\ProvidesPackage{hetcasl}[2002/10/04 v0.1 LaTeX Package for CASL v1.0.1]
%% $Id$
% Required packages
% The next two length variables will be used in \KW
\newif\ifhetcasl \hetcaslfalse
{%begin stuff
\PackageError{hetcasl evironments cannot nested}%
% a little line to set up three useful tabstops for rendering parts
% of a library and or specification
\KW{view} \=\KW{preds} \=~~~~~~~\=\kill
{%end stuff
\newcommand{\@HetCASLPrelude}{% HetCASL-Prelude
%%%% define all the makros needed for typesetting hetCASL
% \KW prints a KeyWord within a box that is at least \@KWwidth wide.
% If the keyword needs more space the box is as wide as the kyeword
% is. The optional argument overrides \@KWwidth with the width of the
% mandatory argument in bold face. The mandatory argument is always
% printed in bold face.
{% no optional argument
{% optional argument given
\ifthenelse{\@KWwidth > \@realWidth}%
\makebox[% set the width of the box not smaller
% than the width of the KeyWord
% print the first argument as is and use the second argument as label
% print label for ids
\newcommand{\IdDeclLabel}[2]{##1} %% {##1\label{##2}}
\newcommand{\IdApplLabel}[2]{##1} %% {##1\ref{##2}}
% \SId prints its argument in small caps as a Structured Id for names
% of specifications, views and libraries
% \SIdIndex prints its argument like \SId but sets an Index Entry if
% redifined
% \Id prints its argument in italic face as one word, for all other
% identifiers not covered by \SId and only containing letters, numbers
% and \_
% \AX prints its argument in math modus
% \AltBar prints a | with the space of an = sign
\setlength{\@LeftABSpace}{(\@EqSpace - \@ABSpace) *1/2}
\setlength{\@RightABSpace}{\@EqSpace - \@ABSpace - \@LeftABSpace}
%%%%% Heng todo:
%% Makros aus casl.sty definieren
\newcommand{\LBRACE} {\{}
\newcommand{\RBRACE} {\}}
\newcommand{\FREE} {\KW{free}\xspace} %plain_keyword
\newcommand{\FREELBRACE} {\FREE~\LBRACE}
\newcommand{\GENERATED} {\KW{generated}\xspace}
% \newcommand{\TYPE} {\KW{type}}
% \newcommand{\TYPES} {\KW{types}}
\newcommand{\FREETYPE} {\FREE~\TYPE\xspace}
\newcommand{\FREETYPES} {\FREE~\TYPES\xspace}
\newcommand{\GENERATEDTYPE} {\GENERATED~\TYPE\xspace} %{\KW{generated~type}}
\newcommand{\VAR} {\KW[preds]{var}\xspace}
\newcommand{\VARS} {\KW[preds]{vars}\xspace}
\newcommand{\AXIOM} {\KW{axiom}\xspace}
\newcommand{\AXIOMS} {\KW{axioms}\xspace}
\newcommand{\HIDE} {\KW{hide}\xspace}
\newcommand{\REVEAL} {\KW{reveal}\xspace}
\newcommand{\WITH} {\KW{with}\xspace}
\newcommand{\THEN} {\KW[view]{then}\xspace} % hetcasl_keyword
\newcommand{\THENCONS} {\THEN~\ANNOTEWORD{cons}\xspace}
\newcommand{\THENDEF} {\THEN~\ANNOTEWORD{def}\xspace}
\newcommand{\THENIMPLIES} {\THEN~\ANNOTEWORD{implies}\xspace}
\newcommand{\THENMONO} {\THEN~\ANNOTEWORD{mono}\xspace}
\newcommand{\AND} {\KW[view]{and}\xspace}
\newcommand{\LOCAL} {\KW{local}\xspace}
\newcommand{\THENLOCAL} {\THEN~\LOCAL}
\newcommand{\WITHIN} {\KW{within}\xspace}
\newcommand{\CLOSED} {\KW{closed}\xspace}
\newcommand{\FIT} {\KW{fit}\xspace}
\newcommand{\TO} {\KW{to}\xspace}
\newcommand{\LOGIC} {\KW{logic}\xspace}
\newcommand{\SPEC} {\KW[view]{spec}\xspace}
\newcommand{\VIEW} {\KW[view]{view}\xspace}
\newcommand{\END} {\KW{end}\xspace}
\newcommand{\ARCH} {\KW{arch}\xspace}
\newcommand{\ARCHSPEC} {\ARCH~\KW{spec}\xspace}
\newcommand{\UNITSPEC} {\KW{unit}~\KW{spec}\xspace}
\newcommand{\UNITS} {\KW{units}\xspace}
\newcommand{\GIVEN} {\KW{given}\xspace}
\newcommand{\RESULT} {\KW{result}\xspace}
\newcommand{\LIBRARY} {\KW{library}\xspace}
\newcommand{\FROM} {\KW[view]{from}\xspace}
\newcommand{\GET} {\KW{get}\xspace}
\newcommand{\VERSION} {\KW{version}\xspace}
\newcommand{\PROD} {\Ax{\times}}
\newcommand{\TOTAL} {\Ax{\rightarrow}}
\newcommand{\PARTIAL} {\Ax{\rightarrow}}
\newcommand{\MAPSTO} {\Ax{\mapsto}}
\newcommand{\ASSOC} {\Id{assoc}}
\newcommand{\COMM} {\Id{comm}}
\newcommand{\IDEM} {\Id{idem}}
\newcommand{\UNIT} {\Id{unit}\xspace}
\newcommand{\EXISTS} {\Ax{\exists}}
\newcommand{\EXISTSUNIQUE} {\AX{\exists!}}
\newcommand{\IMPLIES} {\Ax{\Rightarrow}}
\newcommand{\IFF} {\Ax{\Leftrightarrow}}
\newcommand{\EEQ} {\Ax{\stackrel{e}{=}}}
\newcommand{\A} {\Ax{\wedge}}
\newcommand{\V} {\Ax{\vee}}
\newcommand{\IN} {\Ax{\in}}
\newcommand{\NOT} {\Ax{\neg}}
\newcommand{\FORALL} {\Ax{\forall}}
\newcommand{\BULLET} {\Ax{\;\bullet\;}}
\newcommand{\IF} {\Id{if}\xspace}
\newcommand{\WHEN} {\Id{when}\xspace}
\newcommand{\ELSE} {\Id{else}\xspace}
\newcommand{\DEF} {\Id{def}\xspace}
\newcommand{\AS} {\Id{as}\xspace}
\newcommand{\TRUE} {\Id{true}\xspace}
\newcommand{\FALSE} {\Id{false}\xspace}
%%%% SORT, OP, PRED : drei Varianten %% Type auch
{%KW as parameter
{% else to KW as parameter
{%ID as parameter
{% else to ID as parameter
}%% end of KWC definition
%% 1. mit \KWC[preds]{} default
%% 2. mit \KWC[KW]{}
%% 3. mit \KWC[ID]{}
% starting a library
\newcommand{\library}[1]{\KW{library}\ \SId{##1}\ }
% printing a version number
%\newcommand{\version}[1]{\KW{version}\ ##1}
% comments, annotations and labels
\newcommand{\annoteline}[2]{\textbf{\%##1}\ {\small \(##2\)}}%
%% download items (from, get are automatically printed)
\textnormal{\textbf{from}}\ ##1\ %
%\textnormal{\ifthenelse{\equal{##1}{no-version}}{}{\version{##1}\ }}%
%% specifications
% specdefn starts a new spec defn
% arguments: ##1 ::= opt. semantic-anno
% ##2 ::= spec name
% ##3 ::= parameters (see parameterspecs-env)
% ##4 ::= imports (see importspecs-env)
{\textbf{spec}\ \textsc{##2}%
\ \(=\)%
% end of \@HetCASLPrelude
%% helpers
% calculate a new width based on \@remhetcaslwidth and the fixed width
% given as argument.