#!/usr/perl5/bin/perl -w
# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
# Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
# (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License.
# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
# or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.
# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
# ident "%Z%%M% %I% %E% SMI"
# Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use is subject to license terms.
# This utility program reads the contents file to extract Solaris ELF
# libraries, and then runs pvs(1) on them to find the library versioning
# information (if any). This info is printed to stdout in an index file
# format.
require 5.005;
use strict;
use locale;
use POSIX qw(locale_h);
use Sun::Solaris::Utils qw(textdomain gettext);
use File::Basename;
use vars qw(
setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
# parameters for what types of libraries to list out:
my $must_be_versioned = 0;
my $must_be_public = 0;
# paths to skip outright.
my @skip_list = qw(
my $path_skip = join('|', @skip_list);
$path_skip = qr/^($path_skip)/;
# find library names:
# We have to use pkgchk -l output (even though it is much slower than
# parsing /var/sadm/install/contents ourselves) because the contents
# file will go away or change incompatibly at some point.
my $old = $ENV{'LC_ALL'};
$ENV{'LC_ALL'} = 'C';
my $contents_fh = do { local *FH; *FH };
open($contents_fh, "/usr/sbin/pkgchk -l|") || die "$!\n";
if (defined($old)) {
$ENV{'LC_ALL'} = $old;
} else {
my $pathname = '';
my $type = '';
my $link = '';
my $pkgs = '';
my $status = '';
my $inpkgs = 0;
while (<$contents_fh>) {
next if (/^Ex/);
if (/^Pathname:\s*/i) {
$pathname = $';
$type = '';
$link = '';
$status = '';
$pkgs = '';
$inpkgs = 0;
} elsif (/^Type:\s*/i) {
$type = $';
} elsif (/^Source of link:\s*/i) {
$link = $';
} elsif (/^Referenced by/i) {
$inpkgs = 1;
} elsif (/^Current status:\s*/i) {
$status = $';
$inpkgs = 0;
} elsif (/^\s*$/) {
next unless ($pathname =~ m,\.so,);
next unless ($pathname =~ m,/lib,);
next unless ($pathname =~ m,/lib[^/]*\.so\b,);
next unless ($type =~ /regular file|symbolic link/i);
next unless ($status =~ /^\s*installed\s*$/);
$pathname = trim($pathname);
$link = trim($link);
filter($pathname, $link, $pkgs);
if ($inpkgs) {
$pkgs .= $_ . ' ';
# run pvs(1) on the libraries found:
my $batch = 30; # batch size to use (running in batches is faster).
my @list = ();
for (my $i = 1; $i <= scalar(@liblist); $i++) {
push(@list, $liblist[$i-1]);
if ($i % $batch == 0) {
do_pvs(@list) if (@list);
@list = ();
do_pvs(@list) if (@list); # finish any remainder.
exit 0;
# Take a pkgchk -l entry and decide if it corresponds to a Solaris
# library. If so, save it in the list @liblist, and record info in
# %symlink & %inode_hash associative arrays as appropriate.
sub filter
my ($path, $link, $pkgs) = @_;
# consider only SUNW packages:
return unless ($pkgs =~ /\bSUNW\S+/);
my $basename;
$basename = basename($path);
if ($link ne '') {
# include developer build-time symlinks:
return unless ($basename =~ /^lib.*\.so[\.\d]*$/);
} else {
return unless ($basename =~ /^lib.*\.so\.[\.\d]+$/);
return if ($path =~ /$path_skip/);
return unless (-f $path);
# inode is used to identify what file a symlink point to:
my $inode;
$inode = (stat($path))[1];
return unless (defined($inode));
if ($link ne '') {
# record info about symlinks:
if (exists($symlink{$inode})) {
$symlink{$inode} .= ":" . $path;
} else {
$symlink{$inode} = ":" . $path;
} else {
# ordinary file case:
$inode_hash{$path} = $inode;
push(@liblist, $path);
# Run pvs(1) on a list of libraries. More than one is done at a time to
# speed things up.
# Extracts the version information and passes it to the output() routine
# for final processing.
sub do_pvs
my (@list) = @_;
my (%list, $paths, $path, $cnt);
