* Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License
* (the License). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at
* https://opensso.dev.java.net/public/CDDLv1.0.html or
* opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt
* See the License for the specific language governing
* permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
* Header Notice in each file and include the License file
* at opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt.
* If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header,
* with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
* your own identifying information:
* "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
* $Id: AMSetupServlet.java,v 1.117 2010/01/20 17:01:35 veiming Exp $
* Portions Copyrighted 2010-2016 ForgeRock AS.
package com.sun.identity.setup;
import static com.sun.identity.setup.AMSetupUtils.getResourceAsStream;
import static org.forgerock.openam.utils.CollectionUtils.asSet;
import static org.forgerock.openam.utils.IOUtils.writeToFile;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.naming.directory.Attribute;
import javax.naming.directory.Attributes;
import javax.naming.directory.DirContext;
import javax.naming.directory.InitialDirContext;
import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.ServiceLoader;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;
import java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream;
import com.google.inject.Key;
import com.google.inject.name.Names;
import com.iplanet.am.util.AdminUtils;
import com.iplanet.am.util.SystemProperties;
import com.iplanet.services.ldap.DSConfigMgr;
import com.iplanet.services.ldap.LDAPServiceException;
import com.iplanet.services.naming.WebtopNaming;
import com.iplanet.services.naming.service.NamingService;
import com.iplanet.services.util.Crypt;
import com.iplanet.sso.SSOException;
import com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken;
import com.sun.identity.authentication.UI.LoginLogoutMapping;
import com.sun.identity.authentication.config.AMAuthenticationManager;
import com.sun.identity.authentication.internal.server.SMSAuthModule;
import com.sun.identity.common.ConfigMonitoring;
import com.sun.identity.common.DebugPropertiesObserver;
import com.sun.identity.common.FQDNUtils;
import com.sun.identity.common.configuration.ConfigurationException;
import com.sun.identity.common.configuration.ServerConfigXML;
import com.sun.identity.common.configuration.ServerConfigXML.DirUserObject;
import com.sun.identity.common.configuration.ServerConfigXML.ServerGroup;
import com.sun.identity.common.configuration.ServerConfigXML.ServerObject;
import com.sun.identity.common.configuration.ServerConfigXMLObserver;
import com.sun.identity.common.configuration.ServerConfiguration;
import com.sun.identity.common.configuration.SiteConfiguration;
import com.sun.identity.common.configuration.UnknownPropertyNameException;
import com.sun.identity.entitlement.EntitlementConfiguration;
import com.sun.identity.entitlement.opensso.SubjectUtils;
import com.sun.identity.idm.AMIdentity;
import com.sun.identity.idm.AMIdentityRepository;
import com.sun.identity.idm.IdConstants;
import com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepoException;
import com.sun.identity.idm.IdType;
import com.sun.identity.policy.PolicyException;
import com.sun.identity.security.AdminTokenAction;
import com.sun.identity.security.DecodeAction;
import com.sun.identity.security.EncodeAction;
import com.sun.identity.shared.Constants;
import com.sun.identity.shared.debug.Debug;
import com.sun.identity.shared.encode.Hash;
import com.sun.identity.shared.locale.Locale;
import com.sun.identity.sm.AttributeSchema;
import com.sun.identity.sm.CachedSMSEntry;
import com.sun.identity.sm.OrganizationConfigManager;
import com.sun.identity.sm.SMSEntry;
import com.sun.identity.sm.SMSException;
import com.sun.identity.sm.SMSPropertiesObserver;
import com.sun.identity.sm.ServiceConfig;
import com.sun.identity.sm.ServiceConfigManager;
import com.sun.identity.sm.ServiceManager;
import com.sun.identity.sm.ServiceSchema;
import com.sun.identity.sm.ServiceSchemaManager;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.forgerock.guice.core.InjectorHolder;
import org.forgerock.openam.cts.api.CoreTokenConstants;
import org.forgerock.openam.license.License;
import org.forgerock.openam.license.LicenseLocator;
import org.forgerock.openam.license.LicenseSet;
import org.forgerock.openam.license.ServletContextLicenseLocator;
import org.forgerock.openam.upgrade.UpgradeDirectoryUtils;
import org.forgerock.openam.upgrade.OpenDJUpgrader;
import org.forgerock.openam.upgrade.UpgradeException;
import org.forgerock.openam.upgrade.VersionUtils;
import org.forgerock.openam.utils.CollectionUtils;
import org.forgerock.opendj.config.ConfigurationFramework;
* This class is the first class to get loaded by the Servlet container.
* It has helper methods to determine the status of OpenAM configuration when deployed as a single
* web-application. If OpenAM is not deployed as single web-application then the configured status
* returned is always true.
public class AMSetupServlet extends HttpServlet {
private static ServletContext servletCtx = null;
private static boolean isConfiguredFlag = false;
private static boolean isVersionNewer = false;
private static boolean upgradeCompleted = false;
private static boolean isOpenDJUpgraded = false;
private final static String SMS_STR = "sms";
private static SSOToken adminToken = null;
private final static String LEGACY_PROPERTIES = "legacy";
final static String BOOTSTRAP_EXTRA = "bootstrap";
final static String BOOTSTRAP_FILE_LOC = "bootstrap.file";
final static String OPENDS_DIR = "/opends";
private static String errorMessage = null;
private static java.util.Locale configLocale;
private static Set<String> passwordParams = new HashSet<String>();
static {
* Initializes the servlet.
public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
System.setProperty("file.separator", "/");
if (servletCtx == null ) {
servletCtx = config.getServletContext();
if (isConfiguredFlag) {
// this will sync up bootstrap file will serverconfig.xml
// due startup; and also register the observer.
// Syncup embedded opends replication with current server instances.
if (!syncServerInfoWithRelication()) {
.error("AMSetupServlet.init: embedded replication sync failed.");
final String[] licenseFilePaths =
InjectorHolder.getInstance(Key.get(String[].class, Names.named("LICENSE_FILEPATH")));
if (licenseFilePaths == null) {
throw new ServletException("Could not get license file paths.");
licenseLocator = new ServletContextLicenseLocator(getServletContext(), Charset.forName("UTF-8"),
private static LicenseLocator licenseLocator;
public static LicenseLocator getLicenseLocator() {
return licenseLocator;
* Flag indicating if OpenAM is configured with the latest valid config
static public boolean isCurrentConfigurationValid() {
if (isConfiguredFlag) {
isVersionNewer = VersionUtils.isVersionNewer();
return isConfiguredFlag && !isVersionNewer && !upgradeCompleted;
static public boolean isConfigured() {
return isConfiguredFlag;
* Used this method to check if the version is newer; called post upgrade
private static void isVersionNewer() {
if (isConfiguredFlag) {
isVersionNewer = VersionUtils.isVersionNewer();
public static void upgradeCompleted() {
upgradeCompleted = true;
public static boolean isUpgradeCompleted() {
return upgradeCompleted;
public static boolean isOpenDJUpgraded() {
return isOpenDJUpgraded;
public static void enableDebug() {
Collection<Debug> debugInstances = Debug.getInstances();
for (Debug d : debugInstances) {
* Checks if the embedded directory (if present) needs to be upgraded
private static void checkOpenDJUpgrade() throws ServletException {
// check for embedded directory
if (!isEmbeddedDS()) {
// check if upgrade is required
OpenDJUpgrader upgrader = new OpenDJUpgrader(getBaseDir() + OPENDS_DIR, servletCtx);
if (!upgrader.isUpgradeRequired()) {
// backup embedded directory
// initiate upgrade
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
Debug.getInstance(SetupConstants.DEBUG_NAME).error("OpenDJ upgrade exception: ", ex);
throw new ServletException("An error occurred while upgrading embedded OpenDJ", ex);
isOpenDJUpgraded = true;
private static void createOpenDJBackup() {
try {
} catch (UpgradeException ue) {
Debug.getInstance(SetupConstants.DEBUG_NAME).error("Upgrade cannot create backup directory", ue);
ZipOutputStream zOut = null;
String baseDir = getBaseDir();
String backupDir = baseDir + "/backups/";
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
String dateStamp = dateFormat.format(new Date());
File backupFile = new File(backupDir + "opendj.backup." + dateStamp + ".zip");
if (backupFile.exists()) {
Debug.getInstance(SetupConstants.DEBUG_NAME).error("Upgrade cannot continue as backup file exists! "
+ backupFile.getName());
File opendjDirectory = new File(baseDir + OPENDS_DIR);
if (opendjDirectory.exists() && opendjDirectory.isDirectory()) {
final String[] filenames = opendjDirectory.list();
try {
zOut = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(backupFile));
// Compress the files
for (String filename : filenames) {
zipDir(new File(baseDir + OPENDS_DIR + File.separator + filename),
baseDir + OPENDS_DIR + File.separator, zOut, (baseDir + File.separator).length());
} catch (IOException ioe) {
Debug.getInstance(SetupConstants.DEBUG_NAME).error("IOException", ioe);
} finally {
if (zOut != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// do nothing
private static void zipDir(File filename, String dirName, ZipOutputStream zOut, int stripLen) {
try {
if (!filename.exists()) {
Debug.getInstance(SetupConstants.DEBUG_NAME).error("file not found");
if (!filename.isDirectory()) {
zOut.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry((dirName + filename.getName()).replace('\\','/').substring(stripLen)));
FileInputStream fileIn = new FileInputStream(filename);
byte[] buffer =new byte[(int)filename.length()];
int inLen = fileIn.read(buffer);
if (inLen != filename.length()) {
Debug.getInstance(SetupConstants.DEBUG_NAME).error("Short read: " + (filename.length() - inLen));
zOut.write(buffer, 0, buffer.length);
} else {
String subdirname = dirName + filename.getName() + File.separator;
zOut.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(subdirname.replace('\\','/').substring(stripLen)));
String[] dirlist = new File(subdirname).list();
for (String dir : dirlist) {
zipDir(new File(subdirname + dir), subdirname, zOut, stripLen);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Debug.getInstance(SetupConstants.DEBUG_NAME).error("Unable to create zip file", ex);
* Checks if the product is already configured. This is required
* when the container on which WAR is deployed is restarted. If
* product is configured the flag is set true. Also the flag is
* set to true in case of non-single war deployment.
