{- |
Module : $Id$
Copyright : (c) DFKI GmbH
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
This module coordinates the whole shebang.
Parses input and plucks out data and newtype declarations and
processor commands.
The commands are combined with the parsed data, and if any data is missing,
derive goes hunting for it, looking in
the path variable DERIVEPATH. Derive searches recusively though modules
imported until all the types needed are found, or it runs out of links,
which causes an error.
module ChaseImports where
import RuleUtils (Tag)
import DataP
import CommandP
import ParseLib2
import System.Environment
import Control.Monad
import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
-- GHC version
try :: IO a -> IO (Either IOError a)
try x = Exception.catch (fmap Right x) (return . Left)
-- Parser - extract data and newtypes from code
type ToDo = [([Tag], Data)]
parser :: String -> ToDo
parser = sanitycheck . papply p (0, 0) . \ s -> ((0, 0), s)
p = parse . skipUntilOff $ statemnt +++ command
statemnt = do
d <- datadecl +++ newtypedecl
ts <- opt local
return (ts, d)
sanitycheck l = case l of
[(x, _)] -> x
_ -> error "***Error: no or ambiguous DriFT directives"
-- -----Go Hunting for files, recursively ----------------------------------
chaseImports :: String -> ToDo -> IO ToDo
chaseImports txt dats = do
(left, found) <- chaseImports' txt dats
if (not . null) left then error ("can't find type " ++ show left)
else return found
chaseImports' :: String -> ToDo -> IO (ToDo, ToDo)
chaseImports' text indats =
case papply (parse header) (0, -1) ((0, 0), text) of
[] -> return (indats, [])
(modnames : _) -> foldM action (indats, []) (fst modnames)
action :: (ToDo, ToDo) -> FilePath -> IO (ToDo, ToDo)
action (dats, done) m = if null dats then return ([], done) else do
mp <- Exception.catch (fmap return $ getEnv "DERIVEPATH")
$ \ e -> return . fail $ show (e :: Exception.IOException)
let paths = maybe [] breakPaths mp
mc <- findModule paths m
return $ case mc of
Nothing -> (dats, done)
Just c -> let (found, rest) = scanModule m dats c in
(rest, done ++ found)
-- only one level of imports is now supported for more speed!
-- break DERIVEPATH into it's components
breakPaths :: String -> [String]
breakPaths x = case break (`elem` ":;") x of
(p, _ : pp) -> p : breakPaths pp
(p, []) -> [p]
-- search through paths, using try
findModule :: [String] -> String -> IO (Maybe String)
findModule paths modname = do
let action p = try $ readFile p
fnames = combine paths hiracle_modname
hiracle_modname = map (\ x -> if x == '.' then '/' else x) modname
isLeft e = case e of
Left _ -> True
Right _ -> False
hh <- mapM action fnames
case dropWhile isLeft hh of
Right h : _ -> return $ Just h
_ -> return Nothing
{- generate filepaths by combining module names with different suffixes.
Note : Dedicated Hugs-only users may wish to remove ".hi" from the list of
file types to search. -}
combine :: [String] -> String -> [FilePath]
combine paths modname = [p ++ '/' : modname ++ ".hs" | p <- "." : paths]
-- pluck out the bits of interest
scanModule :: String -> ToDo -> String -> (ToDo, ToDo)
scanModule modname dats txt = let
newDats = filter isData . myparse $ txt
myparse l = map snd . parser $ l
in resolve modname newDats dats ([], [])
-- update what's still missing
resolve :: String -> [Data] -> ToDo -> (ToDo, ToDo) -> (ToDo, ToDo)
resolve _ _ [] acc = acc
resolve modname parsed (tv : tt) p@(locals, imported) =
case tv of
(tags, TypeName t) ->
case filter ( \ d -> name d == t ||
modname ++ "." ++ name d == t) parsed of
[x] -> resolve modname parsed tt
( (tags, x { name = modname ++ "." ++ name x }) : locals
, imported)
_ -> resolve modname parsed tt (locals, tv : imported)
_ -> resolve modname parsed tt p
isData :: Data -> Bool
isData D {} = True
isData _ = False