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* SMF software-diagnosis subsidiary
* We model service instances in maintenance state as a defect diagnosis
* in FMA. When an instance transitions to maintenance state the SMF
* graph engine publishes an event which we subscribe to here, and diagnose
* a corresponding defect.
* We always solve a case immediately after opening it. But we leave the
* case close action to the response agent which needs to cache case UUIDs.
* So in the normal case, where software-response is loaded and operational,
* our cases will transition to CLOSED state moments after we solve them.
* But if fmd restarts in the interim or if software-response is not loaded
* then our cases may hang around in SOLVED state for a while, which means
* we could iterate over them on receipt of new events. But we don't -
* we blindly solve a new case for every new maintenance event received,
* and leave it to the fmd duplicate detection and history-based diagnosis
* logic to do the right thing.
* Our sibling SMF response subsidiary propogates fmadm-initiated repairs
* into SMF, and svcadm-initiated clears back into FMA. In both cases
* the case is moved on to the RESOLVED state, even if fmd is unable to
* verify that the service is out of maintenance state (i.e., no longer
* isolated). If the service immediately re-enters maintenance state then
* we diagnose a fresh case. The history-based diagnosis changes in fmd
* "do the right thing" and avoid throwing away new cases as duplicates
* of old ones hanging around in the "resolved but not all usable again"
* state.
#include <strings.h>
#include <fm/libtopo.h>
#include <fm/fmd_fmri.h>
#include "../../common/sw.h"
#include "smf.h"
static id_t myid;
static struct {
fmd_stat_t swde_smf_diagnosed;
fmd_stat_t swde_smf_bad_class;
fmd_stat_t swde_smf_no_attr;
fmd_stat_t swde_smf_bad_attr;
fmd_stat_t swde_smf_bad_fmri;
fmd_stat_t swde_smf_no_uuid;
fmd_stat_t swde_smf_no_reason_short;
fmd_stat_t swde_smf_no_reason_long;
fmd_stat_t swde_smf_no_svcname;
fmd_stat_t swde_smf_admin_maint_drop;
fmd_stat_t swde_smf_bad_nvlist_pack;
fmd_stat_t swde_smf_dupuuid;
} swde_smf_stats = {
{ "swde_smf_diagnosed", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"maintenance state defects published" },
{ "swde_smf_bad_class", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"incorrect event class received" },
{ "swde_smf_no_attr", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"malformed event - missing attr nvlist" },
{ "swde_smf_bad_attr", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"malformed event - invalid attr list" },
{ "swde_smf_bad_fmri", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"malformed event - fmri2str fails" },
{ "swde_smf_no_uuid", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"malformed event - missing uuid" },
{ "swde_smf_no_reason_short", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"SMF transition event had no reason-short" },
{ "swde_smf_no_reason_long", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"SMF transition event had no reason-long" },
{ "swde_smf_no_svcname", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"SMF transition event had no svc-string" },
{ "swde_smf_admin_maint_drop", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"maintenance transitions requested by admin - no diagnosis" },
{ "swde_smf_bad_nvlist_pack", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"failed nvlist_size or nvlist_pack" },
{ "swde_smf_dupuuid", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"duplicate events received" },
typedef struct swde_smf_casedata {
uint32_t scd_vers; /* must be first member */
size_t scd_nvlbufsz; /* size of following buffer */
/* packed fmri nvlist follows */
} swde_smf_casedata_t;
#define BUMPSTAT(stat) swde_smf_stats.stat.fmds_value.ui64++
swde_smf_recv(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, fmd_event_t *ep, nvlist_t *nvl,
const char *class, void *arg)
char *rsn = NULL, *rsnl = NULL, *svcname = NULL;
nvlist_t *attr, *svcfmri, *defect;
swde_smf_casedata_t *cdp;
fmd_case_t *cp;
char *fmribuf;
char *uuid;
size_t sz;
if (!fmd_nvl_class_match(hdl, nvl, TRANCLASS("maintenance"))) {
if (nvlist_lookup_nvlist(nvl, FM_IREPORT_ATTRIBUTES, &attr) != 0) {
if (nvlist_lookup_string(nvl, FM_IREPORT_UUID, &uuid) != 0) {
if (nvlist_lookup_nvlist(attr, "svc", &svcfmri) != 0) {
if (nvlist_lookup_string(attr, "reason-short", &rsn) != 0) {
if (nvlist_lookup_string(attr, "reason-long", &rsnl) != 0) {
if (nvlist_lookup_string(attr, "svc-string", &svcname) != 0) {
if (strcmp(rsn, "administrative_request") == 0) {
* Our case checkpoint data, version 1.
