library Petri
version 0.1
from Graphs get Set, Map, SetRepresentation, AbstractSetConstructions1
logic HasCASL
spec Nat = {}
spec MultiSet = Nat and Set then
var Elem : Type
type MultiSet Elem = Elem ->? Nat
then %def
ops __ isIn__ : Pred (Elem * MultiSet Elem);
__ <= __ : Pred (MultiSet Elem * MultiSet Elem);
{} : Elem -> MultiSet Elem;
{__} : Elem -> MultiSet Elem;
__ + __, __ - __, __intersection__: MultiSet Elem * MultiSet Elem -> MultiSet Elem;
freq : Elem * MultiSet Elem -> Nat;
setToMultiSet : Set Elem -> MultiSet Elem
forall x,y : Elem; B,C,D,E:MultiSet Elem; S: Set Elem
. freq(x,B) = if def B x then B x else 0 %(freq_def)%
. freq(x,B + C) = freq(x,B) + freq(x,C) %(freq_union)%
. x isIn B <=> freq(x,B) > 0 %(MultiSet_isIn)%
. B <= C <=>
forall x: Elem . freq(x,B) <= freq(x,C) %(MultiSet_subseteq)%
. freq (x,setToMultiSet S) = if x isIn S then 1 else 0
. B intersection C = D <=>
forall x: Elem . freq(x,D) = min (freq(x,B), freq(x,C))
. B - C = D <=>
forall x: Elem .
( freq(x,B) >= freq(x,C) => freq(x,B) = freq(x,D) + freq(x,C) )
( freq(x,B) <= freq(x,C) => freq(x,D) = 0 )
then %implies
ops __ intersection __: MultiSet Elem * MultiSet Elem -> MultiSet Elem,
assoc, comm, idem
spec PetriNet =
Set and Map
sorts P,T
type Net = {ppp : Set P * (T ->? Set P) * (T ->? Set P)
. dom pre=dom post /\
pre :: dom pre -> p /\
post :: dom post -> p }
op __union__ : Net * Net -> Net
forall n1,n2:Net
. n1 union n2 =
let (p1,pre1,post1) = n1
(p2,pre2,post2) = n2
in (p1 union p2,
\t:T . if def pre1(t) then if def pre2(t) then pre1(t) + pre2(t)
else pre1(t)
else pre2(t),
\t:T . if def post1(t) then if def post2(t) then post1(t) + post2(t)
else post1(t)
else post2(t))
as Net
spec PetriSystem =
MultiSet and PetriNet
type Marking = MultiSet P
type System = {nm : Net * Marking
. let (p,pre,post) = n
in forall x:P . x isIn m => x isIn p }
ops marking : System -> Marking;
net : System -> Net;
empty : Marking;
__[__]> : System * T -> System;
__union__ : System * System -> System
forall sys,sys1,sys2:System; n:Net; x:P; m:Marking; t:T
. empty = {}
. net sys = let (n,m) = sys in n
. marking sys = let (n,m) = sys in m
. def sys[t]> <=> (t isIn dom pre
/\ forall x:P . x isIn pre(t) => x isIn marking(sys))
. def sys[t]> => sys[t]> = (net(sys),
marking(sys) - setToMultiSet(pre(t)) + setToMultiSet(post(t)))
as System
. sys1 union sys2 =
(net(sys1) union net(sys2), marking(sys1) + marking(sys2)) as System
spec WorkflowNet [SetRepresentation with S |-> P]
[SetRepresentation with S |-> T] =
and AbstractSetConstructions[SetRepresentation with S |-> P fit S |-> P]
and AbstractSetConstructions[SetRepresentation with T |-> P fit T |-> P]
type WNet={(sys,i,o): System x P x P .
let ((p,pre,post),m) = sys in
i isIn p
/\ o isIn p
/\ not i isIn range(post)
/\ not o isIn range(pre) }
ops input, output : WorkflowNet -> P;
system : WorkflowNet -> System;
__union__ : WorkflowNet * WorkflowNet -> WorkflowNet
forall w,w1,w2:WorkflowNet; sys:System; i,o:P
. system w = let (sys,i,o) = w in sys
. input w = let (sys,i,o) = w in i
. output w = let (sys,i,o) = w in o
. w1~ union w2 =
let (((p1,pre1,post1),m1),i1,o1) = w1
(((p2,pre2,post2),m2),i2,o2) = w2
r = \ (x,y) . x=y \/ (x=inl o1 /\ y=inr i2) \/ (y=inl o1 /\ x=inr i2)
p = (p1 coproduct p2) factor r
q = coeq r
t = (dom pre1)~ coproduct~ (dom pre2)
pre t = if def left t then image~ (q o inl)~ (pre1 (left t))
else if def right t then image~ (q o inr)~ (pre2 (right t))
else undefined
post t = if def left t then image~ (q o inl)~ (post1 (left t))
else if def right t then image~ (q o inr)~ (post2 (right t))
else undefined
m = map~ (q o inl)~ m1~ +~ map~ (q o inr)~ m2
in (((p,pre,post),m),i1,o2)~ as WNet