private static void checkConfigProperties() {
String overrideAMC = SystemProperties.get(SetupConstants.AMC_OVERRIDE_PROPERTY);
isConfiguredFlag = overrideAMC == null || overrideAMC.equalsIgnoreCase("false");
if (!isConfiguredFlag && servletCtx != null) {
String baseDir = getBaseDir();
try {
String bootstrapFile = getBootStrapFile();
if (bootstrapFile != null) {
isConfiguredFlag = Bootstrap.load(new BootstrapData(baseDir), false);
} else {
if (baseDir != null) {
isConfiguredFlag = loadAMConfigProperties(baseDir + "/" + SetupConstants.AMCONFIG_PROPERTIES);
} catch (ConfiguratorException e) {
//ignore, WAR may not be configured yet.
System.out.println("checkConfigProperties :" + e);
} catch (Exception e) {
Debug.getInstance(SetupConstants.DEBUG_NAME).error("AMSetupServlet.checkConfigProperties", e);
private static boolean loadAMConfigProperties(String fileLocation) throws IOException {
boolean loaded = false;
File test = new File(fileLocation);
if (test.exists()) {
FileInputStream fin = null;
try {
fin = new FileInputStream(fileLocation);
Properties props = new Properties();
loaded = true;
} finally {
if (fin != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
return loaded;
* Invoked from the filter to decide which page needs to be
* displayed.
* @param servletctx is the Servlet Context
* @return true if AM is already configured, false otherwise
public static boolean isConfigured(ServletContext servletctx) {
return isConfiguredFlag;
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException,
ConfiguratorException {
// Only continue if we are not already configured
if (isConfigured()) {
response.getWriter().write("Already Configured!") ;
HttpServletRequestWrapper req = new HttpServletRequestWrapper(request);
HttpServletResponseWrapper res = new HttpServletResponseWrapper(response);
String loadBalancerHost = request.getParameter("LB_SITE_NAME");
String primaryURL = request.getParameter("LB_PRIMARY_URL");
String sfoEnabled = request.getParameter("LB_SESSION_HA_SFO");
if (loadBalancerHost != null) {
// site configuration is passed as a map of the site
// information
Map<String, String> siteConfig = new HashMap<String, String>(5);
siteConfig.put(SetupConstants.LB_SITE_NAME, loadBalancerHost);
siteConfig.put(SetupConstants.LB_PRIMARY_URL, primaryURL);
siteConfig.put(SetupConstants.LB_SESSION_HA_SFO, sfoEnabled);
req.addParameter(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_SITE_CONFIGURATION, siteConfig);
String userStoreType = request.getParameter("USERSTORE_TYPE");
if (userStoreType != null) {
// site configuration is passed as a map of the site information
Map<String, String> store = new HashMap<String, String>(12);
String tmp = request.getParameter("USERSTORE_DOMAINNAME");
String domainName = tmp;
store.put(SetupConstants.USER_STORE_DOMAINNAME, tmp);
tmp = request.getParameter("USERSTORE_HOST");
if (tmp == null || tmp.length() == 0) {
String[] hostAndPort = {""};
try {
if (domainName != null && domainName.length() > 0) {
hostAndPort = getLdapHostAndPort(domainName);
} catch (NamingException nex) {
.error("AMSetupServlet:Naming Exception get host and port from domain name" + nex);
} catch (IOException ioex) {
.error("AMSetupServlet:IO Exception. get host and port from domain name" + ioex);
String host = hostAndPort[0];
String port = hostAndPort[1];
if (host != null) {
store.put(SetupConstants.USER_STORE_HOST, host);
store.put(SetupConstants.USER_STORE_PORT, port);
} else {
store.put(SetupConstants.USER_STORE_HOST, tmp);
tmp = request.getParameter("USERSTORE_PORT");
store.put(SetupConstants.USER_STORE_PORT, tmp);
tmp = request.getParameter("USERSTORE_SSL");
store.put(SetupConstants.USER_STORE_SSL, tmp);
tmp = request.getParameter("USERSTORE_SUFFIX");
if (tmp == null || tmp.length() == 0) {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(domainName)) {
String umRootSuffix = dnsDomainToDN(domainName);
store.put(SetupConstants.USER_STORE_ROOT_SUFFIX, umRootSuffix);
} else {
store.put(SetupConstants.USER_STORE_ROOT_SUFFIX, tmp);
tmp = request.getParameter("USERSTORE_MGRDN");
store.put(SetupConstants.USER_STORE_LOGIN_ID, tmp);
tmp = request.getParameter("USERSTORE_PASSWD");
store.put(SetupConstants.USER_STORE_LOGIN_PWD, tmp);
store.put(SetupConstants.USERSTORE_PWD, tmp);
store.put(SetupConstants.USER_STORE_TYPE, userStoreType);
req.addParameter(SetupConstants.USER_STORE, store);
boolean result = processRequest(req, res);
if (!result) {
response.getWriter().write("Configuration failed - check installation logs!");
} else {
response.getWriter().write("Configuration complete!");
public static boolean processRequest(IHttpServletRequest request, IHttpServletResponse response) {
// Only continue if we are not already configured
if (isConfigured()) {
return true;
final InstallLog installLog = InstallLog.getInstance();
installLog.open((String) request.getParameterMap().get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_BASE_DIR));
* This logic needs refactoring later. setServiceConfigValues()
* attempts to check if directory is up and makes a call
* back to this class. The implementation'd
* be cleaner if classes&methods are named better and separated than
* intertwined together.
// set debug directory
Map<String, Object> map = ServicesDefaultValues.getDefaultValues();
String basedir = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_BASE_DIR);
String uri = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_SERVER_URI);
SystemProperties.initializeProperties(Constants.SERVICES_DEBUG_DIRECTORY, basedir + uri + "/debug");
// used for site configuration later
Map<String, Object> siteMap = (Map<String, Object>) map.remove(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_SITE_CONFIGURATION);
Map<String, Object> userRepo = (Map<String, Object>) map.remove(SetupConstants.USER_STORE);
try {
// Check for click-through license acceptance before processing the request.
