% FormalMethodsatDFKIandUni-CF.tex
\begin{hcarentry}[section]{Formal Methods at DFKI and University Bremen and University Magdeburg}
\report{Christian Maeder}%05/14
\participants{Mihai Codescu, Christoph L\"uth, Till Mossakowski}
\status{active development}
The activities of our groups center on formal methods, covering a
variety of formal languages and also translations and heterogeneous
combinations of these.
We are using the Glasgow Haskell Compiler and many of its extensions
to develop the Heterogeneous tool set (Hets). Hets is a parsing,
static analysis and proof management tool incorporating various
provers and different specification languages, thus providing a tool
for heterogeneous specifications. Logic translations are first-class
The languages supported by Hets include the CASL family, such as the Common
Algebraic Specification Language (CASL) itself (which provides many-sorted
first-order logic with partiality, subsorting and induction), HasCASL, CoCASL,
CspCASL, and an extended modal logic based on CASL. Other languages supported
include propositional logic, QBF, Isabelle, Maude, VSE, TPTP, THF, FPL (logic
of functional programs), LF type theory and still Haskell (via
Programatica). More recently, ontology languages like OWL, RDF, Common Logic,
and DOL (the \emph{d}istributed \emph{O}ntology, Model and Specification
\emph{l}anguage) have been integrated.
Hets can speak to the following provers:
minisat, zChaff (SAT solvers),
SPASS, Vampire, Darwin, KRHyper and MathServe (automated first-order theorem provers),
Pellet and Fact++ (description logic tableau provers),
Leo-II and Satallax (automated higher-order theorem provers),
Isabelle (an interactive higher-order theorem prover),
CSPCASL-prover (an Isabelle-based prover for CspCASL),
\item VSE (an interactive prover for dynamic logic).
The user interface of the Hets implementation (about 200K lines of
Haskell code) is based on some Haskell sources such as bindings to
uDrawGraph (formerly Davinci) and Tcl/TK that we maintain and also
gtk2hs~\cref{gtk2hs}. Additionally we have a command line interface
and a prototypcial web interface based on warp~\cref{warp} with a
HasCASL is a general-purpose higher-order language which is in particular
suited for the specification and development of functional programs; Hets also
contains a translation from an executable HasCASL subset to Haskell. There is
a prototypical translation of a subset of Haskell to Isabelle/HOL.
\item Group activities overview:
\item CASL specification language:
\item DOL: the distributed Ontology, Model and Specification language
\item Heterogeneous tool set: