\author{Klaus L�ttich}
\title{Proposals for changes collected from Hets Users}
\date{March 8, 2005}
These document tries to describe request from different Hets users. It
also tries to propose how to solve these issues. Most of these
requests are related to ontology development and therefore are
contributed by people from LOA in Trento, Italy. But some are just deficiencies
which was not thought of during the development of \CASL and its
\section{Labels of instantiated formulas}
If a prarmetrised specification is is instantiated with different
parameters in the same specification all axiom labels from the
parametrised specifications point to different instantiations of these
axioms. If such theories are translated to Isabelle for proving
several axioms have the same label. For this problem the \CASL
Reference Manual and Hets do not offer any solution.
\paragraph{Proposed solution:} Treating underscores as seperators in
axiom labels and substituting words (only alphabetic charactars) which
are the same string as ids mentioned as sort, pred and / or
op symbols in the signature of parameter specifications with their
actual instances.
Consider the following example:
\SPEC \SId{GSpec} [\SORT[KW] \Id{s}] =\\
\>\PRED \Id{R} : \Id{s} \Ax{\times} \Id{s}\\
\>\FORALL \Id{x}: \Id{s}\\
\>\BULLET \Id{R}(\Id{x}, \Id{x}) \hspace*{4cm} \casllabel{Ax1\_s}\\
\SPEC \SId{Combination} =\\
\> \SId{GSpec} [\SORT[KW] \Id{A}]\\
\> \SId{GSpec} [\SORT[KW] \Id{B}]\\
Combination has than this theory:
sorts A,B
forall x : A . R(x, x) %(Ax1_A)%
forall x : B . R(x, x) %(Ax1_B)%
\section{Quick indexing of (all) symbols in a theory}
\paragraph{Problem:} If you want to join two theories which have
overlaps in their signatures such tthat for many sorts the same names
were used. And even the symbols for predicates overlap. Giving a
complete mapping of all distinct ids of sorts, preds and / or ops to
different ids can be very tedious and it could easily lead to errors
as one can overlook some symbols which have the same id.
\paragraph{Proposed solution:} Add a compound to all ids or only to
the sorts, preds or ops. this could be achieved by a new keyword in
symbol mappings of translations: \KW{indexed\_by} It could be used as
in this example: