See sample_httpd.conf for examples
The basic module loading directive is
LoadModule lua_module modules/
The handler name is "lua-script" so you can use the normal
AddHandler directive, such as "AddHandler lua-script .lua" to
set anything ending in .lua to use mod_lua to evaluate
mod_lua exports several additional directives:
LuaRoot /path/to/a/directory
Specify the base path which will be used to evaluate all
relative paths within mod_lua. If not specified they
will be resolved relative to the current working directory,
which may not always work well for a server.
LuaScope once|request|conn|server [max|min max]
Specify the lifecycle scope of the Lua interpreter which will
be used by handlers in this "Directory." The default is "once"
once: use the interpreter once and throw it away.
request: use the interpreter to handle anything based on
the same file within this request, which is also
request scoped.
conn: Same as request but attached to the connection_rec
server: This one is different than others because the
server scope is quite long lived, and multiple threads
will have the same server_rec. To accommodate this
server scoped interpreter are stored in an apr
resource list. The min and max arguments are intended
to specify the pool size, but are unused at this time.
LuaMapHandler uri-pattern /path/to/lua/script.lua [function-name]
This directive matches a uri pattern to invoke a specific
handler function in a specific file. It uses PCRE regular
expressions to match the uri, and supports interpolating
match groups into both the file path and the function name
be careful writing your regular expressions to avoid security
LuaMapHandler /(\w+)/(/w+) /scripts/$1.lua handle_$2
This would match uri's such as /photos/show?id=9
to the file /scripts/photos.lua and invoke the
handler function handle_show on the lua vm after
loading that file.
LuaMapHandler /bingo /scripts/wombat.lua
This would invoke the "handle" function, which
is the default if no specific function name is
LuaPackagePath /path/to/include/?.lua
Add a path to lua's module search path. Follows the same
conventions as lua. This just munges the package.path in the
lua vms.
LuaPackagePath /scripts/lib/?.lua
LuaPackagePath /scripts/lib/?/init.lua
LuaPackageCPath /path/to/include/?.soa
Add a path to lua's shared library search path. Follows the same
conventions as lua. This just munges the package.cpath in the
lua vms.
LuaPackagePath /scripts/lib/?.so
LuaCodeCache stat|forever|never
Specify the behavior of the in-memory code cache. The default
is stat, which stats the top level script (not any included
ones) each time that file is needed, and reloads it if the
modified time indicates it is newer than the one it has
already loaded. The other values cause it to keep the file
cached forever (don't stat and replace) or to never cache the
In general stat or forever is good production and stat or never
for development.
LuaCodeCache stat
LuaCodeCache forever
LuaCodeCache never
LuaHookTranslateName /path/to/lua/script.lua hook_function_name
Add a hook (at APR_HOOK_MIDDLE) to the translate name phase of
request processing. The hook function receives a single
argument, the request_rec, and should return a status code,
which is either an HTTP error code, or the constants defined
in the apache2 module: apache2.OK, apache2.DECLINED, or
For those new to hooks, basically each hook will be invoked
until one of them returns apache2.OK. If your hook doesn't
want to do the translation it should just return
apache2.DECLINED. If the request should stop processing, then
return apache2.DONE.
LuaHookTranslateName /scripts/conf/hooks.lua silly_mapper
-- /scripts/conf/hooks.lua --
function silly_mapper(r)
if r.uri == "/" then
r.file = "/var/www/home.lua"
return apache2.OK
return apache2.DECLINED
LuaHookFixups /path/to/lua/script.lua hook_function_name
Just like LuaHookTranslateName, but executed at the fixups phase
LuaHookMapToStorage /path/to/lua/script.lua hook_function_name
LuaHookCheckUserID /path/to/lua/script.lua hook_function_name
LuaHookTypeChecker /path/to/lua/script.lua hook_function_name
LuaHookAuthChecker /path/to/lua/script.lua hook_function_name
LuaHookAccessChecker /path/to/lua/script.lua hook_function_name
LuaHookAuthChecker /path/to/lua/script.lua hook_function_name
LuaHookInsertFilter /path/to/lua/script.lua hook_function_name
Not Yet Implemented