SetupProgress.reportStart("configurator.progress.license.check", new Object[0]);
if (!isLicenseAccepted(request)) {
new Object[]{SetupConstants.ACCEPT_LICENSE_PARAM});
return false;
SetupProgress.reportEnd("configurator.progress.license.accepted", new Object[0]);
* As we have got this far then the user must have accepted the license, so we log this implicitly.
LicenseSet licenses = getLicenseLocator().getRequiredLicenses();
for (License license : licenses) {
installLog.write(String.format("License, %s, has been accepted.%n", license.getFilename()));
String licenseHash = Hash.hash(license.toString());
installLog.write(String.format("License Hash: %s.%n", licenseHash));
isConfiguredFlag = configure(request, map, userRepo);
if (isConfiguredFlag) {
//postInitialize was called at the end of configure????
if (isConfiguredFlag) {
String fileBootstrap = getBootstrapLocator();
if (fileBootstrap != null) {
writeToFileEx(fileBootstrap, basedir);
// this will write bootstrap file after configuration is
// done; and also register the observer.
// register our other observers
Map<String, Set<String>> mapBootstrap = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(2);
Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>(2);
mapBootstrap.put(BOOTSTRAP_FILE_LOC, set);
if (fileBootstrap == null) {
} else {
// this is to store the bootstrap location
String serverInstanceName = SystemProperties.getServerInstanceName();
SSOToken adminToken = AccessController.doPrivileged(AdminTokenAction.getInstance());
ServerConfiguration.setServerInstance(adminToken, serverInstanceName, mapBootstrap);
// store the ds admin port if we are running in embedded mode
String dataStore = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_DATA_STORE);
if (dataStore.equals(SetupConstants.SMS_EMBED_DATASTORE)) {
String dsAdminPort = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_DIRECTORY_ADMIN_SERVER_PORT);
Map<String, Set<String>> mapAdminPort = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(2);
Set<String> set2 = new HashSet<String>(2);
mapAdminPort.put(Constants.DS_ADMIN_PORT, set2);
ServerConfiguration.setServerInstance(adminToken, serverInstanceName, mapAdminPort);
// setup site configuration information
if (siteMap != null && !siteMap.isEmpty()) {
String site = (String) siteMap.get( SetupConstants.LB_SITE_NAME);
String primaryURL = (String) siteMap.get(SetupConstants.LB_PRIMARY_URL);
Boolean isSessionHASFOEnabled = Boolean.valueOf(
(String) siteMap.get(SetupConstants.LB_SESSION_HA_SFO));
* If primary url is null that means we are adding
* to an existing site. we don't need to create it
* first.
if (primaryURL != null && primaryURL.length() > 0) {
Set<String> sites = SiteConfiguration.getSites(adminToken);
if (!sites.contains(site)) {
SiteConfiguration.createSite(adminToken, site, primaryURL, Collections.EMPTY_SET);
if (!ServerConfiguration.belongToSite(adminToken, serverInstanceName, site)) {
ServerConfiguration.addToSite(adminToken, serverInstanceName, site);
//configure SFO (enabled/disabled) by creating a subconfiguration for the site
Map<String, Set<String>> values = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(1);
values.put(CoreTokenConstants.IS_SFO_ENABLED, asSet(isSessionHASFOEnabled.toString()));
createSFOSubConfig(adminToken, site, values);
if (EmbeddedOpenDS.isMultiServer(map)) {
// Setup Replication port in SMS for each server
EntitlementConfiguration ec = EntitlementConfiguration.getInstance(
SubjectUtils.createSuperAdminSubject(), "/");
} catch (Exception e) {
installLog.write("AMSetupServlet.processRequest: error", e);
Debug.getInstance(SetupConstants.DEBUG_NAME).error("AMSetupServlet.processRequest: error", e);
Object[] params = {e.getMessage(), basedir};
throw new ConfiguratorException("configuration.failed", params, configLocale);
} finally {
installLog.write("\n\nDumping all configuration parameters...\n");
installLog.write("\nRequest Parameters:\n");
dumpConfigurationProperties(installLog, request.getParameterMap());
if (siteMap != null && !siteMap.isEmpty()) {
installLog.write("\nSite configuration items:\n");
dumpConfigurationProperties(installLog, siteMap);
if (userRepo != null && !userRepo.isEmpty()) {
installLog.write("\nExternal user repo configuration items:\n");
dumpConfigurationProperties(installLog, userRepo);
if (map != null && !map.isEmpty()) {
installLog.write("\nMain configuration items:\n");
dumpConfigurationProperties(installLog, map);
installLog.write("\nFinished dumping all configuration parameters\n");
if (WebtopNaming.configMonitoring() >= 0) {
ConfigMonitoring cm = new ConfigMonitoring();
} else {
Debug.getInstance(SetupConstants.DEBUG_NAME).error("WebtopNaming.configMonitoring returned error.");
return isConfiguredFlag;
// The list of constants, passwords for example, that should be hashed out if logged.
private static final String[] CONFIG_ITEMS_TO_HASH = new String[] {
// Used to provide a lookup list of items that should be hashed out.
private static final List<String> CONFIG_ITEMS_TO_HASH_LIST =
new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(CONFIG_ITEMS_TO_HASH));
* Iterate over the supplied properties (sorted by property name) and write them out to the passed install log.
* Property values that are in the CONFIG_ITEMS_TO_HASH_LIST will have their value masked.
* @param installLog The log to write the properties into
* @param properties A non-null set of properties to iterate over and write out to the log
private static void dumpConfigurationProperties(InstallLog installLog, Map<String, Object> properties) {
SortedMap<String, Object> sortedProperties = new TreeMap<String, Object>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
for (String key : sortedProperties.keySet()) {
if (CONFIG_ITEMS_TO_HASH_LIST.contains(key)) {
installLog.write(key + " = #########" + "\n");
} else {
installLog.write(key + " = " + sortedProperties.get(key) + "\n");
* Verify that the user has accepted the terms of all required licenses. This is indicated by the presence of a
* request parameter {@code licenseAccepted=true}.
* @param request the servlet request.
* @return true if the license acceptance parameter is present and correct, otherwise false.
private static boolean isLicenseAccepted(IHttpServletRequest request) {
try {
return Boolean.parseBoolean(request.getParameterMap().get(SetupConstants.ACCEPT_LICENSE_PARAM).toString());
} catch (NullPointerException ex) {
Debug.getInstance(SetupConstants.DEBUG_NAME).error("Invalid license acceptance parameter", ex);
return false;
private static void writeInputToFile(IHttpServletRequest request)
throws IOException {
StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder();
Map<String, Object> map = request.getParameterMap();
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) {
if (!entry.getKey().equals("actionLink")) {
if (entry.getValue() instanceof String) {
if (passwordParams.contains(entry.getKey())) {
} else if (entry.getKey().equals(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_SERVER_URI)) {
} else {
} else if (entry.getValue() instanceof Map) {
Map<String, String> valMap = (Map<String, String>) entry.getValue();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> mapEntry : valMap.entrySet()) {
if (passwordParams.contains(mapEntry.getKey())) {
} else {
String basedir = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_BASE_DIR);
writeToFile(basedir + SetupConstants.CONFIG_PARAM_FILE, buff.toString());
private static void checkBaseDir(String basedir, IHttpServletRequest req) throws IOException {
Object[] params = {basedir};
SetupProgress.reportStart("emb.checkingbasedir", params);
File baseDirectory = new File(basedir);
if (!baseDirectory.exists()) {
} else {
File bootstrapFile = new File(basedir + "/" + BOOTSTRAP_EXTRA);
File opendsDir = new File(basedir + OPENDS_DIR);
if (bootstrapFile.exists() || opendsDir.exists()) {
SetupProgress.reportEnd("emb.basedirfailed", null);
throw new ConfiguratorException("Base directory specified :" + basedir
+ " cannot be used - has preexisting config data.");
SetupProgress.reportEnd("emb.success", null);
// (i) install, configure and start an embedded instance.
// or
// (ii) install, configure, and replicate embedded instance
private static boolean setupEmbeddedDS(Map<String, Object> map, String dataStore) throws Exception {
boolean ditLoaded = false;
EmbeddedOpenDS.setup(map, servletCtx);
AMSetupDSConfig dsConfig = AMSetupDSConfig.getInstance();
// wait for at most 10 seconds for OpenDS to come up
int sleepTime = 10;
while (!dsConfig.isDServerUp() && (sleepTime-- > 0)) {
// sleep one second a time
if (!dsConfig.isDServerUp()) {
throw new ConfigurationException("OpenDJ cannot be started.");
// Determine if DITLoaded flag needs to be set: multi instance
if (EmbeddedOpenDS.isMultiServer(map)) {
// Replication
// TOFIX: Temporary fix until OpenDS auto-loads schema
List<String> schemaFiles = getSchemaFiles(dataStore);
String basedir = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_BASE_DIR);
writeSchemaFiles(basedir, schemaFiles, map, dataStore);
// Get the remote host name from the SERVER URL
// entered in the 'Add to existing instance' and place
// it in the map. This is for console configurator.
// For cli configurator, the "DS_EMB_REPL_HOST2" would
// be entered in the config. file itself.
String existingInstance = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.DS_EMB_EXISTING_SERVERID);
if (existingInstance != null) {
int ndx1 = existingInstance.indexOf("://");
if (ndx1 != -1 && ndx1 != (existingInstance.length() - 1)) {
String str1 = existingInstance.substring(ndx1+3);
int ndx2 = str1.indexOf(":");
if (ndx2 != -1 && ndx2 != (str1.length() -1)) {
String finalStr = str1.substring(0, ndx2);
map.put(SetupConstants.DS_EMB_REPL_HOST2, finalStr);
ditLoaded = true;
return ditLoaded;
private static boolean setupSMDatastore(Map<String, Object> map) throws Exception {
boolean isDITLoaded = map.get(SetupConstants.DIT_LOADED).equals("true");
String dataStore = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_DATA_STORE);
if (dataStore.equals(SetupConstants.SMS_EMBED_DATASTORE)) {
isDITLoaded = setupEmbeddedDS(map, dataStore);
if (!isDITLoaded) {
List<String> schemaFiles = getSchemaFiles(dataStore);
String basedir = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_BASE_DIR);
writeSchemaFiles(basedir, schemaFiles, map, dataStore);
return isDITLoaded;
private static void configureServerInstance(SSOToken adminSSOToken, String serverInstanceName,
String strAMConfigProperties, boolean isDITLoaded, String basedir, String strServerConfigXML,
Map propAMConfig, Map<String, Object> map) throws SMSException, SSOException, IOException,
ConfigurationException {
SetupProgress.reportStart("configurator.progress.configure.server.instance", null);
try {
if (!isDITLoaded) {
if (!isDITLoaded || !ServerConfiguration.isServerInstanceExist(adminSSOToken, serverInstanceName)) {
ServerConfiguration.createServerInstance(adminSSOToken, serverInstanceName,
ServerConfiguration.getPropertiesSet(strAMConfigProperties), strServerConfigXML);
} catch (UnknownPropertyNameException ex) {
// ignore, property names are valid because they are
// gotten from template.
SetupProgress.reportEnd("emb.done", null);
private static boolean configure(IHttpServletRequest request, Map<String, Object> map, Map<String, Object> userRepo)
throws Exception {
boolean configured;
boolean existingConfiguration = false;
try {
String basedir = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_BASE_DIR);
checkBaseDir(basedir, request);
boolean isDITLoaded = setupSMDatastore(map);
String serverURL = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_SERVER_URL);
String deployuri = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_SERVER_URI);
// do this here since initializeConfigProperties needs the dir
setupSecurIDDirs(basedir, deployuri);
SetupProgress.reportStart("configurator.progress.reinit.system", null);
Map mapFileNameToConfig = initializeConfigProperties();
String strAMConfigProperties = (String) mapFileNameToConfig.get(SetupConstants.AMCONFIG_PROPERTIES);
String strServerConfigXML = (String) mapFileNameToConfig.get(SystemProperties.CONFIG_FILE_NAME);
Properties propAMConfig = ServerConfiguration.getProperties(strAMConfigProperties);
// Set the install property since reInitConfigProperties
// initializes SMS which inturn initializes EventService
propAMConfig.put(Constants.SYS_PROPERTY_INSTALL_TIME, "true");
String serverInstanceName = serverURL + deployuri;
reInitConfigProperties(serverInstanceName, propAMConfig, strServerConfigXML);
// SystemProperties gets reinitialized and installTime property
// has to set again
SystemProperties.initializeProperties(Constants.SYS_PROPERTY_INSTALL_TIME, "true");
SetupProgress.reportEnd("emb.done", null);
SSOToken adminSSOToken = getAdminSSOToken();
if (!isDITLoaded) {
RegisterServices regService = new RegisterServices();
boolean bUseExtUMDS = userRepo != null && !userRepo.isEmpty();
regService.registers(adminSSOToken, bUseExtUMDS);
// Set installTime to false, to avoid in-memory notification from
// SMS in cases where not needed, and to denote that service
// registration got completed during configuration phase and it
// has passed installtime.
SystemProperties.initializeProperties(Constants.SYS_PROPERTY_INSTALL_TIME, "false");
configureServerInstance(adminSSOToken, serverInstanceName, strAMConfigProperties, isDITLoaded, basedir,
strServerConfigXML, propAMConfig, map);
// Embedded :get our serverid and configure embedded idRepo
String dataStore = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_DATA_STORE);
boolean embedded = dataStore.equals(SetupConstants.SMS_EMBED_DATASTORE);
// Ensure this service are initialized before continuing
if (embedded) {
try {
String serverID = WebtopNaming.getAMServerID();
String entry = map.get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_DIRECTORY_SERVER_HOST) + ":"
+ map.get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_DIRECTORY_SERVER_PORT) + "|"
+ (serverID == null ? "" : serverID);
String orgName = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.SM_CONFIG_ROOT_SUFFIX);
updateEmbeddedIdRepo(orgName, "embedded", entry);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Debug.getInstance(SetupConstants.DEBUG_NAME).error("EmbeddedDS : failed to setup serverid", ex);
throw ex;
LDIFTemplates.copy(basedir, servletCtx);
ServiceXMLTemplates.copy(basedir + "/template/xml", servletCtx);
if (!isDITLoaded && userRepo != null && !userRepo.isEmpty()) {
// Construct the SMSEntry for the node to check to
// see if this is an existing configuration store,
// or new store.
ServiceConfig sc = UserIdRepo.getOrgConfig(adminSSOToken);
if (sc != null) {
CachedSMSEntry cEntry = CachedSMSEntry.getInstance(adminSSOToken,
"ou=" + userRepo.get("userStoreHostName") + "," + sc.getDN());
SMSEntry entry = cEntry.getClonedSMSEntry();
if (entry.isNewEntry()) {
UserIdRepo.getInstance().configure(userRepo, basedir, servletCtx, adminSSOToken);
} else {
existingConfiguration = true;
// postInitialize requires the user repo to be configured
* Requiring the keystore.jks file in OpenAM workspace.
* The createIdentitiesForWSSecurity is for the
* JavaEE/NetBeans integration that we had done.
createPasswordFiles(basedir, deployuri);
if (!isDITLoaded) {
if ((userRepo == null) || userRepo.isEmpty()) {
String aceDataDir = basedir + "/" + deployuri + "/auth/ace/data";
createMonitoringAuthFile(basedir, deployuri);
isConfiguredFlag = true;
configured = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
// catch all because we want all exception to be logged
Debug.getInstance(SetupConstants.DEBUG_NAME).error("AMSetupServlet.configure: error", e);
errorMessage = e.getMessage();
throw e;
return configured;
* Creates a SubConfiguration in the Session service that should enable/disable SFO based on the provided values.
* @param adminToken The admin token to use when adding the SubConfiguration.
* @param siteName The name of the site that has been provided for the configurator.
* @param values Valid values for the session subconfiguration containing the SFO settings.
* @throws SMSException If there was an error while creating the new SubConfiguration.