if (nvlist_size(svcfmri, &sz, NV_ENCODE_NATIVE) != 0) {
cdp = fmd_hdl_zalloc(hdl, sizeof (*cdp) + sz, FMD_SLEEP);
cdp->scd_vers = SWDE_SMF_CASEDATA_VERS;
fmribuf = (char *)cdp + sizeof (*cdp);
cdp->scd_nvlbufsz = sz;
(void) nvlist_pack(svcfmri, &fmribuf, &sz, NV_ENCODE_NATIVE, 0);
* Open a case with UUID matching the originating event, and no
* associated serialization data. Create a defect and add it to
* the case, and link the originating event to the case. This
* call will return NULL if a case with the requested UUID already
* exists, which would mean we are processing an event twice so
* we can discard.
if ((cp = swde_case_open(hdl, myid, uuid, SWDE_SMF_CASEDATA_VERS,
(void *)cdp, sizeof (*cdp) + sz)) == NULL) {
fmd_hdl_free(hdl, cdp, sizeof (*cdp) + sz);
defect = fmd_nvl_create_defect(hdl, SW_SMF_MAINT_DEFECT,
100, svcfmri, NULL, svcfmri);
if (rsn != NULL)
(void) nvlist_add_string(defect, "reason-short", rsn);
if (rsnl != NULL)
(void) nvlist_add_string(defect, "reason-long", rsnl);
if (svcname != NULL)
(void) nvlist_add_string(defect, "svc-string", svcname);
fmd_case_add_suspect(hdl, cp, defect);
fmd_case_add_ereport(hdl, cp, ep);
* Now solve the case, and immediately close it. Although the
* resource is already isolated (SMF put it in maintenance state)
* we do not immediately close the case here - our sibling response
* logic will do that after caching the case UUID.
fmd_case_solve(hdl, cp);
* In the normal course of events we keep in sync with SMF through the
* maintenance enter/clear events it raises. Even if a maintenance
* state is cleared using svcadm while fmd is not running, the event
* will pend and be consumed when fmd does start and we'll close the
* case (in the response agent).
* But is is possible for discontinuities to produce some confusion:
* - if an instance is in maintenance state (and so shown in svcs -x
* and fmadm faulty output) at the time we clone a new boot
* environment then when we boot the new BE we can be out of
* sync if the instance is cleared when we boot there
* - meddling with /var/fm state - eg manual clear of files there,
* or restore of old state
* So as an extra guard we have a case verify function which is called
* at fmd restart (module load for software-diagnosis). We must
* return 0 to close the case, non-zero to retain it.
swde_smf_vrfy(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, fmd_case_t *cp)
swde_smf_casedata_t *cdp;
nvlist_t *svcfmri;
uint32_t v;
int rv;
cdp = swde_case_data(hdl, cp, &v);
if (cdp == NULL || v != 1)
return (0); /* bad or damaged - just close */
if (nvlist_unpack((char *)cdp + sizeof (*cdp),
cdp->scd_nvlbufsz, &svcfmri, 0) != 0)
return (0); /* ditto */
switch (fmd_nvl_fmri_service_state(hdl, svcfmri)) {
* Keep case iff in maintenance state
rv = 1;
* Discard the case for all other states - cleared,
* service no longer exists, ... whatever.
rv = 0;
return (rv);
const struct sw_disp swde_smf_disp[] = {
{ TRANCLASS("maintenance"), swde_smf_recv, NULL },
swde_smf_init(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, id_t id, const struct sw_disp **dpp, int *nelemp)
myid = id;
(void) fmd_stat_create(hdl, FMD_STAT_NOALLOC, sizeof (swde_smf_stats) /
sizeof (fmd_stat_t), (fmd_stat_t *)&swde_smf_stats);
fmd_hdl_subscribe(hdl, TRANCLASS("maintenance"));
*dpp = &swde_smf_disp[0];
*nelemp = sizeof (swde_smf_disp) / sizeof (swde_smf_disp[0]);
const struct sw_subinfo smf_diag_info = {
"smf diagnosis", /* swsub_name */
SW_CASE_SMF, /* swsub_casetype */
swde_smf_init, /* swsub_init */
NULL, /* swsub_fini */
NULL, /* swsub_timeout */
NULL, /* swsub_case_close */
swde_smf_vrfy, /* swsub_case_vrfy */