@string(AAAI="American Association for Artificial Intelligence")
@string(AAAIM="The AI Magazine")
@string(ACM="Association for Computing Machinery")
@string(ACMTOPLAS="Journal of Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems")
@string(AI="Artificial Intelligence")
@string(AIAI="Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute, Edinburgh")
@string(AISB="Society for the Study of
Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour")
@string(ASE="Automated Software Engineering")
@string(CACM="Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery")
@string(CADE5="5th International Conference on Automated Deduction")
@string(CADE6="6th International Conference on Automated Deduction")
@string(CADE8="8th International Conference on Automated Deduction")
@string(CADE9="9th International Conference on Automated Deduction")
@string(CADE11="11th International Conference on Automated Deduction")
@string(CADE12="12th International Conference on Automated Deduction")
@string(CADE13="13th International Conference on Automated Deduction")
@string(CADE14="14th International Conference on Automated Deduction")
@string(CADE15="15th International Conference on Automated Deduction")
@string(CADE16="16th International Conference on Automated Deduction")
@string(CMU="Carnegie-Mellon University")
@string(CUP="Cambridge University Press")
@string(DAI="Dept.\ of Artificial Intelligence, University of Edinburgh")
@string(HCRC="Human Communication Research Centre, University of Edinburgh")
@string(ECAI="European Conference on Artificial Intelligence")
@string(EUP="Edinburgh University Press")
@string(IJCAI="International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence")
@string(IRIA="Institut de Recherche d'Informatique et d'Automatique")
@string(JACM="Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery")
@string(JAR="Journal of Automated Reasoning")
@string(JCSS="Journal of Computer and System Sciences")
@string(JLC="Journal of Logic and Computation")
@string(JLP="Journal of Logic Programming")
@string(JSL="Journal of Symbolic Logic")
@string(JSC="Journal of Symbolic Computation")
@string(LFCS="Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science, University of Edinburgh")
@string(LNAI="Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence")
@string(LNCS="Lecture Notes in Computer Science")
@string(JAIR="Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research")
@string(MIT="The MIT Press")
@string(OUP="Oxford University Press")
@string(SPE="Software - Practice and Experience")
@string(TCS="Journal of Theoretical Computer Science")
@string(TODS="ACM Transactions on Database Systems")
@string{ RWTH = "Rheinisch Westf{\accent127 a}lische Technische
Hoch\-schule" }
@string{ RWTHLDFM = "Lehrstuhl D f{\accent127 u}r Mathematik,
Rheinisch Westf{\accent127 a}lische Technische
Hoch\-schule" }
@string{ RWTH-A = "Aachen, Germany" }
@comment{Marker for AAAaaa}
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key = "Boulton @i<et. al.>",
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volume = 62,
pages = "185-253",
year = 1993,
note = "Also available from Edinburgh as DAI Research Paper No. 567.")
key = "Bundy @i<et al>",
author = "Bundy, A. and van Harmelen, F. and Horn, C. and Smaill, A.",
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publisher = "Springer-Verlag",
editor = "Stickel, M. E.",
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year = 1990,
note = "Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence No. 449. Also available from Edinburgh as DAI Research Paper 507.")
author = "Basin, David and Toby Walsh",
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author = "Francisco Cantu and Bundy, Alan and Smaill, Alan and
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title = "Experiments in Automating Hardware Verification using
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title = {The {Haskell} School of Expression},
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title = {Monadic Dynamic Logic: Application and Implementation},
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keywords = {monad dynamic logic HasCASL},
pdfurl = {http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~denniswa/dipl-online.pdf},
note = {Diploma thesis, University of Bremen},
author = {Till Mossakowski and Christian Maeder and Klaus L{\"u}ttich},
title = {The {H}eterogeneous {T}ool {S}et},
year = {2007},
editor = {Orna Grumberg and Michael Huth},
booktitle = {TACAS 2007},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag Heidelberg},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {4424},
pages = {519-522},
keywords = {proof heterogeneity logic institution prover theorem
integration development graph},
pdfurl = {http://www.tzi.de/~till/papers/hets-tacas-toolpaper.pdf},
psurl = {http://www.tzi.de/~till/papers/hets-tacas-toolpaper.ps},
author = {Mossakowski, T. and Maeder, C. and Luettich,
K. and Woelfl, S.},
title = {The {H}eterogeneous {T}ool {S}et},
publisher = {Universitaet Bremen},
year = {2003}
author = "Huffman, B. and Matthews, J. and White, P.",