* @throws SSOException If the provided admin token wasn't valid.
private static void createSFOSubConfig(SSOToken adminToken, String siteName, Map<String, Set<String>> values)
throws SMSException, SSOException {
ServiceConfigManager scm = new ServiceConfigManager("iPlanetAMSessionService", adminToken);
ServiceConfig sc = scm.getGlobalConfig(null);
if (sc == null) {
throw new SMSException("Global config does not exist for iPlanetAMSessionService");
ServiceConfig existingSubConfig = sc.getSubConfig(siteName);
//if the subconfig already exists, then we shouldn't try to create it for the second time
if (existingSubConfig == null) {
sc.addSubConfig(siteName, "Site", 0, values);
public static String getErrorMessage() {
return errorMessage != null ? errorMessage : "";
private static void appendLegacyProperties(Map prop) {
ResourceBundle res = ResourceBundle.getBundle(LEGACY_PROPERTIES);
for (Enumeration i = res.getKeys(); i.hasMoreElements();) {
String key = (String)i.nextElement();
prop.put(key, res.getString(key));
private static void postInitialize(SSOToken adminSSOToken) throws SSOException, SMSException {
ServiceManager svcMgr = new ServiceManager(adminSSOToken);
LoginLogoutMapping lmp = new LoginLogoutMapping();
private static void handlePostPlugins(SSOToken adminSSOToken) throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException,
ClassNotFoundException {
if (servletCtx == null) {
List<ConfiguratorPlugin> plugins = getConfigPluginClasses();
for (ConfiguratorPlugin plugin : plugins) {
plugin.doPostConfiguration(servletCtx, adminSSOToken);
private static List getConfigPluginClasses() throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException,
ClassNotFoundException {
List<Object> plugins = new ArrayList<Object>();
try {
ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle(SetupConstants.PROPERTY_CONFIGURATOR_PLUGINS);
String strPlugins = rb.getString(SetupConstants.KEY_CONFIGURATOR_PLUGINS);
if (strPlugins != null) {
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(strPlugins);
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
String className = st.nextToken();
Class<ConfiguratorPlugin> clazz = (Class<ConfiguratorPlugin>) Class.forName(className);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
Debug.getInstance(SetupConstants.DEBUG_NAME).error("AMSetupServlet.getConfigPluginClasses: error", e);
throw e;
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
Debug.getInstance(SetupConstants.DEBUG_NAME).error("AMSetupServlet.getConfigPluginClasses: error", e);
throw e;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
Debug.getInstance(SetupConstants.DEBUG_NAME).error("AMSetupServlet.getConfigPluginClasses: error", e);
throw e;
} catch (MissingResourceException e) {
//ignore if there are no configurator plugins.
return plugins;
private static void reInitConfigProperties(String serverName, Properties prop, String strServerConfigXML)
throws SMSException, IOException, SSOException, LDAPServiceException,IllegalAccessException,
InstantiationException, ClassNotFoundException {
SystemProperties.initializeProperties(prop, true, false);
SystemProperties.initializeProperties(prop, true, true);
List<ConfiguratorPlugin> plugins = getConfigPluginClasses();
Map map = ServicesDefaultValues.getDefaultValues();
String basedir = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_BASE_DIR);
for (ConfiguratorPlugin plugin : plugins) {
public static String getPresetConfigDir() throws ConfiguratorException {
String configDir = System.getProperty(SetupConstants.JVM_PROP_PRESET_CONFIG_DIR);
if (configDir == null || configDir.length() == 0) {
try {
ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle(SetupConstants.BOOTSTRAP_PROPERTIES_FILE);
configDir = rb.getString(SetupConstants.PRESET_CONFIG_DIR);
} catch (MissingResourceException e) {
//ignored because bootstrap properties file maybe absent.
if (configDir != null && configDir.length() > 0) {
String realPath = getNormalizedRealPath(servletCtx);
if (realPath != null) {
configDir = com.sun.identity.shared.StringUtils.
strReplaceAll(configDir, SetupConstants.TAG_REALPATH, realPath);
} else {
throw new ConfiguratorException("cannot get configuration path");
return configDir;
* Returns location of the bootstrap file.
* @return Location of the bootstrap file. Returns null if the file
* cannot be located
* @throws ConfiguratorException if servlet context is null or deployment
* application real path cannot be determined.
static String getBootStrapFile() throws ConfiguratorException {
String bootstrap = null;
String configDir = getPresetConfigDir();
if (configDir != null && configDir.length() > 0) {
bootstrap = configDir + "/bootstrap";
} else {
String locator = getBootstrapLocator();
FileReader frdr = null;
try {
frdr = new FileReader(locator);
BufferedReader brdr = new BufferedReader(frdr);
bootstrap = brdr.readLine() + "/bootstrap";
} catch (IOException e) {
} finally {
if (frdr != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
if (bootstrap != null) {
File test = new File(bootstrap);
if (!test.exists()) {
bootstrap = null;
return bootstrap;
// this is the file which contains the base dir.
// this file is not created if configuration directory is
// preset in bootstrap.properties
private static String getBootstrapLocator() throws ConfiguratorException {
String configDir = getPresetConfigDir();
if (configDir != null && configDir.length() > 0) {
return null;
if (servletCtx != null) {
String path = getNormalizedRealPath(servletCtx);
if (path != null) {
String home = System.getProperty("user.home");
File newPath = new File(home + "/" + SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_BOOTSTRAP_BASE_DIR);
File oldPath = new File(home + "/" + SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_BOOTSTRAP_LEGACY_BASE_DIR);
String fullOldPath = oldPath.getPath() + "/" + SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_BOOTSTRAP_BASE_PREFIX + path;
String fullNewPath = newPath.getPath() + "/" + SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_BOOTSTRAP_BASE_PREFIX + path;
Debug debug = Debug.getInstance(SetupConstants.DEBUG_NAME);
String bootstrapLocatorResult;
// Simple case where just the old path exists.
if (oldPath.exists() && !newPath.exists()) {
bootstrapLocatorResult = fullOldPath;
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("AMSetupServlet.getBootstrapLocator: only old path exists, returning old "
+ bootstrapLocatorResult);
// There is a chance that both new and old path locations exist when newer installations have been done
// from scratch but the instance to consider is in the old path, double check for an old config before
// returning the new path when finding both.
} else if (oldPath.exists() && newPath.exists()) {
// Test if we have a config file in the old path
File testOldPath = new File(fullOldPath);
if (testOldPath.exists()) {
bootstrapLocatorResult = fullOldPath;
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("AMSetupServlet.getBootstrapLocator: both old and new paths exist, found a "
+ "config in the old path, returning old " + bootstrapLocatorResult);
} else {
bootstrapLocatorResult = fullNewPath;
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("AMSetupServlet.getBootstrapLocator: both old and new paths exist but did "
+ "not find a config in old path, returning new " + bootstrapLocatorResult);
} else {
bootstrapLocatorResult = fullNewPath;
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("AMSetupServlet.getBootstrapLocator: only new path exists, returning new "
+ bootstrapLocatorResult);
return bootstrapLocatorResult;
} else {
throw new ConfiguratorException(
"Cannot read the bootstrap path");
} else {
return null;
public static String getBaseDir() throws ConfiguratorException {
String configDir = getPresetConfigDir();
if (configDir != null && configDir.length() > 0) {
return configDir;
if (servletCtx != null) {
String path = getNormalizedRealPath(servletCtx);
if (path != null) {
String bootstrap = getBootstrapLocator();
File test = new File(bootstrap);
if (!test.exists()) {
return null;
FileReader frdr = null;
try {
frdr = new FileReader(bootstrap);
BufferedReader brdr = new BufferedReader(frdr);
return brdr.readLine();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ConfiguratorException(e.getMessage());
} finally {
if (frdr != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
} else {
throw new ConfiguratorException("Cannot read the bootstrap path");
} else {
throw new ConfiguratorException("Servlet Context is null");
private static String getNormalizedRealPath(ServletContext servletCtx) {
String path = null;
if (servletCtx != null) {
path = getAppResource(servletCtx);
if (path != null) {
String realPath = servletCtx.getRealPath("/");
if (realPath != null && realPath.length() > 0) {
realPath = realPath.replace('\\', '/');
path = realPath.replaceAll("/", "_");
} else {
path = path.replaceAll("/", "_");
int idx = path.indexOf(":");
if (idx != -1) {
path = path.substring(idx + 1);
return path;
* Returns URL of the default resource.