# record info about the library paths and construct the list of
# files for the pvs command line.
$cnt = 0;
$paths = '';
foreach $path (@list) {
$list{$path} = 1;
$paths .= ' ' if ($paths ne '');
# $path should never have single quote in it in
# all normal usage. Make sure this is so:
next if ($path =~ /'/);
# quote the filename in case it has meta-characters
# (which should never happen in all normal usage)
$paths .= "'$path'";
return if ($cnt == 0);
# set locale to C for running command, since we interpret the output:
my $old = $ENV{'LC_ALL'};
$ENV{'LC_ALL'} = 'C';
# get the file(1) output for each item:
my $file_fh = do { local *FH; *FH };
open($file_fh, "/usr/bin/file $paths 2>&1 |") || die "$!\n";
my ($file, $out);
while (<$file_fh>) {
($file, $out) = split(/:/, $_, 2);
if ($list{$file} && $out =~ /\bELF\b/) {
$fileoutput{$file} = $out;
# in the case of only 1 item, we place it on the command line
# twice to induce pvs(1) to indicate which file it is reporting
# on.
if ($cnt == 1) {
$paths .= " $paths";
# $paths are entries from /var/sadm/install/contents and
# so should not contain spaces or meta characters:
my $pvs_fh = do { local *FH; *FH };
open($pvs_fh, "/usr/bin/pvs -dn $paths 2>&1 |") || die "$!\n";
# reset LC_ALL, if there was any:
if (defined($old)) {
$ENV{'LC_ALL'} = $old;
} else {
my ($pub, $pri, $obs, $evo, $vers, $new_path);
# initialize strings used below for appending info to:
$pub = '';
$pri = '';
$obs = '';
$evo = '';
while (<$pvs_fh>) {
$_ =~ s/\s*$//;
if (m,^([^:]+):$,) {
# a new pvs file header, e.g. "/usr/lib/libc.so.1:"
if ($list{$1}) {
$new_path = $1;
# output the previous one and reset accumulators:
if (defined($path)) {
output($path, $pub, $pri, $obs, $evo);
$pub = '';
$pri = '';
$obs = '';
$evo = '';
$path = $new_path;
next; # done with pvs header case
# extract SUNW version head end:
$vers = trim($_);
$vers =~ s/;//g;
# handle the various non-standard cases in Solaris libraries:
if ($vers =~ /^(SUNW.*private|SUNW_XIL_GPI)/i) {
$pri .= $vers . ":";
} elsif ($vers =~ /^(SUNW_\d|SYSVABI|SISCD)/) {
$pub .= $vers . ":";
} elsif ($vers =~ /^(SUNW\.\d|SUNW_XIL)/) {
$pub .= $vers . ":";
} elsif ($vers =~ /^SUNWobsolete/) {
$obs .= $vers . ":";
} elsif ($vers =~ /^SUNWevolving/) {
$evo .= $vers . ":";
} else {
# output the last one (if any):
if (defined($path)) {
output($path, $pub, $pri, $obs, $evo);
# Take the raw library versioning information and process it into index
# file format and then print it out.
sub output
my ($path, $pub, $pri, $obs, $evo) = @_;
return if ($didlib{$path}); # skip repeating a library
# trim off any trailing separators:
$pub =~ s/:$//;
$pri =~ s/:$//;
$obs =~ s/:$//;
$evo =~ s/:$//;
# work out the type of library:
my $type;
my $defn;
my $n;
if ($pri && ! $pub && ! $obs && ! $evo) {
$type = 'INTERNAL';
$defn = 'NO_PUBLIC_SYMS';
} elsif ($obs) {
$type = 'OBSOLETE';
$defn = $obs;
} elsif ($pub) {
$type = 'PUBLIC';
$defn = $pub;
if ($defn =~ /:/) {
$defn =~ s/:/,/g;
$defn = "PUBLIC=$defn";
} elsif ($evo) {
$type = 'EVOLVING';
$defn = $evo;
} elsif (! $pri && ! $pub && ! $obs && ! $evo) {
$type = 'UNVERSIONED';
$defn = '-';
} else {
# return if instructed to skip either of these cases:
if ($must_be_versioned && $type eq 'UNVERSIONED') {
if ($must_be_public && $type eq 'INTERNAL') {
# prepare the output line, including any symlink information:
my $inode = $inode_hash{$path};
my $links;
if ($inode && exists($symlink{$inode})) {
$links = "${path}$symlink{$inode}";
} else {
$links = "$path";
# count the total number of references:
my (@n) = split(/:/, $links);
$n = scalar(@n);
# determine the abi to which the library file belongs:
my ($fout, $abi);
$abi = 'unknown';
$fout = $fileoutput{$path};
if ($fout =~ /\bSPARCV9\b/) {
$abi = 'sparcv9';
} elsif ($fout =~ /\bSPARC/) {
$abi = 'sparc';
} elsif ($fout =~ /\bAMD64\b/ || $fout =~ /\bELF\s+64-bit\s+LSB\b/) {
$abi = 'amd64';
} elsif ($fout =~ /\b80386\b/) {
$abi = 'i386';
print STDOUT "$abi|$path|$defn|$n|$links\n";
# record that we did this library so we do not process it a second time.
$didlib{$path} = 1;
# Remove leading and trailing spaces.
sub trim
my ($x) = @_;
$x =~ s/^\s*//;
$x =~ s/\s*$//;
return $x;