;
entry *left;
entry *right;
unsigned depth;
void setup_depth() {
unsigned rdepth = (right != 0) ? right->depth : 0;
unsigned ldepth = (left != 0) ? left->depth : 0;
depth = 1 + ((ldepth > rdepth) ? ldepth : rdepth);
// make iterator a friend of Name_set to have access to struct entry
struct iterator;
friend struct Name_set::iterator;
// iterator over tree nodes
struct iterator {
// constructors
iterator() : node(0) {}
iterator(entry *node_) : node(node_) {}
// dereference operator
Name operator->() const { return node->name; }
// conversion operator
operator Name() { return node->name; }
// assignment operator
iterator& operator=(const iterator &o) { node = o.node; return *this; }
// equality/inequality operators
int operator==(const iterator &o) const { return (node == o.node); }
int operator!=(const iterator &o) const { return (node != o.node); }
// pre/post increment operators
iterator& operator++();
iterator operator++(int) { iterator it = *this; ++*this; return it; }
// the node iterator points to
entry *node;
// constructor
Name_set() : root(0) {}
// lookup, insert and remove operations
Name lookup(const char *key);
Name insert(const char *key, Boolean &found);
void insert(Name name);
// begin/end iterators
iterator begin() const;
iterator end() const { return iterator(); }
// rebalance given node
void rebalance(entry *node);
// tree root
entry *root;
* extern declarations for all global variables.
* The actual declarations are in globals.cc
extern char char_semantics[];
extern wchar_t char_semantics_char[];
extern Macro_list cond_macro_list;
extern Boolean conditional_macro_used;
extern Boolean do_not_exec_rule; /* `-n' */
extern Boolean dollarget_seen;
extern Boolean dollarless_flag;
extern Name dollarless_value;
extern char **environ;
extern Envvar envvar;
extern int exit_status;
extern wchar_t *file_being_read;
/* Variable gnu_style=true if env. var. SUN_MAKE_COMPAT_MODE=GNU (RFE 4866328) */
extern Boolean gnu_style;
extern Name_set hashtab;
extern Name host_arch;
extern Name host_mach;
extern int line_number;
extern char *make_state_lockfile;
extern Boolean make_word_mentioned;
extern Makefile_type makefile_type;
extern char mbs_buffer[];
extern Name path_name;
extern Boolean posix;
extern Name query;
extern Boolean query_mentioned;
extern Name hat;
extern Boolean reading_environment;
extern Name shell_name;
extern Boolean svr4;
extern Name target_arch;
extern Name target_mach;
extern Boolean tilde_rule;
extern wchar_t wcs_buffer[];
extern Boolean working_on_targets;
extern Name virtual_root;
extern Boolean vpath_defined;
extern Name vpath_name;
extern Boolean make_state_locked;
extern Boolean out_err_same;
extern pid_t childPid;
* RFE 1257407: make does not use fine granularity time info available from stat.
* High resolution time comparison.
inline int
operator==(const timestruc_t &t1, const timestruc_t &t2) {
return ((t1.tv_sec == t2.tv_sec) && (t1.tv_nsec == t2.tv_nsec));
inline int
operator!=(const timestruc_t &t1, const timestruc_t &t2) {
return ((t1.tv_sec != t2.tv_sec) || (t1.tv_nsec != t2.tv_nsec));
inline int
operator>(const timestruc_t &t1, const timestruc_t &t2) {
if (t1.tv_sec == t2.tv_sec) {
return (t1.tv_nsec > t2.tv_nsec);
return (t1.tv_sec > t2.tv_sec);
inline int
operator>=(const timestruc_t &t1, const timestruc_t &t2) {
if (t1.tv_sec == t2.tv_sec) {
return (t1.tv_nsec >= t2.tv_nsec);
return (t1.tv_sec > t2.tv_sec);
inline int
operator<(const timestruc_t &t1, const timestruc_t &t2) {
if (t1.tv_sec == t2.tv_sec) {
return (t1.tv_nsec < t2.tv_nsec);
return (t1.tv_sec < t2.tv_sec);
inline int
operator<=(const timestruc_t &t1, const timestruc_t &t2) {
if (t1.tv_sec == t2.tv_sec) {
return (t1.tv_nsec <= t2.tv_nsec);
return (t1.tv_sec < t2.tv_sec);