* @return URL of the default resource. Returns null of servlet context is
* null.
private static String getAppResource(ServletContext servletCtx) {
if (servletCtx != null) {
try {
java.net.URL turl = servletCtx.getResource("/");
return turl.getPath();
} catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
.error("AMSetupServlet.getAppResource: Cannot access the resource", mue);
} else {
Debug.getInstance(SetupConstants.DEBUG_NAME).error("AMSetupServlet.getAppResource: Context is null");
return null;
* This method takes the name of XML file, process each
* request object one by one immediately after parsing.
* @param xmlBaseDir is the location of request xml files
* @throws SMSException if error occurs in the service management space.
* @throws SSOException if administrator single sign on is not valid.
* @throws IOException if error accessing the configuration files.
* @throws PolicyException if policy cannot be loaded.
private static void processDataRequests(String xmlBaseDir) throws SMSException, SSOException, IOException,
PolicyException {
SetupProgress.reportStart("configurator.progress.configure.system", null);
SSOToken ssoToken = getAdminSSOToken();
try {
Map map = ServicesDefaultValues.getDefaultValues();
String hostname = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_SERVER_HOST);
ConfigureData configData = new ConfigureData(xmlBaseDir, servletCtx, hostname, ssoToken);
SetupProgress.reportEnd("emb.done", null);
} catch (SMSException e) {
Debug.getInstance(SetupConstants.DEBUG_NAME).error("AMSetupServlet.processDataRequests", e);
throw e;
} catch (SSOException e) {
Debug.getInstance(SetupConstants.DEBUG_NAME).error("AMSetupServlet.processDataRequests", e);
throw e;
} catch (IOException e) {
Debug.getInstance(SetupConstants.DEBUG_NAME).error("AMSetupServlet.processDataRequests", e);
throw e;
* Helper method to return Admin token
* @return Admin Token
private static SSOToken getAdminSSOToken() {
if (adminToken == null) {
adminToken = AccessController.doPrivileged(AdminTokenAction.getInstance());
return adminToken;
* Initialize AMConfig.properties with host specific values
private static Map initializeConfigProperties() throws SecurityException, IOException {
Map<String, String> mapFileNameToContent = new HashMap<String, String>();
List<String> dataFiles = getTagSwapConfigFiles();
Map<String, Object> map = ServicesDefaultValues.getDefaultValues();
String basedir = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_BASE_DIR);
String deployuri = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_SERVER_URI);
try {
File fhm = new File(basedir + deployuri + "/" + SMS_STR);
} catch (SecurityException e) {
Debug.getInstance(SetupConstants.DEBUG_NAME).error("AMSetupServlet.initializeConfigProperties", e);
throw e;
// this is for the servicetag-registry.xml stuff, a bit later
for (String file : dataFiles) {
StringBuilder sbuf;
* if the file's not there, just skip it
* usually will be about a file included with OpenAM,
* so it's informational, rather than a "real" error.
try {
sbuf = new StringBuilder(readFile(file));
} catch (IOException ioex) {
int idx = file.lastIndexOf("/");
String absFile = idx != -1 ? file.substring(idx + 1) : file;
if (absFile.equalsIgnoreCase(SetupConstants.AMCONFIG_PROPERTIES)) {
String dbOption = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_DATA_STORE);
boolean embedded = dbOption.equals(SetupConstants.SMS_EMBED_DATASTORE);
boolean dbSunDS;
boolean dbMsAD = false;
if (embedded) {
dbSunDS = true;
} else { // Keep old behavior for now.
dbSunDS = dbOption.equals(SetupConstants.SMS_DS_DATASTORE);
dbMsAD = dbOption.equals(SetupConstants.SMS_AD_DATASTORE);
if (dbSunDS || dbMsAD) {
int idx1 = sbuf.indexOf(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_SMS_DATASTORE_CLASS);
if (idx1 != -1) {
String dataStoreClass = embedded ?
sbuf.replace(idx1, idx1 + SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_SMS_DATASTORE_CLASS.length(),
String swapped = ServicesDefaultValues.tagSwap(sbuf.toString(), file.endsWith("xml"));
if (absFile.equalsIgnoreCase(SetupConstants.AMCONFIG_PROPERTIES) ||
absFile.equalsIgnoreCase(SystemProperties.CONFIG_FILE_NAME)) {
mapFileNameToContent.put(absFile, swapped);
} else if (absFile.equalsIgnoreCase(SetupConstants.SECURID_PROPERTIES)) {
writeToFile(basedir + deployuri + "/auth/ace/data/" + absFile, swapped);
} else {
writeToFile(basedir + "/" + absFile, swapped);
return mapFileNameToContent;
public static String readFile(String file) throws IOException {
return AMSetupUtils.readFile(servletCtx, file);
private static void writeToFileEx(String fileName, String content) throws IOException {
File btsFile = new File(fileName);
if (!btsFile.getParentFile().exists()) {
writeToFile(fileName, content);
* Returns schema file names.
* @param dataStore Name of data store configuration data.
* @throws MissingResourceException if the bundle cannot be found.
private static List<String> getSchemaFiles(String dataStore) throws MissingResourceException {
List<String> fileNames = new ArrayList<String>();
ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle(SetupConstants.SCHEMA_PROPERTY_FILENAME);
String strFiles;
boolean embedded = dataStore.equals(SetupConstants.SMS_EMBED_DATASTORE);
if (embedded) {
strFiles = rb.getString(SetupConstants.OPENDS_SMS_PROPERTY_FILENAME);
} else {
strFiles = rb.getString(SetupConstants.DS_SMS_PROPERTY_FILENAME);
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(strFiles);
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
return fileNames;
private static List<String> getTagSwapConfigFiles() throws MissingResourceException {
List<String> fileNames = new ArrayList<String>();
ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("configuratorTagSwap");
String strFiles = rb.getString("tagswap.files");
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(strFiles);
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
return fileNames;
* Tag swaps strings in schema files.
* @param basedir the configuration base directory.
* @param schemaFiles List of schema files to be loaded.
* @throws IOException if data files cannot be written.
private static void writeSchemaFiles(String basedir, List<String> schemaFiles, Map map, String dataStore)
throws Exception {
SetupProgress.reportStart("configurator.progress.tagswap.schemafiles", null);
Set<String> absSchemaFiles = new HashSet<String>();
for (String file : schemaFiles) {
String content = readFile(file);
FileWriter fout = null;
try {
int idx = file.lastIndexOf("/");
String absFile = basedir + "/" + (idx != -1 ? file.substring(idx + 1) : file);
fout = new FileWriter(absFile);
} catch (IOException ioex) {
Debug.getInstance(SetupConstants.DEBUG_NAME).error("AMSetupServlet.writeSchemaFiles: "
+ "Exception in writing schema files:" , ioex);
throw ioex;
} finally {
if (fout != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
//No handling requried
SetupProgress.reportEnd("emb.success", null);
AMSetupDSConfig dsConfig = AMSetupDSConfig.getInstance();
if (dataStore.equals(SetupConstants.SMS_EMBED_DATASTORE)) {
int ret = EmbeddedOpenDS.rebuildIndex(map);
if (ret != 0) {
Object[] error = { Integer.toString(ret) };
SetupProgress.reportStart("emb.rebuildindex.failed", null);
SetupProgress.reportEnd("emb.rebuildindex.failedmsg", error);
Debug.getInstance(SetupConstants.DEBUG_NAME).error("AMSetupServlet.writeSchemaFiles: "
+ "Unable to rebuild indexes in OpenDJ: " + ret);
throw new Exception("Unable to rebuild indexes in OpenDJ: " + ret);
for (String schemaFile : absSchemaFiles) {
File file = new File(schemaFile);
* Create the storepass and keypass files
* @param basedir the configuration base directory.
* @param deployuri the deployment URI.
* @throws IOException if password files cannot be written.
private static void createPasswordFiles(String basedir, String deployuri) throws IOException {
String pwd = Crypt.encrypt("changeit");
String location = basedir + deployuri;
writeContent(location + "/.keypass", pwd);
writeContent(location + "/.storepass", pwd);
copyCtxFile("/WEB-INF/template/keystore", "keystore.jks", location);
* Helper method to create the storepass and keypass files
* @param fName is the name of the file to create.
