{- |
Module : $Id$
Copyright : (c) DFKI GmbH
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Adaptation and extension of a parser for data definitions given in
appendix of G. Huttons's paper - Monadic Parser Combinators.
module DataP (Statement (..), Data (..), Type (..), Body (..),
Name, Var, Class, Constructor,
datadecl, newtypedecl)
import ParseLib2
import Data.Char
data Statement = DataStmt | NewTypeStmt deriving (Eq, Show)
data Data = D { name :: Name, -- type name
constraints :: [(Class, Var)],
vars :: [Var], -- Parameters
body :: [Body],
derives :: [Class], -- derived classes
statement :: Statement}
| Directive
| TypeName Name
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Body = Body { constructor :: Constructor,
labels :: [Name],
types :: [Type]} deriving (Eq, Show)
type Name = String
type Var = String
type Class = String
type Constructor = String
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
extContext :: Parser [()]
extContext = do
symbol "forall"
many1 variable
char '.'
many variable
symbol "=>"
return []
datadecl :: Parser Data
datadecl = do
symbol "data"
cons <- opt constraint
x <- constructorP
xs <- many variable
symbol "="
opt extContext
b <- (infixdecl +++ conrecdecl) `sepby1` symbol "|"
d <- opt deriveP
return $ D x cons xs b d DataStmt
newtypedecl :: Parser Data
newtypedecl = do
symbol "newtype"
cons <- opt constraint
x <- constructorP
xs <- many variable
symbol "="
b <- conrecdecl
d <- opt deriveP
return $ D x cons xs [b] d NewTypeStmt
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
isSign :: Char -> Bool
isSign x = not (isAlpha x || isSpace x || elem x "\"|[](){}")
constructorP :: Parser String
constructorP = token $ do
x <- upper
xs <- many alphanum
return (x : xs)
+++ do
char '('
char ':'
y <- many1 $ sat isSign
char ')'
return ("(:" ++ y ++ ")")
infixconstr :: Parser String
infixconstr = token $ do
x <- char ':'
y <- many1 $ sat isSign
return (x : y)
variable :: Parser String
variable = identifier [ "data", "deriving", "newtype", "type", "forall",
"instance", "class", "module", "import",
"infixl", "infix", "infixr", "default"]
conrecdecl :: Parser Body
conrecdecl = do
x <- constructorP
(ls, ts) <- record +++ fmap (\ a -> ([], a)) (many type2)
return $ Body x ls ts
infixdecl :: Parser Body
infixdecl = do
t1 <- type2
x <- infixconstr
ts <- many1 type2
return $ Body ("(" ++ x ++ ")") [] (t1 : ts)
record :: Parser ([String], [Type])
record = do
symbol "{"
(ls, ts) <- fmap unzip $ rectype `sepby1` symbol ","
symbol "}"
return (ls, ts)
constraint :: Parser [(String, String)]
constraint = do
x <- constrs
symbol "=>"
return x
constrs = fmap (: []) one +++
bracket (symbol "(") (one `sepby` symbol ",") (symbol ")")
one = do
c <- constructorP
v <- variable
return (c, v)
deriveP :: Parser [String]
deriveP = do
symbol "deriving"
one +++ more
one = fmap (: []) constructorP -- well, it has the same form
more = bracket (symbol "(")
(constructorP `sepby` symbol ",")
(symbol ")")
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
data Type = Arrow Type Type -- fn
| LApply Type [Type] -- proper application
| Var String -- variable
| Con String -- constructor
| Tuple [Type] -- tuple
| List Type -- list
deriving (Eq, Show)
type0 :: Parser Type
type0 = type1 `chainr1` fmap (const Arrow) (symbol "->")
type1 :: Parser Type
type1 = do
c <- con
as <- many1 type2
return (LApply c as)
+++ type2
type2 :: Parser Type
type2 = char '!' +++ return '!' >> var +++ con +++ list +++ tuple
var :: Parser Type
var = fmap Var variable
con :: Parser Type
con = fmap Con constructorP
list :: Parser Type
list = fmap List $ bracket (symbol "[")
(symbol "]")
tuple :: Parser Type
tuple = fmap f $ bracket (symbol "(")
(type0 `sepby` symbol ",")
(symbol ")")
where f [t] = t
f ts = Tuple ts
-- record entry
rectype :: Parser (String, Type)
rectype = do
s <- variable
symbol "::"
opt $ symbol "!"
t <- type0
return (s, t)