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<manualpage metafile="documenting.xml.meta">
<parentdocument href="./">Developer Documentation</parentdocument>
<title>Documenting code in Apache 2.4</title>
<p>Apache 2.4 uses <a href="http://www.doxygen.org/">Doxygen</a> to
document the APIs and global variables in the code. This will explain
the basics of how to document using Doxygen.</p>
<section id="brief"><title>Brief Description</title>
<p>To start a documentation block, use <code>/**</code><br />
To end a documentation block, use <code>*/</code></p>
<p>In the middle of the block, there are multiple tags we can
Description of this functions purpose<br />
@param parameter_name description<br />
@return description<br />
@deffunc signature of the function<br />
<p>The <code>deffunc</code> is not always necessary. DoxyGen does not
have a full parser in it, so any prototype that use a macro in the
return type declaration is too complex for scandoc. Those functions
require a <code>deffunc</code>. An example (using &amp;gt; rather
than &gt;):</p>
/**<br />
&nbsp;* return the final element of the pathname<br />
&nbsp;* @param pathname The path to get the final element of<br />
&nbsp;* @return the final element of the path<br />
&nbsp;* @tip Examples:<br />
&nbsp;* &lt;pre&gt;<br />
&nbsp;* "/foo/bar/gum" -&amp;gt; "gum"<br />
&nbsp;* "/foo/bar/gum/" -&amp;gt; ""<br />
&nbsp;* "gum" -&amp;gt; "gum"<br />
&nbsp;* "wi\\n32\\stuff" -&amp;gt; "stuff"<br />
&nbsp;* &lt;/pre&gt;<br />
&nbsp;* @deffunc const char * ap_filename_of_pathname(const char *pathname)<br />
<p>At the top of the header file, always include:</p>
/**<br />
&nbsp;* @package Name of library header<br />
<p>Doxygen uses a new HTML file for each package. The HTML files are named
{Name_of_library_header}.html, so try to be concise with your names.</p>
<p>For a further discussion of the possibilities please refer to
<a href="http://www.doxygen.org/">the Doxygen site</a>.</p>