* @param content is the password to write in the file.
private static void writeContent(String fName, String content) throws IOException {
FileWriter fout = null;
try {
fout = new FileWriter(new File(fName));
} catch (IOException ioex) {
.error("AMSetupServlet.writeContent: Exception in creating password files:" , ioex);
throw ioex;
} finally {
if (fout != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
//No handling requried
* Update Embedded Idrepo instance with new embedded opends isntance.
private static void updateEmbeddedIdRepo(String orgName, String configName, String entry) throws SMSException,
SSOException {
SSOToken token = AccessController.doPrivileged(AdminTokenAction.getInstance());
ServiceConfigManager scm = new ServiceConfigManager(token, IdConstants.REPO_SERVICE, "1.0");
ServiceConfig sc = scm.getOrganizationConfig(orgName, null);
if (sc != null) {
ServiceConfig subConfig = sc.getSubConfig(configName);
if (subConfig != null) {
Map<String, Object> configMap = subConfig.getAttributes();
Set<String> vals = (Set<String>) configMap.get("sun-idrepo-ldapv3-config-ldap-server");
HashMap<String, Set<String>> mp = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(2);
mp.put("sun-idrepo-ldapv3-config-ldap-server", vals);
* Update platform server list and Organization alias
private static void updatePlatformServerList(String serverURL, String hostName) throws SMSException, SSOException {
SSOToken token = getAdminSSOToken();
ServiceSchemaManager ssm = new ServiceSchemaManager("iPlanetAMPlatformService", token);
ServiceSchema ss = ssm.getGlobalSchema();
AttributeSchema as = ss.getAttributeSchema("iplanet-am-platform-server-list");
Set<String> values = as.getDefaultValues();
if (!isInPlatformList(values, serverURL)) {
String instanceName = getNextAvailableServerId(values);
values.add(serverURL + "|" + instanceName);
// Update Organization Aliases
OrganizationConfigManager ocm = new OrganizationConfigManager(token, "/");
Map<String, Object> attrs = ocm.getAttributes("sunIdentityRepositoryService");
Set<String> origValues = (Set<String>) attrs.get("sunOrganizationAliases");
if (!origValues.contains(hostName)) {
values = new HashSet<String>();
ocm.addAttributeValues("sunIdentityRepositoryService", "sunOrganizationAliases", values);
private static String getNextAvailableServerId(Set<String> values) {
int maxNumber = 1;
for (String item : values) {
int index1 = item.indexOf('|');
if (index1 != -1) {
int index2 = item.indexOf('|', index1 + 1);
item = index2 == -1 ? item.substring(index1 + 1) : item.substring(index1 + 1, index2);
try {
int n = Integer.parseInt(item);
if (n > maxNumber) {
maxNumber = n;
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
// Ignore and continue
String instanceName = Integer.toString(maxNumber + 1);
if (instanceName.length() == 1) {
instanceName = "0" + instanceName;
return instanceName;
private static boolean isInPlatformList(Set values, String hostname) {
boolean found = false;
for (Iterator items = values.iterator(); items.hasNext() && !found;) {
String item = (String) items.next();
int idx = item.indexOf('|');
if (idx != -1) {
String svr = item.substring(0, idx);
found = svr.equals(hostname);
return found;
private static boolean isAgentServiceLoad(SSOToken token) {
try {
new ServiceSchemaManager("AgentService", token);
return true;
} catch (SSOException ex) {
return false;
} catch (SMSException ex) {
return false;
private static void createDemoUser()
throws IdRepoException, SSOException {
SetupProgress.reportStart("configurator.progress.create.demo.user", null);
Map<String, Set<String>> attributes = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
attributes.put("sn", CollectionUtils.asSet("demo"));
attributes.put("cn", CollectionUtils.asSet("demo"));
attributes.put("userpassword", CollectionUtils.asSet("changeit"));
attributes.put("inetuserstatus", CollectionUtils.asSet("Active"));
try {
AMIdentityRepository amir = new AMIdentityRepository(getAdminSSOToken(), "/");
amir.createIdentity(IdType.USER, "demo", attributes);
} catch (IdRepoException e) {
Debug.getInstance(SetupConstants.DEBUG_NAME).error("AMSetupServlet.createDemoUser", e);
throw e;
} catch (SSOException e) {
Debug.getInstance(SetupConstants.DEBUG_NAME).error("AMSetupServlet.createDemoUser", e);
throw e;
SetupProgress.reportEnd("emb.done", null);
private static void createAgent(SSOToken adminToken, AMIdentityRepository idrepo, String name, String password,
String type, String desc, Map<String, String> config) throws IdRepoException, SSOException {
AMIdentity amid = new AMIdentity(adminToken, name, IdType.AGENTONLY, "/", null);
if (!amid.isExists()) {
Map<String, Set<String>> attributes = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
Set<String> values = new HashSet<String>();
attributes.put("userpassword", values);
for (String key : config.keySet()) {
String value = config.get(key);
values = new HashSet<String>();
if (value.contains(",")) {
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(value, ",");
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
} else {
attributes.put(key, values);
idrepo.createIdentity(IdType.AGENTONLY, name, attributes);
private static void createMonitoringAuthFile(String basedir, String deployuri) {
SetupProgress.reportStart("configurator.progress.setup.monitorauthfile", null);
* make sure the basedir + "/" + deployuri + "/lib/registration"
* directory exists, and then create the monitoring auth file
* there.
String monAuthFile = basedir + "/" + deployuri + "/openam_mon_auth";
String encpwd = AccessController.doPrivileged(new EncodeAction("changeit"));
try {
File mFileSave = new File(monAuthFile + "~");
File monFile = new File(monAuthFile);
// Check for Existing File
if (monFile.exists()) {
FileWriter fwrtr = new FileWriter (monFile);
String stout = "demo " + encpwd + "\n";
} catch (IOException ex) {
.error("AMSetupServlet.createMonitoringAuthFile:failed to create monitoring authentication file");
SetupProgress.reportEnd("emb.failed", null);
* Makes sure that the 'basedir + "/" + deployuri + "/auth/ace/data"' directory exists.
private static void setupSecurIDDirs(String basedir, String deployuri) {
String aceDataDir = basedir + "/" + deployuri + "/auth/ace/data";
File dataAceDir = new File(aceDataDir);
if (!dataAceDir.mkdirs()) {
.error("AMSetupServlet.setupSecurIDDirs: failed to create SecurID data directory");
private static void copyAuthSecurIDFiles (String destDir) {
* not rsa_api.properties, as it's tagged swapped and
* written to <configdir>/<uri>/auth/ace/data earlier.
* if file isn't copied, it's probably because this is
* an OpenSSO deployment, rather than OpenSSO, so it would
* just be informational, but at the debug error level.
* additionally, before some point, the debug stuff can't
* be invoked.
try {
copyCtxFile("/WEB-INF/classes", "log4j.properties", destDir);
} catch (IOException ioex) {
Debug.getInstance(SetupConstants.DEBUG_NAME).error("AMSetupServlet.copyAuthSecurIDFiles:", ioex);
private static boolean copyCtxFile (String srcDir, String file, String destDir) throws IOException {
InputStream in = getResourceAsStream(servletCtx, srcDir + "/" + file);
if (in != null) {
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(destDir + "/" + file);
byte[] b = new byte[2000];
int len;
while ((len = in.read(b)) > 0) {
fos.write(b, 0, len);
} else {
return false;
return true;
private static void initDSConfigMgr(String str) throws LDAPServiceException {
ByteArrayInputStream bis = null;
try {
bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(str.getBytes());
} finally {
if (bis != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
private static String mapToString(Map<String, Object> map) {
StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder();
for (String key : map.keySet()) {
return buff.toString();
private static String determineOS() {
String OS_ARCH = System.getProperty("os.arch");
String OS_NAME = System.getProperty("os.name");
if (OS_ARCH.toLowerCase().contains(SetupConstants.X86) ||
OS_ARCH.toLowerCase().contains(SetupConstants.AMD)) {
if (OS_NAME.toLowerCase().contains(SetupConstants.WINDOWS)) {
return SetupConstants.WINDOWS;
} else {
if (OS_NAME.toLowerCase().contains(SetupConstants.SUNOS)) {
return SetupConstants.X86SOLARIS;
} else {
return SetupConstants.LINUX;
} else {
return SetupConstants.SOLARIS;
private static void setLocale(IHttpServletRequest request) {
Map<String, Object> map = request.getParameterMap();
String superLocale = (String)map.get("locale");
if (superLocale != null && superLocale.length() > 0) {
configLocale = Locale.getLocaleObjFromAcceptLangHeader(superLocale);
} else {
String acceptLangHeader = request.getHeader("Accept-Language");
if (acceptLangHeader != null && acceptLangHeader.length() > 0) {
configLocale = Locale.getLocaleObjFromAcceptLangHeader(acceptLangHeader);
} else {
configLocale = java.util.Locale.getDefault();
private static void createDotVersionFile(String basedir) throws IOException {
String version = SystemProperties.get(Constants.AM_VERSION);
writeToFile(basedir + "/.version", version);
private static boolean isEmbeddedDS() {
return new File(getBaseDir() + OPENDS_DIR).exists();
* Synchronizes embedded replication state with current server list.
