\title{Consistency Checker GUI and Redesign of Consistency Status}
\author{Klaus L\"uttich}
\subsection{Specification Selection and Checker Calling GUI}
\item window looks like GUI.GenericATP
\item without global options section
\item instead of ``Used axioms'' ListBox a ``Pick a CC''(better title
must be found here)
\item ``Save Prover Configuration'' is substituted by two buttons:\\
``Show Summary'' (Shows status summary of all checked
specifications; \underline{model} allows for the display of the
model; \underline{tactic script} as before) and ``Save batch
script'' (at first a bash script including dfg.c or tptp.c (not yet
implemented; run by SPASS/tests/soapTest.hs), later saving of a hets
commandline script)
\item Status is either: --, not checked, consistent, $t$-consistent,
inconsistent, running. ($t$ is a time value in seconds or with
suffix `m' or `h')
\item Named specification as is; unnamed specifications indented and
only the short names, e.g.\ \verb,E1,
\subsection{``Development'' Graph}
I suggest to use only a symbol schema, because colours would interfere
with proof status. (Are two colours for the same node possible in uDrawGraph??)
Put status as prefix or only information into spec name.
\item[not checked] \verb,[ ],
\item[consistent] \verb,[+], (model found)
\item[t-consistent] \verb,[t], (time in seconds or with suffix `m' or `h')
\item[inconsistent] \texttt{[$\times$]} or \verb,[-], (depending on
capabilities of uDraw(Graph))
Symbols should be consistent with proof status symbols.
\section{Implementation and Internal Changes}
\item at first falseSentence must be implemented for checking with ATP
systems such as SPASS that are not model finder
\item parameterize \verb,ProverTemplate, over a status type
\item separate \verb,ConsistencyStatus, from \verb,ProofStatus,
\item implement consistency checker specific model storage with String
representation for GUI (\verb,show,)
(call of SPASS as consistency checker)
\item use option for model generation (is generated as separate file;
where does the file is written if option -Stdin is used?)
\item disproved of ``falseSentence'' = model found / consistent\\
proved = inconsistent (Display of used formulae)\\
time out = record SPASS' used time field for t-consistency