# Creates MiniMods xml descriptions for HetsLiveCD.
# MiniMods are used to extend a MainMod. In this case they are used to map
# complete directories to the root filesystem.
# Author: Thiemo Wiedemeyer
# E-Mail: raider@informatik.uni-bremen.de
import sys, os
from colorprint import printStart, printInfo, printExit
# creates a MiniMod xml description with the givin name. All files and
# directories from source are mapped through the base directory dest on the
# LiveCD.
# @param name Name of the MiniMod.
# @param source Source directory that should be mapped.
# @param dest Base directory on the LiveCD where the source directory should
# appear.
def createXML(name, source, dest):
printStart("Creating mini mod xml file...")
printInfo("opening file '%sMini.xml'..." % (name))
xml = open("%sMini.xml" % (name), "w+")
printInfo("writing head to file...")
addFiles(xml, os.path.abspath(source), dest)
printInfo("writing tail to file...")
printInfo("closing file...")
printExit("...mini mod xml file created!",0)
# Adds all content from source directory to the dest directory on the LiveCD.
# @param xml Opened fileobject of the xml file.
# @param source Source directory that should be mapped.
# @param dest Base directory on the LiveCD where the source directory should
# appear.
def addFiles(xml, source, dest):
printInfo("adding content from '%s'..." % (source))
for item in os.listdir(source):
file = os.path.join(source, item)
if os.path.isfile(file) or os.path.islink(file):
printInfo("adding file '%s'..." % (item))
xml.write(addFile(file, os.path.join(dest, item)))
elif os.path.isdir(file):
addFiles(xml, file, os.path.join(dest, item))
# Return the xml string for a file mapping from source to dest.
# @param source Source path of a file that should be mapped.
# @param dest Destination path of the mapping.
# @return The xml string for the mapping.
def addFile(source, dest):
return \
" <local>\n" +\
" <from>%s</from>\n" % (convertStr(source)) +\
" <to>%s</to>\n" % (convertStr(dest)) +\
" </local>\n"
# Return the head of the MiniMod xml file.
# @param name Name of the MiniMod.
# @return A xml string containing the header.
def createHead(name):
return \
"<comps>\n" +\
" <group>\n" +\
" <minimod>\n" +\
" <version>0.0.1</version>\n" +\
" <description>Created for HetsLiveCD</description>\n" +\
" <minitag>%s</minitag>\n" % (name) +\
" <maintag>ALL</maintag>\n" +\
" <bootoption>ALL</bootoption>\n" +\
" <root>\n" +\
" <files>\n"
# Return the tail of the MiniMod xml file.
# @return A xml string containing the footer.
def createTail():
return \
" </files>\n" +\
" </root>\n" +\
" </minimod>\n" +\
" </group>\n" +\
# Converts some character to the xml representation.
# @param str Sting to convert.
# @return Converted string.
def convertStr(str):
str = str.replace("&",r"&amp;")
str = str.replace("'",r"&apos;")
str = str.replace("<",r"&lt;")
str = str.replace(">",r"&gt;")
str = str.replace("\"",r"&quot;")
return str
# Prints a usage message to the console.
def usage():
print "Usage:"
print " %s name source dest" % os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[1]
print "Options: Description:"
print " name name of the mini mod."
print " source directory containing the files that should be stored in the mini mod."
print " dest destination on the live cd filesystem, where the files should appear."
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Check argument count
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
print "Wrong parameter count."
# Check if second argument is a valid directory
if not os.path.isdir(sys.argv[2]):
print "Parameter is no existing directory."
# Start xml creation
createXML(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3])