* @return boolean true is sync succeeds else false.
private static boolean syncServerInfoWithRelication() {
// We need to execute syn only if we are in Embedded mode
if (!isEmbeddedDS()) {
return true;
try {
if (getAdminSSOToken() == null) {
Debug.getInstance(SetupConstants.DEBUG_NAME).error("AMSetupServlet.syncServerInfoWithRelication: "
+ "Could not sync servers with embedded replication:no admin token");
return false;
// Determine which server this is
String myName = WebtopNaming.getLocalServer();
// See if we need to execute sync
// Check if we are already replication with other servers
Properties props = ServerConfiguration.getServerInstance(adminToken, myName);
String syncFlag = props.getProperty(Constants.EMBED_SYNC_SERVERS);
if ("off".equals(syncFlag)) {
return true;
// Get server list
Set<String> serverSet = ServerConfiguration.getServers(adminToken);
if (serverSet == null) {
return true;
String dsAdminPort = props.getProperty(Constants.DS_ADMIN_PORT);
Set<String> currServerSet = new HashSet<String>();
Set<String> currServerDSSet = new HashSet<String>();
Set<String> currServerDSAdminPortsSet = new HashSet<String>();
for (String sname : serverSet) {
Properties p = ServerConfiguration.getServerInstance(adminToken, sname);
String hname = p.getProperty(Constants.AM_SERVER_HOST);
String rPort = p.getProperty(Constants.EMBED_REPL_PORT);
currServerSet.add(hname + ":" + rPort);
ServerGroup sg = getSMSServerGroup(sname);
currServerDSSet.add(hname + ":" + getSMSPort(sg));
currServerDSAdminPortsSet.add(hname + ":" + p.getProperty(Constants.DS_ADMIN_PORT));
// Ensure OpenDJ system properties are setup so that it can discover its installation root
final String embeddedDjInstallRoot = getBaseDir() + "/" + SetupConstants.SMS_OPENDS_DATASTORE;
for (String property : OpenDJUpgrader.INSTALL_ROOT_PROPERTIES) {
System.setProperty(property, embeddedDjInstallRoot);
// Force initialization of embedded DJ configuration with the correct installation root
if (!ConfigurationFramework.getInstance().isInitialized()) {
ServerGroup sGroup = getSMSServerGroup(myName);
boolean stats = EmbeddedOpenDS.syncReplicatedServers(currServerSet, dsAdminPort, getSMSPassword(sGroup));
boolean statd = EmbeddedOpenDS.syncReplicatedDomains(currServerSet, dsAdminPort, getSMSPassword(sGroup));
boolean statl = EmbeddedOpenDS.syncReplicatedServerList(currServerDSAdminPortsSet, getSMSPort(sGroup),
return stats || statd || statl;
} catch (Exception ex) {
Debug.getInstance(SetupConstants.DEBUG_NAME).error("AMSetupServlet.syncServerInfoWithRelication: "
+ "Could not sync servers with embedded replication:", ex);
return false;
* Gets <code>ServerGroup</code> for SMS for specified server
* @param sname servername of groupo to find.
* @return <code>ServerGroup</code> instance
private static ServerGroup getSMSServerGroup(String sname) throws Exception {
String xml = ServerConfiguration.getServerConfigXML(adminToken, sname);
ServerConfigXML scc = new ServerConfigXML(xml);
return scc.getSMSServerGroup() ;
* Gets clear password of SMS datastore
* @param ssg <code>ServerGroup</code> instance representing SMS
* or Configuration datastore.
* @return clear password
private static String getSMSPassword(ServerGroup ssg) throws Exception {
DirUserObject sduo = (DirUserObject) ssg.dsUsers.get(0);
String epass = sduo.password;
return AccessController.doPrivileged(new DecodeAction(epass));
* Gets port number of SMS datastore
* @param ssg <code>ServerGroup</code> instance representing SMS
* or Configuration datastore.
* @return port
private static String getSMSPort(ServerGroup ssg) throws Exception {
ServerObject sobj = (ServerObject) ssg.hosts.get(0);
return sobj.port;
private static void updateReplPortInfo(Map<String, Object> map) {
try {
String instanceName = WebtopNaming.getLocalServer();
Map<String, Object> newValues = new HashMap<String, Object>();
// Update this instance first...
newValues.put("com.sun.embedded.replicationport", map.get(SetupConstants.DS_EMB_REPL_REPLPORT1));
ServerConfiguration.setServerInstance(getAdminSSOToken(), instanceName, newValues);
// Update remote instance
instanceName = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.DS_EMB_EXISTING_SERVERID);
newValues.put("com.sun.embedded.replicationport", map.get(SetupConstants.DS_EMB_REPL_REPLPORT2));
// Update remote instance ...
ServerConfiguration.setServerInstance(getAdminSSOToken(), instanceName, newValues);
} catch (Exception ex ) {
Debug.getInstance(SetupConstants.DEBUG_NAME).error("AMSetupServlet.updateReplPortInfo: "
+ "could not add replication port info to SM", ex);
// Method to convert the domain name to the root suffix.
// eg., Domain Name amqa.test.com is converted to root suffix
// DC=amqa,DC=test,DC=com
private static String dnsDomainToDN(String domainName) {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
for (String token : domainName.split("\\.")) {
if (token.isEmpty()) {
} else {
return buf.toString();
// Method to get hostname and port number with the
// provided Domain Name for Active Directory user data store.
private String[] getLdapHostAndPort(String domainName) throws NamingException, IOException {
if (!domainName.endsWith(".")) {
DirContext ictx;
// Check if domain name is a valid one.
// The resource record type A is defined in RFC 1035.
try {
Hashtable<String, String> env = new Hashtable<String, String>();
env.put(javax.naming.Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.dns.DnsContextFactory");
ictx = new InitialDirContext(env);
Attributes attributes = ictx.getAttributes(domainName, new String[]{"A"});
Attribute attrib = attributes.get("A");
if (attrib == null) {
throw new NamingException();
} catch (NamingException e) {
// Failed to resolve domainName to A record.
// throw exception.
throw e;
// then look for the LDAP server
String serverHostName;
String serverPortStr;
String ldapServer = "_ldap._tcp." + domainName;
try {
// Attempting to resolve ldapServer to SRV record.
// This is a mechanism defined in MSDN, querying
// SRV records for _ldap._tcp.DOMAINNAME.
// and get host and port from domain.
Attributes attributes = ictx.getAttributes(ldapServer, new String[]{"SRV"});
Attribute attr = attributes.get("SRV");
if (attr == null) {
throw new NamingException();
String[] srv = attr.get().toString().split(" ");
String hostNam = srv[3];
serverHostName = hostNam.substring(0, hostNam.length() -1);
serverPortStr = srv[2];
} catch (NamingException e) {
// Failed to resolve ldapServer to SRV record.
// throw exception.
throw e;
// try to connect to LDAP port to make sure this machine
// has LDAP service
int serverPort = Integer.parseInt(serverPortStr);
try {
new Socket(serverHostName, serverPort).close();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw e;
String[] hostAndPort = new String[2];
hostAndPort[0] = serverHostName;
hostAndPort[1] = serverPortStr;
return hostAndPort;
private static void registerListeners() {
if (isCurrentConfigurationValid()) {
ServiceLoader<SetupListener> listeners = ServiceLoader.load(SetupListener.class);
for (SetupListener p : listeners) {