title = "Axiomatic Constructor Classes in {I}sabelle-{HOLCF}",
institution = "OGI",
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year = 2005
title = {Haskell 98 Language and Libraries},
editor = {Peyton Jones, S.},
publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
year = {2003}
author = "Mossakowski, T.",
title = "Hets user guide",
institution = "Universitaet Bremen",
year = 2006
author = "Wenzel, M.",
title = "Using Axiomatic Type Classes in {I}sabelle",
institution = "TU Muenchen",
type = "Tutorial",
year = 2005
author = {Mossakowski, T.},
title = {Heterogeneous Specification and the Heterogeneous
Tool Set, {H}abilitation {T}hesis},
year = {2005},
note = {University of Bremen},
author = {Thompson, S.},
title = {The Craft of Functional Programming},
publisher = {Addison Wesley},
year = {1999}
author = "Winskel, G.",
title = "The Formal Semantics of Programming Languages",
publisher = "MIT Press", year = "1993"
title = "Formulating Haskell",
author = "Simon Thompson",
publisher = "Springer",
year = "1992",
bibdate = "2003-02-19",
bibsource = "DBLP,
booktitle = "Functional Programming",
editor = "John Launchbury and Patrick M. Sansom",
ISBN = "3-540-19820-2",
pages = "258--268",
series = "Workshops in Computing",
author = {Thompson, S.},
title = {A Logic for {M}iranda, revisited},
journal = {Formal Aspects of Computing},
year = {1995},
volume = "7",
number = "4",
pages = "412--429",
publisher = {BCS}
author = {Torrini, P. and Lueth, C. and Maeder, C. and Mossakowski, T.},
title = {Translating {H}askell to {I}sabelle},
year = {2007},
institution = {Universitaet Bremen}
author = {Thompson, S.},
title = {A Logic for {M}iranda},
journal = {Formal Aspects of Computing},
year = {1989},
volume = {1},
number = "4",
pages = "339--365",
publisher = {BCS}
author = {Hill, S. and Thompson, S.},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the first {I}sabelle users workshop},
editors = {L. C. Paulson},
publisher = {University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory},
series = {Technical Report},
number = {397},
title = {Miranda in {I}sabelle},
pages = {122--135},
year = {1995}
author = {Longley, J. and Pollack, R.},
booktitle = {TPHOL 04},
editors = {K. Slind, A. Bunker, and G. Gopalakrishnan},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {LNCS},
number = {3223},
pages = {201--216},
title = {Reasoning about {C}{B}{V} programs in {I}sabelle-{H}{O}{L}},
year = {2004}
author = {Abel, A. and Benke, M. and Bove, A. and Hughes, J. and Norell, U.},
booktitle = {ACM-SIGPLAN 05},
editors = {},
publisher = {},
series = {},
number = {},
pages = {},
title = {Verifying {H}askell programs using constructive type theory},
year = {2005} }
author = "Lueth, C.",
title = "Modular Modelling with Monads",
booktitle = "Methods of Category Theory in Software Engineering",
publisher = "Technische Universitaet Dresden",
year = 2005,
author = {Hallgren, T. and Hook, J. and Jones, M. P. and Kieburtz, D.},
booktitle = {HCSS04},
title = {An Overview of the {P}rogramatica ToolSet},
year = {2004}
title = "A static semantics for {Haskell}",
author = "Karl-Filip Fax{\'e}n",
journal = "J. Funct. Program",
year = "2002",
number = "4\&5",
volume = "12",
bibdate = "2004-03-19",
bibsource = "DBLP,
pages = "295--357",
title = "A Dynamic Semantics for {Haskell}",
author = "Kevin Hammond and Cordelia Hall",
year = "1992",
month = oct # "~20",
abstract = "This paper defines a dynamic semantics for the
functional programming language Haskell. The semantics
defines the meaning of expressions, modules and
programs, including all nonoptional I/O requests. All
constructs in the Haskell language are considered. We
use the same natural semantics style as the definition
of Standard ML. For brevity, we assume that the
translations specified by the Wadler/Peyton Jones
static semantics have been performed, and base our
source language on the target language of the static
semantics. 1 Introduction This paper defines the
dynamic semantics of the full Haskell language [HW90,
HJW91, HJW92]. The dynamic semantics is complementary
to the existing static semantics for Haskell [JW92] in
two respects: firstly it defines the meaning of the
second-order polymorphic lambda-calculus which is
synthesised by that semantics; secondly it is defined
using a natural semantic form, where meaning is
expressed through judgement rules. This corresponds to
the type infe...",
citeseer-references = "oai:CiteSeerPSU:331052",
bibsource = "OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu",
language = "en",
oai = "oai:CiteSeerPSU:71374",
rights = "unrestricted",
URL = "http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/71374.html;
author = {Till Mossakowski},
year = {2005},
note = {Mail to {Haskell} mailing list, see \url{http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/haskell/2005-January/015238.html}},
author = {Till Mossakowski and Christian Maeder and Klaus L{\"u}ttich},
title = {The {H}eterogeneous {T}ool {S}et},
year = {2007},
editor = {Bernhard Beckert},
booktitle = {VERIFY 2007},
series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
volume = {259},
status = {Reviewed}