# A Makefile to compile genRules in a comfortable way for various plattforms.
## include The uname variable
ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),install)
include uname.mk
## Some variables, which control the compilation
HC = ghc
PERL = perl
# source
sources = GenerateRules.hs
### targets
macintosh: genRules.macintosh
solaris: genRules.solaris
linux: genRules.linux
genRules.$(UNAME): genRules.tmp
mv genRules.tmp $@
install: genRules.linux genRules.solaris genRules.macintosh
cp $^ ..
genRules.tmp: $(sources)
rm -f genRules.tmp
$(HC) --make -package text -i../..:../DrIFT-src -o $@ $<
rm -f uname.mk
### clean up
.PHONY : clean clean-bin
rm -f genRules.tmp uname.mk *.hi *.o
clean-bin: clean
rm -f genRules.solaris genRules.linux
rm -f $@
$(PERL) -e '$$un=`uname`;print "UNAME=";\
$$un =~ m"Darwin" && do {print "macintosh"};\
$$un =~ m"SunOS" && do {print "solaris"};\
$$un =~ m"Linux" && do {print "linux"};\
print "\n"' > $@